June Blog
Spring has Sprung and the weather is starting to look more like summer here on the coast. It is not just flowers that are showing off. OCQG is sporting a lot of energy and excitement too. From preparations for the quilt show, to elemental challenges, to quilting for the community, to honoring veterans, we have a lot going on. We will try to cover most of that in this June Blog so please read on ….
- Community Quilters
- June Meeting
- Quilt Show/Judging Signups
- It’s Elemental Challenge
- Programs – Veterans and FFO
- Registration
- Raffle Tickets
- Finishing School
- Hospice Quilt Auction
- Link to Burns Quilt Study
Community Quilters

The first Thursday in June (the 7th), join a fun bunch of creative quilters who will be working to put together kits for members to complete for our community outreach. Ruth Stole has graciously provided table space and storage in her quilt shop in Waldport – next to Subway on 101 south of the bridge. Drop in any time from 10 until 2 and beyond. It is a great way to help with this important guild activity, and the bonus is that you can check out Ruth’s latest fabric and quilting ideas.
June Meeting
The second Thursday (the 14th) is our monthly General Meeting with Table Walk beginning at 5:30. If you would like help with quilt registration or getting a photo of your quilt, come a little early and Jennifer, Cindy, and Shari will be there to help you. At 6:00, the Veterans Quilt Project will honor several veterans with quilts. This is a very moving ceremony – one you won’t want to miss.
Also at the June meeting you will be able to sign up to help with judging, quilt intake and outtake, and for the many jobs at the quilt show. We need EVERY MEMBER to sign up for at least one shift.
OCQG members in attendance at the June 14 and July 12 meetings will have a chance to vote for their top three 2018 OCQG “It’s Elemental” Challenge quilts by secret ballot. As of this date, we have 15 signed up for the Challenge, but last-minute entries are also welcome.
Three quilts will be designated winners; winners will be revealed at the quilt show, where all quilts will be displayed in a special section. Each quilt entered in the Challenge will receive a special flower pin.
Challenge Participants: This is a reminder that the Challenge quilts should be brought to the next guild meeting—Thursday, June 14, 2018. If you have a quilt to turn in, please come to the meeting by 5:15 p.m. so that the committee has time to hang the quilts around the room.
OTHER REMINDERS: (1) Quilts must be submitted in a brown paper bag. (2) A 3” x 5” card with the name of the quilt must be safety-pinned to the lower front right corner. (3) The quilt-maker’s name must be on the back of the quilt, covered with a piece of paper.
If you have a Challenge quilt and are unable to make the June 14 meeting, please let Becky Mershon bmershon@peak.org or Judy McCoy jmccoy@peak.org know. They will arrange pickup of your quilt before the meeting.
FFO Program is coming in July
Members who wish to show an FFO (Finally Finished Object) are required to RSVP with the Program Committee. Contact either Cindy McEntee or Jennifer Reinhart.
Quilt Registration
As you prepare your quilts for the show, you may find it helpful to go over the quilt evaluation form (http://www.oregoncoastalquilters.org/Forms/eval_form_2018.pdf) that the judge will use. This is a check list to make sure you are presenting your best work possible.
Please register your quilts as soon as you know they will be finished in time for the show. The registration deadline is July 5th which is coming up fast. If everything comes in at the last minute, it makes for some long hours for the registrar to have everything ready to turn over to the hanging committee.
Registration is simple and quick when you have the measurements and pattern name for your quilt. Registration is on the web site (http://oregoncoastalquilters.org/quilt-show/qs-registration/) and usually takes 5 minutes or less. Policies and category descriptions can also be found on the web site. Once you have registered your quilt, prepare it for intake on July 31st by printing and attaching a paper label in the lower right corner of your quilt as you face the back of the quilt. All of your quilts should be listed on a signed insurance waiver . These forms have changed so please do not use old forms that you may have kept from previous years.
The restriction for the number of quilts per category you can enter has been removed. You can enter as many quilts as you wish, but only 180 will be judged on a first-come-first-served basis so register early and often! As of May 20th, only 41 have been registered. We have a reputation to uphold and need a lot more quilts to have the beautiful show that the public has come to expect.
Raffle Ticket Sales Continue
Please pick up an envelope or two or three … of raffle tickets for Ocean in Motion. The quilt was honored on the cover of the Quilt Shop Navigator. Just show the picture post card in your packet and the tickets are an easy sell. We have about 5000 more to sell. All envelope sales by members must be complete and turned in by the July meeting. If EVERY member took at least one envelope, we would have it made!
Finishing School
If you need some encouragement or advice on that project that has been languishing in your sewing room, then Finishing School is made for you. Always on the 4th Thursday of the month, Finishing School will be meeting on June 28 from 10:00 to 4:00 at the Carriage House at the Lincoln County Historical Museum at 545 SW 9th St, Newport. When you read this, there may even be time to get to the one on May 24th. It is a great time to work on a project without being interrupted. You may bring your machine or hand woCork. We will have an iron there for you to use. You many come at any time and stay as long as you like. Bring a sack lunch or go out – whatever you would rather do. It is also a great way to get to know other guild members and get help on a project that you need advice on. Fun time is had by all.
Karen Oetjen and Paulette Stenberg
An Appreciative Thank You
The guild received a thank-you note from Shelly Flynn thanking us for our contributions to the Hospice Quilt Auction. She said the auction was very successful, in large part due to the 37 quilts contributed by our members.
My personal thanks also go to those contributors. We are making a difference in our community.
Phoebe Hein
Nebraska Quilt Study – The Quilts of Ken Burns
Fran Whited passed this link on to me thinking that other guild members would enjoy it too. https://youtu.be/wE9cNL0eF9I Renowned film maker and story teller, Ken Burns, has several of his quilt collection on display in Nebraska. He collects only handsewn quilts and mainly in red, white, and blue. The quilts pictured in the video are from the mid-1800s to 1940.
Winners from the May meeting

News from Paula
Blog editor, Paula Hnyda, continues under medical care to rid her body of a pesky infection. As of this writing, she is back in the hospital at OHSU as doctors struggle to find antibiotics that are effective. A card and encouragement would be appreciated.
Final Reminders
Don’t forget that your guild web site is the best way to stay informed about what is happening. There you can find current and previous blogs as well as minutes of meetings, Show and Share Galleries, and required guild forms for reimbursement.
Nan Scott for Paula Hnyda