OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 8/30/2024 (4 posts)

You’re Being Challenged to Challenge the Guild!

It hardly seems possible, but it’s time for another challenge to be selected by the Executive Board!  If you have a challenge idea, please bring it to the September 19 board meeting (10 a.m., via Zoom). Please join the meeting, if possible, so that the Board can clarify any questions, and it would be helpful to send a copy of your idea to President Darcy de la Rosa before the meeting so that she can send it out with the agenda.

Usually, challenge entries are size-limited (20”- 30” on a side) so that there will be room to display them in the quilt show. The challenge quilts are often handmade, but that’s not a requirement. There are special ribbons for first, second, and third place. Remember, if your challenge is selected by the board, you must coordinate the submissions by:

–Communicating the “rules” and requesting entries at each meeting;
–Accepting the entries at the June meeting;
–Displaying them at the June and July general meetings. (Voting will be online.)
–Hanging them at the quilt show in August (with a helper or two); and
–Attending Executive Board meetings as Challenge Chairperson.

OCQG has had some wonderful challenges over the years, and hopefully 2025 will carry on the tradition. Questions? Ask a former challenge coordinator (Diane Tillotson, Becky Mershon and others) for answers. Please—challenge the guild with your challenge!

Meeting Coordinator Volunteers Needed

The Guild is in urgent need of a new Meeting Coordinator.  Their duties include:

–Arriving early to the meetings to make sure the setup is correct (the church sets up chairs and tables and puts them away);
–Unlocking the doors, opening the blinds, turning on the lights and getting out the speaker system (a moving cart is provided), and turning on the TV;
–Making sure everything is put away at the end of the meeting, although each committee puts away their own things.

Instructions are all laid out in picture form to make it easy.

It would be a great two- to three-person job, so ask your friends to help you, then you have a backup if you can’t make the meeting.  I know most people come early to the meetings anyway.

The Zoom meeting person is also looking for help when they are gone.  You just need a laptop and to know how to sign into Zoom, easy.  Instructions are provided.

Please talk to Jane or Darcy for more details and to volunteer.

Jane Szabo, janeszabo@yahoo.com

OCQG  Board Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the July 18 and August 15 Executive Board meetings of the Guild are available on the Meeting Minutes page of the website.

Lap App for Sale

Cheryl Kramer has a gently-used Lap App for sale. $35. Those interested can check out an informational video on The Lap App here.