Open House Thursday June 3rd at Lee Palmer’s – 10:00 – 2:00
Jun 3, 10:00 AM – 2:00PM come join us! there’s lots going on at the open house at Lee’s Tax Service in Waldport!
Community Quilts,
Bring your finished projects like masks & quilts to donate & pick up more fabric for more projects.
Veterans Project
Please return quilt tops & blocks you’ve made and more will be ready for you to make up for us. We appreciate your help!
New Merchandise items in stock — fabric panels and canvas bags featuring the new Newport Bridge design. We still have a few shirts available too.
The handy canvas totes are $20.
2022 Raffle Quilt Block
Viki West wanted to have it announced that: The quilt squares for the 2022 raffle quilt are due. They can be dropped off at the community quilts on Thursday June 3rd or sent to Viki West PO Box 349 Yachats 97489. Returns please! The committee is working hard to have it ready by Sept. Thanks for your help.
2021 Raffle Quilt Tickets
I will be there with raffle tickets. Come get more packets, pay for ones you have, or turn in money and stubs. If you prefer to mail payment or stubs, please use PO Box 1118; Yachats 97498- NOT the guild address as that is not checked often these days. You can also sign up for a shift at the county fair over the 4th of July weekend. You are doing a great job, but we have more tickets to sell. Be part of this fund raising success.
This is a wonderful day to continue the work of the guild inspite of covid. The joy is seeing guild friends in person. We meet outside, under a carport. Masks outside or your call. Inside the Community Quilts Room we still wear masks. You won’t regret the trip to visit I promise!
2022 Quilting in the Gardens Retreat