November 2019 Newsletter Blog
Our Next General Membership Meeting will by on Thursday, November 14th at Atonement Lutheran Church
Mandatory Exec/Board meeting Thursday November 14th, 10am Atonement Church back meeting room
- Table Walk: 12:30 PM
- Meeting: 1:00 PM
- Community Quilters – 11/7 – 10am-2pm at Family Fabrics in Waldport
- SPECIAL Executive Board Meeting – 11/14 – Atonement Luthran Church at 10am
- “Ornaments” – 12:00 (noon) class before General Membership Meeting
- General Membership Meeting – 11/14 – Atonement Lutheran Church
- 12:30 – Table Walk; 1pm General Meeting
- Executive Board Meeting – 11/21 – 10am at Newport Carriage House
November Program
Our November Guild meeting will feature 4 Guild members sharing tips and teachable techniques. Rather than sitting through a lecture/program, you will visit each of 4 “technique stations”. It will be informative, fun and very interesting. You may wish you’d known about these techniques years ago!
Twy Hoch will show “ Hiding the Knots”, Ruth Hutmacher will teach us her favorite “Hand Appliqué”, Jane Szabo will explain, “Reducing the Bulk” and Dolores Thomas will demonstrate “Bling”. Come and learn from our own members.
Jane Szabo and Janet DeSau
2020 Quilt Show
Quilt Show Co-Chair Needed. The 2020 show will be a much better show if the position is shared. We want this show to be spectacular!!
Also, guild members will have the opportunity to sign up for 2020 Quilt Show committees at the guild meeting. If you cannot make it to the meeting but already know what committee you want to be part of, please call Darcy de la Rosa @ 541 270-5234.
Community Quilters
If any of you have some extra time, our committee could use some “cases” that are about 12″ square made from any material, that we can fill to make sit-upon pillows for young children in after-school programs. Our agencies especially like these to come with a cotton pillow case so they can wash the case and reuse them when they become soiled. They don’t have to match, except in size.
As always it seems, we also need regular pillow cases, especially in gender neutral and male fabrics and themes. I am delivering these as fast as they come in right now.
I am looking for a volunteer to work with the Newport School District Nurse to provide quilts for kids who get sick at school and end up in the nurse’s office. They would be offered a quilt to wrap up in until they are released to go home. Your job would be to ascertain how many quilts are needed, and then deliver the quilts (I will get them to you). You would remain the “contact” person for the district if they need more quilts going forward.
Be sure to mark your calendar for 1st Thursday, November 7! We’ll be sending out a reminder early next week.
2019 Retreat

October Show and Share
- Florence Roberts from the Lincoln City Quilting Group shared a Jelly Roll quilt that can be made in a day. These quilts are given to the Homeless Kids in Lincoln City High School along with a pillowcase. The group has a goal of 400 Quilts!
- Paulette Stenberg shared a purple and white embroidered table runner.
- Judy McCoy showed an Hawaiian Quilt named Pua Melia in green with a white plumeria flower.
- Lisa Taylor shared a Baby Quilt that will be given to Community Quilts.
- Judy Line showed an orange and black Pinwheel Quilt.
- Diane Tillotson shared a Mickey Mouse Baby Quilt.
- Twy Hoch showed a quilt made with garden blocks in black and bright colors.
- Veterans Quilts from Bayshore Sew-In, there were 21 tops done at the workshop and they are all “movingly beautiful”.
- Quilters Surprise – Debbie Mosley
- Lana Pries won Natures Touch Batting.
- Nifty Notions – Debbie Mosley
- Pat Laub won pins and a needle puller.
- SABLE – Georgia Sabourin announced that next month is Jewel Tones fabric
- Winners of the Halloween Materials were Lisa Hall and Toni Brodie
- Block of the Month – Meralee Wilson
- Table Runner Blocks were won by Pat Laub, Judy Line and Ann Fletcher
If you are looking for a seasonal treat try making these Salted Caramel Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake Bars. If you were at the October meeting you may have tasted them, complements of our Beverly Hergenrader. Thank you Bev!
“Autumn… the year’s last, loveliest smile.”
– William Cullen Bryant