Calling All Quilts by Lindanne Perdue
Do you have:
- A completed community Quilt?
- A community quilt that is ready to bind?
- A completed top kit?
- A quilt top to donate?
Would you like:
- A quilt bundle to quilt or tie?
- A quilt top kit?
- A bag kit?
- A quilt to bind?
Please contact Lindanne. I will pick it up from your porch and get it to another one of you. We would like to keep the process going since we all have extra sewing time right now.
I will contact you by email, phone, or messaging (your choice) the night before I will be in your area this week or next.
209-627-7575- cell
541-614-4042 home

I received this note the day after our Encouragement Post on Easter Day.
Thanks, Melissa, and guild contributors, for a fantastic and beautiful and inspiring blog! I read it three times already this morning. I even showed parts of it to Paul and he liked it too. And then when one of our daughters called to say hi, I told her about it . . .
It’s hard to say what touched me the most—maybe the nurse-daughter photos—but I loved it all. And thanks to all of you who are making masks, gowns, caps, bags—but that didn’t surprise me because I know how you respond to community needs. I made 34 when I got my hands on some elastic, but have to say that the photographed ones are nicer looking than mine! And thanks to Betty for reminding us that grocery store employees, gas station attendants, etc are also people we are thankful for.
My hellebore and tulips are blooming nicely, and Paul dragged out and cleaned up our deck chairs. If you come to visit, we can sit on the deck while maintaining our “physical distancing” (note the new terminology that was announced in today’s Oregonian newspaper).
Until we meet again in person, love and prayers for health and safety, Jean Amundson

I received this photo from Maria Hunter. She made this quilt for a chemo patient.

Rose Shaw sent in this photo of her Spirit Pole, which Becky Mershon’s husband Tom made for her.

I hope you’re snug and happy in your homes, For entertainment I decided to try to get a sour dough starter going. It’s something I’ve wanted to try but never got around to it. If you go online you will find instructions written by men who are much smarter than I am. They manage to turn the whole thing into a complex science project. In reality you mix flour and water and let it ferment. Grandmothers for generations before us kept sour dough starter and most didn’t even have a measuring cup. I found the clearest instructions on the King Arthur Flour site. We keep our home at about 67-68 degrees. I knew this was too cold for the starter so I left a lamp on and kept it under that. After a week of coaxing and feeding the starter I had a weak starter and a fridge full of sour dough discard.

I had to either give up on producing a healthy starter or figure out a way to keep it at a higher temperature. I pulled out the Instant Pot, placed a wire basket upside down in it and placed my starter on top of the basket. I programmed the Instant Pot to Yogurt and placed a towel over my starter. Oh my goodness! Day one I had bubbles galore and it began to smell like sour dough. By day two it was doubling in size every hour. A lively, happy starter was born.

However I now had a fridge full of sour dough discard and happy sour dough starter. I began baking in earnest. Some loaves have turned out well and some not so well. Here’s a photo of one success, a dried cherry and nut cinnamon bread.

So if you’d like some lively sour dough starter let me know. My fridge runneth over.
Please share with us what you’ve been up to. Planting a garden? We’d love to see it, working on a new Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt? Send a photo. We’d love to have you write a little if you feel comfortable but if not your photos are really appreciated. Email them to me and when I have enough for a post I’ll put it up.
Take care of yourself and wear your mask if you have to go out.