6 events found.
General Meeting via Zoom 1:00pm
ZoomWatch your email for a link to the zoom meeting. The meeting starts at 1:00, but feel free to drop in a little early and chat with friends. or click on the following link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89676464448?pwd=dU94VFFMSkJpY09pMWZHbGpuelgwdz09 A recording of the meeting will be available here for a period of 2 months.
Carriage House, Newport, OR
General Meeting Via Zoom
Zoom Where ever you areTopic: OCQG Zoom Meeting Time: 1:00 Click HERE for a recording of this Zoom Meeting. Passcode is Z$Emn$=5 There were 43 in attendance with 19 show and share participants. Regrettably, I did not start the recording until part way through the first Committee Report.