Lincoln County Fair 2022
Our guild’s participation in the Lincoln County fair was a great success! We had a double booth with 5 committees represented:
- Raffle quilt sales $700+/_ tickets sold
- Merchandise $200 sold
- Veterans Project 20 applicants received Documentation 19 names signed up to get a quilt documented
- A lovely representation of the quilts submitted for the Silent Auction at the show
It was a perfect lead into an invitation to our show! Penni Meyers proved to be a very helpful sales person. She’d pull people in with a big smile & “it only takes one ticket to win!!” I believe she could sell her grandmother’s toenail clippings! A big & grateful thank you to all who made the booth a success. Special thanks to Becky’s Tom who helped us with set up & take down.
Next year’s fair we encourage each of you to enter your quilts + garden veggies, flowers, photos etc in the general exhibit. Let’s help the fair chairs with fair entries!
Our dears, Laura Martin & Betty Haskin were the only quilt exhibitors. Congratulations to Betty for Best of show! Both asked that we encourage you to step up in future years. Betty said “I’m 95 & Laura is almost 92. We’ll need help one of these days!”

The Lincoln County Fair is a terrific outreach venue for our guild. Please consider supporting the fair & helping in the booth. It was fun!