OCQG Weekly Posts thru Jan. 13th, 2024
2024 Challenge Quilt
The 2024 Challenge Quilt is upon us and we have an exciting challenge planned for you that many will want to participate in. The challenge is to create a quilt that represents four seasons of the year. The quilt can be any shape but not to exceed 120 inches in circumference. The four season quilt can be anything you can create…things like trees, birds, flowers, objects, etc. You may embroider, embellish, fuse applique, pieced, or anything else. The quilt is your imagination and creation, so be as creative as you can.

Remember any embellishments are allowed. So ladies and gents sign up for the Challenge Quilt today. You must email a picture of your finished quilt to Nan Scott by the May meeting along with your name, the name of your quilt and the dimensions of your project.
The quilt needs to be turned in at the June meeting by you or someone that can bring it to the June guild meeting. Please remember to put a hanging sleeve on your quilt. Members will be able to look at the quilts at the June meeting but will be voting on line. We will be displaying the quilts at the 2024 Quilt Show but they will not be for sale there. You may pick them up at the Quilt Show or donate them to the 2025 small quilt auction or the on line fundraiser. This should be a very fun challenge so sign up or email Diane Tillotson (stevediane@Q.com) and get your juices flowing.
OCQG Scrapbook Retrospective
(From Jean Amundson)
I agreed to review the bins of OCQG scrapbooks (1991-2004) that were in the guild’s storage facility. I have chosen a few items of historical information to save and now am recommending that the rest be discarded. (The photos and pages aren’t suitable for recycling and there’s some mildew, etc.) If you are interested in seeing the albums and/or retrieving any photos, please contact me before February 29. After that, they will no longer be available.
Here are some impressions I gathered during the review:
1. A lot of us look a lot younger in the photos . . .
2. Many of the quilt designs in the photos are similar to the ones we see during Show and Share in today’s meetings (but may have been hand-quilted? I couldn’t tell from the photos). Everything old is new again!
3. From the guild’s beginnings, we’ve been passionate and dedicated about outreach,
charitable activities, and quilt history.
4. We’ve always displayed a good sense of humor.
5. Linda Goebel was our dedicated historian for many years. Thanks, Linda!
Finally, here are a few facts from those earlier years:
1. The first organizational meeting and invitation to join the guild was March 21, 1991, in Room 8 of the Naterlin Community Center, Newport (now the City Hall building).
2. The first quilt show was Saturday September 21, 1991, at First Presbyterian Church,
3. A logo contest was held at that first quilt show. Attendees were invited to vote for their favorite from 17 entries. The Sunbonnet Sue mermaid designed by Linda Goebel was selected.
4. The 1992 quilt show was at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds on August 8. There were 280 attendees.
5. The guild was featured at an art show at the Visual Arts Center in 1996.
Over the next few months I’ll share some more of the information and items I found and saved.
OCQG members, you have a special history!
Feb. 9th Smoochie Workshop with Karen Walker
It’s not too late to register for the Smoochie class. Please contact Pamela Potter (quilterocqg@gmail.com) to make a reservation. Here are the fabric requirements.