April Blog
In this issue:
Evening Meetings
From the Registrar
Raffle Tickets
From Membership
Blog Editor
Evening Meetings
Now that we have “sprung ahead” into daylight savings time, our general membership meetings will move to evening with Table Walk starting at 5:30. This will allow those who work to attend the meetings, and we should be finished with enough time to get home before dark. Evening meetings will continue for the next six months.
April’s meeting on the 12th will feature Sheila McKay and her experience in working with Minky and Cuddle Fabrics. She will teach a hands-on mini minky projects workshop the following day.
From the Registrar
Quilt Registration for the show is underway, and so far we have 14 quilts registered. Register early (http://oregoncoastalquilters.org/quilt-show/qs-registration/) to avoid the last minute rush and to be sure that your quilt is judged and eligible for ribbons if that is your wish. Only the first 180 quilts identified for judging will be judged so early registration is advised. Registration numbers will be updated every few weeks and more often as the July 5th deadline approaches. You can find that tally on the Events tab under Quilt Show (http://oregoncoastalquilters.org/quilt-show/qs-registration-counts/). If you need someone to take a picture of your quilts, bring them to the meeting and I will take a picture for the record. My co-registrar, Janet DeSau and I will set up times in June to visit Lincoln City, Newport, and Waldport to help with registration if you need it, and we will point you to the right category by using Show and Share examples. We can’t have a quilt show without quilts so let’s hear those sewing machines hum!
Raffle Tickets
The raffle quilt is making the rounds of quilt shops in the valley, and 49% of all tickets are out for sale, while 23% have been purchased and stubs returned. With the quilt winning the cover of The Quilt Shop Navigator, tickets should be an easy sell. Please pick up a packet (or 2 or 3) and increase our sales in advance of the show. My goal is to sell every last one of the 10,000 printed. A prize will be awarded to the member selling the most tickets.
The dates for documentation for the rest of the year are on the calendar are as follows:
April 14th at Carriage House, Newport, May 19th, Lincoln City Museum, Sept 15th Carriage House, Nov 10th Carriage House.
We will be documenting quilts at the Carriage House on April 14th and would love to do some of yours. Please call Twy Hoch at 541-563-3899 to schedule a time.
From Membership
Three paid memberships were accepted at the March 8th meeting. One was a renewal (Letitia Epperson) and two were new members: Sage Kramer, Philomath (member Cheryl Kramer’s granddaughter) and Debbie Spicer, Newport. We now have 182 members!
The membership table has a few items for sale. About 20 directories will be set aside for new members. That count leaves twenty some directories that may be purchased for $3/each first come first serve.
Also, we have some extra name tag holders. Some have a lanyard and some have a magnet. Your choice. These may be purchased for $2.00/each.
Do remember to wear your name tag. There is a $.25 charge for not wearing a name tag at the meeting…
Blog Editor
The blog is a little late this month. When I returned from my trip to New Zealand at the end of the month, I learned that Paula Hnyda had a serious medical emergency and is at OHSU in Portland in intensive care after spinal cord surgery to clear infection.
If you had sent information to Paula for the blog, but it was not included in this edition, and if it is time sensitive before the meeting on the 12th, please send it to me (Nan Scott) and I will post an “Extra” before the 12th.
Please keep Paula and her family in your prayers. Life is so precious. At this point she needs to focus her energies on regaining her health and mobility without the pressures of deadlines. I will assume her blog duties until another volunteer steps forward or Paula is back on board.
Thank you for your understanding,