Do you procrastinate?
I know I do and need to have a deadline to get things done. I make lists either on paper or in my head and love to tick them off working toward a deadline. We have a deadline, JULY 4, 2023, to register a quilt. BUT it would make the Quilt Show Chairs and Registrar lives much easier if everyone would just REGISTER your quilts NOW for the 2023 Quilt Show.
I have to admit I haven’t even registered my quilts yet either. So as soon as I’m done with this blog, I’ll go to our webpage, and click in the bottom right-hand corner, HERE. I’ll check to make sure my quilts have a 4” sleeve and a digital picture to send to Darcy. I’ll make a list of my quilts with sizes, name, pattern, quilter’s name and choose a category, remembering the “Other” category is only for whole cloth or embroidery. I usually have quilts in the pieced “ensemble” category since I have someone else quilt my tops.
If anyone needs help with the registration or a picture, please contact Darcy to help get that done. We only have 59 quilts so far and need many more quilts to fill up our 2 gyms. Please REGISTER your quilts for the Quilt Show before the deadline of JULY 4, 2023.
Please go right NOW to register quilts. They don’t need to be delivered until July 31, another deadline to put the paper label on the back of quilt, lower right side.
Call or email with questions or help.
Jane Szabo and Barbara Kinzel