OCQG Weekly Posts thru Fri., June 28, 2024 (5 posts)

Program at the July 11 Meeting

At the General meeting on July 11th, member Nan Scott will give an overview of some of the capabilities of Electric Quilt (EQ), a very powerful digital quilt designer. She will also illustrate many of the capabilities, using several projects that she has designed.  If you have ever wanted to take your design from imagination to reality, EQ may just be your secret sauce!

Pamela Potter
Program and Workshop Committee

2024 Quilt Show Host Volunteers

Currently, we have 43 spots left to fill (22%)! Here is a description of the jobs to help you with your decisions. Please consider representing the greatest quilt guild on the Oregon Coast!  Your presence will make a difference for our attendees AND it is a great opportunity to have fun!

Pamela Potter


Lincoln County Fair 

Help! We need members to man our booth at the Lincoln County Fair. It is an opportunity to sign up new members, talk about our Veterans Project and Documentation and sell raffle quilt tickets and merchandise.  We need to fill the following shifts:

Thursday, July 4th: We need 2 people for all shifts:

10:00-2:00, 2:00 to 6:00, 6:00-9:00

Friday, July 5th: We need 2 people for 6:00-9:00

Saturday, July 6th:  We need 1 person for 10:00-2:00 and 2:00-6:00 and 2 people for 6:00-9:00

Sunday, July 7th: We need 2 people for both shifts:

10:00-1:30 and 1:30-5:00


Challenge Quilt Voting is Online Now

View the creative takes on the theme and make your vote on the 17 entries in the 2024 OCQG Challenge: The Four Seasons.   Follow this LINK.

You can also find the link on the Guild website home page at https://oregoncoastal quilters.org./

Voting ends Saturday, July 13th.


June OCQG Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Find the latest minutes on the website at  Records/Forms/Meeting Minutes.