March 2019 OCQG Board Meeting
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The meeting was called to order by President Diane Tillotson at 10:00 a.m. A quorum was present.
A motion was made by Jane Szabo to approve the minutes of the Executive Board Meeting on February 21, 2019. The motion was seconded by Jean Amundson and approved by a voice vote.
Treasurers Report – Janet Sylvester – Nan Scott gave a brief explanation on “how to read” the Treasurers Report. Jackie Stankey moved to approve the treasurers report as presented. The motion was seconded by Darcy de la Rosa and approved by a voice vote.
Old Business
Quilt Show committee requests the purchase of additional Quilt Show Street Banners. Janet Webster received a quote of 5 sets (10 banners) for $964.50; 10 sets (20 banners) for $1415.00 plus shipping.
Jean Amundson moved to approve spending from the Capital Outlay for an additional 10 sets (20 banners) at the price of $1415.00 + shipping costs. Motion was seconded by Darcy de la Rosa. Discussion followed and then the motion was passed by a voice vote.
Jean Amundson presented the following motion as requested from the last meeting. Policy Change:
Any unbudgeted gifts to committee chairs or other members to thank them for “jobs well done” should be on an individual, non circulated basis. The motion was seconded by Sue Stephenson and passed by a voice vote.
New Business
Latimer Display – Jean Amundson brought up the idea to display the Quilt Show Blue Ribbon Winners from the Quilt Show at the Latimer Center in Tillamook. It would be “good advertisement” for the Quilt Show. Jean will contact Latimer and see if the quilts can be hung from mid-June to mid-July. There are 19 professionally judged Blue Ribbon Winners, only professionally judged quilts will be hung. Jean is willing to head up the committee. Nan Scott moved to approve the hanging of the 2019 Blue Ribbon Winners in 2020 at Latimer Center. Elizabeth Wood seconded the motion and it was passed by a voice vote.
Judy Neimeyer Retreat will be removed from the membership booklet, pg #57, 1b.
Guild Equipment, page 53 will be inventoried and space made available for storage at Atonement Lutheran or the storage unit. Rental of the Guild Equipment is intended for “personal” not “business” use. The borrowing form will be posted on the web. Nan will work up a draft for the new borrowing form and the Executive Committee will review the check-out procedures at the next meeting. Check-out requests should be received before the Executive Board Meeting and the damage deposit check will be returned when items are returned in working, non damaged condition. Pam Grindell and Ann Flescher volunteered to inventory the closet.
A motion was made by Ginger Dale that all equipment owned by the Quilt Guild will be stored at Atonement Lutheran Church or the Guild storage unit. Motion was seconded by Jackie Stankey and passed by a voice vote.
Audit – Elizabeth Wood reported the books were in great shape. The audit committee has one recommendation that the check and reimbursement form be together. Elizabeth asked if the audit committee needed to be represented at all board meeting. Will be discussed further at a later meeting, perhaps put audit under the finance committee so it would not have to be present at the executive meeting unless giving an audit report.
Block of the Month – Nan Scott reported packets for paperless piecing flower blocks will be at the next meeting.
Challenge Quilt – Ginger Dale reported 45 medallions have been received so far, remember to return the medallion in the plastic bag and that a portion of each fabric in the packet should be used. Please return unused material for future use.
Communication – Melissa Hollenbeck reminded the board that there will be primary BLOGS 2X monthly on the Guild website. Other notices as requested.
Community Quilters – Sue Stephenson was thanked by President Diane Tillotson for an excellent Guild Meeting presentation. Report of distribution 2019 – Quilts – 102, Sit Upon Pillows (after-school program) – 13, Toiletry Bags – 18, Burp Cloths – 40, Oncology Bags – 9, Cardio Bags – 6, Pillow Cases – 20. Sue reported that the March Guild program had 4 speakers from agencies served by the Guild Community Quilters and many displays. Sue reminded the board that Community Quilters will conduct a workshop this coming Saturday, March 23rd from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Atonement. No charge, and attendees will have the opportunity to learn how to make a dog/cat bed, tie a quilt, design a quilt top, sew on sashings and borders to enlarge quilts, make a burp cloth and many other activities throughout the day. Members can come and go as they are able, and do not need to bring anything except a sewing machine if they will be working on a pet bed or anything else where they would sew. The committee will supply all the fabric and cutting supplies. Pizza will be ordered for lunch and attendees need to bring whatever they would like to drink during the day.
Documentation – Evelyn DePaolo reported that the next documentation will be April 18th in Lincoln City. To date there have been over 1800 quilts documented!
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg reminded the group that Finishing School will be next week, March 28th from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and reminded the board to think of it as a mini-guild retreat with 6-12 people.
Lots of fun!
Hospitality – no report
Librarian – Pam Grindell is looking for the old list of books on the cart, Nan will send her a copy.
Membership – Ruth Johnson reminded everyone to be sure to pick-up update membership sheets at the membership meetings. Ruth showed a bookmark that she has available which has the meeting schedule on it, intended for use at quilt shops. There are 196 members, two new members Lauren Strach and Marilyn Workman, both from Yachats. The next update page will be in a couple of months. All the directories have been mailed to those members who requested it. Ruth requested direction/coaching to get the online directory moving forward. Not everyone wants their information on the website so there will be a BLOG post and an announcement at the memberhship meeting informing the membership of the intended plan to post the directory on the website, members can request “not to be included in the online directory. The directory would be password protected.
A reminder that we start evening meetings in April. Ruth informed the Board that the April 2020 meeting will be on Maundy Thursday and asked if the meeting should be changed to a “day” meeting to avoid conflict with the Atonement Lutheran Church activities. A motion was made by Ruth Johnson to change the April 2020 meeting to a day meeting. Motion was seconded by Darcy de la Rosa and passed by a voice vote.
2019 Raffle Quilt – Jane Szabo reported that sales are going well. Cindy McEntee is taking it around to the quilt shops and will have it at the Bolts to Blocks.
Programs/Workshops – There are two vacancies for the Barn Board Painting Workshop. Please contact Janet DeSau if interested.
Publicity – Jean Amundson reported there will be a newspaper article and a posting on News Lincoln County on next month’s program. The Bayshore Ladies will present a program on Dresden Plate blocks, quilts, tops, purses, etc both old and new.
2020 Retreat – Georgia Sabourin reported they will hopefully have the dates for the April BLOG (dates are determined to coincide with the Albany Quilt Show). Sign-ups will start at the May General Membership meeting.
Veterans Project – Georgia Dale reported that on March 31st there will be 12 quilts given to Veterans, 3 at Atonement Lutheran and 9 at the Toledo Methodist Church. There will be a workshop scheduled for May llth to make quilts in Newport.
Quilt Show – Jackie Stankey reported there is a meeting today at 1:15 p.m. Nancy Blanck has signed up to do quilt show set-up in the large gym and Twy Hoch and Evelyn DePaolo will be in charge of Hostesses. There is still a need for someone to do the quilt hanging in the small gym plus various other jobs.
2020 Raffle Quilt – Ann Flescher reported that all block packets have been handed out.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m.
Finishing School – March 28th – 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the Carriage House
Community Quilters – April 4th – 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Ruth’s Family Fabrics, Waldport
General Meeting – April 11th – 5:30p.m. Table Walk – 6p.m. General Membership Meeting at
Atonement Lutheran Church
Executive Board Meeting – April 18th, 10 a.m. at Carriage House
Quilt Show Meeting – April 18th, 1:15 p.m. at Carriage House
Respectfully submitted by Marian Brown, OCQG Secretary
Quick Link to March General OCQG Meeting: