FACE MASK UPDATE (From Sue Stephenson)
We have still not heard from the hospital administration if they do or do not need more face masks from us. However, in the meantime, I have been made aware from a few members that there are others in need in our communities for masks.
Oceana Foods in Newport has posted a sign on their door requesting face masks for their workers. Additionally, Avamere Rehab in Newport is apparently also requesting donations of masks. If you decide to take masks to either of these locations, please let me know how many and when you dropped them off so I can add those numbers to the list.
One of our members, Maria Hunter, has family working at Salem Hospital and they have asked her for masks and surgical caps. Maria has the pattern for the caps and has in fact made 50 of them herself. I believe they want masks that will accommodate a filter inserted, but I might be confusing this with some other request. I have asked Maria, and she has agreed, to head up this effort and field any questions. Please call or email Maria Hunter, (cell) 406-431-6018 mchunter115@yahoo.com.
All of these are very worthy of our time, energy and resources. I have some 1/4″ elastic available if you decide to pitch in, and I would be happy to deliver it to you. We do have some masks made by members that came in after my delivery to the hospital this past Wednesday, and both Holly at Quilters’ Cove in Newport and Lee Palmer’s Tax office in Waldport are leaving their “drop boxes” available just inside their entrance doors for face masks.
We have had 17 members sign up to make “house blocks” for our mobile round robin challenge. Anyone who signed up will be receiving an email with the first set of instructions, hopefully today if I can figure our how to do a group mailing!
I sure miss seeing all of you. Please stay safe and healthy, physically and mentally, and take comfort that we all have homes and families for shelter and comfort during this challenging time. And most of all, keep sewing!