OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 1/3/2025 (7 posts)
Glorious Sweatshirt Class: UPDATE
Friday, January 10, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Upcoming Programs and Workshops
January 9 Meeting and Workshop
Meeting Topic: What to do with our Quilt Estate?
Lynn Moody and Penni Myers will lead us in an exploration of this essential topic.
Come say goodbye to SewAnn Quiltington and learn how she planned what to do with her quilt estate!
February 13 Meeting
For our February Meeting Jill Huntington from Portland, Oregon (https://www.huntingtonquiltdesign.com/ ) will present a trunk show of her work.
February 14 Workshop, Improv Roses Galore
Our Valentines Day half-day workshop on Friday, Feb 14, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.
The class will cover improv foundation piecing techniques, tips on fabric choices, color consideration (value, contrast, color relativity), several approaches to placement, and project ideas using improv Rose blocks. For beginner and advanced students.
March 13 Meeting and Workshop
Diane Harris will present Building with Bricks: Scrap Basket Magic
Friday Workshop: Community Quilts Workday…Come, bring sewing machines and necessary tools (and maybe some of your favorite scraps) and have lots of fun!
3rd Annual Oregon Quilt Festival
OCQG Members: Following is the announcement re the above event. Please consider entering a quilt for this Quilt Show: We will have our Raffle quilt there. Please sign up to sell raffle tickets at the January Guild meeting.
Oregon Quilt Festival
February 27 – March 1, 2025
Oregon State Fairgrounds
Columbia Hall
We are excited about the 3rd Annual Oregon Quilt Festival. The show this year had over 300 quilts on display and 30 vendors. Attendance was over 3,000 for the three-day event.
The guest speaker will be Rob Appell. He will hold workshops and show his new fabric lines. There will be many other speakers and workshops. A display, entitled “Then and Now,” as well as a display of donation quilts from many of the area’s community quilting groups, will be exhibited. Local Guilds and special interest groups will be on hand to interact with our guests.
Online registration of quilts is open, too. Please check out the website for more information at www.
Please encourage your customers and members to enter quilts in shows. So often when asked, quilters will say that their quilts aren’t good enough to enter in a show. This is absolutely not true, as new or novice quilters need to see an array of quilts. Often, they will look at a simple quilt and think . . . I could do that! Or they may have already created a quilt from a pattern they see at a show and marvel at how different it looks from their version. Fabric selection changes everything.
Seeing a new technique will encourage them to try something new or sign up for a class to learn. Every quilt has value and guests to quilt shows want to see what other people are creating.
I started entering quilts in shows after attending a local show for several years. I looked at all the beautiful quilts on display and thought to myself . . . mine are just as good! Now I’m hooked on quilt shows and am on the committee for Oregon Quilt Festival.
Thank you, and feel free to contact me with any questions.
Treda McCaw
Oregon Quilt Festival Guild Coordinator
Guild Meeting Birthday Treats . . . with a Twist
I will be the Hospitality person this year, doing coffee and snacks at meetings, and I would like to make a suggestion going forward in 2025:
How about members who have a birthday in each month (and who are willing and able to) bring a snack to share at the meeting for that month? For example, if you have a January birthday, you would bring a dozen cookies or cupcakes or a small loaf cake or whatever snack you would like to share to the January 9 Guild meeting.
We usually go through about six dozen snacks during each meeting, and while contributions are always generously made and appreciated, the Birthday Treats would be a fun way to acknowledge members’ birthdays and give members a new or different way to participate at guild meetings. Snacks can be purchased or homemade. We ask that if you intend to bring something, you email or text me, so I can let you know when we have enough.
Thank you
Laurie Downing
(541) 270-4251
Quilt Guild Members Exhibiting in Nye Beach Galleries
The Fiber Arts Exhibit includes three separate shows all going on at once: Imagine It, Stitch It at the Olive Street Gallery in the Performing Arts Center; Fiber Flair at the Upstairs Gallery; and Woven Worlds at the Runyan Gallery, both in the Newport Visual Arts Center.
There are five of us quilters participating in the Fiber Arts Exhibit put on by the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts (OCCA):
Gloria Zirges
Susan Cronenwett
Linda MacKown
Tina McCann
The Exhibit runs from January 11 through March 30, 2025, with the Opening Reception on Saturday, January 11, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
We hope people can stop by!
Get ‘Er Done Latecomers
Want to join the Get ‘er Done project? You can! Just write down names of 6 unfinished projects (due at guild general meetings from January through June) or 5 unfinished projects (if you want to start with the February guild meeting).
Randomly draw project names out the bag and number them #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #8. (If you want to start in February, your project #s will be #1, #2, #3, #4, and #8 , skipping project #5 that was previously drawn and due in January.)
Keep your projects with numbers together. Then, if you’re doing all six remaining projects, finish your Project #5 for the January meeting for prizes.
Let’s get our projects done for the Quilt Show next year! If you can’t attend the meetings in person, you can email a picture of your finished project to Nancy Nash to be placed into the drawing for prizes.
I’m off to get #5 done!
Dear Guild Members,
This quote from a recent card says it best: “The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.” And I would add . . . quilting. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for your care and support. The dozens of cards, emails, and well-wishes have been a real boost to my spirit.
The surgery on 12/10 in Springfield was successful – all margins and sampled lymph nodes were clear of cancer. I am not a very patient person, so the healing process has been slower than I would like, but every day is a step forward and an opportunity to enjoy the friendship and caring of others. I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things soon.

I needed a creative challenge to help me through all of this forced rest, so I am working on a small (24” x 24”) quilt for the Advent theme at my church. May you all have a wonderful holiday season.
Measures 36 x 59 open, 36 x 13 folded down. Cutting mat and ironing
cover included. Three pieces sold separately retail for $319.97; the
three pieces are on sale at JoAnn Fabrics right now for $186.45. New,
the table comes unassembled, so you get the advantage of having it
assembled. Located in Yachats, you haul. Call Viki at 541-914-5542 or
email at bogie07@comcast.net.