April 2019 Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Oregon Coastal Quilters Executive Board Meeting April 18, 2019
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The meeting was called to order by President, Diane Tillotson at 10:10 a.m. A quorum was present.
Diane requested that board members put her name and phone number in their cell phones since she likes to check-in with committee chairs.
A motion was made by Ruth Johnson to approve the minutes of the Executive Board Meeting on March 21, 2019. The motion was seconded by Twy Hoch and approved by a voice vote.
Treasurers Report – Janet Sylvester requested that correspondence be sent to her OCQG Treasurer email. Janet gave a brief explanation of how accounts are read and the retreat accounting. Carry over money is to be used for equipment purchases only. It was recommended that the retreat committee do a review on the over balance and that further discussion be tabled until a later meeting. The Treasurers Report was accepted as presented.
Old Business
New Equipment Borrowing Form was presented and discussed, wording of Guild Equipment on page #53 of the Membership Directory will need to be revised. The Equipment Borrowing Form was amended on#2, add After Board approval any equipment…. #4. Notify the Vice President …and the Vice President will sign the form (not the Treasurer). A motion was made by Jean Amundson to approve the new Borrowing Form as amended. Darcy de la Rosa seconded the motion. The motion passed with a voice vote. It was decided that the Vice President will check-in and check-out equipment. Forms will be available online. Changes will be added to the Vice President job description.
Pam Grindell and Ann Flescher did an inventory of the church closet and have a list of items which will be posted online. Pam is going to label the guild equipment.
New Business
All of the taxes reports have been filed by Nan. For future reference any presenter or judge that is paid over $600 needs to receive a 1099 Form from the guild.
Visual Arts Center Display – Jean Amundson reported that Janet Webster suggested using the VAC for display of some of the Guild Members Quilts which would increase interest in the quilt show (similar to what we have requested from Latimer). Janet Webster and Gloria Zirges would be in charge of the display which would be in the Upper Gallery Space during July 2019. Janet and Gloria
will curate and coordinate the show, theme to be determined. Sue Stephenson made a motion to approve to form a committee of Janet Webster and Gloria Zirges to develop, curate and coordinate a show of OCQG Blue Ribbon quilts in July in the Upper Gallery at the VAC. The motion was seconded by Rose Shaw and passed with a voice vote. It was also suggested that the committee should check to see if there is any security in the Gallery.
Janet Sylvester asked about the Latimer membership which is $65.00 per year and includes their newsletter. It was mentioned that we have borrowed quilt racks in the past and we are asking to display our quilts at the center. Darcy de la Rosa moved that the Latimer Membership become a budget item. The motion was seconded by Sue Stephenson and passed by voice vote. Line item will be determined and reported back to the board at a later date.
Facebook Page – the question was raised as to who manages the page. Currently Jane Szabo and Jennifer Reinhart are the administrators. When the page was started the stated purpose was “for Guild activities and member accomplishments”. Discussion followed regarding the need to develop a protocol and guideline for the Facebook page. The item was tabled for further discussion after Jane Szabo is back from Australia.
BLOG Updates – a reminder that individual committees are responsible for their website page.
Block of the Month – Meralee Wilson reported all is going well and planning is done for the rest of the year.
Challenge – no report. Workshop on May 11th.
Community Quilters – Sue Stephenson reported the following distribution since January 1, 2019.
Quilts – 143, SitUpon Pillows (after-school programs) – 22, Totes – 5, Burp Cloths – 88, Hospital Pillows – 8, Pillow Cases – 37, Oncology Bags – 25, Cardiology Bags – 26. Twy distributed quilts to the school nurses for comforting sick kids in Blodgett, Philomath and Corvallis (her daughter-in-law is the school nurse in Corvallis). She also took quilts for same use to Waldport Schools. Currently making contact with Newport School District to do the same.
Communications – Melissa Hollenbeck is currently recovering from some eye surgery.
Documentation – Twy Hoch reported there is still space available May 18th. Committee goal is to do 20 quilts per session, last month 20 were done in Lincoln City. There will be no documentation in June.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg reminded the group there is lots of work done at finishing school and the last guild program on Dresden Plate patterns proved it. Everyone is welcome to attend and finish projects.
Hospitality – no report. Diane reported that Anne-Marie Mann will be moving and is looking for a new committee chair. Remember that May meeting will be a potluck.
Librarian – Pam Grindell reported that inventory of the closet and books is done. A list will be published on the website so members can make copies if they’d like. Pam said she would like to see more library books checked out. Books that are not used will be sold.
Membership – Ruth Johnson reported we have 199 members. Bookmarks have been mailed to several quilt guilds in Oregon. If you are going to be visiting out of town quilt shops please take some bookmarks with you. Umpqua Valley Guild contacted Jane Szabo and requested “something” for their 500 gift bags that will be handed out at the show, Ruth sent 500 bookmarks. Several members have requested that part or all of their information not be included in the website directory. Nan will be given the information when she returns from her vacation.
Merchandising – Becky Mershon – no report.
Workshops & Programs – Janet DeSau reported the “barn quilt signs workshop” was great. There were some non guild members that attended after the article in the newspaper. May meeting will be a potluck. October meeting program will be Mr. Domestic.
Publicity – Jean Amundson/no report.
Quilters Surprise – no report.
SABLE – We need more participation from guild members, possibly a good idea to change the monthly categories.
Veterans Project – Two Hoch reported there were two presentation of quilts on March 31st at Trinity Methodist Church in Toledo and Atonement Lutheran Church in Newport. There are currently 15-18 quilts in stock, more need to be made. There will be a workshop on May 11th at Atonement Lutheran from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Quilt Show – Darcy de la Rosa & Jean Amundson reminded the group there will be a meeting at 1:15 p.m. today at the Carriage House. Be sure to attend as there will be delicious apricot pecan bread to eat.
2019 Raffle Quilt – Currently displayed at Oregon Coast Bank in Newport.
2020 Raffle Quilt – All block packages have been passed out and a couple of completed blocks have been returned.
Rose Shaw asked if the Guild would possibly consider a new painting featuring the Yaquina Bridge. There will be further discussion at a later date.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Finishing School – April 25th – 10a.m.- 4p.m. at the Carriage House
Community Quilters – May 2nd – 10a.m. – 2 p.m. at Family Fabrics, Waldport
Block of the Month – May 9th – 5p.m. p.m.Half Square Triangle Class at Atonement Lutheran Church
General Meeting – May 9th – 5:30p.m. Table Walk – 6 p.m. General Meeting at Atonement
Lutheran Church, Newport
Veterans Workshop – May 11th – 9 a.m.- 3p.m. at Atonement Lutheran Church
Executive Board Meeting – May 16th – 10 a.m. at the Carriage House
Quilt Show Meeting – May 16th – 1:15 p.m. at the Carriage House
Documentation – May 18th – 9:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. at the Carriage House
Respectfully Submitted by Marian Brown, OCQG Secretary