Face Masks Update from Sue Stephenson
I just received word from our County Supervisors that they would like us to make and supply them with 150 face masks for the County Emergency Management Team, transit drivers and other critical personnel.. I told her I would put out the word and get these done, so it’s time to fire up those sewing machines again! I’d really appreciate it if you would use the drop offs that we have set up, Quilters Cove in Newport and Lee Palmer Tax Office in Waldport. I have elastic if you need it and I can pick the masks up from you, just let me know. My contact info is below. Please use the same pattern as before. It is also on our website. Here’s a link to the pattern: http://www.oregoncoastalquilters.org/PDF/Face Mask pdf.pdf
Additionally, Foster Parents has requested tote bags. You don’t need a pattern for these; they are about the same size as a reusable grocery bag and this is a good way to use up some of your upholstery and otherwise heavier fabrics such as corduroy and denim. I’ve even seen some cleverly made from an old pair of jeans. Just sew them up with handles. We can always use more of these anytime, but now we have this special request.
So, get going on those masks Oh, and be sure to write your name and the number of masks you are leaving when you drop them off.
Thank you all so much! I sure miss seeing everyone, but along with sewing masks and other stuff for our community, sheltering at home is our biggest contribution to getting to the other side of this!
Sue Stephenson
(661) 904-8130