August, 2020 Newsletter Blog
A Note from our Guild President:
In Defense of Membership Dues
At the August board meeting, a suggestion was relayed from a member that we refund or reduce membership dues for this year since we currently are not able to have meetings or workshops.While we all agreed that we truly miss being able to get together, laugh, learn and just be among friends, there are certain realities that make such a suggestion improbable.
- Guild meetings are not a “pay for performance” gathering.In fact, some of our members are rarely able to attend meetings yet they have continued to support the guild with their membership year after year.
- The annual operating budget of the guild is $18,901.The budgeted amount from dues is $5,350 – only 28% of the total.
- Other sources of income include the Quilt Show ($5,185) which will be zero this year, Raffle Ticket Sales ($4,500) which is only a little over $1,000 this year, Merchandise Sales, In Meeting Raffles, Workshops, Library Book Sales, Documentation Fees, all of which have severely suffered this year because of the pandemic.
- We have pledged Operating Fund support to the outreach activities of the guild – Veterans Project, and Community Quilters which are both going strong.In addition, at the beginning of each year we make a $700 donation to the Lincoln County Museum to support their efforts and in appreciation of the use of the Carriage House for Board Meetings, Documentation, Finishing School and other guild activities.A total of $3,600 has already been paid out this year for these outreach activities.
- Other operational costs that are paid at the beginning of the year include rental of storage space, PO Box, and Meeting room.State filing fees for the organization as a non-profit, accounting software renewal, web maintenance/hosting, and liability insurance combine with rental fees for a total of more than $4,600.
- Additionally, since the beginning of the year, committees including Block of the Month, Challenge, Documentation, Hospitality, Membership (directory printing), Merchandise, Programs and Workshops, Quilters Surprise, and Raffle Quilt have spent a total of more than $6,500.
In summary, income has lagged behind expenses leaving the General Operating Fund in the red by almost $2,000.Because of restrictions of the pandemic, there is little expectation that it will get better before the end of the fiscal year.However, the reserve fund was established for unforeseen circumstances such as these and can be used to bring us back to the black at the end of the fiscal year.
This has been a long explanation, but the board hopes that it helps you understand why a refund or reduction of dues is neither fiscally responsible nor feasible at this time.Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild is a strong, vibrant organization, and we can all be proud members.We hope that you will continue to support the organization with your membership dues and participation.Membership dues are $25 annually and due by the second Thursday of January.
Diane Tillotson,
OCQG President

A Note from The 2021 Retreat Committee

2021 Guild Quilt Challenge
You’re Being Challenged to Challenge the Guild!
It hardly seems possible, but it’s time for another challenge to be selected by the Executive Board!
If you have a challenge idea, please bring it to the September 17 board meeting (10 a.m., via Zoom). Please join the meeting if possible so that the board can clarify any questions, and it would be helpful to send a copy to President Diane Tillotson before the meeting so that she can send it out with the agenda.
Usually, challenge entries are size-limited (20”-30” on a side) so that there will be room to display them in the quilt show. Remember, if your challenge is selected by the board, you must coordinate the submissions by communicating the “rules” and requesting entries at each meeting, accepting the entries in June, and keeping track of the June/July voting. There are special ribbons for first, second, and third place; these are often handmade but that’s not a requirement. The challenge chairperson becomes a member of the Executive Board that year too, and is expected to attend those meetings.
OCQG has had some wonderful challenges over the years, and hopefully 2021 will carry on the tradition. Questions? Ask a former challenge coordinator (Jean Amundson, Ginger Dale, Becky Mershon and others) for answers. Please—challenge the guild with your challenge!