OCQG 2022 Challenge

Challenges, but no Duels!

 Guild members—both enterers and voters—had a lot of fun with the “What Does Thirty Mean to You?” challenge this year.  It hardly seems possible, but it’s almost time for another challenge to be selected by the Executive Board.

If you have a challenge idea—and we certainly hope you do!—please send it to Nan Scott and ask her to send it to the September board meeting (September 16, 10 a.m., via Zoom).  You should attend in Zoom-person so that the board can clarify any questions, and written copies of your proposal are also helpful.  Nan will send you a Zoom invitation, too, in case you don’t usually attend the board meetings.

Your executive board wants your proposal!  OCQG has had some wonderful challenges over the years, and hopefully 2022 will be no exception.  Remember, if your challenge is selected by the board, you must be willing and able to coordinate the submissions by communicating the “rules” and requesting entries at each meeting, accepting the entries no later than early June, and keeping track of the June/July voting.  Usually, there are special ribbons for first, second, and third place; these are often handmade but that’s not a requirement.  The challenge chairperson becomes a member of the Executive Board that year too. You can ask someone to be your co-chair and share the duties.

Questions?  Check your guild directory for the procedures, or ask a former challenge coordinator for answers.  (Recent chairpersons have been Becky Mershon, Chris Benedetti, Ginger Dale, and Jean Amundson.) You could also review the 2021 challenge rules and the submissions on the guild’s website. Just go to Projects” and then “Challenge.”

Hopefully, we’ll see the 2022 challenge quilts in person next year and the pandemic will simply be a sad memory . . . but it will be fun whether in person or on Zoom! Pick up the thread and bring a challenge idea on September 16.