I know i am beginning to sound like a broken record, but I have received word of another, rather critical, need for face masks.
A couple of our members forwarded an email from the Lincoln Co. School District. Many of you have seen school buses roaming our neighborhoods and wondered why they are out since there is no school. Well, actually they are delivering meals to students in Lincoln Co. – 3000 students are receiving 3 meals a day, with instructions for preparation. Yes, that is 9000 meals a day that are being prepared for these kids. The district has received enough face masks for their delivery workers to be covered, but they must be washed daily, and some are starting to show wear. The request has been put out to get 50 additional masks for the 14 sites around the county to be used as replacements and also for some of the workers who are not on the “front lines”. These masks can be any pattern, but made of 2 layers of cotton, and they do not want filters in them.
Many of you have continued to make masks during the last week or two, and I have been collecting them up weekly and giving them out when requested. It still brings a smile to my face when I pick up a bunch of face mask packages. You are the most caring and responsive group of people I have ever known. And now I am asking you all to rev up those sewing machines and get back to cranking out more of these. I know it is becoming tiresome and boring, but please remember how much they are needed and appreciated! I will tell you from my personal experience that this is the case. My son’s Air National Guard unit in Texas was called up to do mobile testing and WERE NOT PROVIDED ANY PPE. Needless to say, he received a couple of masks from his mom immediately. When you are sewing these, just think if one of those bus drivers were your son or daughter.
I will be doing a pickup on Wednesday, 4/29, around noon. Quilters Cove is open from 11 to 2 M-F. Lee Palmers Tax Service is now open by appt, so call to make arrangements for a drop off. Also, Lee has a locked box on the wall outside the front door if your package of masks will fit. I am trying to make additional arrangements for our “southern” mask makers, and I will get the word out once I have something finalized.
Once again, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for all the items you are making and donating during these difficult times. Just know that you are really making a difference.