FACE MASK UPDATE From Sue Stephenson
I have just returned from picking up and delivering the face masks you have made this last week.
The total today was 281 face masks.
Your generosity and willingness to step up has brought me to tears. I am just overwhelmed and feeling so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful and caring group of people!
You have now made and donated 721 face masks to hospitals and emergency transit workers. Right now, I am requesting that all of you reach behind and give yourself a well-earned pat on the back! But only for a minute, because the need continues in our communities. I have just received an email from Virginia Demaris, Emergency Manager for Lincoln County, asking if she can share our contact information with the City of Newport. Apparently, they also do not have enough masks. So, if you are up to it, please continue to make more masks and take them to our drop off locations during the hours previously listed.
I also picked up several tote bags today. I believe there is going to be a significant uptick in domestic violence and child abuse situations stemming from all this time we are being confined to our homes, not to mention the stress that comes from job loss and financial crisis. Please, please continue to make tote bags and quilts and pillowcases and any of the other items that we distribute to our local charities and helping agencies. The need will be high once these organizations get back to work. If ever there was a time, this is when we ALL need to become Community Quilters!
If you need elastic, please let me know, I still have a bit. Also, I was informed by Walmart that they have some, but they are rationing it and you have to go to their Customer Service area to get it. And Holly at Quilter’s Cove has it on order; it did not come in today as she expected, but she will keep me informed when it arrives and I will pass on the word.
Again, thank you all for all you have done. You inspire and uplift me.
Sue Stephenson