Minutes of June 18, 2020 OCQG Board Meeting (via Zoom)

The meeting was called to order by President Diane Tillotson at 10:06 A.M. There were 22 members in attendance.


Debbie Mosley made a motion to accept the minutes of the May meeting as published via the Guild Blog. Nan Scott seconded. Motion carried by unanimous hand vote.

Jean Amundson reminded the Board that the Latimer Center requested the blue ribbon winning quilts from the 2020 quilt show to display at the Center. Since the show has been canceled this year, there will be no quilts to display. She suggested we propose offering the 2020 Challenge quilts instead. Rose Shaw moved to contact Latimer with that suggestion. Maria Hunter seconded. Motion carried by unanimous hand vote. Jean will contact Latimer to see if they are interested and will also ask for a bigger display opportunity in the future.  


Treasurer’s Report: Janet Sylvester has had 2 requests to refund vendor deposits for the (canceled) quilt show, but did not know if she could release the funds without the proper request forms. She is waiting for the names and addresses of the 2 vendors and will request the forms when she receives the information from Kathleen Ritzman.

She also wants to share the Quilters Hall of Fame letter via blog for members to read.

President Diane mentioned that because of the Covid 19 outbreak in Newport, the September meeting date is in question. Phoebe reminded everyone that the church dictates when/if the meetings can occur in their building. Nan Scott suggested a daytime Zoom meeting instead of an on-site meeting. Jean thought it could be a Show and Share only without any regular business. The idea is to keep members connected in a fun way. Becky Mershon would like to show the new clothing items at that meeting. The decision was made to do a Zoom Show and Share  August 13. Rose Shaw made a motion to that effect plus authorization to spend $14.99 per month to keep the Zoom subscription active. Becky Mershon seconded. Motion carried by unanimous hand vote.



Gail Chipman and Ellen Germaneri conducted the annual audit and found the books to be in good order with a couple of small exceptions. She said that deposits were greater than the combined funds transfer forms, and 1 expense form did not have a receipt attached. They suggested the Treasurer advise the Audit Committee when expenditures are divided into both Guild Expenses and personal reimbursements from a single receipt. They simplified some audit forms for better clarification. In summary, the Audit Committee commended Janet’s fine job for the Guild.

BLOCK OF THE MONTH: Nothing to report.

CHALLENGE 2020: Jean Amundson said there were 15 quilts submitted for voting and one for display only. Membership voting  is on-going through the Guild website. Nan Scott said 47 members have voted to date.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Nothing to report

COMMUNITY QUILTS: Lindanne Perdue announced that Ruth’s Family Fabrics is closing in July. The storage space in her shop will close with her, so Community Quilts is looking for another storage area, preferably with a workspace for cutting and packaging kits, etc. She said Sue Stephenson had been offered free storage space in Lee Palmer’s building that Sue will check out and report on at the next Board meeting. Sue will also assess the possibility of combining  Community Quilts and Guild Merchandise in the same space. Maria Hunter mentioned that she is going to rent a storage space for herself personally and could share it with the Guild at her expense. Becky Mershon will meet with the Merchandising  Committee to assess their needs. Nan recommended a combined storage/workroom over a storage-only space.  


Toni Brodie reported that the June Documentation date was canceled due to Covid 19. The remaining dates for 2020 will be decided upon as they draw nearer.


Paulette Stenberg said Finishing School is canceled for 2020. However, the Bayshore Challenge was “Baby Quilts” and they plan a walking Show and Share in a church parking lot tomorrow, in compliance with social distancing. The quilts will be donated to a group in Bend.

HOSPITALITY: Nothing to report

LIBRARY: Nothing to report

MEMBERSHIP: Nothing to report


Becky Mershon is still awaiting the new Bridge Panels. Printing has been delayed due to Covid 19. She will have a better idea of their storage needs once they are received.  She and her team have visited several small guild groups to show the new merchandise and will continue to meet with small groups upon request.


Jane Szabo says everything is canceled through August. September’s program is pending. Dawn White’s program has been advanced to April 2021. Peggy Gilbreath is waiting with her program until the Covid-19 meeting ban is lifted.


Jean Amundson has submitted articles to the local paper (published in color) and other venues with more items coming in July. One was to announce the cancelation of the 2020 Quilts by the Sea. One was about the Veterans Quilts program. The July article will be about the 2020 raffle quilt.

QUILTERS SURPRISE: Nothing to report


Jean Amundson reminded the Board that the 2020 raffle quilt drawing must still be carried out on the date printed on the tickets. Maria Hunter suggested it be done in a FaceBook Live format. Roseanne Berton volunteered to contact the church to see if it could be done in their parking lot/grassy play yard area. Janet Sylvester mentioned that the ticket stubs are to go to Phyllis Mitchell, not the Guild’s post office box. Either Roseanne or Phyllis will submit an article to Melissa for the Guild Blog.


Melissa Hollenbeck said the quilt is currently at Lisa Taylor’s being quilted. She praised Jean Amundson for the great job she did on the whale’s eye and facial details. She had a photo of it to share with the Board.


Georgia Sabourin said the committee is keeping the same dates in February (Feb 2-5) to coincide with the Willamette Valley Quilt Festival. To date, 55 members have signed up to attend.

SABLE: Currently on hold.


Rose Shaw said quilts and blocks poured in after the last Blog posting that asked for donations from the membership. She has made or will make trips to all areas of the county to deliver quilts to Veterans this month. After the Veterans Quilt article was published In the paper, she received 8 more requests. If anyone receives a FaceBook request, they should send it to a committee member, none of whom do FaceBook. They now need more quilts, tops, blocks, machine quilting and embroidered labels. The shelves are bare. She has been advised to expect 40 more quilt requests soon. The ideal size for these quilts is approximately 50” x 70.” Anything less is too small. She was advised that Quilters Cove needs more block kits to distribute.


Velma Freudenthal says the Oregon Quilt Project is now finished. Our group can still add to the Quilt Index in the future when we continue our documentations.

Jane Szabo will research the idea of allowing ads on our FaceBook page.

Contact Meralee Wilson with nominations for next year’s officers.  They include President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. She will contact the current officers to see if they will volunteer to serve another year.

Next Executive Board Meeting via Zoom: July 16 at 10:00 A.M.

Meeting adjourned 11:35 A.M.

Respectfully submitted by Toni Brodie, Co-Secretary