About OCQG

The Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild was founded in February 1991 to promote fellowship among quilters; to promote knowledge and appreciation of quilts and quilt making through educational programs and meetings; and to sponsor and support quilting activities.

We currently have 190 members primarily from Lincoln County. Our general meetings are on the second Thursday of the month at the Atonement Lutheran Church in Newport (2315 N Coast Highway). From October through March, meetings are in the daytime, and from April through September we meet in the early evening. Our annual quilt show is held in Newport beginning the first Friday in August.

The Guild’s calendar year is December 1 to December 31. Our $25 annual dues are used for directory printing, newsletter printing and postage, member pin, name tag, membership card and monthly guild activities.

Printable Membership Application Form:


Visitors are always welcome! For information about the guild, membership, or this web site, please contact the Guild webmaster.