From my Home Shelter to yours, Hello!
I am hearing from many of you how much you are missing getting together with your fellow quilters. While we all realize we are pretty much at the mercy of decisions made in our best interest at levels way above our paygrade, I believe we are all armed with the ability to formulate creative solutions to help us all get through these times a little easier. With that in mind, I would like to propose a challenge to our guild members; a project that will be fun and inspirational, and maintain respect of social distancing and shelter in home guidelines.
So, here’s the deal, step by step.
1. After reading about this project, email, text or call me and let me know if you want to participate. I also will need to know in which city you live.
2. Make a House Block, no larger than 8″, either square or rectangle in shape, with YELLOW as the predominant color of the sides of the house. It can be simple or fancy– just keep in mind that ultimately it will be quilted, so embellishments need to be kept to a minimum at this point. You will have
3 to 5 days to complete this block.
3. The next step will be to get your block to a fellow participating quilter to add another element either on your block or an attached side or border. We will give you the name of the quilter that will add the next element to your block. If you are not able or comfortable with transporting your block, we will make arrangements to pick up your block from your porch, leave another one for you, and deliver your block to the next person’s porch. These transfers are to be done only by “porch drop.” (Kind of a “round robin”, mobile version)
4. We will then post details for the next “element” of the block. Current thinking is something like “what you are doing with your time at home,” “activities or things that have made your time at home more tolerable”, “things you will remember in 5 years that went on during this crisis”; for sure not limited to these, but you get the picture.
5. Our target size for each block is 16-1/2″ or less. We understand that they won’t all be the same size. We will have a total of 3 or 4 “movements” of the blocks, and then we will gather them up and make quilts from them. I’d like to get them done for the show, hopefully this year, and then offer them to local charities to use for fundraisers.
I chose YELLOW because I think it is the happiest of colors, and makes me think of Spring and Summer and new beginnings. I chose a House Block because, well I think you can figure that one out.
Please let me know over the weekend if you want to participate and don’t forget to include your City. We will compile a list that is organized to minimize travel. And again, I want to emphasize that if you are not able or comfortable in transporting the blocks, please don’t let that stop you from participating. We will make this work for you.
I’m open to suggestions, but I would like to ascertain how many of you are interested in participating first. There may not be enough of you wanting to do this, and that’s fine too.
Stay safe and healthy!