OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 1/24/2025 (4 posts)

OCQG Donations to Samaritan Labor & Delivery

Lynn Moody (r) and granddaughter Savannah with donated items from OCQG
I delivered 22 baby quilts, 2 flannel receiving blankets, 45 burp cloths and 5 knitted caps to the SPCH Labor and Delivery Department in Newport today.
The nurses were so excited, as they had run out of quilts. There were 30 births in December, which is higher than usual.  Their average is 15 per month.  They are again well stocked.
Thank you to everyone who is participating in this community project.  I will have more kits ready for pick up at the February meeting.  Keep on stitching!
Lynn Moody

February Workshop


Have you been thinking about roses lately? Have you been wondering how to incorporate them into your quilts? There is still room in our Improv Roses Galore class. Contact Pamela to reserve your space!

Improv Roses Galore with Jill Huntington
February 14, 9:00-1:00, $35
Sign up now to reserve your space!

Pamela Potter: quilterocqg@gmail.com

Folding Cutting Table for Sale: $125

Measures 36″ x 59″ open, 36″ x 13″ folded down.  Cutting mat and ironing cover included.  Three pieces sold separately retail for $319.97 at JoAnn Fabrics.  New, the table comes unassembled, so you get the advantage of having it assembled.  Located in Yachats, you haul.

Call Viki at 541-914-5542 or email at bogie07@comcast.net.


January 2025 General Meeting Minutes Available

The January 9 General Meeting Minutes have been posted on the website.