OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 9/13/2024 (3 posts)

Same Place, Different Time

A gentle reminder: Our guild general meetings will go back to daytime meetings starting with the October meeting: 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Table Walk: 12:30 pm.

“Get ‘er Done” Project-of-the-Month

We challenge our Guild members to get those UFOs done! We know it is sometimes hard to motivate yourself to finish old projects or start on a project that is intimidating. We want to help you get over the hurdle and help you create and enjoy the satisfaction of a finished project!

From October through May, we will choose one project a month–out of eight projects you select from your unfinished or yet-to-be-started projects that you would love to complete in 2024-25. Here’s how it works:

1) Choose eight projects in SEPTEMBER and make a list, numbering the projects 1 through 8. This way, you’ll know exactly what they are. You can list the pattern name or the kind of fabric you’ll be using, or any other comments you’d like to make about the project.  Bring your list to the October guild meeting.  NOTE: You can choose fewer projects, just number 1-?, but will only participate in the month that your number is chosen.

2) Find a convenient way to store your projects, so they are accessible and easy to find. As you know, it’s very easy for things to get lost in the sewing room! (I have my projects in shoe boxes or bigger containers, if needed, each with a number taped to the box.)

3) At each monthly Guild meeting, starting in October, we will randomly select a number from 1-8 and that is the project you will work on during the month. Some will be easy-peasy (I’m thinking pillow cases); others will be a challenge to complete in a month. Even if you don’t get a project all finished, you’ll be way ahead of where you were on that project. If you finish it, you can celebrate and maybe win a fun gift!

4) Bring your finished project to the next Guild meeting to share and celebrate your accomplishment. Each member who finishes their project-of-the-month on time will go into a monthly drawing for a fun prize (two winners). In addition, everyone who finishes their challenge for the month will go into a grand prize drawing in June. The more projects you complete on time, the greater your chances to win!

Let’s have fun and get these done together!

Jane Szabo and Nancy Nash

Reminder: If you have a challenge idea, please bring it to the September 19 board meeting at 10 a.m., via Zoom.  Please contact Nan, and she will send the Zoom link to you, if you don’t already get it.  See article below.

You’re Being Challenged . . .  to Challenge the Guild!

It hardly seems possible, but it’s time for another challenge to be selected by the Executive Board! Please join the meeting, if possible, so that the Board can clarify any questions, and it would be helpful to send a copy of your idea to President Darcy de la Rosa before the meeting so that she can send it out with the agenda.

Usually, challenge entries are size-limited (20”- 30” on a side) so that there will be room to display them in the quilt show. There are special ribbons for first, second, and third place. The participation ribbons are often handmade, but that’s not a requirement. Remember, if your challenge is selected by the board, you must coordinate the submissions by:

–Communicating the “rules” and requesting entries at each meeting;
–Accepting the entries at the June meeting;
–Displaying them at the June and July general meetings. (Voting will be online.)
–Hanging them at the quilt show in August (with a helper or two); and
–Attending Executive Board meetings as Challenge Chairperson.

OCQG has had some wonderful challenges over the years, and hopefully 2025 will carry on the tradition. Questions? Ask a former challenge coordinator (Diane Tillotson, Becky Mershon and others) for answers. Please—challenge the guild with your challenge!

Jean Amundson