Meeting Minutes
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting
February 20, 2025
Members Present: Tamara Craig, Viki West, Penni Meyers, Jane Szabo,
Barbara Kinzel, Pat Laub, Lynn Moody, Cindy McEntee, Pamela Potter,
Patti Stephens, Nan Scott, Debbie Mosley, JoAnne Sedlacek, Lindanne
Perdue, Darcy de la Rosa, Ruth Hutmacher,
Meeting Quorum = 16 in attendance which meets quorum requirements of
a minimum of 12
Meeting Called to order at 10:00 by Viki West.
Meeting minutes were not approved several adjustments need to be
made and will be reviewed in March for approval. Adjustments were
noted manually on a copy of January minutes and will be reissued
before Sunday, February 23 to the webmaster.
We accept Treasure report as presented.
Old business –
– Workshop presenter fee revision by Barbara Kinzel
New Business –
– Pamela Potter is proposing to give St. Luke’s in Waldport a monthly
donation of $50 per month for community quilts use of the space in
there meeting room space. Motion is made for $600 for St. Lukes by
the Sea in Waldport annually for use of facility by community quilts was
made by Pamela and seconded by Barbara. Motion passes.
Committee Reports
BOM – Joy – not in attendance
Budget/Finance – Pat Laub – nothing additional
Challenge – Darcy – nothing to report.
Comm. Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – Thank you for the motion. Thinking
of doing a community mending day for the church initially probably in the
fall. Need to get labels printed for community quilts separate from the
printing that Penni typically is over.
Blog – Nancy Nash – not in attendance
Webpage – Ann Brakob – not in attendance
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek – ½ day at Newport Library. Lincoln
City Heritage Museum will be on May 3rd. Maritime will be in October. In
2026 the Maritime Museum will be available for documentation as a set
location will try and set up 4 dates. The donation to Maritime for 2026
needs to be discussed during the 2026 budgeting period.
Fundraising – Ruth Hutmacher – Chris is dealing with family health issues
and doesn’t think she will be able to work with an online auction this year.
We will table this fundraising effort until after quilt show.
Meeting Logistics
ZOOM – Jane Szabo/Darcy de la Rosa – still learning to do the Zoom
hosting efforts.
Set-up – Jennette Buss – not in attendance
Hospitality – Laurie Downing – not in attendance
Membership – Patti Stephens – Not much new. Directories mailed to
those that requested them to be mailed. Rose Shaw has directories
Merchandising – Penni Meyers – Nothing new except to get Debbie the
Quilter Surprise monies and tickets from. Looking for new merchandise for
2025 but still in the early stages.
Programs/Workshops – Pamela Potter/Lynn Moody – We are just
wonderful and love us for our humor at the meetings. The class the last
speaker taught was great. In April programs will pay $150 dollars to Global
Guild Connections for all-star sampler platter, which is a 2 day of
presentation on May 3-4, 2025, by various quilting professional.
Publicity (written) – Jane Szabo – Do we need publicity in the newspaper
for the March Program, Pamela said yes.
2025 Quilt Show – Cindy McEntee – First meeting is today. Get a handle
on who is chairing each committee and what is needed for each committee.
Couldn’t get library room for a May meeting
Quilter’s Surprise –Debbie Mosley – just zooming right along with Jan and
her great shopping. Jane is going to reach out to Ellen regarding last
meetings missing “Get r Done” prizes.
2025 Raffle Quilt Sales – Ellen Hawks/Marianne Geiger – not in
attendance. Note that those volunteering to working the booth at the
Salem Quilt event will get a ticker for admission to event, but free parking is
across the street in the Oak Grove parking lot. Free parking is Not in the
event parking lot. Penni will bring merchandise and her square device to
the Salem Quilt event booth.
2026 Raffle Quilt – Tamara Craig – Only had about ½ of the blocks were
checked out at the last meeting. Will have blocks at next meeting to check
out with blocks due back by the April meeting.
2025 Retreat – Viki West /Gail – Four spaces left for inside rooms. And
plenty of RV spots still available. Final payment due to bad weather has
been extended to end of March. Lots of new activities are planned. Viki is
working to process refunds for members who overpaid for the retreat and
will get those forms to Pat.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw – Per an email from Rose who couldn’t
attend. They had 11 quilters in attendance yesterday at their meeting and
27 family members there for the presentation of 10 quilts.
Information – Announcements
General Mtg – 3/13/2025 @1:00pm Atonement Lutheran Church
Executive Board Mtg. – 3/20/2025 @ 10:00am Zoom
Community Quilters – Thursday 3/6/2025 @ St. Luke’s by the Sea in
Waldport 10:00A– 3:00P
Veteran’s Workday – 3/19/2025 @ 9:30 – 3:30 Siletz Grange
Quilt Show Meeting – 2/20/2025 @ 1:00pm Newport Public Library
Motion to adjourn made by Penni and seconded by Cindy. All were in
Meeting adjourned at 11:05am.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
General Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2025
Meeting Called to order by Viki West at 1:08 pm.
Kathy Lambert made a motion to approve January 2025 minutes. Jody Sturtze seconded the motion. Called for voted and approved.
Pat Lobe has the financial report in the back for review.
- Float Odyssey at the Pacific Maritime Heritage Center from Feb. 8- October 12, 2025
- Thank you for our donation to the Samaritan House.
- Cord Protectors
Committee Reports
2025 Challenge Quilt – Darcy/Joy – “Trips and Travels “, like usual can be no larger than 120” in circumference (example 30” on each side for a square). 4” hanging sleeve. Must contain 1 button (either with holes to sew on or a shank on the back type) must be able to be sewn on the front of the Quilt somewhere but if needed can be glued on. Then finally needs an embellishment. In addition, a ½ page sheet with the story typed telling the quilt’s story will be required. June 1 pictures are due.
Community Quilters – Lindanne – Very large bin for sale $20.00. Two bins of sewing fabric and thread free to pick through. Have some kits that need quilting.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek– Following dates are secure Sat. March 22 (Newport Library) and May 3 from 9:30-3:30 North Lincoln County Historical Museum (Lincoln City).
Get r’ Done next project #1 is for March.
Membership – Patti Stephens –54 in attendance in person and 17 on Zoom. New members: Guest in attendance: Nancy Hoover
Merchandise – Penni Meyer – T-shirts in three styles, and the denim button.
Quilt Show 2025 – Cindy – Started into full swing. First meeting February 20th @ 1pm. Mack and Tee room at the library. We did get the glass case for the challenge quilts. Display.
Raffle Quilt 2025 – Ellen – Quilt show in Salem needs volunteers. This gets you into the quilt show and free parking.
Raffle Quilt 2026 – Tamara – please sign out a block or a couple of blocks for the quilt to be returned by April mtg.
Retreat – Viki – Retreat is April 22-25, 2025. Final payment due to inclement weather is now moved to March mtg at the latest. 4 open spots as of meeting time. (total cost is $360 for in lodge stay, separate price for RV stays).
- There will be a 2 ½” strip exchange again next year in Jewel tones which are Solid Bold colors (no pastels or prints).
- Another challenge for the quilt retreat is to make something using a block of the specific fabric you received at registration in anything you chose to design or project (i.e. a clam bag, a placemat, miniature block, etc.)
Veteran’s Project – Rose – We are meeting next Wednesday Feb 19th. There will be Presentation next week for 13 veterans.
Workshops – Pamela/Lynn –
Jill Huntington – Improve Roses Tomorrow
March program guest will be online Fabric Bricks. Then workshop will be a community quilts workday at Lutheran church on Friday.
April Workshop – Stash Dance Silent Auction.
Program – Jill Huntington Trunk Show
Jill Huntington is from Portland and fourth generation Oregonian.
Mother of 4 (with triplets in there). Their family fun on Quilt Run 101 trips, her 3 daughters staying in the car at the quilt shops but her son quickly learning there were cookies and other treats in the shops. Hence, he always went in the shops with his mom.
Huntington Quilt Design is her line of patterns. She shared a beautiful story of her progression through quilts from starting with traditional patterns. Moving into a period of tradition/modern mix she referred to as the in between. Then finally some of her beautiful modern quilts and her start with roses and a different way to paper piece that she called jigsaw puzzle paper piecing. It was a very inspirational presentation of her journey of quilting to this point.
Block Of Month – Norma Horn
Quilter’s Surprise – Diane Merys – two quilt books and fat quarter set.
Nifty Notions – Jennette Buss – coasters – fine line pen
Get ‘r Done – Completion winners of January # 3 project. Jean Amundson and Pat Laub. Ann Brakob was the winner of the ½ way-done prize.
Get ‘r Done Show and Share of January Projects was a single large group of all items made. They were all beautiful works. Those that got it done were Nancy Nash, Jennette Buss, Darcy de la Rosa, Fran White, Toni Brody, Pat Laub, Joy Johnson, Diane Merys, Jan McQueen, Jean Amundson, Kathleen Ritzman
Show & Share
- Last month’s workshop quilted jackets. (group show and share – Darcy de la Rosa, Lynn Moody, Penni Myers, Jennette Buss, Pamela Potter, Rose Shaw, may be missing a couple of names…)
- Paulette – quilt from leftover from sisters’ fabric.
- Ruth H. – Mediterranean Garden
- Elizabeth Wood, Julia Bailey, Nancy Blanck – Took an embroidery pattern and turned it into an Applique pattern. Each column done by one in the group and then hand quilted.
Acknowledgements & Announcements-
- Veteran’s Workday: 2/19/2025 (9:30a-2p) @ Siletz Grange
- Executive Board Meeting, 2/20/2025 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
- Community Quilts: Thursday, 3/6/2025 (10a-3p) @ St. Luke by the Sea in Waldport
- March OCQG General mtg: 3/13/2025 @ 1p,
Meeting adjourned at 3:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting
January 16, 2025 (Amended)
Members Present: Tamara Craig, Viki West, Janet Sylvester, Lynn Moody, Patti Stephens, Penni Myers, Barbara Kinzel, Darcy de la Rosa, Janet Scanlon, Ann Brakob, Pamela Potter, Pat Laub, Jennette Buss, Lindanne Perdue, Ruth Hutmacher, Rose Shaw, Marianne Geiger, Cindy McEntee, Linda Patrick,
Meeting Quorum = 19 in attendance which meets quorum requirements
Meeting Called to order at 10:02 by Viki West.
Penni Myers made a motion to approve the November Executive Board Meeting minutes. Barbara Kinzel seconded. Approved with a full approval.
Treasure Report was emailed by Pat Laub. Need to discuss a few things. Distribution of end year funds $1,917. And the discussion of the $700 that was not distributed last year.
Motion was made by Darcy de la Rosa to send $200 from the previous years undistributed funds to the Lincoln County Historical Society. Seconded by Viki. Motion voted and passed.
Janet Sylvester made a motion to have the remaining $500 go back into the general fund. Barbara Kinzel seconded. Motion voted and approved.
Penni Myers makes a motion to give $500 to the give a donation to Newport Library Foundation, Latimer Quilt and Textile Museum, Coffee Creek Quilt program, with the remaining funds of $417.76 going into the Reserves account. Barbara Kinzel seconds the motion. Motion voted and approved.
The new signers on Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild (OCQG) financial accounts will be as follows going forward for 2025.
Viki West – President of the Guild
Barbara Kinzel – Vice President of the Guild
Pat Laub – Treasurer of the Guild
Janet Sylvester – Finance/Budget of the Guild
Darcy de la Rosa shall no longer be an allowed signer of the OCQG financial accounts.
We accept Treasure report as presented.
Old business –
As a carry-over from the November meeting further discussion is required regarding workshop presenter fees to be added to Policies. Barbara Kinzel has agreed to work on writing up the policy changes that will state that a minimum workshop presenter fee will be $250 dollars. Said presenter if a guild member can choose to accept the fee or request it be given to, he/she’s charity of choice.
New Business –
Viki is going to start having a suggestion box at the sign in table to start in February.
Workshop refund standing rules item #C. Discussion on how to declare a serious emergency as a medical issue for self or immediate family member (hospitalization, urgent care or emergency room visit) or a family death.
Per Item #C the board is reviewing a refund to Nancy Nash who has a broken thumb just prior to the January workshop. A motion was made by Barbara Kinzel to refund Nancy her workshop fees for January sweatshirt jacket workshop. Voted and approved.
Per Item #C the board is reviewing a refund for Debbie Mosley. It was noted that Debbie was at work the week prior to the January workshop and hence no motion was made to refund her workshop fees.
From Marianne those that volunteer work in the Salem quilt show will get a ticket for admission and free parking across the street in the Oak Grove parking lot.
Committee Reports
BOM – Joy – not in attendance
Budget/Finance – Pat Laub/Janet Sylvester – Janet brought to attention that any refunds that are to be made must be presented to Pat or Janet with the Committee Chairs signature and that of an officer (president, vice president) other than Pat Laub.
Challenge – Darcy – number of people that are signed up are 23
Mtg Logistics –
ZOOM – Need a person for this roll.
Set Up – Jennette Buss – nothing new
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius – not in attendance
Comm. Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – nothing new. The challenge for head start will go up in the blog
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek – no in attendance
Fundraising – Ruth here in attendance for Chris – Nothing new.
Membership – Patti Stephens– working on the directory. Membership application from Bonnie – Very excited to be reopening Newport quilt shop under “Patchwork Oasis Quilt Shop”
Merchandising –Penni Meyers– nothing to report
Programs/Workshops – Pamela Potter – moving right along. Next month hasn’t filled up yet. Still having fun
Publicity (written) – Jane Szabo – not in attendance
2025 Quilt Show – Cindy – we have our judge under contract for the quilt show. Our permit has been approved tentative of the parking plan. Janet and I are meeting today to go through the box. Have enlisted two leads (Kat Ritzman and Phoebe Hein) into attacking the vendor list to get attendance. First meeting is in February on the 20th at 1pm after executive board meeting at the Newport library.
Blog – Nancy Nash – not in attendance
Website – Ann Brakob – working to get up to speed. Working on low hanging fruit first.
2025 Raffle Quilt Sales – Marianne Geiger – New quilt stand is needed. This quilt this year is 100”x100”. There were no objections, and Marianne was given go ahead to look for and purchase a new stand.
Quilter’s Surprise –Debbie Mosley – not in attendance
Retreat – Viki West /Gail – Two spaces left, one on the waiting list that is not definite. Two inside room spaces. Final payment in the February meeting. Barbara will be sending a list to Tamara to remind those who have yet to pay.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw – Betty went yesterday, and the day was awesome. Wanted to thank the Valley people that were the machine quilters in attendance they are very much appreciated. 641 quilts given out to date.
Information – Announcements
General Mtg – 2/13/2025 @1:00pm Atonement Lutheran Church Newport
Executive Board Mtg. – 2/20/2025 @ 10:00am Zoom
Community Quilters – Thursday 2/6/2025 @ St. Luke’s by the Sea in Waldport 10:00A– 3:00P
Veteran’s Workday – 2/19/2025 @ 9:30 – 3:30 Siletz Grange
Quilt Show Meeting – 2/20/2025 @ 1:00pm Newport Public Library Documentation – TBD
Motion to adjourn made by Rose Shaw and seconded by Penni Meyers. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 11:19am.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
General Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2025
Meeting Called to order by Viki West at 1:04 pm.
Pat Lobe has the financial report in the back for review.
Thank you from Yachats Community Church
Thank you from the Food Share Food Bank
- Oregon Quilt Fest 2/27-3/1/2025 in Salem
- Fiber Fest: Newport Visual Arts Center and PAC have an open reception on 1/11/2025 from 1 to 4 PM that is free to the public.
Some of our talented members have their creations in exhibits in Newport. Janet Webster, Gloria Zirges, Susan Cronenwett, Linda MacKown, and Tina McCann have pieces in “Imagine It, Stitch It” at the Olive Street Gallery at the Newport Performing Arts Center. The show runs from January 11 – March 30.
Marie-Lise Best’s work is in the “Fiber Flair Exhibit” at the upstairs gallery at the Newport Visual Arts Center at 777 NW Beach. “Woven Worlds” is another exhibit at the Visual Art Center in the Runyan Gallery. Those two shows run from January 11- March 1st.
- The Hospitality Committee is asking for help with meeting refreshments. As such we are asking persons who are celebrating birthdays bring treats for the meeting. We are hoping for this to start at the February General Meeting.
- Also, we need a few more people to get familiar with the meeting setup and breakdown procedures and processes to assist this committee. See Jennette Buss if you are willing to help.
Committee Reports
2025 Challenge Quilt – Darcy/Joy – “Trips and Travels,“ like usual can be no larger than 120” in circumference (example 30” on each side for a square). Must contain 1 button (either with holes to sew on or a shank on the back type) must be able to be sewn on the front of the Quilt somewhere, but if needed can be glued on. Then finally needs an embellishment. In addition, a ½ page sheet with the story typed telling the quilt’s story will be required.
Community Quilters – Lindanne – We are challenging everyone here to bring a quilt top to next meeting. Size of top is at a minimum 40” X 50”. It can be a little larger but no larger than 50”x60”. Next meeting is February 6 at the church in Waldport.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek– No meetings scheduled yet as we are working to find a location to have meetings. Currently trying either the Newport Library or Maritime Museum down on the Bay.
Get ‘er Done Next project #3 is for February.
Membership – Patti Stephens – # of renewed members is going great but if you haven’t renewed by end of meeting, you will not be getting a new directory for 2025. Today’s attendance: 66 in person and 4 on Zoom. New members: None. Guests: Carol Isble and Lynette Newbell.
Merchandise – Penni Myers – Sweatshirts are on sale this month only – $5 off.
Quilt Show 2025 – Cindy – Started into full swing. City contract for Rec Center. Co-Chair Janet Sandland. Featured Quilter for this year’s quilt show is Gloria Zirges
Raffle Quilt 2025 – Marianne – Starry Night is name of quilt and will begin taking quilt around to different Quilt shops and the Oregon Quilt Fest. Need volunteers to help at Oregon Quilt Fest to sell raffle tickets. Sign-up sheet is being passed around.
Raffle Quilt 2026 – Tamara – Will be working with committee to get the blocks into kits to be checked out during next month’s meeting.
Retreat – Viki – Retreat is April 22-25, 2025. Final payment must be made by February meeting (total cost is $360 for in-lodge stay, separate price for RV stays).
- There will be a 2-½” strip exchange again next year in Jewel tones which are Solid Bold colors (no pastels or prints).
- Another challenge for the quilt retreat is to make something using a block of the specific fabric you received at registration in anything you choose to design or project (e.g., a clam bag, a placemat, miniature block, etc.)
Veteran’s Project – Rose – Christmas vacation is over, and we will be getting together next Wednesday at the Siletz Grange. 641 quilts given out over the last 8 years since we began this project. Have some bundles that need machine quilting if anyone is interested.
Workshops – Pamela/Lynn –
January is sweatshirt sew workshop, 1/10/2025, taught by Gloria Z.
Jill Huntington – Improv Roses Next meeting
March guest will be online Bricks.
Program – What to Do with Our Quilt Estate presented by Lynn Moody and Penni Myers.
Making a plan for you Quilt Estate… a written plan of how to handle your equipment after your gone. Mention your guild in this documentation and special friends. Then there is the Latimer Museum for your antique quilts. Put labels on your quilts, it helps give a little story to the quilt. Simplify it for your loved ones that are left behind.
Block of the Month – Jennette Buss
Quilter’s Surprise – Toni Brodie – Fiskars fabric cutting kit
Nifty Notions – Jean Amundson – Quilt themed Insulated cup
One last donated gift – Linda G – New quilting books
Get ‘er Done – Completion winners of December # 5 project Diane Myers and Pat Laub
Get ‘er Done # 5 project for January
Group picture that can be seen on the Blog
Show & Share
- Bev Brasfield & JoAnne Sedlacek – Shared their completed “Boxes and Beyond” quilts from the September Workshop.
- Lynn Moody – Shared a set of blocks that her niece bought at a estate sale that Lynn during her time working had a connection with the creator. They were all cat themed blocks.
- Paulette – Shared multiple quilts. A.) At the Ranch retreat from Bayshore was a hand quilted quilt. B.) Fabric from Karen’s stash was used to create the quilt. C.) Embroidery quilting project for next baby in family. ) Created pillows out of the orphaned blocks she won as part of the Christmas Potluck/Meeting in December. Giving them to Community quilt group for stuffing.
- Jackie – Seascape
- Marianne – Created a new Motocross themed quilt for stepson with pictures of him as blocks in the quilt.
- Fort – Gorgeous Gelato Bargello patterned quilt.
- Linda MacKown – Pattern the Paisley Puffin
- Risa Northway – Started out as a baby quilt but didn’t get finished, revamped and made it a cuddle quilt for husband.
- Jean Amundson – Quilt started in 2007 during a Teton’s retreat with 5 friends. We each made 5 of the same rows and then shared a row with each other to create a complete quilt.
Acknowledgements & Announcements
- Veteran’s Workday: 1/15/2025 (10-2) @ Siletz Grange
- Executive Board Meeting, 1/16/2025 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
- Community Quilts: Thursday, 2/6/2025 (10-3) @ St. Luke by the Sea in Waldport
Meeting adjourned with a motion by Debbie Mosley. Second Pat Laub.
Meeting adjourned at 2:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting
November 21, 2024
Members Present: Tamara Craig, Janet Sylvester, Lynn Moody, Jean
Amundson, Gail Chipman, Jane Szabo, Pat Laub, Viki West, Linda Patrick,
Darcy de la Rosa, Diane Tillotson, Rose Shaw, Lindanne Perdue, JoAnne
Sedlacek, Penni Meyers, Pamela Potter, Marianne Geiger
Meeting Quorum = 12 was met.
Meeting Called to order at 10:02 by Darcy de la Rosa.
MOTION: To approve the October 17, 2024, Executive Board
Meeting minutes made by Viki West. Rose Shaw seconded. Approved with a full approval.
Treasurer’s Report was emailed along with Budget by Pat Laub.
Old Business:
Workshop Fees – Self-supporting cost of space rental, instructor
(however, if we had an out-of-town presenter that taught a workshop
the cost was split between the workshop and the program).
Previously the guild member instructor was paid $300, Jean suggests
that each participant pay a minimum of $15 towards instructor fees,
with a minimum of $225.
Pamela Potter shared this year’s information on workshop
Make a motion that a minimum of $250 for the instructor fee by
Pamela Potter, seconded by Jane Szabo. Need this written into a
policy in the Workshop portion of the policies. Motion passed with
approval of policy changes.
New Business:
Open Positions – Needs a few more positions filled for 2025: photographer, publicity, hospitality, set-up backup
2025 Quilt Show – Jennette Buss offered to Co-Chair the Quilt Show if she gets a strong co-chair. Otherwise, we might need to make notifications if we are not going to have the quilt show. It was noted by Jane that the 2024 show had the lowest attendance in quite several years.
Salem Quilt Show: Discussion led by Jane S. We committed to
having the Raffle Quilt at the February Show.
But before that can happen, we need to have Rack Cards for the show, which means we need them designed and to the printer by January. That requires photos of the quilt and a decision on the quilt show or something else for the back of the rack card. Possibly the auction information.
Then, we will also need to have the Raffle Tickets to the printers in January for sales at the Salem show.
The show is February 22 – March 1, 2025.
Would be nice to have some of our guild members enter quilts in this show, but it costs to enter a quilt and an additional fee to get judged.
So, take-away from this: We need to know on the previous
discussion if the quilt show will be a go or no-go by end of December, early
January at latest. This will be on December agenda for further discussion.
Committee Reports:
BOM – Joy – Nothing new
Budget/Finance – Pat Laub/Janet Sylvester – Budget for quilt show is $2K
over. Need to look to General meeting to change the entry fee for quilts
Challenge – Darcy – Information put on Blog; to date, we have 14 signed up
Meeting Logistics –
ZOOM – Penni Meyers – Taking on this role until end of year.
Set Up – Jennette Buss – Not in attendance
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius – Not in attendance
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – Delivering 8 quilts to Habitat for
Humanity for 3 families. Still working to get the last things out of Tamara’s
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek – Nothing really to report; no meetings
in November or December.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti – Not in attendance
Membership – Patti Stephens– Not in attendance
Merchandising –Penni Meyers– Nothing new
Programs/Workshops – Pamela Potter – Biggest deal is that “Gloria” class
is full and on a waiting list.
Publicity (written) – Jean Amundson – Nothing
Blog – Nancy Nash – Not in attendance
Website – Ann Brakob is the new point person. Linda is on point through
end of year. Thank you, Linda, for your help and wish you well on your
move to Cottage Grove.
2025 Raffle Quilt Sales – Will be discussed later.
Quilter’s Surprise –Debbie Mosley – Not in attendance
Retreat – Viki West /Gail Chipman – So, only 4 spaces are left for the Retreat. Just need to fill out form and make a $50 deposit to hold a spot. Final Payment
is due in February.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw – Had a wonderful bonding day with 12
people in attendance. No December meeting.
Information – Announcements
General Meeting – 12/12 @ 1:00pm – Short meeting w/Holiday Potluck
Executive Board Meeting. – NO meeting in December
Community Quilters – Thursday 12/5 at St. Luke by the Sea in
Waldport, 10:00am– 3:00pm
Veteran’s Workday – No December meeting
Documentation – No more meetings for 2024.
Motion to adjourn made by Penni Myers and seconded by Rose Shaw. All
were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:06am.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
General Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2024
Meeting called to order by Darcy de la Rosa at 1:01 pm.
Motion to approve October 10, 2024, minutes made by Penni Myers and
seconded by Toni Brodie. Motion passed.
Pat Lobe has the financial report in the back for review.
New Business:
Budget 2025 – Jean Amundson made motion and Debbie Mosley
seconded to approve the Budget. Unanimously approved.
2025 Positions – Next year’s officers put forward for election: Viki West –
President, Barbara Kinzel – Vice President, Pat Laub – Treasurer,
Tamara Craig – Secretary. Jackie Stankey made motion to approve the
slate of officers and Diane Tillotson seconded. Unanimously approved.
Officers elected, as put forward.
Committee Reports:
Quilt Show – Need volunteers to be Chair and Co-Chair of the Show. We
really need someone to step up, as Featured Quilter needs to be chosen
next month.
Challenge – For 2025 will be called “Trips and Travels. “As usual can be
no larger than 120” in circumference (example 30” on each side for a
square). Must contain 1 button (either with holes to sew on or a shank on
the back) able to be sewn on the front of the Quilt somewhere, but if
needed, can be glued on. Must contain an embellishment. In addition, a
½-page sheet (typed) telling the quilt’s story will be required.
Raffle Quilt 2025 – Jan & Toni – Will be ready by Christmas.
Raffle Quilt 2026 – Tamara – Going to work with Jan M. and Lindanne to
get kits cut with instructions to make the approximate 36 blocks for users to
be given for finishing no later than February. Pattern is Kirigami.
Community Quilters – Lindanne – Brought free fabric for members; what
doesn’t get taken today will be donated to The Arc Thrift Store in Philomath.
Next meeting is December 5 at the church in Waldport.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek– No meeting in November or
Membership – Patti Stephens – Up to 176 members… 63 in attendance in
person and 9 on Zoom. Guest in attendance: Risa
Merchandise – Penni Myers – Nothing new
Website/Blog – Linda Patrick/Nancy Nash – If not getting your notification
of blog posts, go to the website and update your name and email.
Retreat – Viki – Filling up fast – only 7 spots left at this time.
Retreat is on April 22-25, 2025. A $50.00 deposit needed at registration
with final payment at February meeting (total cost is $360 for in-lodge stay,
separate price for RV stays). There will be a 2 ½” strip exchange again
next year in Jewel tones which are Solid Bold colors (no pastels or prints).
Another challenge for the quilt retreat is to make something using a block of
a specific fabric available at registration in anything you chose to design or
project (e.g., a clam bag, a placemat, miniature block, etc.)
Veteran’s Project– Rose – 640 quilts given away to date. Sew-in next
Wednesday, 9:30am -3:00 pm at the Siletz Grange.
Programs & Workshops – Pamela/Lynn – December is a Potluck
Celebration – Placemat and table setting. Quilt Square to Share (orphan
block). Non-perishable can food for our community service to the Food
Bank. January is a sweatshirt sew workshop. 1/10/2025 will be taught by
Gloria Z.
Today’s Program – Round About Applique 4 ways.
Julia Bailey – Wool Applique and Needle-Turn Applique – Wool, wool
blends, thicker flannels. Wash and dry them. Roxanne Quilt Baste. Use
buttons and items to make them fun. Uses Embroidery thread for the hand
stitches for appliqueing stitches. Shared some small squares on flannel,
then finished quilted pieces that used wool. Pocket Guide Embroidery Art
Lynn Moody – Herky Jerky Applique technique – Shared a hand-quilted
block that is the last from the class she took in 1993. Steam-a-Seam tape
to use, instead of pins, to put your applique on to hand sew.
Ruth Hutmacher – Freezer paper with spray starch method. Need a light
box or window to trace pattern. Double layer of Freezer paper. Iron the
shiny side of freezer paper. Cut the fabric–no more than a quarter-inch
seam. Paint the spray starch on the back side of the fabric around the
edges. then a little crafting iron will be used to iron the fabric over to the
back of the freezer paper. Use Masterpiece thread by Superior Thread to
do the hand stitching.
Penni Myers – Machine Applique. Trace a pattern on Steam-a-Seam 2.
Medium tear-away stabilizer. Need to take your time and not zoom
Block Of Month – Nancy Nash – Pattern a sunflower
Quilter’s Surprise – Viki West – I Love Turn Dash Book, Christmas Fabric
fat quarter grouping
Nifty Notions – Jodi S. – Quilt mobile magnet and an adorable pincushion.
Get ‘er Done – Lisa Taylor and Jan McQueen were this month’s winners of
completing the Get ‘er Done Challenge. Next month’s project number is 7
for Get ‘r Done project. Get ‘r Done #6
1. Darcy – Floated from Leta’s Legacy and then Bayshore. Then got it
2. Fran – Got the binding and hanging sleeve on to get it done. Has 53
3. Toni – Had done the embroidery and blocks together … but she hand-stitched and bound… then finished a pillow.
4. Jan – Collected the fabric and then did a quilt-as-you-go from start to
5. Tamara – shared a holiday themed table runner
6. Jennette – Shared beautiful queen-sized quilt
7. Jean – Miniature quilt with sailboats and sea.
8. Jane S – Bird wall hanging
9. Jackie – Seal Totem pole.
10. Pat L. – It is done full-size finished piecing. Quilt and put binding on.
11. Lisa – All she had to do that the binding on.
12. Nancy – Kits that need to be done. Easter color baskets.
13. Ann B– Started as a class. got it quilted and bound.
Show & Share:
1. Clam bag class. – Penni, Darcy and Viki
2. Penni – First Mystery Class 2017 started. Got it quilted.
3. K. Fort. – Color wash bargello with 19 different fabrics in purples. Did an
applique of a seahorse in bottom corner
4. Diane – Embroidering for the holidays in small little quilts. Then a
Christmas star with panels., Finally got her Pop Star done.
5. Jean – Jean got her Pop Star in fall colors finished. Made a pattern for a
lady friend in her church from three blocks she gave her and couldn’t
figure out the pattern
6. Joy – Christmas quilt with a panel and Minky on back
7. Marianne – Blanket for 20-month-old. Lady Luck pattern quilt she
finished. Globe was the pattern and as she is just learning to machine
quilt, she used ruler for the Globe center and her machine’s built-in
programing for area around the Globe. Had a lot of fun on this pattern
8. Joan – Pumpkin wall hanging Judy blind pattern helped her with this
hand stitching.
9. Carol N. – Got a great idea from the boutique. Wanted to make quilts
for children who will graduate in May – the number is 28 graduating. 7
are done with a cross in the middle. She is headed back to Idaho for a
time and will be working on more back there.
Acknowledgements & Announcements:
• Veteran’s Workday: 11/20/2024, 9:30-3:30 @ Siletz Grange
• Executive Board Meeting, 11/21/2024 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
• Documentation: No meetings for November or December
• Finishing School Is done and not meeting anymore
• Community Quilts: Thursday, 12/5/2024 @ 10::00a-3:00p St. Luke by
the Sea in Waldport
• December OCQG Gen Meeting 12/12/2024 @ 12:30p Table Walk starts
at 1:00p with a Potluck (see notes up in program area)
Meeting adjourned with a motion by Viki W. Second, Barbara K.
Meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting
October 17, 2024
Members Present: Tamara Craig, Viki West, Gail Chipman, Nancy Nash,
Jennette Buss, Linda Patrick, Chris Benedetti, Penni Myers, Lindanne
Perdue, Pat Laub, Janet Sylvester, JoAnne Sedlacek, Ann Brakob, Darcy
de la Rosa, Jean Amundson, Rose Shaw.
Meeting Called to order at 10:00 by Darcy de la Rosa.
Penni Myers asks for a motion to approve the September Executive
Board Meeting minutes. Chris B. seconded. Approved with a full
Treasurer’s Report was emailed along with Budget by Pat Laub.
Old Business
2025 Budget – No questions or concerns on Proposed Budget. Will recommend to the November Meeting.
Put in blog post that 2025 Challenge – the presentation from Oct. General Meeting is as stands.
We are maintaining bylaws as stand for Budget presentation.
New Business
2026 Raffle Quilt Proposals
#1 Kirigami is Pattern and Full Kit of Fabric for the top. Design is a
Mari Martin – Tamara presents.
#2 “All Roads Lead to the Sea” pattern by – Janet S. would need to
buy all the fabric. A kit is $190 dollars with all fabric.
Jean A. makes a motion as the 2026 raffle quilt is Kirigami pattern
Nancy N. seconded. Approved. Lindanne and Tamara Craig will be on
point for the quilt build. A move was made to review the directions for ‘All Roads Lead to the Sea” to be a possibility for 2027 raffle quilt.
Proposal for Biannual Quilt Show – Jane S. – Viki says it might be a
good idea. Pamela is wondering will it cost us financially. Our net profit for
this year’s quilt show was above $6,000. Option of classes every other year.
This discussion is put to the agenda of November General meeting.
Penni Myers brought up a thought to reduce the cost of the
workshops for members. The purpose is to teach and learn. Further
discussion next month during Executive Board meeting per bylaws section
Workshop item #2.
Committee Reports
BOM – Joy – Nothing new
Budget/Finance – Pat Laub/Janet Sylvester – Budget for quilt show is $2K
over. Need to look to General meeting to change the entry fee for quilts.
Challenge – Darcy – presented earlier in meeting.
Mtg Logistics –
ZOOM – Penni Myers will take over Nan’s efforts until end of the
Set Up – Jennette Buss – Nothing new to report.
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius –
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – Community Quilters on October 31
instead of November 3rd . Want to start bringing small fabric for dispersing
at the meetings from the stash: ½ yards, yards, fat quarters. Other will
possibly be put together to be donated to ARC.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek – Nothing really to report. Saturday
October 26th is the final for the year.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg – The October meeting is final Finishing
School. It will be the last one.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti – Thinking plan for an online auction before
holiday’s 2026. Will be putting it on Blog for getting quilt donations. Putting
kits on to the auctions.
Membership – Patti Stephens– Not in attendance
Merchandising –Penni Meyers– Nothing new
Programs/Workshops – Pamela Potter – Moving forward next year. One
online Presenter.
Publicity (written) – Jean Amundson – Nothing to report
Blog – Nancy Nash – Get things to Nancy by 9:00pm on the Friday
they want the information to go out.
Website – Linda Patrick – Ann Brakob new point person – Linda is leaving.
She took care of the rack cards for quilt show, it is stored on the website
server. Needs to be handed over to someone. Need to put together a list
of where things are that the President maintains regarding information
stored on the website behind the scenes.
2025 Raffle Quilt Sales – No one in attendance
Quilter’s Surprise –Debbie Mosley – No one in attendance
Retreat – Viki West – 29 have already signed up. So 20 spaces are left for
the Retreat. Just need to fill out form and make a $50 deposit to hold a
Veterans’ Project – Rose Shaw – Nothing to report. 10 presentations
made on 10/16. Cheryl and Betty are wanting to step back from being the
chair for Veterans. Jennette said that was discussed at the October
meeting among the attendees, and it has been covered to lighten their load.
Information – Announcements
November General meeting 11/14 @1PM with Table Walk at 12:30P
November Executive Board Mtg. 11/21 @ 10AM via Zoom
Community Quilters – Thursday 10/31 @ St. Luke’s by the Sea in
Waldport 10:00A– 3:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
General Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2024
Meeting Called to order by Darcy de la Rosa at 1:00p.
Motion to approve September 2024 minutes made by Diane and seconded
by Linda P. Motion passed.
Pat Lobe has the financial report in the back for review.
Kathy Lambert made a presentation from the Small Quilt Auction of the quilt
show to Samaritan House which had been the chosen charity to the
amount of $587.50. Samaritan House director was extremely honored to
accept the donation.
Committee Reports
Quilt Show – Need volunteers to be Chair and Co-Chair the Show.
Challenge – For 2025 will be called “Trips and Travels“ like usual can be
no larger than 120” in circumference. Must contain 1 button (either with
holes to sew on or a shank on the back type) must be able to be sewn on
the front of the Quilt somewhere but if needed can be glued on. Then
finally needs an embellishment. In addition, a ½ page sheet with the story
typed telling the quilt’s story will be required.
Get ’er Done UFO Project of the Month Challenge – This month’s
number to focus on for November meeting is #6. (See September meeting
minutes for rules for this challenge)
Raffle Quilt 2025 – Jan & Toni – will be ready by Christmas.
Community Quilters – Lindanne – Have given 54 quilts away to date this
year. Putting a moratorium on accepting any donations of fabric until after
first of year (2025).
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek– October 26th
Membership – Patti Stephens – up to 176 members… 58 in attendance in
person and 9 on Zoom. New members: none. Guest in attendance: Mary
Merchandise – Penni Meyer – no more ordering of vest or jackets this year
something new next year.
Website/Blog – Linda Patrick/Nancy Nash – nothing to report
Retreat – Viki – They will be taking applications starting in October and
November for next year’s retreat on April 22-25, 2025. A $50.00 deposit
needed at registration with final payment in February meeting (total cost is
$360 for in lodge stay, separate price for RV stays). There will be a 2 ½”
strip exchange again next year in Jewel tones. Another challenge for the
quilt retreat is to make something using a block of a specific fabric as
dominate in the design or project. The block of fabric is handed out when
you register for the retreat.
Veterans Project – Rose – 628 quilts given away. There will be a
presentation next week at this month’s meeting starting at 2pm.
Programs & Workshops – Pamela/ –
October is Clam bag class tomorrow…10/11
November Applique Program
January is a sweatshirt sew workshop. 1/10/2025
Program – Presentation by Alex Anderson “My Quilty Life”
National spokesman for Bernina and Go.
Began sewing when she was a small child with her grandmother.
Got first sewing machine for 8th grade graduation. She gives her ability to
move through each new challenge to her father making her learn to row a
boat at a young age.
She encouraged the members of the audience to “Embrace being a
quilter”. Don’t worry about how good you are or that you don’t know
differing techniques. Just Embrace the joy of quilting and the love you put
into your work.
Check out her web site for free newsletters or membership to classes at Look for her on Facebook or YouTube for shows.
Block of the Month – Nancy Zavacki – a Fish block.
Quilter’s Surprise – Pat Laub – needle threader and car coaster
Nifty Notions – Jackie Lund – gypsy gripper and iron slide.
Show & Share:
1. Vicki West – An adorable quilt with a ring of buildings wall hanging
she plans to give to a friend for her birthday.
2. Wanti Luft – Shared many of her initial quilts with various techniques
she has been trying.
3. Rose Shaw – Mother-in-law made this one out of scraps of fabric to
4. Linda Reeve – A Gnome from a MSQ pattern.
5. Jane – Bow chuck bag purse
6. Boxes and Beyond Class – Pam P., Lynn., Nan S., Gloria Z. Samples learned from last month’s class.
7. Displayed by Lynn for Jean A. – Two beautiful Veterans quilt to be
given to the Veterans Quilt project
8. Gae Laurance – Finished an amazing Viking quilt theme at the
retreat, Halloween quilt with black cat, Halloween kit with bats in
corner, Table runner from a charm pack.
Acknowledgements & Announcements:
• Veteran’s Workday: 10/16/2024 9:30-3:30 @ Siletz Grange
• Executive Board Meeting, 10/17/2024 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
• Documentation: Saturday, 10/26/2024 9;30-3:30 @ Lincoln Co Historical
Museum (next to Burrows House) in Newport
• Finishing School 10/24/2024 10:00-3:30p @ Carriage House, Newport
• Community Quilts: Thursday, 11/7/2024 @ 10:00a-3:00p St. Luke by
the Sea in Waldport
• November OCQG Gen Meeting 11/14/2024 @ 12:30p
Meeting adjourned at 3:20p with a motion by Kathy Lambert. Second Kathleen Holt.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting
September 19, 2024
Members present: Tamara Craig, Darcy de la Rosa, Pat Laub, Viki West,
Janet Sylvester, Diane Tillotson, Nan Scott, Lindanne Perdue, Chris
Benedetti, Lynn Moody, Jean Amundson, Linda Patrick, Jane Szabo,
Debbie Mosley, Rose Shaw
Meeting called to order at 10:00 by Darcy de la Rosa.
Viki West asked for a motion to approve the August Executive Board
Meeting minutes. Chris B seconded. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer Report was emailed. “Get ‘er Done” Challenge monies will come
out of Quilt Show. Accepted.
Old Business –
Nomination Committee Report (Viki West) – Members of committee:
Viki West – President; Barbara Kinzel – VP; Tamara Craig – Secretary; Pat
Laub – Treasurer; as well as quite a few commitments for committee
New Business –
2025 Budget (Pat Laub/Janet Sylvester)
Performed a line-by-line-item review. Notable adjustments were as follows:
Veterans – Waiting for Betty to return from vacation for changes;
Documentation – Reduced to $300;
Block of the Month – Increased for 2025 to $900;
Meeting Coordinator – Reduced to $50. (Looks like the purchases of new
microphones have been being put under Capital expenses instead of
meeting coordinator expense.)
Future Raffles – Will remain same
Silent Auction/Charity (New Item) – Discussion of where the monies from
silent auction that goes out to outreach.
Rent for Storage – Will put in $2,500, as the storage facility has not gotten
back regarding next year’s possible increase.
Credit Card Fees – Increasing to $800
Insurance – Decreased to
Outside Membership – Usually Latimer, Chamber of Comm., leave as is.
Library, Table Rental – Motion made by Jane to remove
Guest Speaker – Zero out expense
General Equipment/Show Equipment -?????
Motion to Approve was denied. Will review again during October Executive
Board meeting. Updates from today will be made to the 2025 budget and
will be open to further discussion at the October Executive meeting.
Note: We will discuss a policy change for the budget approval to next
month’s meeting.
2025 Challenge (proposals) – Moved to next month
Requests for 2026 Raffle Quilt proposals – Janet discussed pattern for “All
Roads Lead to the Sea” possible suggestion. Moved to next month’s
Committee Reports –
BOM (Joy) – Nothing
Budget/Finance (Pat Laub) – Covered
Challenge (Diane Tillotson) –
Meeting Logistics –
ZOOM (Nan Scott) –
Set Up (Jeanette Buss) –
Hospitality (Teecia Cornelius) –
Community Quilters (Lindanne Perdue)
Discussed the way to get rid of the extra fabric that can’t go to the new
location. Giving more to 4H group. Use for the flannel making squares and
surging edges to make reusable paper towels.
Documentation (Joanne Sedlacek) – Not in attendance
Finishing School (Paulette Stenberg) – Not in attendance
Fundraising (Chris Benedetti) – Thinking plan for an online auction before
the holidays 2026.
Membership (Patti Stephens) – Not in attendance
Merchandising (Penni Meyers) – Not in attendance
Programs/Workshops (Pamela Potter/Lynn Moody) – Secured a plan for
next year – 3 full-day and 2 half-day workshops.
Publicity (written) (Jean Amundson) – No publicity for October
Blog (Nancy Nash) – Not in attendance
Website (Linda Patrick) –
Quilt Show Co-Chairs (Jane Szabo/Jan McQueen) – Thanked Debbie
Mosley for helping reduce costs. Got rid of the solid two steps. Put it out
there to think about making quilt show every 2-year event.
2025 Raffle Quilt Sales – No one in attendance
Quilter’s Surprise (Debbie Mosley) – Nothing new… we are good
Retreat (Viki West) – Updating the website for the retreat entry form.
Taking sign-ups at October meeting, and then a blog post to sign up via
Veterans Project (Rose Shaw) – Very productive day. 12 quilt tops turned
in and looking for machine quilters to help with those. Next meeting is Oct.
16 – Will be making 6 presentations.
Motion: Debbie Mosley motioned for an approval to allow Rec Center to
borrow 15 Quilt Stands for an event in October, with understanding of
replacement or repair of any damaged equipment. Rose Shaw seconded.
Information – Announcements
General meeting – Oct. 10, 2024 @ 6pm. Table Walk at 5:30pm
Finishing School – Sept. 26, 2024, 10:00a-3:30p @ Carriage House
Documentation – Oct. 26, 2024, 9:30-3:30 @ Carriage House
Motion to adjourn made by Rose Shaw and seconded by Janet Sylvester.
All were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:36 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
General Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2024
Meeting Called to order by Darcy de la Rosa at 6:00p.
Motion to approve August 2024 minutes made by Rose Shaw and
seconded by Lisa Taylor. Motion passed.
Pat Lobe has the financial report in the back for review.
Thank you from Samaritan house for the latest quilts given for their recent
Carolyn Ryder has passed way.
Hugo quilt show
Jeanette Buss has volunteered to help with set up of meetings as Velma
Freudenthal has had to step down from the position.
Committee Reports:
Quilt Show – Need volunteers to be Chair and Co-Chair of the Show.
Challenge – Need ideas to be presented at next week’s Executive zoom
Get ’er Done UFO Project of the Month Challenge – Sign up to join this
project challenge – 1- 8 projects or less. Each month we will draw a
number between 1-8 at the meeting that will be the project number that
needs to be completed that month. Then show and shared at the next
month’s quilt Guild meeting will be your project completed. This will continue
until June when a grand prize will be offered. This will give us more items
that can possibly be put in next year’s show. Led by Jane Szabo.
Raffle Quilt 2025 – Jan & Toni – at quilters will be at the December Mtg
Community Quilters – Lindanne – Have moved what would fit to the new
location Episcopal Church in Waldport. We still need to move the quilts to
the church, but need to get the covers for our shelves installed before we
take them down. Still have a good portion of things at Tamara’s house;
working to find options for the various materials. Looking to plan workshop
days for the Community Quilters efforts on the months with a 5th Thursday.
Looking at October and January to start at the church.
Documentation – JoAnne – October 26th at the Burrows House
Membership – Pat Stephens – up to 176 members… 60 in attendance in
person and on Zoom. New members: Wanti Luft and returning member
Vivian Johnson. Guest in attendance:
Merchandise – Penni Meyer – Sweatshirts both hooded and un-hooded
next month in various sizes and color.
Website/Blog – Linda Patrick/Nancy Nash – Remind people the blog goes
out on Friday by 9 pm.
Retreat – Viki – Went to Alders Gate for a Eugene Retreat and the lights
have been changed and it is brighter now. They will be taking applications
starting in October and November for next year’s retreat on April 22-25,
2025. A $50.00 deposit needed at registration with final payment in
February meeting (total cost is $360 for in-lodge stay, separate price for RV
stays). There will be a 2 ½” strip exchange again next year in jewel tones.
Will also accept guild registration in Jan/Feb opening after February
meeting to the public.
Veteran’s Project – Rose – Presented 9 quilts during our vacation period.
In October there will be a presentation during our workday. Since inception
of the project there have been 623 quilts given to veterans.
Programs & Workshops – Penni/Lynn –
October is Clam bag
November Applique Program
January is a sweatshirt sew workshop.
Nan Scott presented a book of all the quilts Evelyn DePaolo displayed at
this year’s quilt show as Featured Quilter titled the book Golden Needle.
Program – “Casting Shadows with Colleen Wise”
Colleen is from Puyallup, WA and told an enlightened story of her life from not
doing well in Home Economics class in school as a youth, behind an older
sister Mary that per her words is a “Martha Stewart without a felony
conviction.” Took her favorite class of geometry and her engineering
background into designing and making quilts. Her story was told with
humor and joy of her art. She may not have liked art in school, but she is a
true artist with her beautiful quilt designs. All her quilts needed depth either
in a story behind the design or Visual Depth. She published a book called
“Casting Shadows” several years ago.
She uses many different techniques to get her shadows in her quilts:
applique, discharging color with a process bleach, and then dying colors to
She did give a sharp caution to the discharging process to do it with lots of
personal protection and to use a neutralizer on the fabric to stop the
continuation of the bleach process on fabric called Antichlor.
Colleen will be teaching workshop on Friday that was boxes in boxes.
Block Of Month – Will start again in October.
Nifty Notion – Origami Grid folding cutting board
Quilter’s Surprise – Wanti Luft – Bird pattern kit/quilt-patterned playing
Extra – Darcy de la Rosa – Morning Star Pattern
Show & Share
Acknowledgements & Announcements-
• Veteran’s Workday: 9/18/2024 9:30-3:30 @ Siletz Grange
• Executive Board Meeting, 9/19/2024 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
• Documentation: Saturday, 10/26/2024 9;30-3:30 @ Lincoln Co Historical
Museum (next to Burrows House) in Newport
• Finishing School: 9/26/2024 10:00-3:30p @ Carriage House, Newport
• Community Quilts: Thursday, 10/3/2024 @ St. Luke by the Sea in
• October OCQG Gen Meeting 10/10/2024 @ 12:30p
Meeting adjourned with a motion by Toni Bodie. Second Nan Scott.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting 8/15/24
The meeting was called to order by President Darcy de la Rosa at 10:00 a.m. A quorum was present. Jane Szabo moved to approve the minutes from the July 18 board meeting. Gail Chipman seconded. The motion passed.
Nan Scott questioned the negative income amounts in the treasurer’s report. Pat Laub explained that was the amount of the starting banks at the quilt show which will balance out when the returned banks get posted to the accounts. Pamela Potter said she didn’t receive the treasurer’s report. Pat asked Pamela to send her email to her and she would make sure she got the report.
Viki West will chair the Nominating Committee and will put together her own committee.
Budget requests for 2025 have to be sent to the treasurer by the September general meeting.
Proposals for the 2025 challenge quilts have to be presented at the September board meeting.
Jane Szabo is suggesting a UFO challenge that will encourage members to finish projects. The details will be on the blog; it will be called “Get ‘er done.” Members will number their own UFOs, up to eight; when they finish a project they will fill out a ticket at the guild meetings for a chance to win a prize. The expenses will come out of the capital expenses budget. Viki West moved to
approve the project, Diane Tillotson seconded. The motion passed.
Nan Scott borrowed three “point of purchase” devices to use for credit card sales at the quilt show. She requested permission to buy two for use by the guild. Approval was granted.
Diane Tillotson is rewriting her challenge quilt report to put in the packet.
Pat Laub and Janet Sylvester are working together on budget and finance.
Nan Scott requested asking members to train for meeting logistics for the guild meetings. Velma Freudenthal has resigned as the meeting coordinator due to injuries suffered in a car accident. We need a person for set-up and to run the computer for the Zoom at the meetings. Darcy de la Rosa is going to train at the September meeting. Jane Szabo will put a request on the blog. Pamela Potter thinks we need two members to cross train.
Community Quilters is moving September 5th. They have use of a truck to move the shelves beforehand. Lindanne Perdue said we didn’t have as much room at the new location and she would be getting rid of some fabric. She earned about $500 at the quilt show boutique and is donating it back to community quilters. She is also selling merchandise at a fair and will donate that money.
Documentation – No report.
Finishing School meets next week on 8/22.
Chris Benedetti said the online auction should have been this year, but there seemed to be a lack of enthusiasm last time and she decided to wait. She may try to do an auction in early spring and may include quilt-related baskets. Chris is going to poll the members at the guild meeting and see how they feel.
Patti Stephens said we are up to 174 members. She will send out a list of areas of interest from the membership applications to potentially fill board and committee positions.
Penni Myers said the guild merchandise made money at the show. She has about eight totes of fabric someone donated.
Pamela Potter reported eighteen members have registered for the “boxes” workshop. She got good feedback from the August program on Batiks. The clam bag class taught by Penni Myers is coming up; the cost includes a kit. She will work on her budget.
Jan Amundson reported the September meeting program and workshop will “hopefully” be in the Lincoln County Leader.
Communication – No report.
Quilt Show – Jane Szabo – Not all the numbers are in for expenses, so not sure how we did. Received two different bills from the Rec Center and has to confirm which one is good. We don’t have numbers from the boutique yet; guild activities raised $500. Attendance was down; Jane thinks only 1018 paid admissions. Need new co-chairs for next year. Small quilt auction raised $1,205.00; $600 will go to the Samaritan House. Nan Scott’s quilt won viewers’ choice at the library; $50 will be sent to the YCPC for Don’s Place.
Marianne Geiger is going to do raffle ticket sales again next year and has some marketing ideas for next year.
Quilter’s surprise – Debbie Mosley said one of the winners at the last guild meeting wanted to give her prize back, because she didn’t think she would use it. Ticket sales are doing well.
2025 Retreat – Viki West said sign-ups will start at the October meeting. Full payment needs to be at/by the February guild meeting. If we aren’t full at that time, we will open the retreat up to visitors. Viki is designing a registration form that will be on the website, as well as paper copies at the guild meetings.
Veterans Project – Rose Shaw reports we have three boxes of batting in storage. Need to order more soon. Rose moved the boxes out of the storage unit in order to provide better access to supplies for the quilt show. Darcy de la Rosa stated the veterans should be able to use the storage unit for batting. Jane Szabo said there is plenty of room.
Rose Shaw moved to adjourn, Diane Tillotson seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00.
Respectfully submitted by Viki West
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
General Meeting
August 8, 2024
Meeting Called to order by Darcy de la Rosa at 6:03p.
Motion to approve July 2024 minutes made by Phoebe Hein and seconded by Cindy McEntee. Motion passed.
Pat Lobe has the financial report in the back for review.
A thank you from PCH Auxiliary for the beautiful pillows patients get.
The Nominee committee is starting early for next year officers is being lead by Viki West. This is the last year for Darcy to be in the President and Viki will move up to President next year.
Committee Reports
Quilt Show 2024 – Jane – 1111 attendance. Best of Show in Bed category was Lee Palmer, and then in Wall category to Cindy McEntee.
The problem with the banners was due to changes by responsibility within the city organizations that do the hanging and the hanging (hook) requirements. Need to find how to handle them next year better.
Several comments that were from the Judge to the quilts this year were shared by Jane. Biggest was to have straight edges and sides.
400 votes from viewers choice… Second place Linda MacKown. First Place Gloria Zirges.
Viewer’s Choice for quilt challenge went to Jean Amundson.
Raffle Quilt 2025 – Jan & Toni – National Block of the Month was the start that was donated to the Community Quilt. Marianne will take care of getting the raffle quilt around and tickets next year.
Community Quilters – Lindanne – Moving day is September 5, at 10a Tamara’s house. No fabric donations.
Documentation – JoAnne –
Membership – Pat Stephens – up to 173 members… 73 in attendance in person, ** on Zoom. 2 guests. New members: Jackie Lund, Helen Hawks, Kathy Pavaro
Merchandise – Penni Meyer – Over $2,000 in merchandising.
Website/Blog – Linda Patrick/Nancy Nash – nothing new the last two weeks.
Challenge Quilt – Diane T/Jean A. –
Retreat – Viki – Nothing new
Veteran’s Project – Cheryl Kramer – 9 quilts handed out at quilt show. In 2024 we have handed out so far 59 this year. 614 overall since 2016. 5 applications from quilt show.
Programs & Workshops – Penni/Lynn –
Colleen Wise in Blocks and Beyond. – September
January is a sweatshirt sew workshop.
Program – Majestic Batiks – Reba Worotikan
Reba began her story with a brief explanation of her family-owned business. She shared a video from one of the villages that her business works with to make the Batiks from one of the many islands that make up Indonesia. She is talked through more about how they make Batiks after the video. Each production works with a 11 meter of cotton with hope that will make a batch of 5 bolts.) Dye comes from Germany, Cotton fabric is from the Cotton market (Japan, India).
Reba then shared a beautiful collection of panel Batiks that are not used for quilting but for making clothing or used as clothing by wrapping them around to make skirts.
Reba’s stick and mortar facility is just outside of Corvallis.
Block of the Month – No block of the month.
Nifty Notions – Ellen Hawks – Self-erase marker, iron cleaners, purse handles, pattern
Quilter’s Surprise – Jackie Lund – Project bag for gadgets
Show and Share:
- Paulette Stenberg– Hand quilted… named “At the Ranch.” Shared the quilt top she made from the basket she won at the quilt show.
- Maureen Gallant – Quilt-as-you-go during the retreat and once binding on will be finished.
- Group quilt shown by Patti Stephens – that was a presented to Joanne Sedlacek. (We sang happy birthday to Joanne.)
Acknowledgements & Announcements-
- Veteran’s Workday: None August returns in September
- Executive Board Meeting, 8/15/2024 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
- Quilt Show Meeting – 8/15/2024 @ 1pm Newport Library/ZOOM
- Documentation: Saturday, August TBA @ Carriage House, Newport
- Finishing School: 8/29/2024 10:00-3:30p @ Carriage House, Newport
- Community Quilts: No Meeting August. Please help us move to new space on Thursday, Sept. 5, 10am – 2pm.
- September OCQG Gen Meeting 9/12/2024 @ 6pm
Meeting adjourned with a motion by Carol Nelson. Second Linda Reeve.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting
July 18, 2024
Members Present: Tamara Craig, Velma Freudenthal, Jane Szabo, Vicki
West, JoAnne Sedlacek, Paulette Stenberg, Janet Sylvester, Darcy de la
Rosa, Gail Chipman, Pat Laub, Patti Stephens, Penni Meyers, Lynn Moody,
Debbie Mosley, Ruth Hutmacher, Nan Scott, Lindanne Perdue, Rose Shaw.
Rose Shaw seconded. Approved with a full approval.
Quilt (Jan or Toni) – Quilting should be done by February.
Motion by Jane Szabo Lincoln County Fair booth cost should be
going forward out of the Guild Fund. Seconded by Rose Shaw. Voted
approval. $175 expense will come out of the Board Approved Expense line
Oregon Quilt Festival from February 25 – March 1 if we decide to have a
booth. We will be able to display quilt and sell 2025 Raffle Quilt tickets,
February 25 – March 1 (10a -5, and Saturday 10-4) Oregon Quilt Festival
at the Salem Fair Grounds. Cost is $25 for the booth. Setup would be the
Wednesday prior. Jane makes motion to have a booth at this festival.
Debbie Mosley seconded.
BOM – Joy – new one in September
Budget/Finance – Pat Laub – Budgets Due in September
Challenge – Nothing
Mtg Logistics –
ZOOM – Nan Scott – Need more to help out. Need additional people
to be trained. Darcy will make a plea at the meeting that we need
additional people to step up and help.
Set Up – Velma Freudenthal –
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius –
Comm. Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – Moving in September. The only
space they will have is the shelves we currently have.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek – no updates
Finishing School – Paulette –
Fundraising – Ruth Hutmacher – nothing new.
Membership – Patti – nothing new
Merchandising –Penni – Did really well at the fair. Need a new tablet for
credit cards.
Programs/Workshops – Pamela Potter/Lynn Moody – rolling along.
Working on next year.
Publicity – Jean –
Blog – Nancy Nash –
Photography – Rose Shaw –
Website – Linda Patrick –
fund expenses. Way under 1000 dollar budget. Drop off 29th at Church
between 1-3. And don’t forget to pick up 4:30-5:30 on Saturday.
Quilter’s Surprise –Debbie Mosley – nothing new
Retreat – Viki West – nothing new. Start sign-up in October. Barbara
Kinzel will be leading the signup effort.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw – nothing new to report 609 given away.
August General meeting – 8/8/2024 @6pm. Table walk at 5:30pm
August Executive Board Mtg – 8/15/2024, 10-11:30am
Community Quilters – No meeting August, Come help move on 9/5
Veteran’s Workday – No meeting August
Finishing School – 7/25 10:00a-3:30p @ Carriage House
Documentation – 7 – 9:30-3:30 @ Carriage House in Newport
were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 10:50A.
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
July 11, 2024
seconded by Becky Mershon. Motion passed.
Raffle Quilt 2025 – Jan and Tamara – Nothing new
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – Nothing new
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek – nothing new.
Membership – Pat Stephens – 169 members… 72 in attendance in
person, 5 on Zoom. No guests.
Merchandise – Penny Meyer – shared the tote bags that are great for
carrying your quilts to quilt show and can carry 2 project totes .
Website/Blog – Nancy said Blog is rolling along.
Raffle Quilt Tix Sales 2024 – Sold at Lincoln County Fair 464 dollars
worth of tickets. All monies for tickets are do to be turned in Tonight.
midnight Saturday night 7/13.
230 quilts are registered, 140 to be judged. How delivering quilts for show
is to take place … at church on July 29 between 1-3pm. Paper label must
be sewed on the lower right corner as you look at back of quilt. Along with
an insurance waiver (one form for multiple quilts).
Pick up quilts by 5:30 on Saturday evening at the rec center if you have
quilts in the show. Please note that if you are working find someone to pick
up your quilt for you so that we can get cleared out of room as quickly as
For the Potluck bring your favorite dish. Thursday August 1- before 10 am.
at the Rec center. Noonish is time to eat. Put your name on the dish and
utensil if it is not disposable. Do not park in parking lot if you are coming to
help with set up, working, takedown.
Gail talking about boutique – to get your number on each of your items and
complete the inventory sheet before arriving. What time to deliver 9-3
Thursday to check in your items with your inventory lists. Closing at 3 on
Saturday. Pickup within 30 minutes to 1 hour after closing.
Pick up quilts can begin around 5 pm.
Next Thursday is the last quilt show meeting at library before the show.
August meeting program – Reba is from Corvallis – Batiks bring Batiks to
September 13 workshop will cost 65$ … lead by Colleen Wise A sign-up
sheet went around for the workshop.
Clam bag – 45$ workshop – Friday October 11
Block Of Month – No block of the month.
Nifty Notion – And the Winner is K Fort – ironing board cover, quilting
forever Swedish sponge.
Quilter’s Surprise – And the Winner is Velma Freudenthal – rotary cutting
Extra Nifty Notion – And the winner is Pat Laub – a Patriotic oven mitt
1. Lynn Moody – log cabin pattern of Liberty of London fabric.
2. Darcy de la Rosa – pop star workshop pattern. With Hello Kitty
pattern fabric
3. Velma Freudenthal – Good night moon quilt based on a challenge
tied to a children’s book story.
4. Nan Scott – Solidarity Quilt she designed in EQ
• Executive Board Meeting, 7/18/2024 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
• Quilt Show Meeting – 7/18/2024 @ 1pm Newport Library/ZOOM
• Documentation: July 20 @ Carriage House Newport
• Finishing School: July 27
• Community Quilts: No Meeting in July or August.
• August OCQG Gen Meeting 8/8/2024 @ 6pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting
June 20, 2024
Members Present: Tamara Craig, Debbie Mosley, Patti Stephens, Penni
Meyers, Gail Chipman, Janet Sylvester, Rose Shaw, Jean Amundson,
Velma Freudenthal, Chris Benedetti, Lindanne Perdue, Joanne Sedlacek,
Pat Laub, Viki West, Darcy de La Rosa, Ruth Hatmacher, Linda Patrick
Meeting Called to order at 10:03 by Darcy de la Rosa.
Jean read a paragraph from a book about quilters before the meeting
Viki West asks for a motion to approve the May Board Meeting minutes.
Lindanne Perdue seconded. Approved with a full approval.
Treasurer Report was emailed. May 20th Federal has changed their policy
and now we must keep a minimum 5000 balance.
Old Business – None
New Business – None
Committee Reports
BOM – Joy – No block of month in July or August
Budget/Finance – Pat Laub – no other issues
Challenge – Jean – 17 entries open for voting
Mtg Logistics –
ZOOM – Nan Scott –
Set Up – Velma Freudenthal – nothing
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius –
Comm. Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – Meet with Judith the pastor – at St.
Luke’s Episcopal Church. Clean up when done, safety with irons as
electrical system is old, and we will have a wall to put our shelves against.
Documentation – Joanne – nothing new this month
Finishing School – Paulette – finishing school in July and August. None
in November or December
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti – Nothing new at this time
Publicity (written) – Jean Amundson –
Membership – Patti –.one new membership at June meeting.
Merchandising –Penni – we did good with $400 of product sells at June
Programs/Workshops – Pamela Potter/Lynn Moody – nothing new to
report. Penni said their will be a meeting on Friday regarding next year.
Publicity – Jean – September workshop publicity will go out to paper early
to mid August.
Blog – Nancy Nash – nothing
Photography – Rose Shaw – nothing.
Website – Linda Patrick – nothing
Quilt Show Co-Chair – Jane Szabo/Jan McQueen – Quilt show meeting is
today at 1pm at Newport Library.
2024 Raffle Quilt Sales – Darcy noted – Quilt at Heritage Days with Jean
and then to Philomath quilt show
Quilter’s Surprise –Debbie Mosley – nothing for quilters surprise
Retreat – Viki West – working on a form that will be on the website.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw – Had a great workday. Only made 4
presentations. 10 out for quilted. Bundled up another 10 to be ready for
quilting in fall.
Information – Announcements
July General meeting – July 11, 2024 @6pm. Table walk at 5:30pm
Community Quilters – No meeting in July or August
Veteran’s Workday – No meeting in July or August
Finishing School – June 27, 2024, 10:00a-3:30p @ Carriage House
Documentation – July 20, 2024, 9:30-3:30 @ Carriage House
Motion to adjourn made by Patti Stephens and Seconded by Debbie
Mosley. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 10:28am.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Meeting Called to order by Darcy de la Rosa at 6pm.
Motion to approve May 2024 minutes made by Viki West and seconded by
Barbara Kinzel. Motion passed.
Pat Lobe has the financial report in the back for review.
Bear Creek Quilting Co. online in Lebanon. Long arm quilting service.
Latimer Quilt and Textile Center – Thank you note.
Sign up for the Lincoln County Fair – July 5, 6, 7
Committee Reports
Raffle Quilt 2025 –
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – Lynn Moody donation to the
hospital for newborn and nursery. Episcopalian Church in Waldport has
agree to give us a space in their facility.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek – nothing new. But looking for some
extra people to help with documenting quilting.
Membership – Pat Stephens – 168 members… 61 in attendance in
person, 5 on Zoom. One guest.
Merchandise – Penny Meyer – New hooded sweatshirts, crew neck
sweatshirts, and short sleeve shirts.
Website/Blog – Nancy nothing new on the Website/Blog. Chamber
meeting because we our members, pitch the quilt show.
Raffle Quilt Tix Sales 2024 – Marianne/Crystal – Quilt has been all over
the place. Quilt going to Beachcomber Days (Waldport), Lincoln County
Challenge Quilt – Diane T/Jean A. Voting will be online. They are going
to be displayed at the Lincoln County Fair.
Sponsored Ribbons – Diane – Tonight is the last night to buy a sponsor
ribbon. 29 are currently purchased only 6 more available.
Retreat –Viki – Contract for April 22-25, 2025 Cost is 360 for Room and
210 for RV spot. – 50$ deposit in October when sign up starts … Final
payment is due by February mtg.
Veteran’s Project – Rose – Next Wednesday- presentation to 8 or 9
Quilt Show – Jane Szabo – 97 quilts are registered. The closing of the
registration is July 4th . Gail talking about boutique – to get a number for
your items. Thursday between 9a-3pm is when inventory needs to be
delivered. The guild gets 15% of each sale. Toni discussion on Judging –
Tuesday and Wednesday (all day effort – Morning and Afternoon sessions
each day). Need to bring your quilts to church on Monday before quilt
show. Pamela – Quilt hosting sign up sheet. Also need to need help with
Setup and Takedown. Potluck is on Thursday – need sign up and food.
Workshops and Programs – Pamela/Lynn –
September workshop will cost 65$ … lead by Colleen Wise A sign-up
sheet went around for the workshop.
Clam bag – 45$ workshop – Friday October 11,
Program – Finally Finished Quilts – Pamela/Lynn
Participants sharing quilts and stories in the Finally Finished quilts were as
Teecia Cornelius, Judy Line, Carol Nelson, Toni Brody, Janet Sylvester,
Gloria Zirges, Nancy Nash, Darcy de la Rosa…
Winners of the Finally Finished judging were:
Best Story – Carol Nelson
Oldest Quilt – Janet Sylvester
Funniest Story – Gloria Zirges
Block Of Month – And the Winner is Pam Grindell
Nifty Notion – And the Winner is Jennette Buss – Giant Thimble organizer,
and a measuring tape/pin cushion.
Quilter’s Surprise – And the Winner is Nancy Nash – Sewing Room Bag.
Show and Share:
1. Jane Szabo – Splinters group did this scene wall hanging for the
silent auction. Then second quilt was an Art deco pattern from
Pinterest for son’s wedding gift. King Size going to Canada.
2. Darcy de la Rosa – Little quilt started in Florida and Finished in
Florida. Then a miniature quilt that was Be Mine
3. Pat Laub – queen size in grey in greens – found pattern on Pinterest
for Grandson.
4. Jean A – two quilts for silent auction. Homeward Bound
5. Nan Scott – Fusible pattern. Entry in small quilt auction. Cat and
Dog quilts for literacy program.
6. Linda MacKown – Tree inspired by Angle Oak in South Carolina
hundreds of little pieces, thread painting. Original pattern.
7. Joy Johnson – Baby Quilt for friends grandson. Self made pattern.
Acknowledgements & Announcements-
Veteran’s Workday: 6/19/2024@ Siletz Grange 9:30-3:30
Executive Board Meeting, 6/20/2024 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
Quilt Show Meeting – 6/20/2024 @ 1pm Newport Library/ZOOM
Documentation: July 20 @ Carriage House Newport
Finishing School: 6/27/2024@ Carriage House in Newport 10:00-3:30
Community Quilts: No Meeting in July or August.
July OCQG Gen Meeting 7/11/2024 @ 6pm
Meeting adjourned with a motion by Carol Nelson. Second Rose.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
General Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2024
Meeting Called to order by Darcy de la Rosa at 6:04pm.
Motion to approve April 2024 minutes made by Lynn Moody and seconded
by Linda MacKown. Motion passed.
Pat Lobe has the financial report in the back for review.
New Mail/Correspondence
— Azalea Quilters Guild – Brookings Quilt Show
— Samaritan Auxiliary thank you for the pillows we provide the hospital for
— Thank you from Christine for documenting her quilts – it was greatly
— Thank you from Oregon Historical Society – Susan Tissot, Executive
— Thank you from North Lincoln Historical Museum – Christopher Melton,
Executive Director
–Vicki – Lane County Fair fourth of July weekend
Committee Reports
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – Got all the fabric moved. Still
need to move the shelves. Starting on June 6th meetings are at Tamara
Craig’s home/garage in Newport. Kits, Head Start quilts that need bindings.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek – Saturday, May 18th, North Lincoln
Historical Museum. 9-3:30
Membership – Pat Stephens – 59 total people including Zoom. New
member Ronda. 166 members in total.
Merchandise – Penni Myers – Big order for hooded and non-hooded
sweatshirts couple in each size. Also ordered a couple jackets and vests.
Website/Blog – Nothing to report.
Quilt Show – Jane Szabo – Two more quilt meetings until quilt show. If you
can’t volunteer to work one block of time during the show, then you will
need to pay $5 dollars to have all your quilts judged. Register your quilts…
we need more quilts. Jane and Jan are going up to Lincoln City to get
quilts registered, but need to set up a date yet for this activity. Pat will be
getting judging set up by next General meeting in June. Silent Auction is
needing small quilts donated. Need to think about what you want to bring for
Thursday to the Potluck. Flyers are available to put up for the quilt show.
Gail will pick up numbers and tags for Boutique – text or email Gail if you want things in the boutique.
Quilt Show Raffle Tix 2024 – Marianne. – Purple Frog is where it is
currently hanging. Tickets are selling.
Raffle Quilt 2025 – Tamara presented …Charisma Horton quilt kit as a
possible option with a few pros and cons. This was a option that Nan Scott
brought forward at the April Exec. Board meeting.
Jan McQueen presented …. Toni took all the blocks of the month.
No cost beyond the backing and batting. 105” Called Amish with a twist…national
block of the month.
Voting – for 2025 – unanimous vote for “Amish with a Twist”. Thank you to
the Knotty Ladies and Toni for putting this quilt top together.
Will discuss 2026 auction quilt planning at a future date.
Challenge Quilt – Pamela Potter, the “Four Seasons” is the theme. Needs
photo and name of your quilt, pictures by 21st of May to Nan Scott. Get
your finished challenge quilts to either Diane or Jean A.
Sponsor Ribbons for the 2024 quilt show – $10 – your name and imaginative
quilt award name. Get to either Diane or Jean.
Retreat – Gail Chipman and Viki West – it was wonderful… large sewing
room, got to have our own treat table, great stay rooms. Food was fabulous.
Aldersgate Camp and Retreat was beautiful… Poem presented by
Carol Nelson describing the retreat experience from planning to conclusion.
Next year April 22-27, 2025.
Veteran’s Project – Rose – 587 quilts have been given out since we
Workshops and Programs – Pamela/Lynn – September workshop will cost 65$ …
led by Colleen Wise A sign-up sheet went around for the workshop.
Program – Penni Meyer – Nifty Notions
Penni presented lots of great gadgets and gismos that have aided her in
her quilting and sewing experiences. And some that she found at the quilt
show that looked like really great new notions. As part of the Nifty Notion presentation,
there were lots of items won by many… Kathleen Holt, Gail Chipman, Toni Brodie, Linda MacKown,
Debbie Mosley, Karen Mason, Kathy Lambert, Chris Benedetti, Jane Szabo, Gloria Zirges, Jane Towsley,
Sandy Anderson, Candy Smith, Marianne Gieger, Vicki West, Pam Grinnell, Carla Pickering, Karen Oetjen,
Pat Laub, Darcy de la Rosa.
Block of the Month – And the Winner is Kathy Lambert
Show and Share
1. Lisa Taylor – Memorial Quilt of soldier she will be giving to the
2. Popstar Workshop – Darcy de la Rosa, Pat Laub, Betty Wilson,
Cheryl Kramer
3. Pamela Grindell –
4. Linda MacKown – Emily Taylor Pattern, Applique
5. Toni Brodie – Row by Row pattern
6. Marianne Gieger– Applique of guitar small quilt. Second quilt was a
Quilters Cove pattern that she added embellishes to enhance of
Willmott Falls
7. Pamela Potter – Sweatshirt with a beautiful start pattern…a wearable.
Executive Board Meeting, 5/16/2024 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
Veteran’s Workday: 5/15/2024@ Siletz Grange 9:30-3:30
Finishing School: 5/29/2024@ Carriage House in Newport 10:00-3:30
Community Quilts: 6/6/2024@ 10:00-2:00 at Tamara’s house.
June OCQG Gen Meeting 6/13/2024 @ 6pm
Documentation: May
Meeting adjourned with a motion by Debbie Mosley and a second by Lynn
Meeting adjourned at 8:08pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting
April 18, 2024
Members Present: Tamara Craig, Jean Amundson, Debbie Mosley, Jane
Szabo, Velma Freudenthal, Lynn Moody, Darcy de la Rosa, Pat Laub,
Diane Tillotson, Rose Shaw, Paulette Stenberg, Viki West, Gail Chipman,
Chris Benedetti, Diane Tillotson, Nan Scott, Lindanne Perdue, Marianne
Gieger, Nancy Nash, Linda Patrick, Becky Mershon.
Meeting Called to order at Darcy @ 10:01 by Darcy de la Rosa.
Darcy asks for a motion to approve the March Board Meeting minutes.
Jane Szabo made motion and Chris Benedetti seconded. Passed with a
full approval.
Treasurer Report presented by Pat. Nan asked about the distribution of
checks from our outreach fund, (1900 total with 500 to three and 400 into
capital) Motion made for approval by Debbie Mos and seconded by Nan.
Passed with full approval. Pat noted at end of meeting that checks were
done for the three donations and would be mailed today.
Old Business:
Audit – (See written report) Gail/Ellen – Thank you very much for the work
you did from Darcy and the guild.
Community Quilters – Space – Lindanne – Went to Sea Towne small space
200sq ft. for $358 a month. Still trying to talk to Presbyterian church but
struggling to find the right person to talk to. Will be out of the Waldport
space totally by the first Thursday of June.
2025 Raffle Quilt – Some ideas are percolating. Nan shared a modified
pattern by Judy Martin that Nan renamed Coastal Fireworks that is
predominately foundation paper piecing. Then a second possibly the
“Fabulous” kit by Charisma Horton. A possible other suggestion by Lori
Downing was some animals but don’t believe the design will be ready for
2025. Jean suggested taking two suggestions to the guild. Nan will send
images to Tamara for presentation at the May meeting to get a vote. And
we will encourage Lori to work on her pattern for the 2026 raffle quilt.
New Business: No new business
Committee Reports:
Audit (March) – Already covered in earlier part of meeting.
BOM – Blocks were fun and going well by Viki from last month. The
directions for this month are a little vague to give a finished size. Viki will
request information from Joy and have it posted to the Blog.
Budget/Finance – Pat Laub – nothing new. Question asked about the
shredding efforts going. That is moving forward and looking for if
Thompson will have something free on earth day.
Challenge – Diane Tillotson – Going well at 31 signed up. Nan needs:
name of quilt, dimensions (Height and Width), and name of participant soon
and picture by end of May.
Mtg Logistics:
ZOOM – Nan Scott –
Have the May meeting covered and writing up instructions for them.
Set Up – Velma Freudenthal – nothing new
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius – not in attendance.
Community Quilters: Lindanne Perdue – Looking for a free space but
budgets can be modified to cover a rental cost next year. Nancy Nash
suggested considering a sew-in space with storage. The dream is a work
space with storage. Lots of follow-up to do. Umpqua Valley quilt guild
could use some fabric for a sewing class.
Documentation: Darcy noted that all of these meetings are now updated
on website
Finishing School: Paulette – No meeting this month due to retreat but
will meet next month –
Fundraising: Chris Benedetti – No online auction. Been brainstorming on
Publicity: (written) – Jean Amundson – No update this month. Unless
programs a
Membership: No update
Merchandising: Becky is sitting in for Penni. More info for new
sweatshirt colors at next workshop
Programs/Workshops: Pamela Potter/Lynn Moody – August meeting is
Reba with Batiks and Working on next year’s schedule.
Blog – Nancy Nash – Do we put in a gentle reminder about time
change of meeting written by Lynn
Photography – Rose Shaw
Website – Linda Patrick – Updated the documentation dates,
finishing school dates.
Quilt Show Co-Chair: Jane Szabo/Jan McQueen – Quilt show meeting is
today at 1pm at Newport Library. Still couple of open position chairs.
2024 Raffle Quilt Sales: Marianne Geiger – Contacted shops in
Tillamook and Florence they have tickets to sell, currently at Corvallis quilt
shop will be picked up before retreat and shown at Salem quilt guild
meetings. Marianne, could you have a couple of ideas for selling during
the next general meeting.
Quilter’s Surprise: Jan McQueen/Debbie Mosley – Keep buying raffle
Retreat: Gail Chipman/Viki West – Darcy noted the wonderful
communication by Gail and Viki. 45 people coming. No questions or
Concerns. 17 Strips. For the exchange
Veteran’s Project: Rose Shaw – Wonderful day yesterday, working on
making quilts. The grange is under remodeling, but they are being very
respectful of our space. The work should be done by June so we can do a
presentation at that time.
Information – Announcements:
May General meeting – May 9, 2024 @6pm – Table walk at 5:30pm
May Exec. Board Mtg – May 16, 2024 10-11:30am
Community Quilters – May 2, 2024, 10a-2pm @ Lee Palmer’s
(Come Help Move)
Veteran’s Workday – May 15, 2024, 9:30a-3:30p @ Siletz Grange –
Finishing School – May 23, 2024, 10:00a-3:30p @ Carriage House
Documentation – May 18, 2024, 9:30-3:30 @ Carriage House
Motion to adjourn made by Diane Tillotson. Meeting adjourned at 11:08a.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
General Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2024
Meeting Called to order by Darcy de la Rosa at 1:04pm.
Motion to approve March 2024 minutes made by Rose Shaw and seconded
by Jean Amundson. Motion passed.
Pat Laub has the financial report in the back for review.
New Mail/Correspondence:
— Thank you letter for our donation of $300 to the Make a Wish Foundation.
— Carson Valley Quilt Show June 1-2 – Gardnerville, Nevada
— Wild and Scenic Rogue Quilt Show – Grants Pass, OR on May 10-11
— Portland Quilt Expo this weekend.
— Salem Guild is having their regular meeting at Turner during their Retreat.
6:30 Scots Rite Center. (Crazy to Vintage Quilts is the program).
— Quilt Camp in May for Salem Guild ($20 each for different classes) same location.
— Linda Griepentrog – Dec 3-11 Hong Kong trip for fabric travels.
Committee Reports:
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue/ Lynn – Making blankets for OB
unit at PCH. See Lynn if you want to help. Lindanne has kits to make
pillowcases and flannel blankets. Still looking for a 300-400 sq. ft. space.
Still planning to move to Tamara’s garage starting in May.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek – Next Documentation meeting is Sat.,
March 30th @ The Carriage House, Newport, from 9:30-3:30. Everyone
and anyone is invited.
Membership – Pat Stephens – 60 people in attendance, 7 on Zoom.
Membership is up to around 165 to date.
Merchandise – Penni Myers – Placing two different sweatshirt orders, one
heavy and one lighter.
Website/Blog – Nancy Nash – If you are not receiving weekly email about
the blog posts send an email to Nancy Nash. Nan is going to be gone for
May meeting and needs someone to volunteer to operate camera in May
meeting. No other report.
Quilt Show – Jane Szabo – Meeting next Thursday at library at 1pm or a
Zoom link. Still need potluck committee chai and quilt activity booth.
Quilt Show Raffle Tix 2024 – Marianne/Crystal. Can pick up 24 for $20,
starting today. Please return the stubs when you have completed sales.
Looking for places to display the quilt and quilt ticket sales.
Raffle Quilt 2025 – Need someone to take lead and come up with ideas for
this quilt.
Challenge Quilt – Diane Tillotson, the “Four Seasons” is the theme. Needs
photo and name of your quilt, pictures by 21st of May. Sponsor ribbons for
the 2024 quilt show – $10 – your name and imaginative quilt award name.
Retreat – Gail Chipman and Viki West – Currently have 45 signed up, had
a couple cancel due to family events, so couple of open rooms. Strip Swap
is an option for the 2 ½” strips of batik fabric. The swap will be on Tuesday
afternoon. Bring number participating of fabric swap and then showing a
way to use the strips in a project. Anyone have a portable design walls
they could share. Wednesday afternoon, Viki is leading a class on making
endless prairie points.
Veteran’s Project – Rose – 29 quilts this year alone. 584 quilts given to
date. Next week on Wednesday is a great workshop.
Workshops and Programs: – Pamela/Lynn
— Next month’s program is by Penni Myers – Nifty Notions – What to do with this???
— September workshop will cost $65 … led by Colleen Wise.
Program – Charisma Horton Trunk Show
Lives in Deer Park a small town beyond Spokane, Washington. Has 6 kids,
never grew up around quilters, but loved art. Designs fabric, contributes to
magazines, and leads quilting cruises.
She told a beautiful story of her career changes into doing quilting with
some great anecdotes along the way. She gave back stories about how
she fell into the different parts of her career as a Michael Miller ambassador
,leading to her new line of fabric under Timeless Treasures called Live
Boldly (pink barns and chickens). She always has saying somewhere in
her quilts, because she believes positive words have great power. And
from a quilt show meeting, she met Jenny Doan and then traveled to
Missouri to film some segments.
Showed some beautiful quilts full of bright color and deep meanings.
— Block of the Month – And the Winner is . . . Pam Grindell
— Quilters Surprise – Tamara Craig winning an Ott Lite Desk light
Nifty Notion – K. Fort winning a box of pins and a magnetic pin cushion
Show and Share:
— Purses/Bags made in a mini retreat shown by Pam Grindell, Toni
Brody, Jan McQueen, and Elizabeth Wood. Knotty Knitters
— Betty Wilson showed a block of a camper applique she made for the
small quilt auction. –K. Fort – Beautiful blue hue quilt that was a Bargello pattern.
— Pat Laub – First was for youngest granddaughter – Unicorns in
Pink… Second was Kit from boutique last year blue flowers.
— Marianne – Stand Mixer paper piecing – found pattern on web. Then
a ByAnnie pattern for a purse. Both beautiful.
— Jan McQueen – Pattern from Ann’s stash of Cats through the
different season/holidays. Totally adorable.
• POP STAR Workshop with Charisma Horton 4/12, 9-4 at church
• Executive Board Meeting, 4/18/2024 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
• Veteran’s Workday: 4/17/2024@ Siletz Grange 9:30-3:30
• Finishing School: 4/252024@ Carriage House in Newport 10:00-4:00
• Community Quilts: 5/2/2024@ Lee Palmer’s in Waldport from 10:00-2:00
PLEASE come help us move!!!
• May OCQG Gen Meeting 5/9/2024 @ 6pm (NOTE: Summertime)
• Documentation: May 18
Meeting adjourned at 2:59pm, with a motion by Viki West and a second by Joan Johnson.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
General Meeting
March 14, 2024
Meeting called to order by Darcy de la Rosa at 1:01 pm.
Motion to approve February 2024 minutes made by Barbara Kinzel and seconded by Linda MacKown. Motion passed.
Pat Lobe has the financial report in the back for review. Any member who would like a copy of the financials should email her, and she will email them a copy going forward.
New Mail/Correspondence
Friends of the Driftwood Library in Lincoln City sent a thank-you note for our retired library cart. Been put to good use in their library Book Sale room. They enclosed a check for $200.
Samaritan House – Thank you for the donation to the house and the quilts for our families.
Thank you from Robin Maize, a veteran’s quilt recipient.
Bylaws Change – Jean Amundson
February board meeting change to the rules regarding the financial reports being posted to the website will no longer be in the bylaws, as the website is open to the public and the financial statements should not be there for all to see. Motion by Darcy de la Rosa. Seconded by Viki West. Voted and passed.
Committee Reports
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue
Check out the workshop tomorrow – pillow cases, tie quilts, pillows, hems on baby blankets. 9 to 4 at the church.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek
Next Documentation meeting is Sat., March 30, at the Carriage House in Newport from 9:30-3:30. Everyone and anyone is invited.
Membership – JoAnne reported on attendance, total today of 57 at meeting. Also, explained what has been happening with Patti Stephens, who is sick and will be having surgery soon.
Merchandise – Penni Myers
Stuff will be here next month. Contact Penni in the next week if you want any clothing or merchandise that she might not have in your size. She will be making an order from the vendor in the following week.
Website/Blog – Nancy Nash
We are updating the email addresses for the blog email list.
Quilt Show – Jane Szabo
Still needs a chairman for silent auction. Registration is already open – Darcy is registrar. Other category for items has enhanced description, “Other Techniques” for other than piecing and applique, like painted, embroidered, woven, etc. Wearables do not need to have a batting layer to be included. All quilts must have three layers. Meeting next Thursday at library at 1 pm.
Quilt Show Raffle Tix 2024 – Marianne/Crystal
Can pick up 24 for $20, starting today. Please return stubs when you have completed sales.
Raffle Quilt 2025
Need someone to take lead and come up with ideas for this quilt.
Challenge Quilt – Diane Tillotson
“Four Seasons” is the theme. Jean A. did a great job as Vanna, showing off the ideas board for the theme. Circumference max is 120”. Passing around signup sheet. Photo needed by May meeting, and completed with hanging sleeve by June. They will be displayed at the quilt show. None will be for sale at the quilt show.
2024 Retreat – Gail Chipman and Viki West
Attendance is almost maxed out. Currently have 49 signed up. Strip swap is an option for the 2-1/2” strips of fabric. Bring number participating in fabric swap and then showing a way to use the strips in a project. Batiks are the focus. Food allergies or dietary needs, massages, and strip swap, Gail needs input soon so that everything can be completed before the retreat.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw
We had a wonderful presentation last month – gave 9 quilts last month. Next Sew-In on 3/20, no presentation. New tools to work with. 579 quilts given to date.
Workshops and Programs
Workshop is next month – only 10 have signed up to date. You can still sign up – contact Jane Szabo – cost is $75.
Pamela/Lynn – Next month’s program subject is . . .
Program – Community Quilts/Community Needs – 2 Speakers
Sherrie Flinn – Samaritan House – Administrator and Parent Education
Samaritan House works and serves all of Lincoln County for men or women with children under the age of 18 that are homeless.
Only transitional program in Lincoln County – 35 years in existence.
Tides Motel was gifted to them – clean and sober facility with 11 apartments, Opened a daycare for their clients in the past couple of years – biggest success.
The quilts that we donate go to each person in a family that graduates from the program.
Their gala will be this weekend and is their largest and primary fundraiser.
Lucinda Taylor – Habitat for Humanity – Executive Director
Affordable Home Ownership developer – build new construction or rehabilitate home. The new homeowners help with sweat equity or working at our Rehab facilities for various jobs if they cannot get out and swing a hammer. Home Ownership, Home Repairs, Disaster Recovery are some of their other focuses. Helped with those that were affected by the wildfires.
Started in 1995 – 16 homes completed since that date – 2 more in process. It is not enough – we want to build up to 3 homes/year.
Hope Rises Village working in cooperation with First Presbyterian Church of Newport. For families with housing insecurity, like families coming out of Samaritan House – for rental.
Advocacy work making housing more affordable. We need a lot of volunteers . . . lots of committees that need help. Lucinda also works with Altrusa. Health education and literacy for women and children.
The Quilt Guild has helped out by giving baby blankets and burp cloths.
Furnishing Families Program accepts donations of furniture that could be given directly to families, maybe graduating Samaritan House.
Block of the Month Winner: Valentine month is Jeanette Buss.
Quilters Surprise – Pamela Potter won TrueSharp2.
Nifty Notion – Nancy Nash won mat cleaning pad and folded corner triangle.
Show and Share
Group from class from Smoochie Workshop. Several are donating them to the hospital birthing department in Newport.
Diane Tillotson – Cute, small quilt of a sailboat.
Joan Johnson – Halloween quilt
Jean Amundson – Gloria’s clams class last year in teal colors. Needs ideas for a name.
Darcy de la Rosa – Sister made the top from North Carolina . . . paid to have it hand-quilted in Minnesota . . . handed over to Darcy to work on it. Blue and white. Decided to wash it with color absorbers . . . after 5 washes still getting lots of dark blue absorbent sheets and white is not white yet.
Penni M. gave a tip to use boiling water and clear Dawn and let it soak until water is cold, stirring occasionally . . . repeat until you get the bleed colors gone.
Jane – Purse with pattern and fabric from trip to Australia.
Community Quilts Workday – 3/15/24 at church 9-4:00
Executive Board Meeting – 3/21/24 at 10 am (Zoom)
Veteran’s Workday – 3/20/24 at Siletz Grange 9:30-3:30
Community Quilts – 4/4/24 at Lee Palmer’s in Waldport 10-2:00
Finishing School – 3/28/24 at Carriage House in Newport 10-4:00
April OCQG General Meeting – 4/11/24 at 1 pm
POP STAR Workshop with Charisma Horton – 4/12/24 at 9-4:00
Meeting adjourned at 2:59 pm with a motion by Diane Tillotson and a second by Viki West.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
Executive Board Meeting
March 21, 2024
Members Present: Tamara Craig, Debbie Mosley, Diane Tillotson, Janet Sylvester, Darcy de la Rosa, Lynn Moody, Ruth Hutmacher, Rose Shaw, Velma Freudenthal, Viki West, Paulette Stenberg, Jane Szabo, Nan Scott , Pat Laub, Pamela Potter, Chris Benedetti, Lindanne Perdue, JoAnne Sedlacek, Marianne Geiger, Linda Patrick, Jean Amundson
Meeting Called to order at Darcy @ 10:03 by Darcy de la Rosa.
Darcy asks for a motion to approve the February minutes. Viki West made motion and Rose Shaw seconded. Passed with a full approval.
Treasure Report presented by Pat. Motion made for approval by Jean A. and seconded by Nancy . Passed with full approval.
Record Retention policy. – (Jane/Nan/Pat) Pat needs to keep 4 years of the bank records, and 7 year for other items will be in write up that records retention policy group noted today. Permanent records (no end to retention period) are audit reports, end of year financials, insurance policies, bylaws, 1 per year of old membership books, legal docs, articles of incorporation, executive board meeting minutes from time of incorporation. Getting rid of bank slips/expenses and report from 4 years and older. Motion to approve was made by Diane Tillotson made motion and seconded by Debbie Mosley. Voted and Approved by all.
Any other old business – none
New Business –
Audit – Pat noted that the records were given to Gail and Germaine. Moved to next month.
Community Quilters space (Darcy) – The building is going up for sale and we will need to be out by midsummer. Options…Nan suggested Aquarium village might be an option. Several suggested we will need to bite the bullet rent a space. Lindanne will begin now looking for a will new permanent location. Lindanne is going to check out a place in Seatown and Aquarium village.
Jean Amundson made a motion to formally set a date to move on start move in May and be done by June 6th from Linda’s location to Tamara’s garage for storage. Items will be moved out of Tamara’s garage by end of December 2024. Second Jane Szabo.
Key’s on current site need to only be 2 and Lindanne and only one other until we are out in June. Make a blog notice to turn in keys for the Linda’s Place in Waldport that are out there to Lindanne. And request for totes to borrow for move.
Committee Reports
Audit (March) – No update.
BOM – No update.
Budget/Finance – Pat Laub – nothing new.
Challenge – Diane Tillotson – 33 signed up nothing else new. Letter will be going out soon.
Mtg Logistics – ZOOM – Nan Scott – experienced with zoom and an iPad. Nan will find substitute for May meeting.
Setup – Velma Freudenthal – working on sound issues.
Hospitality –nothing
Comm. Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – General notes from the workshop. 15 pillowcases, 20 blankets, 40 pillows. Tied 2 quilts. Could probably use another one in the fall. Tying quilts at the retreat will be an assistance. 19 attendees. Maybe repeat the presentations from this month’s general meeting once a year. Jean A will get an article in the paper if Lindanne will do an accumulated write up about Community Quilts efforts.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek – no real updates. Upcoming documentation about a week away.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg – next week 10a at the Carriage House. No Finishing school in April. Her co-chair will get the blog the dates of future meetings.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti – nothing at this time.
Publicity (written) – Jean Amundson – want to do an article about April meeting and workshop.
Membership – no updates
Merchandising – no updates
Programs/Workshops – Pamela Potter/Lynn Moody – Guild members are enjoying the programs and workshops. Trunk show is the next meeting subject, and the next day is workshop. Currently 13 people signed up for the next workshop. Looking at different things to plan next year’s meetings.
Blog – Nancy Nash
Photography – Rose Shaw
Website – Linda Patrick – Need to add an article about feature quilter for the quilt show. Get a picture from the literacy program with pillows. A thanks to Linda for getting up everything updated.
Quilt Show Co-Chair – Jane Szabo/Jan McQueen – Registration is open. Meeting this afternoon.
2024 Raffle Quilt Sales – Marianne Geiger – I’m learning. Online is a misnomer. Sales at past meeting began and Sales will continue at next meeting.
Quilter’s Surprise – Jan McQueen/Debbie Mosley – nothing new, but glad Jan is back.
Retreat – Gail Chipman/Viki West – nothing new except letter being mailed soon.
Veteran’s Project – Cheryl Kramer/Rose Shaw – met yesterday 10 members and a good productive day. April 17th.
Information – Announcements
April General meeting – April 11, 2024
April Exec. Board Mtg – April 18, 2024
Community Quilters – April 4, 2024, 10a-2pm @ Lee Palmer’s office in Waldport.
Popstar Workshop – April 12, 2024, 9a-4p @ Atonement Lutheran Church
Veteran’s Workday – April 17, 2024, 9:30a-3:30p @ Siletz Grange – presentation @ 2p
Finishing School – March 28, 2024, 9:30a-3:30p @ Carriage House
Documentation –
Motion to adjourn made by Nan, Rose seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11:14a.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2024
Members Present: Tamara Craig, Patti Stephens, Pat Laub, Diane Tillotson, Jean Amundson, Darcy de la Rosa, Nancy Nash, Velma Freudenthal, Jane Szabo, Penni Meyer, Paulette Stenberg, Rose Shaw, Gail Chipman, Joy Johnson, Pamela Potter, Nan Scott, Debby Thompson, Lindanne Perdue, Janet Sylvester, Lynn Moody.
Meeting called to order at 10:02 am by Darcy de la Rosa.
Darcy asked for a motion to approve the January minutes. Penni Myers made the motion and Nan Scott seconded. Passed with a full approval.
Treasurer’s Report presented by Pat. Motion made for approval by Jean Amundson and seconded by Joy Johnson. Passed with full approval.
Old Business
Records Retention Policy. – Tabled to next month.
Bylaws – Change to not put the monthly treasurer’s report on the website. Only place the end of the year report on the website. Need to bring that change (Article 5, Section 4c) to the general meeting for a vote. Jean, as Parliamentarian, will bring this up for a vote at the March meeting.
Website/ Blog. – The calendar function has been updated with meetings, workshops in a list with dates grouped by month. Changes need to be notified to Linda Patrick. (This is in Events > Calendar on the website.) Friday posts will continue by Nancy on the blog. All committee chairs need to review their portions of the website (Raffle Quilt for 2024 needs to be added; Documentation dates are for 2023 and need to be updated). Send changes or new additions to
New Business
Audit – Time for an audit. Pat will get things together for handing to Audit team and bring all necessary items to the March general meeting.
Block of the Month – Going well, except for past months blocks being brought in late and then needing to try and get those to the BOM winner of that month.
Challenge – Diane said 35 members signed up.
Community Quilts – Just preparing for the March 7th meeting in Waldport and then March 15th workday here in Newport at the church.
Documentation – Need to get the updated schedule on the website.
Finishing School – Meeting is next Thursday and should be fun.
Fundraising – Nothing at this time, reaching out to other guilds to get some ideas.
Meeting Logistics – Contact Nan if you are not available to be at a general meeting, so we can arrange someone to cover your tasks. Nan is our point person for this committee. Need more control of the closet and what is put in there. Velma is going to write a note to be posted on Blog. Velma will take control of the closet at the church, so we don’t extend beyond our half of the closet we are allowed to use. Add a note to add to Final Announcements “If you brought stuff to the free table that didn’t get taken, please pick up and take it with you.” [NOTE: Later, at the Quilt Show meeting, after checking with the Grab Bag team, who indicated that they do take the free table items to review for grab bags, it was decided to remove the above decision re the announcement at general meetings.]
Membership – Patti stated that the directory is back with printers. One change was needed. Should have them sometime next week and ready for the March meeting.
Merchandise – Penni is going to alternate one category of merchandise item she brings to the general meeting instead of everything in smaller quantities. List of all merchandise items and their prices will be put on the website (maybe with pictures) with link to contact Penni if members want specific items and if they will be at the next meeting to get them.
Photographer – Rose spent time trying to get pictures to the web. She and Nan are working through the problem. Pictures are great for publicity on Facebook was a note from Jane Szabo.
Programs/Workshops – Had a great Smoochie workshop. Going to Quilt Show to see if we can find people to talk or workshops will also make the trip the committee’s meeting. Jane has been a great mentor. March program is two speakers from the organization who receive the Community Quilts.
Next workshop is the day after the April General Meeting – Pop Star Quilt workshop needs more to sign up, could use a note for attendees that if they are going to retreat, they could finish the workshop project there with help from others at the retreat. As of now only 6 have signed up for the Workshop.
Publicity – Jean has some things planned.
Quilt Show – 1 pm today at library is committee meeting. Need a chair for the Small Quilt auction. Opening registration the 1st of March. “Others” is being changed to “Other Techniques.” Nan is doing the program book for the quilt show.
Retreat – 41 members and guest, 6 RVers. Max is 60. No free tables, no Bags. Giving gift cards. Looking for those who have connections to quilt shops or coastal vendors and willing to help get gift cards. Give Gail a call
Veterans – Sew-In is next Wednesday with a presentation. Little Chief is open for food or bring a lunch.
Raffle Tickets and quilt have been handed off to Marianne at conclusion of Feb. General meeting. Working on the file for the card. Tickets should be ready for sale at the March meeting.
Motion to adjourn made by Rose Shaw, Joy Johnson seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Meeting Minutes
February 8th, 2024
Meeting called to order by President Darcy de la Rosa at 1:02 pm.
Motion to approve January 10, 2024, minutes made by Penni Myers and
seconded by Linda Patrick. Motion passed.
Pat Laub has the financial report in the back for review.
New Mail:
• Maritime Heritage Museum on Bayfront in Newport has a new exhibit.
• Samaritan House – Illuminate the Night event @ Chinook Winds
Casino Resort to benefit Children’s Advocacy Center of Lincoln
County and Samaritan House.
Committee Reports
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue made a correction based on
Lincoln City Quilters giving directly from their additional quilts, which means
we gave 162 quilts away last year instead of the previously recorded 151.
Workday on March 15th at Atonement Lutheran Church from 9:00-4:00.
Work on pillowcases, blankets, tie quilts will be focus. Please bring
machines and accessories (fabric will be provide for projects). Current plan
is to bring your lunch, but snacks will be provided.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek – Next Documentation meeting is
Sat., March 30th at The Carriage House, Newport, from 9:30-3:30. End of
January was last meeting.
Membership – Directory is at the printers. 157 members have signed up
and paid for the year. We have 59 attending today and 14 on ZOOM. We
also have 3 visitors today.
Merchandise – Penni Myers: Nothing to report.
Website/Blog – Need to update Blog with who the Featured Quilter is for
the 2024 Quilt Show.
Quilt Show:
• Jane Szabo: Announced we still need some help with areas of the
show. Marianne Geiger and Crystal Beard have volunteered for
Ticket Sales. Made an error on the tickets, but hand corrected all
8000. It is still 6 for $5.00.
• Quilt Show meeting is next Thursday 2/15/2024 @ 1pm at the
Newport Library in the McEntee Room
Challenge Quilt – Diane Tillotson and Jean Amundson: Four Seasons is
the theme for this year. Embroidery, embellishments are acceptable. Must
be finished by May, for showing at June meeting. Then voting after that
and quilt show.
Retreat – Gail Chipman: Guest to sign up met our minimum numbers.
There are 15 more slots open. The Retreat is April 23rd – April 26th.
No plans for bringing treasures. Gail will be emailing all attendees to confirm
your roommate. There will be 2.5” strip exchange, if you want to
participate, and a paper card class, as well as a scan and cut session (cut
fabric, print).
Veteran’s Project – A Presentation and Sew-In will be on February 21st
from 9:30-3:30 at the Siletz Grange. Bring Machine and accessories. To
date, the Veteran’s Project has given out 557 quilts.
Workshops and Programs:
• Smoochie is the pattern for the workshop happening February 9th at
Atonement Lutheran Church – lead by Karen Walker.
• Community quilt workshop with Charisma Horton, Friday, April 12,
Pop Star Quilt … still room to sign up. Cost is $75.
Trunk show with Karen Walker of Laugh Yourself into Stitches is our speaker today: Piecing Tiny Pieces. She works with tiny pieces … When teaching classes, she walks through the importance of preparing the fabric by washing, ironing, sizing, spraying multiple times, especially when working with tiny pieces. Karen recommends the product, “Magic Quilting and Crafting Spray,” — 20% discount coupon on her website for sale. The spray she recommends is a
buildable spray, so you can spray multiple times, improving finishing and
tightening up the fabric for when working with smaller pieces. She is a
traditionalist that uses ¼” traditional seams, tends to press seams to one
side, alternating the direction of the pressing. Karen Walker’s website is Her #1 selling pattern (1/2”- and 1/4”- triangles) is called “Cotton Daises.” She showed a beautiful example of that quilt.
“Spools of Love” and “Hi Neighbor” are free patterns on her website.
Block of the Month – Ruth Hutmacher
Quilters’ Surprise – Nancy Nash (sewing box)
Nifty Notion – Tamara Craig (key chain and car coaster)
Triangles on a Roll – Pat Laub
Coffee cup – Lindanne Perdue
Mini-Charm Pack –
Show and Share:
1. Joanne Sedlacek – Flannel shirt memory quilt
2. Judy – “Thankful” made for her daughter in law for Thanksgiving.
3. Janet Sylvester – Block pattern for great-grandsons, one in reds and
blacks (his favorite colors), and one in blues and blacks
4. Diane Tillotson – “Happy Birthday” wall hanging
5. Jean Amundson – “Dragon Fly” layered applique wall hanging. Pattern
was originally “Flight Path” by Whims Watercolor.
6. Nan Scott – “Jungle Walk” pattern from Harebrained Happenings.
Renamed it “Zoo Shoe Shuffle”… originally planned for a grandson.
7. Joy Johnson– Quilted Bag (one of 5 she made for family members as
Christmas gifts). She saved the fan portion of a quilt she had documented
last year and added pins from mother and grandmother to the bags as
additional bling.
8. Lisa Taylor – Purple Star made by unknown, but loved colors and wanted
to show.
9. Darcy de la Rosa – Wall hanging with fabric from her trip in Guam.
Named it, “Memories of Guam.”
Executive Board Meeting, 2/15/2024 @ 10 am (ZOOM)
Veteran’s Workday: 2/21/2024 @ Siletz Grange 9:30-3:30, with
presentation to veterans at 2:00 pm.
Community Quilts: 3/7/2024 at Lee Palmer’s in Waldport from 10-2:00
Finishing School: 2/22/2024 at Carriage House in Newport 10-4:00
Meeting adjourned at 2:55 pm, with a motion by Barb Kinzel and a second
by Jackie Stankey.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Craig
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Board Meeting 01/18/2024
The meeting was called to order by President Darcy de la Rosa at 11:01 a.m. There was a quorum present. The President asked for approval of the November board meeting minutes. Penni Myers moved to approve the minutes, Patti Stephens seconded, the motion passed.
The President asked for approval of the December Special Board Meeting minutes. Nan Scott made a motion to approve the minutes, Joy Johnson seconded, the motion passed.
The President asked if there were any questions about the Treasurer’s Report. Jane Szabo said the quilting for the 2024 raffle quilt was paid for both in December 2023 and January 2024. The treasurer will call the quilter and tell her not to cash the second check. The President tabled approving the
Treasurer’s Report until the February board meeting.
The President thanked Barbara Kinzel for her work on revising the scholarship policy; and Jean Amundson for going through the financial records and scrapbooks in the storage unit. Jean will keep the scrapbooks at her house until February 29 in case anyone wants them. After that, they will be disposed
of. Jean will put a notice on the blog so members can respond if they want anything.
Pat Laub reported on the IRS requirements for record retention. The requirements are:
Tax-exempt organizations must keep records for federal tax purposes for as long as they may be needed to document evidence of compliance with provisions of the Code. Generally, this means the organization must keep records that support an item of income or deduction on a return until
the statute of limitations for that return runs. The statute of limitations has run when the organization can no longer amend its return and the IRS can no longer assess additional tax. Generally, the statute of limitations runs three years after the date the return is due or filed, whichever is later. An organization may be required to retain records longer for other legal
purposes, including state or local tax purposes.
Jane Szabo, Nan Scott and Pat Laub will meet and review our current policy regarding record retention. Jane Szabo suggested we table further discussion until the February board meeting.
The signers on the bank account need to be updated for the current year. The new signers will be the President – Darcy de la Rosa; Vice President – Viki West; Treasurer – Pat Laub; and Treasurer Advisor – Janet Sylvester. Joy Johnson and Nan Scott will no longer be signers.
It was suggested by Nan Scott some board positions be removed or combined with other committees.
Jean Amundson moved to remove the Librarian position, as we no longer have a library, and to make the Greeter part of the Membership Committee. Viki West seconded; the motion was approved. Nan Scott made a motion under Finance-Budget to remove “and the Treasurer who is chair” so that the
budget committee could also do the audit, since the treasurer is basically who is being audited. Rose Shaw seconded; the motion was approved. Nan Scott made a motion to include the Blog Master, the maintainer of the email list, and the Webmaster under the Communications Committee. Viki West seconded; the motion was approved. Pamela Potter suggested paying a professional to maintain the blog. Nan Scott said it was not in the budget. It was suggested that the Meeting Coordinator be a committee of two. It was also suggested that the position be combined with programs. Jane Szabo objected, because it could potentially add to the duties of the Programs Chair if the Meeting Coordinator didn’t show up. It was moved by Nan Scott that the
committee be re-named the Meeting Logistics Committee and include a position for Zoom setup, camera setup, meeting setup coordinator, hospitality, and photographer. Pamela Potter seconded; the motion was approved with one opposed vote.
Viki West moved the present year retreat and the following year retreat be one committee. The present year Retreat Coordinator would be chair and the following year Retreat Coordinator would be vice-chair. Joy Johnson seconded; the motion was passed.
Pat Laub said page 45, section 4, item C of the Bylaws states the guild is supposed to publish an annual report on the website. It was suggested it be posted at the general meeting instead. Jean Amundson said the procedure to change a bylaw was to present the change to the membership 10 days before it would be voted on. Pat Laub will send out a proposal, so it can be voted on at the February general meeting.
It was discussed how to distribute funds to bring out fund balance down to the required amount. Jean Amundson moved to donate $500 to each of the following: the North Lincoln County Museum, the Lincoln County Historical Society, and the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center. The balance will go the
capital reserves. Joy Johnson seconded; the motion passed.
Linda Patrick asked any updates for the guild website be sent to Each committee is asked to review their section on the web page and send corrections or updates to the
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
January 11, 2024
Meeting called to order by Vice President Viki West at 1:05 PM
Motion to approve December 2023 minutes made by Diane Tillotson and
seconded by Barbara Kinzel. Motion passed.
Committee Reports:
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek reported that the next meeting will be
Saturday, January 27, 2024 at the Carriage House from 9:30 to 3:30.
Membership – Patti Stephens -57 members present, 8 zoom. Currently
working on the directory and expect it to go into production by the end of
January and be available in February if all goes well.
Merchandise – Penni Meyers – Jackets and vests are available – $65 for
Jackets and $60 for vests.
Retreat – Gail Chipman – We are low in the number of people of attending,
need to have 45 total. Cost is $340 per person, includes all meals.
Please feel free to invite friends to get us up to the 45.
Veterans – Rose Shaw – Wednesday January 17, 2024 next sew-in
date. Little Chief is open, plus food trucks. We have donated a total
of 557 quilts to date.
Challenge Quilt – Diane Tillotson and Jean Amundson – This years
challenge quilt will be 4 seasons. Limit to 120 inches total. Be as
creative as you want. Finish by May meeting, voting in June, picture to
Nan Scott by May. Sign ups now.
Workshops – Pamela Potter and Lynn Moody – Smoochie class coming up
on Friday February 9, 2024 from 9 to 12 with Karen Walker , kits are free,
class cost is $41. Upcoming events Popstar Quilt with Charisma Horton
in April and many more fun events planned.
Raffle Quilt – Viki – we need someone to step up and be in charge of the
tickets. We also need a name for the quilt.
Quilt Show – Jane Szabo – Meetings will start in February. Same judge as
last year – show dates Aug 2 & 3. Need some to head up Publicity, Quilt outtake, small quilt auction, drive the cargo van/U-Haul, ballot counting,
list being sent around for volunteers. Jane also announced the new
featured quilter – Evelyn DePaolo. Congratulations to Evelyn.
Community Quilters – 2023 donated 160 quilts, gave away 151, have 80 in
stock which will be used for foster parents. Feb. 1, 2024 Thursday,
workshop in Waldport. March 15, 2024 workshop at the church from 9
to 4.
Program – Betsy Brooks RN,LMT,RYT
BOM – Jeannette
Quilters Surprise – Joan Johnson
Nifty Notion – Bev Brassfield
Show and Share:
Rose Shaw – Half square triangle – half black, other half colorful triangles
Lisa Taylor – T-shirt quilt for a client with all concert t-shirts, quilt top
Jean Amundson – Kim Brackett quilt called scrap basket beauties
Friendship circles quilt
Denise Deville-Doherty – Friendship quilt that she inherited dated back to
Viki West – Snow globe table runner, Snowman quilt, Celtic lap quilt,
Snowman & Christmas tree – tied quilt and Xmas stack & whack quilt.
Announcements –
Executive Board Meeting – 1/18/24 @ 10:00am and on Zoom
Veterans Workday – 1/17/24 @ Siletz Grange – 9 – 3
Community Quilts – 2/1/24 @ Lee Palmer’s in Waldport
February OCQG General Meeting – 2/8/24 @ 1:00pm
Finishing School 1/25/24 10 – 4 @ Carriage House
Motion to adjourn made by Jean Amundson, seconded by Nancy Nash
Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnne Sedlacek
Documentation Chairman
For Tamara Craig
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting Dec. 21, 2023
Members Present: Pat Laub, Darcy de la Rosa, Barbara Kinzel, Janet Sylvester, Patti Stephens, Velma Freudenthal, Jane Szabo, Gail Chipman, Nan Scott, Debbie Mosley, Chris Benedetti, JoAnne Sedlacek, and Pamela Potter plus 3 proxy votes.
Meeting called to order at 10:06 by Darcy de la Rosa.
Barbara Kinzel made a motion that Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild create or amend the Scholarship program to provide for an increase of funds for Scholarship and to set forth a Scholarship policy. Janet seconded.
Vote: 3 opposed Motion passed.
Discussion on proposal – Change policy to 50% for a workshop and 30% for the retreat.
Membership – subcommittee to take care of Scholarship hours. Two committees (Workshop and Retreat) should not have funds taken out of their budgets. Gail Chipman volunteered to keep track of volunteer hours.
Barbara Kinzel made a motion that the Scholarship for a Workshop be 50% and 30% for Retreat, volunteer time be kept by a subcommittee of Membership, and volunteer time is 2 hours for a workshop and 8 hours for a retreat. Scholarship is limited to 2 scholarships for workshops and 1 scholarship for retreat per year. A member can only have one scholarship per year for either retreat or workshop. Nan seconded.
Vote: Motion passed.
Motion made by Velma Freudenthal that the subcommittee of Membership distribute applications, decide who receives a scholarship and keep track of volunteer hours worked. Gail seconded.
Vote: Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by Barbara Kinzel and seconded by Debbie Mosley. Meeting adjourned at 10:49 by Darcy.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Member Meeting December 14, 2023
Meeting called to order at 1:03pm by Darcy de la Rosa.
Motion to approve November minutes made by Jean Amundson and seconded by Barbara Kinzel. Motion passed.
Treasurers Report – Janet Sylvester reminded members to submit all reimbursement request by the end of the year.
Election of Officers for 2024 – Motion to reaffirm the election of officers made by Nan Scott and seconded by Rose Shaw. Motion passed. Officers are: President – Darcy de la Rosa, Vice-President – Viki West, Secretary – Tamara Craig, and Treasurer – Pat Laub.
Installation of Officers – Diane Tillotsen (past president) swore in the officers that were present – Darcy, Viki, and Pat.
Challenge 2024 – Diane Tillotsen presented the challenge quilt for 2024. The theme will be “4 seasons”. Diane handed out instructions for the quilt. Please contact her for more information and to sign up. Email – The voting will be held online.
Membership – 45 members present at meeting. Please pay your dues as soon as you can so the new membership directory can be compiled. If all goes well, the directory will be available at the February meeting.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw reported that 555 quilts have been given out with 92 of those quilts presented in 2023. The committee now has 25 veterans waiting for quilts. The Sew in at Siletz Grange is on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The next date is January 17th. Starts about 9:30 to 3. Will be a presentation at that time. There is one kit available.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – She was given a bunch of ruler holders that were to be given at the 2022 retreat. If you would like one, please take one. Also have a can of buttons if anyone needs them.
Quilts distribution in 2023 – unknown. She will put info into the blog. On first Thursday January 4th will have a committee meeting at Lee’s Building.
Retreat 2024 – Viki West is reporting for Gail (husband in hospital). Deposit is $50 with balance due in January. Check in at sewing room early to begin sewing. Check into rooms will be in the afternoon. See Viki to sign up.
Rec Center Quilts – Debbie Mosley. Currently Viki’s Christmas quilts are up. She also has Susan raffle quilt to hang, and she has made a nice plaque to go with it.
Online Auction – Done
Merchandising – Penni Myers reported that she brought some stocking stuffers to buy. She has lots of inventory so give her a call. Did very well in 2023 and made a profit.
Workshop – Lynn Moody and Pamela Potter reported that the 1st class of 2024 will be a quilt called “Smoochie” and will be a half day class. Karen Walker will be teaching. Lindanne will be making kits to sell. Workshop is $35 & pattern is $6. If registration is low, they will be offering to community.
January speaker will be Betsy Brooks who will talk about keeping ourselves healthy while quilting focusing on neck, shoulders, back and hips. She is a massage therapist and yoga instructor. Will demonstrate chair yoga that members can do while in the sewing room.
Quilt Show 2024 – Jane Szabo reported that meetings will start in February. Jan McQueen and Debby Thompson will be her co-chairs.
Meralee Wilson needs someone to help with grab bags. She will put them together but needs someone to collect and store the donations.
Raffle Quilt 2024 – Jane also reported that raffle quilt is at Lisa’s and she has about 1/3 done. Jane will bind the quilt in January, and she will show in February meeting.
A volunteer is needed to head up the Raffle Ticket Committee. Jane will order the tickets but needs another person to keep track of the tickets and take the quilt to the different quilt shops.
Program – Christmas Potluck. Table decorations were made by Betty Wilson and a drawing was held to win one. Two donations were available to receive a ticket for the drawing. The two charities were Don’s Place in Yachats and Food Share.
Viki West did a drawing for all members who participated in the BOM during 2023. Pat Laub was the winner.
President Quilt Presentation – Viki West presented to Darcy de la Rosa her president’s quilt. Joy Johnson will make arrangement to have the quilt quilted.
Nan Scott presented some information about Don’s Place – Church able to secure 5 shelter pallets that sleeps 2 people. They are for emergency only. Anyone who comes is accepted. The people can come in at 5 and be out by 8 the next morning. They are fed a dinner and breakfast. Community is working toward having a permanent place. Logo is a beanie cap, cup of coffee and a book. Don was houseless and passed away recently – found in his car dead of exposure and illness. He had lived in Yachats for many years.
Show and Share:
Viki West– 1st quilt is a Stack and whack quilt with a Christmas theme. 2nd quilt – started 11 years ago.
Teecia Cornelious. 1st quilt is made out of napkins used at her son & daughter in laws wedding. She also made the napkins.
2nd quilt – Embroidery found at Donna White’s house. Pretty sure Donna did not do the embroidery. Made into a quilt for her granddaughters stuffies. Border fabric was from her son’s bassinet.
Jean Amundson. 1st quilt was using disappearing blocks. Named – Making Arrangements. 2nd quilt – Edyta Sitar from Laundry Basket Quilts. Jean named Starflowers. This quilt was hand-appliqued and hand quilted at Bayshore.
Quilter’s Surprise – Tina McElfresh – silicone mat
Nifty Notions – Penni Myers – sewing machine cleaners & seam ripper
Meeting adjourned – 3:04 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Minutes November 16, 2023
Members Present: Pam Grindell, Patti Stephens, Penni Myers, Debbie Mosley, Jean Amundson, Paulette Stenberg, Darcy delaRosa, Gail Chipman, Velma Freudenthal, Jane Szabo, Barbara Kinzel, Janet Sylvester, Linda Patrick, JoAnne Sedlacak, Pamela Potter, Chris Benedetti, Rose Shaw, Nan Scott, Lindanne Perdue, and Lynn Moody
Meeting called to order by Darcy delaRosa at 10:03 am.
Motion to approve October minutes made by Debbie Mosley and seconded by Barbara Kinzel. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report made by Janet Sylvester. No questions.
Jean Amundson moved that we approve the treasurer’s report and seconded by Nan Scott. Motion passed.
Nominating Committee Report – Darcy reported that Tamara Craig will be Secretary and Pat Laub will be Treasurer for 2024. Viki will be Vice-President. Installation of officers will be made at the December meeting.
Scholarships – Background on scholarships. Years ago a member had paid for a retreat and then died before the retreat date. Her daughter said the Guild should keep the money and use it for a scholarship. Discussion of scholarship is tabled until the January 2024 meeting.
Motion made by Barbara Kinzel to offer members only a scholarship for workshop or retreat. Each member to received one scholarship for a workshop or retreat once every three years. Seconded by Nan Scott. Motion withdrawn.
Motion will be tabled to the January 2024 meeting.
Challenge Quilt – Diane Tillotson will chair the committee for 2024. She will work with Jane. We don’t have challenge yet, but they will be working on it.
Records: Janet will look up the date that the Guild became a 501 c (4). Janet will make arrangements to transfer records to Pat Laub until a decision is made as to what can be destroyed.
Debbie needs authorization to buy supplies for the hanging of Susan Cronenwett’s quilt at the rec center. It is okay to spend the money and put in a request for reimbursement.
BOM – No Report
Budget/Finance – No Report
Challenge – Diane Tillotson will chair committee for 2024.
Communication – Donna Harwell has resigned. Linda Patrick will serve as interim communication person. Nan suggested that blog posts be made once per week. Linda would like blog posts by Wednesday of each week.
Community Quilters – Lindanne reported that the December meeting is cancelled. Next meeting will be in January 2024. There are currently about 80 quilts stockpiled. Many of these quilts are already designated for agencies. There are about 30 quilts that can be distributed.
Documentation – JoAnne is setting up dates for 2024.
Finishing School – Paulette reported no finishing school in December. They will resume in January 2024.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti reported that she will be delivering last quilt and then they are done.
Hospitality – No Report
Membership – Patti reported that she will be sending out a blog post to encourage members to pay early. She will be beginning on the directory soon. If any committee has any updates, she would like them by mid-January.
Merchandising – Penni reported that she has lots or merchandise for sale.
Photographer – No Report
Programs/Workshops – Jane reported that members need to bring a potluck dish, placemat and table service, food donation and a donation for Don’s Place in Yachats. There is a Featured Quilter chosen but she cannot be present at the December meeting. The presentation will be moved to January when she can be present.
Pamela Potter reported that she and Lynn Moody are working on the 2024 schedule. Penni Myers will also be on the committee. The January meeting will be given by Betsy Roberts. Her program will be about taking care of your body when quilting. February meeting program will be Karen Walker. There will also be a workshop on Friday after meeting called “Smoochies” for a fee of $35.00. Some future programs will include Penni giving a talk on Notion, Nan speaking about EQ8, and a November program which will be different stations teaching applique methods.
Publicity (written) – No report
Quilt Show Co-Chair – Jane reported that they have a Featured Quilter. She will be presented at the January 2024 meeting.
Quilter’s Surprise – Debbie reported that she has prizes through February.
Retreat 2024 – Gail reported that her committee is JoAnne Sedlacek, Patti Stephens and Viki West. They are obligated to have 45 people present. Viki will be chair in 2025. Nan has done a beautiful job putting the information on the website. It was recommended that Gail talk up the retreat in order to reach the 45 members needed to attend.
Veterans Committee – Rose reported that at the Sew in yesterday with 10 quilters present. Four finished quilts came in. Cheryl has left applications at the police station. Right now there are caught up. It was a great day. Next sewing day will be Jan 17th and also a presentation of quilts.
2024 Raffle Quilt – Jane reported that Lisa Taylor will do the quilting. Jane will take the quilt to her today or tomorrow. She needs a member to take care of Raffle quilt ticket sales and also rack cards. Jane will order the tickets and the rack cards. Linda Patrick will design the rack cards.
Meeting Coordinator – Velma signed the contract for guild meetings in 2024 and the church gave the guild credit for the meeting that was cancelled in October.
Library – Donated rest of books to Friends of Driftwood Library. Roseanne Burton and Kathleen Holt took the remaining books and will deliver them. There will no longer be a library.
2025 Raffle Quilt – Need a volunteer to head up and also need ideas for a quilt.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by Rose Shaw and seconded by Debbie Mosley. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:03pm.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild General Meeting, November 9, 2023
Meeting called to order by Darcy delaRosa at 1:02pm
Motion to approve September minutes made by Roseanne Barton and seconded by Kathleen Holt. Motion passed. No general meeting in October.
Nan Scott reported that she has brought the book she made for Ruth Hutmacher who was the featured quilter in 2023. She also has a scrapbook made in 2008 for members to look at.
Lisa Taylor reported that there is a Ukraine Festival on September 12th at Sea Town. There is a quilt auction – the tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. The drawing for the quilt will be in December.
Committee Reports:
Joy Johnson reported on the nominating committee. Darcy delaRosa will be president, Viki West – Vice President. Pat Laub – Secretary or Treasurer.
Jean Amundson made the motion. Second – Chris Benedetti. Slate of officer passed.
Budget: Motion made to approve budget by Chris Benedetti and seconded by Joy Johnson. Motion passed.
Veterans Project – Cheryl Kramer reported that all quilts done have labels. She has blocks to be made. Sew in next Wednesday and they are taking December off and will do a presentation in January. Betty did an article in the Oregonian on the Veterans Projects which was nicely done. There is a veteran’s quilt display at the Pacific Maritime Museum till the end of December.
Membership – Patti Stephens reported that there are 62 members present including 9 on Zoom. There are 2 new members and 4 visitors. Dues are now being accepted for 2024.
Retreat 2024 – Gail Chipman says they have 35 members signed up. Retreat will be held at Alder’s Gate in Turner. Dates are April 23 to April 26. $340 per person. If you have an RV it is $190.
Rec Center Quilts – Debbie Mosley reported that Viki West will supply Christmas Quilts for December. Right now there are Veterans quilts displayed. Susan Cronenwett will display her raffle quilt that she won in January.
Auction – Chris Benedetti reported that the auction is over. There was $3,363 made on the auction. Next auction will be two years away.
Merchandising – Penni Myers reported that she has one new item which is a sticker saying “ “. She has merchandising for sale today. Clothing runs one size smaller except for the denim shirt which is true to size.
2024 Raffle Quilt – Raffle quilt top is displayed. Jane Szabo did most of the piecing and Elizabeth Wood did the applique. Lisa Taylor will be quilting the quilt.
Program: Karen Brow-Meier from Java House Quilts. The Smuggle Principles.
2024 Challenge – Jane has some ideas, but cannot be chairman. Viki West said that she would assist. If you would like to take over the challenge, please let Darcy know.
BOM – Georgia Sabourin
Quilter’s Surprise – Kathleen Holt – Sewing Notion Bag
Nifty Notion – Chris Benedetti – Magnetic Pin Cup
Coffee Mugs (2) – Jean Amundson & Lana Pries
Christmas Fat Quarters – Jackie Stankey
Show & Share:
Paulette – 2 cat quilts
Diane – Salamander quilt * Pineapple quilt
Pat – Pastel quilt purchased from Boutique
Darcy – Snowman table runner. Vegie potholder. Eggplant hot pad & dish pads for silent auction. Table runner for sister.
Joan Johnson – Halloween quilt.
Meeting adjourned at 3:02pm by Darcy.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2023
Members Attending: Pat Laub, Barbara Kinzel, Viki West, Joy Johnson, Debbie Mosley, Patti Stephens, Jean Amundson, Jane Szabo, Velma Freudenthal, Rose Shaw, Gail Chipman, Darcy delaRosa, Paulette Stenberg, Chris Benedetti, Janet Sylvester, Lindanne Perdue, Meralee Wilson, Ruth Hutmacher, JoAnne Sedlacek,
Meeting called to order by Darcy delaRosa at 10:01am.
Motion to approve minutes made by Viki West and seconded by Debbie Mosley. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer’s Report accepted.
Budget – Jane Szabo suggested that Merchandising show a profit. In the budget, income and expense are the same. As of August, there was a profit showing. Merchandising storage fee – merchandising has a second storage unit for a cost of $800. Right now there is not enough room in the regular guild storage unit for the merchandising. Issue will be deferred until next month when Penni Myers is available.
Motion: Jane Szabo made a motion that Merchandising budget be changed to: Income – $3,500 and Expense – $3,000. Seconded by Barbara Kinzel. Motion passed.
Guild storage fee is: $2,160 plus $800 budgeted by Merchandising.
Motion: Motion made by Barbara Kinzel to adjust budget and seconded by Rose Shaw. Motion passed.
Budget will be sent to all members by Nan Scott. It will not be posted on the website as it is a public site.
NSF checks – There have been 3 lately. If the check is returned, then they forfeit their membership. Bank has not charged a fee for the returned checks. If a person has paid their $25 membership fee, then they are a member in good standing.
Nominating Committee – Joy Johnson reported that Viki West will be Vice President for 2024 and then move to President in 25-26. Joy will then take Viki’s place and do Block of the Month. Treasurer is still undecided.
Sign-ups for Committee Chairs will be at the November meeting.
Guild Photos – Jane will give the scrapbooks to Jean Amundson for review. In later years, the scrapbook was for the president. Nan will bring her scrapbook to the next meeting. These were not historical records, but were a memento to the president. Pictures taken at meetings – Rose will give current pictures to Jane. Rose can airdrop pictures to Nan and she will put on the web.
Darcy will make an announcement at the November meeting as to whether or not members want their photos posted on the web or Facebook. Patti will add to Show and Share sign up as to whether or not they want their picture posted.
Scholarships – Vik West and Barbara Kinzel will draft a policy for receiving a scholarship.
Storage Keys – Gail Chipman (Retreat Committee) and Jane Szabo (Quilt Show Chair) each have a key.
Challenge Quilt Idea – Jane has some ideas, but is not able to lead the committee. Viki is willing to mentor the member who does the challenge.
Copy reimbursement adjustment – Currently rate is seven cents for black & white copies and 20 cents for color copies. Nan suggested black and white prints be increased to 10 cents per copy and Jane suggested color copies be raised to 25 cents per copy.
Motion: Jean Amundson moved that the copy rates be increased to 10 cents for black and white copies and 25 cents for color copies. Seconded by Jane Szabo. Motion passed.
Members are encouraged to use discretion when making color copies.
BOM – Since October meeting was cancelled, the blocks will be returned in November. She will be gone in December and Joy Johnson will take over.
Budget/Finance – Discussed above.
Challenge Quilts – She has one quilt left to return to owner.
Communication – Donna not present.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue asked if Community Quilters donates quilts for the Fundraising Auction, does Community Quilters receive some of the money. The amount raised will actually be deposited in the general fund. Community Quilters has a carryover amount that is to be used for expenses.
Documentation – Joanne reported the final documentation for the year was held in October which went well. She is working on a schedule for 2024.
Finishing School – Paulette reported at October 28th is the final meeting in 2023. January 28th will be the first one for 2024.
Fundraising – Chris reported that 5 items have been purchased at the “Buy it now” price. Most items have at least one bid.
Hospitality – Teecia not present.
Membership – Patti Stephens reported that they will be accepting membership dues for 2024.
Merchandising – Penni not present.
Photographer – No report
Programs/Workshops – Speaker is Karen Brow-Meier of Java House Quilts talking about “The SMUGGLE Principles”. The speaker will be by Zoom. Two workshops planned for next April and September.
Publicity – Jean will skip next newspaper article as the speaker will be on Zoom. She will continue to do the newspaper articles, but someone else will need to do other publicity.
Quilt Show Co-Chair – Jane needs one or two more members needed to help with being a co-chair. This is too big a job for one person to do alone.
Quilter’s Surprise – Debbie reported she has four months’ worth of prizes.
Retreat 2024 – Gail reported there are only 40 people signed up for the retreat.
Veterans Project – Had 15 members present. There is a display of quilts at the Pacific Maritime Museum and also at the Newport Rec Center. There will not be a Sew in during December.
2024 Raffle Quilt – Meralee reported that the quilt has been designed. The top will be put together in the next couple of weeks. She is hoping to show the top at the November
Motion to adjourn made by Ruth Hutmacher and seconded by Jean Amundson.
Meeting adjourned at 11:42 by Darcy.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Information – Announcements:
November general meeting: 11/9/23 Table walk @ 12:30; Meeting @ 1pm
November Executive board meeting – 11/16/23 (Zoom) @ 10am
Community Quilters – November 2nd at Lee Palmer’s office in Waldport
Veteran’s Workday – November 15th from 9am to 3pm at Siletz Grange
Finishing School – October 26th from 10am to 4pm at the Carriage House
Documentation – None scheduled for remainder of 2023
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild General Meeting October 2023
Cancelled due to guest speaker having Covid, one stitching group having Covid, and another quilting group on retreat.
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting September 20, 2023
Members Present: Pat Laub, Janet Sylvester, Velma Freudenthal, Darcy delaRosa, Nan Scott, Jean Amundson, Patti Stephens, Debbie Mosley, Ruth Hutmacher, Karen Oejten, Chris Benedetti, Lindanne Perdue, Joy Johnson, Rose Shaw, Merlee Wilson
Meeting called to order at 10:03 by Darcy delaRosa.
Motion to approve minutes made by Joy Johnson and seconded by Ruth Hutmacher. Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that she will move some money from regular checking to the Money Market account. Will transfer budgeted amount of quilt show to regular checking that will move account into the black.
Budgets – Janet Sylvester reported that some budget amounts have not been received. Velma reported that she does not have the program/workshop times so she is not sure about how much to budget. Discussion on how to estimate expense to budget. The budget can be amended later.
Jane Szabo suggested that credit card fees come out of general fund. Credit card fees should not be charged to boutique only as other committees also use the square. It was put into boutique to show the members that the percentage charged is part of the fee.
Janet said it is easier to put all credit card fees into one line item.
Nan moved that credit card fees be assigned to one line item in general fund. Motion seconded by Chris Benedetti. Motion passed.
Janet would like to raise the credit card expense from $400 to $500. The credit card line item will be removed from Quilt Show expense line item.
Veteran’s budget should be increased to $3,000 as they have already spent $2,715 in 2023.
Library – No budget amount in 2024 as the library is being dissolved.
Hospitality – Raised budget to $200 which will mainly be used for coffee and paper products.
Insurance – Will leave budget at $440.
Webmaster & Software – Will leave budget same.
Guest Speaker Expense – Have $4,000 in fund. Nan suggested the expense be $4,000.
Rent – Leave budget at $1,800.
Budget needs to $1,040 to balance.
The budget will be voted on at the November meeting.
Nominating Committee – Darcy, Joy and Pat will retain their positions. Janet Sylvester is stepping down from Treasurer. She has sent out a blog post asking for volunteer who has the special skills to be treasurer.
Guild Photos and Scrapbooks – Jean Amundson suggested that the guild should at least look through the scrapbook to look at the early years regarding the founding of the guild. Darcy suggested that it be run by the Historical Center. Nan suggested that if the scrapbooks are going into storage they should be destroyed.
Nan suggested they bring them to a meeting and if any members would like them, they could have them. There has not been a scrapbook made for several years. Jean suggested she would be willing to give them a once over to see if there is any pertinent information.
Photos from current meetings – Debbie asked that photos be put onto the web site. Rose said she can send pictures to Jane to put onto the web. Members that can’t be at members like to see the pictures. Nan suggested that a power point be on the website then it is ordered correctly. If the power point presentation is made, then either Donna or Nan will post to the website.
Scholarships – deferred to October
Challenge Quilt – New Member Maria Pettis was asking lots of questions about challenge. Jane Szabo has some ideas, but does not want to head it up. Darcy will contact her.
Square – there are 4 devises that can be used. The newest square will be checked out to Membership until the quilt show. Merchandise, Retreat, and Workshops have the other devises.
Keys to the Storage Unit – One key is missing. Joy thought she gave her key to Jane. Diane Tillotson may also have a key.
Reimbursement for Copies – Move to October.
BOM – No report
Budget/Finance – Already Discussed
Communication – No report
Community Quilters – Lindanne reported that she has received a request from Habitat for Humanity.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek reported by email that next documentation will be September 23.
Finishing School – Karen reported that there will be September and October only for the year.
Fundraising – Chris reported that the pictures are taken and Roseanne Burton has written up the stories for each quilt. Linda Patrick is going to resize the pictures and send them to Chris. There are 35 items to auction.
Hospitality – No report.
Membership – Patti reported 3 new members in September. Nan requested Patti send them to her. She also requested Patti have them sign up for the blog. Dues collection will begin at the November meeting.
Merchandising – No report
Photographer – Rose – no report.
Programs/Workshop – Work
Publicity – Jean – No report
Quilt Show – No report
Quilter’s Surprise – Debbie – no report
Veteran’s Project – Sew in yesterday with 10 members. Many quilts received at last meeting. Gave out 7 quilts. Have given out 540 quilts.
Retreat 2024 – There are 20 spaces available. The committee is grateful for the web work that Nan did.
2024 Raffle Quilt – Meralee reported that she is waiting for Jane to come home to put quilt together.
Meralee will host October meeting and will present the board for Committee sign-ups for 2024.
Rose moved that we adjourn. Debbie seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 11:33am by Darcy.
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild General Meeting Minutes September 14, 2023
President Darcy delaRosa called the meeting to order at 6pm.
Velma Freudenthal presented the proceeds for the Silent Auction to Samaritan House in the amount of $702.50.
Motion to approve the August General Meeting minutes was tabled until the October meeting.
Treasurer’s report is accepted.
Veterans Quilt Project – Rose Shaw reported that 529 quilts have been given away. From January 2023, 66 quilts have been awarded. Next presentation will be September 20th, 9 am to 3pm at the Siletz Grange. At 2pm, 8 quilts will be presented.
Community Quilts – Lindanne Perdue reported that there is lots of fabric on the table that she would like to give away. Next Community Quilt Day is October 5th at the Lee Palmer building in Waldport from 10am to 2pm. If you need a piece of fabric, please come see her.
Membership – Patti Stephens reported that we have 4 new members bringing membership to 156 with 52 members present tonight.
Retreat 2024 – Gail Chipman reported that since the retreat is in April, the deposit will be due in February 2024. There are 20 spots available. Dates are April 23rd to April 26th. There is information on the website. It is listed under Events – then Retreat. Price is $340 for each person.
Viki West reported there will be a strip exchange this year. The strip exchange will be 2 and ½ wide and each person will bring enough strips for each person that has signed up.
Rec Center – Debbie Mosley reported that last month Becky Mershon gave her 5 quilts to display. October and November will be Veterans quilts by Rose Shaw. In December she would like 5 quilts from one member to display that are Christmas Quilts. In January, Susan Cronenwett raffle quilt will be hung.
Fundraiser – Chris Benedetti reported the online auction pictures were taken today. If you don’t have your quilt in yet, Nan will do the pictures. The auction will be October 13th to October 31st. There are 35 quilts that will be auctioned.
Merchandising – Penni ordered most of the Vests and jackets. They did the decal in a different color. You can either take your order tonight or she will have the item redone. She will have the rest of the order at the next meeting.
Workshop – Lynn Moody reported that this weekend’s workshop which is machine quilting is full and there are still some spots for the October workshop.
Special Guild visitor tonight is Anne Hendrickson – a former member
Challenge Quilt 2024 – A challenge idea is needed. Come up with an idea, make the rules and present to the Guild. It is supposed to go to the Executive Board this month. We need a challenge idea.
Program: The scheduled speaker had to cancel. Jan McQueen presented a program on Kaleidoscope quilts.
Raffles and Block of the Month:
BOM – Georgia Sabourin
Quilter’s Surprise – Ann Flescher – Wool Mat
Nifty Notions – Kathy Lambert – Quick Yo Yo maker
Donation from Pam Grinell – Iron Cleaner and Quilty note cards (won by Georgia)
Show and Share:
Jan McQueen – Breast Cancer Survivor quilt and bag with lots of pockets
Paulette Stenberg – Patriotic quilt panel from Connecting Thread which will be a raffle quilt for Fish of Lebanon. Applique quilt – Lollypop Tree pattern. Hand applique and hand quilted.
Darcy – puffin – originally going to be in the small quilt auction. Mosaic quilt. Found the fabric in the boutique.
Nan Scott –
Pat Laub – Collage quilt of a Lion.
Penni motioned to adjourn. Lots of seconds.
Adjourned at 7:45
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting, August 17, 2023
Members Present: Barbara Kinzel, Debbie Mosley, Darcy delaRosa, Jane Szabo, Janet Sylvester, Penni Myers, Jean Amundson, Karen Oetjen, Nan Scott, Chris Benedetti, Lindanne Perdue, Rose Shaw, Joanne Sedlacek, Meralee Wilson, Viki West, and Ruth Hutmacher. Quorum was met with 16 members present.
Meeting called to order by President Darcy delaRosa about 10:00 AM.
Secretary Pat Laub was away on vacation so Darcy asked for a volunteer. After several moments of silence, Nan Scott agreed to take notes.
Motion to approve July 13 Board minutes made by Barbara Kinzel and seconded by Penni Myers. Motion passed.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Janet Sylvester and accepted by the board.
Old Business:
- Jane Szabo gave a report on National Night Out which is held nationally on the first Tuesday in August. Most things there were free so it was not a good night for sale on raffle tickets (47 sold), but it was good promotion for the show and for the on-line auction. Some donations for Veterans Quilts were also received. Debbie Mosley indicated that the Rec Center plans to tie this event and the quilt show together for efficiency of gym setup whenever possible. Other volunteers are needed though – not just those who have been at judging all day.
- Penni Myers reported on State Fair So Far 8 people have said they can go and only the last shift 4-8PM is short staffed.
- Donna Harwell was not present to discuss posting of pictures taken at the meetings. Some brainstorming followed. Darcy suggested that we think about this and try to settle on some solutions at the next meeting.
New Business:
- Debbie Mosley brought a request from the Rec Center to borrow our metal A-Frame Sign Holders and moved that:
- The Rec Center will complete the borrowing form and be allowed to borrow our metal A-frame sign holders. They will replace them if damaged. The motion was seconded by Rose Shaw and passed unanimously. MSP
- Janet Sylvester reminded committee chairs that budgets for their committee are due by the general meeting on September 14th. The budget should include both income and expenses expected for 2024. Even if you do not plan to chair the committee next year, you must still submit a budget to Janet. Darcy suggested that Janet send ae email reminder to all committee chairs in early September.
- Vice President Joy Johnson will need to get a nominating committee together to fill out the roster for officers and committee chairs for next year. Janet is requesting a replacement as treasurer. Officers should be nominated by November and announced at the November meeting. They will be elected in December and assume office in January.
Committee Reports:
- Viki West – BOM reported that in honor of back to school, next month’s BOM will be a school of fish – easy paper pieced.
- Lindanne Perdue – Community Quilters will be meeting with her committee soon.
- Joanne Sedlacek – Documentation reported that the next get-together will be September 23rd.
- Karen Oetjen – Finishing School will be 8/31 at the Carriage House.
- Chris Benedetti – Fundraising – quilts for the online auction should be ready for pictures on 9/14 and 9/15 at the library from 10-3. The auction will begin online on 10/14. It was suggested to Chris that this information and a link to the form to complete for each quilt be put on the blog.
- Jane Szabo – Programs and Workshops Fourteen have signed up for Jean’s machine quilting workshop next month. There is room for more. Signups are needed for the October Workshop. Jane will be away in September so a volunteer is needed to take in signup. The problem of poor sound quality for the zoom participants was discussed. It was agreed that Jane, Nan, and Velma meet with church representatives to try to work through the problems. The meeting will be August 30th at 10:00 at the church. It is imperative that this be solved before the zoom presentation next month.
- Jean Amundson – Publicity she will be stepping down in December, but will do an article for the October program and workshop.
- Barbara Kinzel and Jane Szabo – Quilt Show wrap up meeting will follow today at 1:00 at the Newport Library.
- Debbie Mosley – Quilter’s Surprise and Nifty Notion Ticket sales are up. She requests that we continue to remind people to buy tickets. The Rec Center Display now features 5 quilts from Becky Mershon. Susan Cronenwett has donated the 2011 raffle quilt using the sailing ship panel and produced by Liz Ritchie and Nan Scott for a permanent display at the center. Other loaned quilts will supplement for certain seasonal themes.
- Rose Shaw – Veterans Project The next sew-in will be September 13th. Rose read a touching thank you note that she will bring to the next general meeting from one of the recipients.
- Meralee Wilson – Raffle Quilts ’23 and ’24 Over 4000 tickets were sold for the 2023 Raffle Quilt. Meralee and Committee and working on the 2024 quilt that will be a kaleidoscope representation of the bridge panel. Rather than assigning blocks to members, they are proposing using sew-ins and work together to ensure accuracy.
Other Business:
Nan Scott made the following motion concerning the Guild’s Square Equipment used for Credit Card Payments:
- The guild Square devices will be assigned on long term loan to the following committees: Membership, Workshops, Merchandise, and Retreat for use during the year at meetings. The loan will include Square, connecting device if necessary and charging cords. A representative of each committee will be responsible to learn how to use the equipment and will be responsible for care and charging and bringing to meetings. The representative will sign a form to be kept on file listing all components received and that they are responsible for replacement if lost or damaged while under their care. All devices will be returned before the Quilt Show to be temporarily reassigned for the Show.
Motion was seconded by Barbara Kinzel and passed unanimously. MSP
Meeting Adjourned at 11:20
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Scott for
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild General Meeting Minutes August 10, 2023
Meeting called to order by Darcy delaRosa at 6pm.
A motion to approve July minutes was made by Penni Myers and seconded by Betty Wilson.
Motion approved.
Committee Reports:
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw reported that there is no sew day in August but will be in
September. There will also be a presentation of quilts to veterans. The veteran’s committee
has made up kits – please pick one up. The fabric is already cut and ready to sew. The pattern
is included with the kit.
Community Quilts – Lindanne Perdue reported she gave out 7 head start quilts to finish, and
she has already received 5 back. Next meeting will be 9/7 at Lee Palmer’s office. They are
putting together small quilts for members to practice their machine quilting.
Membership – At present there are 164 members with 64 present including 6 on Zoom. A new
member joining tonight is Joy Thompson. Gretchen Jolie renewed her membership after being
away several years.
Retreat 2024 – Patti Stephens, Viki West and Gail Chipman reported that they can answer any
questions you may have about Aldersgate. $50 deposit due at the next meeting. The flat fee is
$340 per person. Date: April 23 through April26, 2023. You can bring snacks but no alcohol.
Viki gave a description of what to expect. She suggests that members bring lighting for their
table. Both Viki and Patti have attended retreats at Aldersgate and say it is a very nice facility.
There will be a strip exchange this year and there will be demo and patterns featuring these
Paint Chip Challenge – Viki West brought back the quilts for members to pick up.
1st place – Jean Amundson, 2nd – Tina McCann, 3rd – Carol Nelson. Carol also won the Viewer’s
Choice award.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti reported that now the quilt show is over – the online auction is
coming up. Pictures will be taken September 14th in the morning at the Newport Library. If
they don’t finish, then they will continue on Friday September 15th. Auction will end on
October 31st and will begin a couple of weeks before that. If you can help with pictures, please
email her.
Depots for collecting quilts are:
Yachats – Viki West
Newport – Velma Freudenthal
Waldport – Jane Szabo
Lincoln City – Roseanne Burton
Newport Rec Center Quilts – Debbie Mosley reported that Susan Cronowett is giving to the Rec
Center the raffle quilt she won several years ago as long as they display the quilt. Becky
Merson is giving Debbie a couple of quilts to display to get them through the next couple of
Merchandising – Penni Myers reported that she has denim shirts for sale in both light and dark
denim. There are also T-shirts for sale. Betty Wilson wore the new t-shirt for demonstration.
There is some clothing available to try on for size as the jackets do run small. She will be
placing an order in the next week and will not place another one until next year. The colors for
the jacket and vest are navy blue, black and charcoal.
Oregon State Fair – Penni Myers is also in charge of the state fair and needs volunteers on Sept
1st. She is trying to put 3-4 people on each shift and there are 4 shifts, and she only has 7
people signed up so far.
Programs/Workshop – Jane Szabo reported the September workshop is on machine quilting
with Jean Amundson. Date is 9/16 from 9am to 4pm
The October program/workshop is with Colleen Wise from Washington. The workshop is on
Casting Shadows. Emerald block will be taught. Pattern is included. Cost $65.
There are 6 postcard kits available. Cos is $5. All money goes to the guild.
Next Thursday August 17th at 1pm will be the last quilt show meeting of the year. Bring folders
for each committee. And suggestions for next year. Anything that goes back to storage bring
next month.
10. We didn’t have to cook or clean all week and slept well since we were so tired.
9. We could eat all we wanted and not gain weight since we were lifting, loading and walking all
8. Even though we had little more attendance than last year we didn’t have to wor ry about
running out of programs and had wide enough aisles to handle the wheelchairs and attendees.
7. Shopping, shopping, shopping, we had plenty of vendors to please everyone.
6. The Boutique was stuffed to the rafters with great bargains and unique finds and members
had first choice.
5. We had the awesome Ruth Hutmacher as our Featured Quilter with the best display of quilts
and a tired husband helper.
4. We had our first sponsor this year, NW Quilting and Fun Fabric. We hope to have more next
year. Also, our first demo kits, we made $285.
3. Good number of sales from the Silent Auction – $1405
2. We all worked together to make it the best.
1. We had the best quilts ever.
Attendance: 1,147.6
Number of quilts entered: 254
Number of members who entered quilts: 71
Number of judged quilts: 168
Silent Auction Quilts: 38
Veterans Quilts displayed: 14
Guild booth quilts: 3
Featured Quilter quilts: 31
Challenge Quilts: 28
Total quilts on display: 368
Number of raffle tickets sold: 5,323
Silent auction proceeds: $1,405; ó goes to Samaritan House
Number of children’s pillows made: 21
Visitors: Lincoln County – 136, Outside Lincoln County in Oregon – 170, Other States – 14,
Foreign Countries – 4 from Japan, Germany, South Korea, Netherlands
Viewer’s Choice Winners – 1st Place – Gloria Zirges – Another Day
2nd Place – Pat Laub – A Different Time
How did you hear about the quilt show? Signs – 41; Friends – 15; Flyers – 10; Facebook – 7;
AQS – 6; Newspapers – 2; Sisters QS flyer – 1; Other guilds – 1
Quilt Sales – $2,110
Program – Parade of quilts
Nan Scott reported she made a book for Jane Szabo of all her quilts for being Featured Quilter.
Viki West giving out same block – would like a replacement. Not doing it during the summer
because of lack of participation. She will be retreat chair next year.
Pamela Potter – bring back your apron if you forgot to leave it at the rec center.
Form on online auction on the website. Please fill out.
Quilter’s Surprise – Ironing Board Cover – Pat Laub
Gretchen Jolie – Quilty pencils and a pattern for a scrappy pencil case.
Donation from As the Crow Flies – Linda Griepentrop
Motion to adjourn made by Nan Scott and seconded by Tamera Creig.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting July 20, 2023
Members Present:
Pat Laub, Debbie Mosley, Barbara Kinzel, Velma Freudenthal, Chris Benedetti, Jean Amundson,
Janet Sylvester, Paulette Stenberg, Darcy delaRosa, JoAnne Sedlacek, Meralee Wilson, Nan Scott, LindGanne Perdue, Becky Mershon, Viki West, Rose Shaw, and Gail Chipman,
Meeting called to order at 10:00 am by President Darcy delaRosa.
Motion to approve June minutes made by Debbie Mosley and seconded by Barbara Kinzel.
Treasurer report – Janet Sylvester –$3,513.84 quilt show balance and Capital outlay is $6,338.98.
Change in treasurer’s report. If drapes are going to be used for more than one quilt show, then should be out of capital outlay. Janet will send out new treasurer report as they are adding new category of Vendor Expense. New Income – Sponsorship for quilt show. Bottom line figures are still the same.
Motion to approve treasurers made by Nan Scott and seconded by Chris Benedetti.
County Fair – was a success and thank you to Joy Johnson for coordinating it and all the volunteers who worked.
Website update – email from Donna Harwell that said she was going to come up with some dates to educate members who need the ability to update their committees. Four websites need to be updated.
Scholarship – Viki West reported on how Emerald Valley Quilt Guild managed their scholarship program. A motion was made to form a committee to address the scholarship issue by Jean Amundson and seconded by Rose Shaw. This will be a Pro-temp committee to establish the policies and then it goes away. A committee was formed with Gail Chipman, Viki West, and Joy Johnson. Gail is reluctant participant as she does not actually approve of the concept, but will work with the majority.
State Fair – Penni Myers will coordinate. She will get in touch with Ginger Dale. Date is Friday September 1st.
Block of the Month (BOM) – Viki West reported she didn’t have many blocks picked up at July meeting so she suggested that Block of the Month not be held during the summer months. Viki moved that we don’t have BOM during June, July and August. Seconded by Rose. Discussion – Nan thinks it is a very good idea as summer months are very busy. BOM budget also includes money for the president’s quilt. She would like to keep budget the same for the first year, as it is unsure how much money will be saved. Motion passed.
Budget/Finance – Janet Sylvester reported that budgets are due September general meeting as she has to present it at the September Executive Board meeting.
Challenge – Viki West reported that online voting will be closing at midnight tonight (July 20th). There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for members and at the quilt show there will be a Viewer’s Choice award.
Communications – Donna not present
Community Quilters – No meeting in August as that is set up day for the quilt show. Have 130 quilts for the year. Head Start Quilts – have enough for all except Siletz. Right now it is Waldport, Newport & Lincoln City. Lynn Moody lives in the Siletz area and Lindanne will talk to her about seeing if Siletz would like to be included.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlecak reported that Sept 23 is the next date. Did really well at picking up names at Fair. Last two documentation days will be held in Newport.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg reported that Finishing School is next week from 10 to 4 at carriage house.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti reported that they are waiting until quilt show is over. They do have post cards and if anyone can put them around would be great. Pictures will be at the Library from the 12th to the 14th. Lindanne’s husband will be taking the pictures. Jane will be bringing postcards to quilt show meeting this afternoon. Paulette asks if some can be brought to Bayshore. Lighting – Chris will be bringing some freestanding lights for pictures. Quilts will be hung to take the pictures.
General Meeting Coordinator – Velma Freudenthal reported that she needs to learn the job better. Viki is going to be her backup.
Hospitality – Teecia not present, but everything seems to be going well. Cookies are delicious.
Membership – One new member at meeting. 156 members total members.
Merchandising – Becky Mershon reported they are ready for the quilt show. They have a square & iPad.
Photography – Rose reported that she is sending pics to Nan. Nan reported that it takes times to put all the pictures on the web but that it takes time and does she need to keep doing it. Send pics to Jane and she would be happy to put on Facebook. Best way is to air drop them to Jane. Rose has lots of pictures and asks what she should do with them. Nan – Show and Share is great and they would be nice on Facebook. Put a note on page that they are being posted on Facebook. Debbie says put on SB card or thumb drive to save pictures for history. Ruth says pictures can be labeled. Moved to old business on further discussion on what to do with the photos and also the old scrapbooks.
Programs/Workshops – Jane Szabo – next program is Ribbon Winners. Bring your quilt if you have won a ribbon. Have 10 members signed up for Sept. She has not received much interest in Luke Haynes as our “special workshop”. Jane still needs a volunteer for next year. October workshop will be Colleen Wise.
Publicity – Jean reported that she sent in to News times the final quilt shop article listing veteran’s names and service. Brings publicity up to date. She asks them to run on the article on July 28th.
Quilt Show – There are 254 registered quilts. The Job Corp is helping with set up and take down. They will have 7 students and 1 supervisor. Banner & signs are up. Chamber of Commerce sign will go up on July 30th. No food vendor on Sat. Renegotiating fee with rec center. Jane was on radio 1310 this morning to advertise the quilt show.
Newport Night Out will be held on August 1 after the quilt show from 5pm to 8pm. Workers will be passing out brochures, posters and selling raffle tickets. Application forms are needed for both Documentation and the Veterans Program. Rose Show, Janet Sylvester and Debbie Mosley have volunteered to help with the booth.
Ruth asks if quilts need a personal label in addition to the paper label. Quilts should have labels to help document the quilt, but for the quilt show only the OCQG paper label is required.
Nan has a new square which only needs Wi-Fi and will also print a receipt. Device will be in boutique. You can tap, swipe or enter the # manually. Does not need a tablet. Only using at our sites so don’t use a two party authorization. $285 is cost – Capital Outlay.
Quilt Show meeting is today at the Newport Library at 1pm.
Quilter’s Surprise – Debbie – very successful with ticket purchases. Helpful to have pictures of prizes that will be given away.
Quilts at rec center – currently has 5. If no one needs their quilt, she would like to leave up at Rec Center. Has Jane Towsley beautiful Rose Quilt which really makes a statement when people walk into Rec Center. If quilt isn’t too big, she can use café clips to hang. Veterans – Aug/Sept and then do Fall next.
Retreat 2024 – Gail – will keep taking reservation. Flat fee of $340 for every body that attends
Veterans – Rose – presented nine quilts at the July sew in. Very successful event. No sew in in August. Will start up again in September. Pinned on sleeve for the hallway of show. Will deliver four veterans quilts to Lincoln City next week. Veterans committee can probably only provide one or two to the Rec Center. There is room for one bed quilt and four small quilts. Debbie will do a Blog request for patriotic themed wall quilt size.
2023 Raffle Tickets – Meralee reported that only about half of tickets sold, but hopes the rest will sale at the quilt show.
204 Raffle quilt – Meralee reported that she has received some panels from a quilt shop in Florida that is going out of business to do a practice quilt. OCQG panels are not same size as store panels.
Quilt Show Boutique – Gail requests that Nan give instruction on using new devise at the boutique. Probably will be best on Thursday.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by Gail Chipman and seconded by Debbie Mosley. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned at 11:06 am by President Darcy delaRosa
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting June 15, 2023
Meeting called to order on Zoom by Darcy delaRosa at 10am.
Members Present: Velma Freudenthal, Patti Stephens, Barbara Kinzel, Viki West, Jane Szabo, Meralee Wilson, Janet Scanlon, Gail Chipman, Penni Myers, Debbie Mosley, Joanne Sedlacek, Chris Benedetti, Lindanne Perdue, Darcy delaRosa, Ruth Hutmacher, and Pat Laub.
Barbara Kinzel made a motion to approve May minutes. Debbie Mosley seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer Report – Janet moved $2,000 from Money Market to Checking. There is $24,008.91 in both accounts.
Lincoln County Fair – Joy Johnson reported that there are still a couple of slots left to fill. She has enough volunteers, but if anyone wants to help, please contact her. Need 5 feet of yardage to put on table. Jane Szabo suggested sheets and she has some to loan her. There might be sheets in storage that can be used. Joy is going to send out reminders as to when the volunteers working.
Website Update – The web site update is being tabled as Jean is moving today.
Block of the Month – Viki West – June is the last month for the disappearing blocks. July will be a basket block. Only 13 blocks were picked up in June. Darcy suggested that BOM winners receive the left over blocks. Viki stated that she does this.
Budget – Janet Sylvester – Budgets are due the 1st of September.
Challenge – Viki – 27 quilts received out of 32 signed up. Nan will have online voting up at the end of the month for members. Vote for three as 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded. She also will have a Viewer’s Choice award at the quilt show. Right now she needs 3 bays. There is a discussion if the quilts can fit into two bays. Quilt show chairs will look into.
Community Quilts – Lindanne Perdue – Nothing new to report.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek – Nothing new to report.
Finishing School – Karen Oetjen – Next week is Finishing School.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti – Would like a table spot at the next meeting to have members drop off donations at the meeting. Would like a table for July, August and September. There are forms online, but will have some printed at the meeting in case members forget. Each donation will need a form filled out.
Set up General Meeting – Velma Freudenthal – She is learning on the job. Does not have a helper yet, but she is going to try and recruit a person.
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius not present. Laurie Downing hosted last meeting and did a great job.
Membership – Patti Stephens – Total membership is 154 with 1 new member and 1 renewal at the last meeting.
Merchandising – Penni Myers – She has denim shirts, bags and panels to sell at the fair. Should she have t-shirts at the fair? She also asked if she should have more items at the quilt show. Last year denim shirts sold very well, but they may have marked down. Velma donated her pattern for the pouch and asked if more patterns were needed.
Photographing – The photos need to be posted on the website.
Programs/Workshops – This is Jane’s last year and she needs someone to begin planning for next year. She also needs more people to sign up for the “Finally Finished Quilts” in July. Darcy and Penni have quilts they will bring. Velma has one also that is 7 years old.
The September workshop is “Beginning Machine Quilting” taught by Jean Amundson. More members need to sign up for this class. She also needs a host for September meeting and the workshop as she will be gone. There is a zoom speaker for the September meeting and Nan will handle that.
Publicity – Jean has an article in the Country Register. There will also be an article in Oregon Coast Today. She is meeting with Jean, Jane and Barbara on the 22nd for a photo shoot.
Quilt Show – Jane and Barbara – 131 quilts registered. Drapes have come in. Vender committee has sold 25 booth spaces. She has had requests from other venders and she has had to turn them away.
The banners will be going up in two weeks.
Nancy Terhaar’s friends approached quilt show chairs about a memorial at the quilt show honoring their friend. Nancy passed away in 2023 and was an exceptional quilter. Discussion followed about memorials for members who have passed away. Since this has not been done before, a decision needs to be made on how to address memorials. Also, could they be honored as a featured quilter? Could be hurt feelings as to why we didn’t do this for other members. If we get the same amount of quilts as last year, would their even being room. Quilts could also be put into passageway. Jane suggested we wait until after quilt show to make a decision. Choosing the featured quilter is done by the quilt show chairs after the 1st quilt show. Since Nancy is not here, her friends would step in and be at booth in her honor.
Quilter’s Surprise – Debbie Mosley – Apparently the recent blog posting helped as they went from less than $50 to $132 in sales at the June meeting. Posting pictures of prizes may have also helped.
Retreat 2024 – Gail Chipman –The dates for the retreat are April 23rd to April 26th. She did send info to the blog asking for attendees to let her know how they want their room situation to be. No prices now, but they hope to have them by the July meeting.
Veteran’s Project – No news. Workday on June 21st at Siletz Grange.
2023 Raffle Tickets – Turn in raffle tickets at July meeting. This week-end she hopes to be at Beach Comber Days in Waldport and will also be at the Fair selling tickets. Quilt will then be going to Sew it Seams in Philomath. Jane has put quilt on Facebook for online ticket sales. There are about 4,000 raffle tickets out which member have either sold or have in their possession. So far money raised is between $1,000 and $1,500. There will be tickets for sale at the quilt show.
2024 Raffle Quilt – Need to get started on quilt. Both Jane and Jan have offered to help. Will need 7 panels to begin. Will need 6 more and Penni will get them. They will get started the middle of August and Darcy will help also.
Zoom Set-up General Meeting – Jane will keep working with Velma. It is not actually a committee. Jane will write out instructions for doing the Zoom meeting.
Retreat Scholarship Policy – Gail Chipman spoke with many members about scholarships. Recommendation is to forego the offering of scholarships for workshops and retreats. Key points are 1) Money had to offer came in as a donation and the money has been spent. She is not in favor in asking for more money. 2) It is difficult or not possible to ascertain whether a person needs a scholarship. Guild does lots of donation at the year of each year. Many organizations are very worthy and she would like to give money to them rather than to an individual person. They had one request last year for a scholarship and Gail donated some money to her personally. They had one request for scholarship. Gail donated some $ personally to the person.
Jane said that if a person would host the workshop, they could take the workshop without charge. Membership – Patti stated that no one has ever asked for a scholarship.
Viki West was a member of the Emerald Valley Guild in Eugene and they did offer scholarships. The member filled out an application for the scholarship and if awarded, that member had to work on a committee. Viki is going to check with the guild to see if she can get a copy of the Scholarship Application form.
Gail says current policy states “one time only”. Where would the money come from? Jane S. recommended the guild allocate $100 per year. Also, the membership form can be revised to include a donation line. Janet S says there is a line item in the budget for the scholarship.
Gail – Policy says “one time only” Where does the money come from? Jane says there is $ in money and we can put in $100 each year. Person can volunteer to receive money. Janet – if members want to donate they can. Patti – can membership be revised so people can add money to their dues to add to scholarship? Meralee suggested this discussion be tabled until Viki has a chance to see if she can get a copy of the application form. Barbara Kinzel and Gail Chipman will meet and then present information at the September executive board meeting.
A motion was made by Barbara Kinzel and seconded by Patti Stephens to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 11:30am by President Darcy delaRosa.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild General Meeting Minutes June 8, 2023
Meeting called to order by President Darcy delaRosa at 6:07pm.
Motion to approve May general meeting minutes made by Kathy Lambert and seconded by Penni Myers. Motion passed.
Treasurer – Janet Sylvester reported that the Executive Board requested $1,405.27 be distributed. The breakdown of the distribution is $205.27 to reserve and $1,200 to outside grants. The grants would be $250 to North Lincoln County Museum, $250 to Latimer Center and $700 to the Carriage House in Newport. A motion was made by Diane Tillotson to distribute funds as recommended by the Executive Board. Viki seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Committee Reports:
Veterans Project– Cheryl Kramer reported that a veteran’s quilts presentation would not happen in June. There would be a presentation in July. Next sew in will be June 21st from 9:30am to 3pm. Bring your sewing machine and a sack lunch.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – No report.
Membership: – Patti Stephens reported the guild now has 153 members with 58 present, 3 on Zoom and 1 visitor.
Retreat 2024:– Committee members are Gail Chipman, Viki West, Joanne Sedlacek, and Patti Stephens. The 2024 retreat will be held at Alder’s Gate in Turner, Oregon on April 23rd to April 26th. The accommodations include 14 RV spaces, Single, Double, Triple and Quad rooms. The attendees will be limited to 60. There are 24 rooms in the main lodge each with their own bathroom. There is also the Pinewood Lodge with 7 room and a communal bathroom. First members to sign up will have their choice of which lodge they would like. The sewing space is in their gymnasium.
Members can arrive beginning on Tuesday at 9am. The $50 nonrefundable deposit is due in September and the final payment is due in December.
Members can bring their own snacks. No dogs or alcohol is allowed.
This is a children’s church camp.
Raffle Ticket Sales: – Meralee Wilson reported about $1,000 has been received from ticket sales. The Home and Garden show in Lincoln City made about $100.
Challenge Quilts: – Viki West reported that voting on the challenge quilts will be online at the end of the month. Please vote for 3. At the quilt show, there will be voting by visitors for Viewer’s Choice.
Fundraising: Chris Benedetti reported the donation will be accepted at any time.
The depots for dropping off your items are:
Jane Szabo – Waldport
Viki West – Yachats
Roseanne Barton – Lincoln City
Velma Freudenthal – Newport
Merchandising: Penni Myers – No report
Meeting Coordinator: Velma Freudenthal. A backup person is needed in case Velma can’t be present. Please contact her to help.
Programs and Workshops: A volunteer is need as Jane is stepping down.
Quilt Show: Jane Szabo
Registration – 96 quilts have been registered. Would like to be at about 225. Then with the special displays the number will be about 300. Please get your quilt registered. Send a picture of quilt by phone to Darcy. And one picture per text or email with name of quilt attached. Deadline to register quilts is July 4th. Deadline to have quilt finished is July 31st which is intake.
Set up and Take Down – Volunteers are needed. Also needed is one more 6’ ladder.
Potluck – Sherry and Marion Brown will hostess the potluck. On August 3rd, bring dishes beginning at 9am with instructions on how to heat up if needed or if need to be refrigerated. Bring serving utensils for your dish.
Boutique: Jan McQueen and Gail Chipman – Gail has tags if you need some. Please check with them to make sure you have your correct vender #. You must work 2 shifts in the Quilt Show in order to have items in the boutique. Use safety pins to add your tags. You may use tape if it is a book. There is a vendor form on the website that will need to be filled out. Keep a copy for yourself and one for the boutique committee.
Brochures – Lynn Moody – Please contact Lynn for brochures to give out.
Hostess – Pamela Potter ask that you please sign up to work the quilt show. There are both stand up jobs and sit down jobs.
Small Quilt Auction – Jean Amundson and Velma Freudenthal – They have 27 quilts donated. They will go on display at the Newport Library. There will be voting for “Viewer’s Choice” with the winner to have $50 donated to a charity of their choice. Each person donating a quilt can list a charity that will receive ½ of the sale proceeds raised at the quilt show. The charity chosen will be done by a drawing. Quilts should be no larger than 120” in circumference.
Special Ribbons – Toni Brodie – For $10 you can sign up to award a ribbon to a quilt. Ribbons will be available on Thursday (set up day) after 1pm. Ribbons will be either in the breakroom or in the gym.
Treasurer – Janet Sylvester – If you need cash for the quilt show, send your request for funds no later than the July general meeting.
Program: “My First Quilt”
- Jane Szabo – Fons and Porter pattern of a rooster quilt.
- Gloria Zirges – Log Cabin Quilt made with calico, satin and velveteen
- Linda MacKown – Landscape quilt of the Redwoods. Technique inspired by Nancy Zieman (Sewing with Nancy)
- Pamela Potter – She forgot her quilt, but it was a Sunflower.
- Candi Smith – Pink and blue quilt from a class taught by Twy Hoch. Completed in 1997
- Velma Freudenthal – Irish Chain from a pattern by Eleanor Burns. Hand quilted and completed in 1996
- Diane Tillotson – Baby quilt. Encouraged and mentored by Gail Chipman (college roommates). Completed in 2016
- Darcy delaRosa – Quilt of Madonna and Child using stained glass technique and framed. Completed about 1980-1982
- Kathy Lambert – Disappearing 9 patch with black, white and red. Completed in 2013.
- Nan Scott – Her neighbor Helen Barney (founding member of the guild) encouraged her to quilt. Pattern was “Cactus Flower” in blue and pink and hand quilted.
- Pam Grindell – Quilt started in late 60’s and finished about 1975. Top only. Most fabrics came from clothing she had made and some from her neighbor. Quilt is also her first UFO.
- Laurie Downing – When Covid began is when she began quilting. Quilt was made with her husband’s Hawaii shirts. Completed 2020.
- Fran Whited – Made the Churn Dash blocks when she was 13 years old in 1944. Some blocks were hand pieced and some were made on her Mother’s treadle sewing machine. The fabric was from her and her mom’s dresses. She put quilt together in 2012.
- Debbie Thompson – Quilt was made using “troll” fabrics which were very popular at the time. Completed 1994.
- Sheila Stevens – Kit was from Keepsake Quilting. This was a quilt top only and completed in 1995. While working on quilt, she did not close her rotary cutter and sliced her hand. Lesson learned: Always close your rotary cutter!
- Patti Stephens – Baby quilt that she did embroidery on preprinted squares. Hand quilted and completed in 1968 or 1969.
- Jane Towsley – Appliqued butterflies on a pillow sham. Class taught by Toni Brodie at Gingham Goose in Toledo.
Awards Given:
Best Story – Pam Grindell
Newest Quilt – Laurie Downing
Oldest Quilt – Fran Whited
Best Lesson Learned – Sheila Stevens
Judge’s Choice – Candy Smith
Nifty Notions – Penni Myers – Fabric pen, Sewing themed notepad and magnetic pin
Quilter’s Surprise – Lana Pries – Purple lawn chair with a quilting theme
Block of the Month – Patti Stephens
Show and Share:
- Betty Wilson – Veteran’s Quilt which will be donated to Siletz Grange for a raffle. Tickets are $5 each and only 150 will be sold. Please contact Betty if you would like to purchase a ticket
- Paulette Stenberg – 2 quilts. Green and Yellow table runner that will go to Silent Auction. Baby quilt with embroidery to be donated to FISH of Lebanon.
- Toni Brodie – Stained Glass Dragon Fly Wall Hanging using raw edge applique.
- Jean Amundson – Bayshore Challenge – Several members showed quilts using pattern “One Block, Three Ways”. Included were Paulette, Jean, Carol Nelson, Velma and Karen Oetjen
- Jane Szabo – King Size blue and gray quilt. Pattern is Double Arrow.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.
6/15/25 – Executive Board Meeting – Zoom at 10am
6/15/23 – Quilt Show Meeting at Newport Library – 1pm
6/21/23 – Veterans Sew In at Siletz Grange – 9:30am to 3pm
6/28/23 – Finishing School at Carriage House – 10am to 4pm
Oregon Coastal Quilter’s Guild Executive Board Meeting May 18, 2023
More than 14 voting members present; quorum achieved.
Minutes from April Executive Board: Barbara Kinzel made a motion to approve; Rose Shaw seconded; members voted to approve.
Treasurer Janet Sylvester made a few comments about the treasurer’s report that had been sent via email. She also noted that the checking subaccount must carry more than $2000 in order to avoid service fees and that she had transferred some funds from the money market subaccount to achieve that balance.
Janet also reminded the board that it had recommended the disbursement of $1200 for outside grants but that the general membership had not yet voted on whether to finalize the actions. Janet and Darcy de la Rosa will make this an action item for the June general meeting.
Old business:
- Nan Scott confirmed that she has one of the keys to Atonement Lutheran Church. All keys are now accounted for.
- Lincoln County Fair booth: Joy Johnson commented that plans are underway.
- Velma Freudenthal stated that the setup for the general meeting in May went okay. She will recruit a backup for her position.
- Website updates: still underway.
No new business.
Committee reports:
Audit – complete.
Block of the Month – Vickie West announced that the June block will be the last of the current series. The next series will use scraps from previous BOMs.
Budget and Finance – Janet Sylvester reminded board members that proposed budgets (projected income and expenses) are due before the September board meeting.
Communications – Phoebe Hein and Penni Myers both stated that they are not receiving information via email at this time. Nan Scott and Donna Hartwell will work on the changes soon.
Community Quilting – Lindanne Perdue is recruiting members to staff the guild booth at the Home and Garden Show. Some of the Lincoln City members will help but she needs more assistance. Lindanne also noted that CASA is now merged with the Benton County CASA. The storefront/office is open only once a week. The representative from Benton County affirmed that the quilts donated by our guild will go to Lincoln County children. Darcy commented that clothing for women and teens can also be donated to CASA.
Finishing School – Karen Oetjen confirmed that this group will meet at the Lincoln County Historical Society’s “Carriage House” on Thursday, May 25, from 10-4.
Online Auction – Ruth Hutmacher: no additional news.
Membership – Gail Chipman: nothing to report.
Merchandising – Penni stated that she needs assistance in updating that portion of the website.
Photographer – Nan Scott stated that the photos that Rose Shaw takes at the general meetings will now be on the web as a Power Point version. She will post the photos as soon as the minutes are received.
Programs and Workshops – The June general meeting program will be “My First Quilt.” July will feature “Finally Finished.” There will be no workshops until September’s Beginning Machine Quilting.
Publicity – Jean Amundson reported that a raffle quilt article and photo have been sent to the Newport News-Times and that the Featured Quilter article is ready to publish next month. A discussion ensued regarding how to buy tickets online (the raffle quilt articles contain a link that is not active). Nan Scott agreed to update the link.
Quilt Show – Barbara Kinzel reported that vendor spaces are nearly filled and that the Thursday potluck position has been filled. The current number of quilts registered for the show is 33—a long way to go to reach our goal of 300 (including special displays). (Historically, most are registered during June.) She then made a motion that the Clark County (Vancouver, WA) guild be permitted to sell raffle tickets at our show after paying $300 for a double booth. The board did not approve the motion but agreed that the Vancouver guild can be invited to attend a general meeting to sell their raffle tickets.
Quilters’ Surprise – Debbie Mosley noted that the current raffle sales are not enough to cover the cost of the items awarded at our general meetings. A discussion ensued without a resolution for the problem. Debbie and Jan McQueen will gather member inputs and the situation will be discussed at the next general meeting.
Retreat – Gail Chipman confirmed that the 2024 retreat will be at Aldergate in Turner, OR, probably April 22-26. The committee is still negotiating meal costs, etc. Phoebe Hein reminded board members that scholarships for retreats and workshops were available at one time. Jean Amundson gave a short historical background about the scholarship fund and Janet Sylvester confirmed that it is no longer a budget item. Gail agreed to coordinate a proposed policy for the future. The updated retreat information on the website is pending.
Raffle Ticket Sales – Meralee Wilson reported that member participation seems slow.
2024 Raffle Quilt – Meralee stated that members are assisting with the design of the new quilt.
Veterans Quilt Committee – Rose Shaw reported that seven people attended the sew-in on May 17 and that some quilts were turned in. The next sew-in and presentation will be June 21. On another topic, she was asked about the possibility of a memorial display of Nancy Terhaar’s quilts and other crafts. Jean Amundson suggested hanging two of her quilts or perhaps those of Twy Hoch in the passageway between the two gyms during the show. The quilt show co-chairs will make the decision about any special displays.
Challenge – Vicki West announced that 19 quilts have been turned in; Nan Scott has received 27 photos with accompanying information. There will be a smaller display of some of the quilts at the Lincoln County Fair.
Barbara Kinzel and Rose Shaw made the motion and second to adjourn. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
Jean Amundson, Secretary Pro Tem
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild May 11, 2023
Meeting called to order by President Darcy delaRosa at 6:07pm.
Motion to approve minutes made by Chris Benedetti and seconded by Penni Myers. Motion passed.
Committee Reports:
Community Quilts – Lindanne Perdue – May 27, will be at Chinook winds between 10am and 6pm. Two hours shifts. Given a free booth by Habitat for Humanity. Will be selling raffle quilts. Needs 3 people for each shift.
Membership – Patti Stephens – 152 members total. 53 members present.
Retreat 2024 – Alder’s Gate in Turner looks promising, but they don’t have a date yet.
Veteran’s Project – Cheryl Kramer – May 17th is next sew in. Presented 17 quilts in April. Total presented to date: 502.
Raffle Ticket Sales – 31 packets are now out. Tickets will be sold at fair & Home and Garden Show and the quilt is also touring. We have 8000 tickets. 24 tickets in each packet for $20. Tickets are $1 each and 6 for $5.
Challenge Quilt – Viki West – Nan needs a picture of finished quilt by June 1st. They will be on display at quilt show. Quilts also need a sleeve and a label.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek – There is a documentation planned for Saturday May 13, 2023 at the Lincoln City Historical Museum.
Newport Rec Center – Debbie Mosley – Quilts are needed. Theme is summer/floral. Largest she can take is queen size. Most are lap/wall quilts. Please take quilts to the rec center as she won’t be at the June meeting.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti – Will ask for quilts after the June meeting.
Merchandising – Penni Myers – The denim shirts are light and dark. You can order tonight for new orders.
Small Quilt Auction – Jean Amundson and Velma Freudenthal. Showed two examples. Deadline is the June meeting. Need a label. Form is online. Nominate your charity and give name of quilts.
Quilt Show – Barbara Kinzel – Need a chairwoman and 3 volunteers for the potluck. Several members have had to drop out. One person is needed for the vendor committee. Janet Baldwin will work directly with the vendors. Darcy is going to help members register their quilts. Come to June meeting at 5pm and quilts can be registered. Lincoln City members can call Barbara to set up a date to register. Right now, we have 27 quilts registered. Please register your quilt.
Toni Brodie – Sponsored Ribbons – Cost is $10 to sponsor a ribbon. You get to place ribbon on a quilt of your choice.
Quilt Show Hospitality – Pamela Potter – Please sign up for a shift to work the quilt show.
Quilt Show Grab Bags – Meralee Wilson – Please bring items for grab bag – usually things for the sewing room. Also do for kids – school supplies, etc.
Workshops – Jane Szabo – Next workshop is Sept 16th. Jean Amundson is doing Beginning machine quilting.
Phoebe reported that Nancy Terhaar died and requested a card be sent to her husband.
Quilters Surprise – Linda Griepentrop – Mariner’s Compass rulers
Nifty Notions – Bev Brassfield – Coffee mug
Challenge BOM – Kathy Lambert
Show and Share:
Sonny Hamner – paper pieced Judy Niemeyer quilt and a
Dragon Star paper pieced pattern by Judy Niemeyer
Paulette Stenberg – Liberty Chicks for the silent auction and a red and white quilt. Second quilt Road Island Reds will be donated to Fish for their bazaar.
Nan Scott – Modern Carpenter star quilt called “Solidarity”. Lisa Taylor quilted the quilt.
Fran Whited – Scrappy quilt “Mysterious” Panel Quilt – w/fairy.
Collage Quilt Class – Pat Laub showed Mini Flamingo.
Meeting adjourned by Darcy at 7:27pm.
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting April 20, 2023
Members Present: Pat Laub, Barbara Kinzel, Debbie Mosley, Darcy delaRosa, Patti Stephens, Jane Szabo, Janet Sylvester, Paulette Stenberg, Penni Myers, Gail Chipman, Jean Amundson, Donna Harwell, Karen Oetjen, Nan Scott, Chris Benedetti, Lindanne Perdue, Rose Shaw, Joanne Sedlacek, Meralee Wilson, and Joy Johnson
Meeting called to order by President Darcy de la Rosa at 10:02am.
Motion to approve minutes made by Barbara Kinzel and seconded by Debbie Mosley. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s report accepted.
Old Business: Storage Unit Keys – Joy does have a key and gave it to Jane who gave it to Barbara. After the quilt show, the key will go back to Joy.
Atonement Church Keys – Nan Scott and Jane Szabo have keys.
New Meeting Coordinator will be Velma Freudenthal. Velma will get a church key from Raynette who is the church secretary.
Lincoln County Fair – Joy reported that she talked to Becky Mershon and received all the paperwork. She will ask for signups at the next general meeting. They do charge us. Rose Shaw says that the Fair Board has in the past waived the fee. 10×30 booth is $175. Rose recommended they don’t pay the bill until she talks to the Fair Board. Nan reported that they have paid in the past and the fee was divided into Merchandising and Raffle Ticket Sales. Janet will check on past years to see if how much was paid. Joy to turn in paperwork and check to see if they can have fee waived. Fair dates: June 30th to July 3rd.
NEW BUSINESS: Updating the website. Merchandising and Veterans are out of date. It is not hard to updating the web pages. Jean Amundson reported that members should take care of their areas. If we don’t update, then page should come down. Debbie asked that Documentation date and places be put on the web. Jean will compile and send to Darcy to send to all board members. If anyone has a presence on the website, make it permanent and change on the website. Committee chairs should have access to website and keep their committees up to date. Nan will have a training session for members to update.
Donna can begin making changes at the beginning to May. Linda Patrick was the webmaster and also ran the blog. When the web was set up originally, each committee head was supposed to make changes to their own particular area. Nan propose Donna and her work together. Nan can write up a position description – falls under the Communication committee. Nan and Donna will get together after May 4th to work on access for Committee chairs.
Lindanne Perdue reported Habitat for Humanity if hosting a Home and Garden Show at the Chinook Winds Casino in Lincoln City May 27th from 10am to 6pm. A booth has been offered to Community Quilters at no charge to sell raffle tickets for the 2023 Raffle Quilt. Meralee will help with the set up and the Lincoln City members will help man the booth. Chris Benedetti will have postcards at the booth advertising the OCQG online auction this fall.
A program/workshop committee volunteer is needed. President or Vice president will ask for a volunteer at the May general meeting.
Committee Reports:
Audit – Gail Chipman and Ellen Germaneri have done the audit. She read a letter to the board commending Janet Sylvester for doing an excellent job as Treasurer. Jean Amundson moved we accept the audit report. Rose Shaw seconded. Motion passed.
Block of the Month – Viki West not present
Budget/Finance – Janet reported budgets are due in September before general meeting.
Challenge – Viki West not present
Webmaster/Blog – Donna Harwell & Nan Scott – Donna doesn’t have anything else to report. See above under new business.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – Meralee is going to help Lindanne donate the quilts.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek – September date changed to the 23rd.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg – Meeting next Wednesday from 10 to 4 at the Carriage House.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti – nothing to report.
Hospitality – Teecia not present
Librarian – Pam Grindell not present. Library books were being sold to guild members at the April general meeting. Library is being disbanded.
Membership – Patti Stephens reported that there are now 152 members.
Merchandising – Penni Myers is waiting for order to be delivered. Hopefully before next meeting.
Photographer – Rose Shaw nothing to report.
Programs/Workshops – Jane Szabo – needs a replacement. Robin Reilly donated her pin cushion quilt to go to the online auction. Viki will handle program in May. May program is Silent Auction. Please don’t use straight pins. 10 members have signed up for June meeting which is “My First Quilt”. She can use 15. July meeting will be “Finally Finished”.
Sept workshop will be Beginning Machine Quilting by Jean Amundson.
Publicity – Jean Amundson – she did get an article in the newspaper.
Quilt Show – Barbara Kinsell – last year had 234 quilts. She is shooting for 300 this year. Over half vendor spaces have been sold. Phoebe is resigning from Vender Committee due to health. Barbara is taking over. The quilt show banners and outdoor signs are scheduled to be put in place before quilt show. A food vendor is still needed. If anyone has pictures from 2022 quilt show, Barbara would like them.
Quilter’s Surprise – Debbie Mosley – Nothing to report
Retreat 2024 – Gail Chipman – She did hear from Alder’s Gate. They had to wait to see if anyone renewed space from previous year. OCQG has 2nd choice of dates. Needs opinion on date. Jane would like date set before she schedules a special speaker. Consensus is Early in Year – February or March. The fall is usually pretty full with other activities.
Veterans Project – Rose Shaw – Had presentation yesterday. Originally was going to give 21 – one couldn’t make it and one had died. Over 60 people attended. It was very special. They had 15 sewers yesterday. 500 quilts have been presented. Next presentation will be May 17, 2023.
Jean Larsen passed away on Sunday. Patti Stephens will include in the memorial for next year.
Raffle quilt 2023 – Meralee Wilson – The quilt is touring to various quilt shops. Tickets will be for sale at the Habitat for Humanity Home and Garden Show in Lincoln City, the Lincoln County Fair and Beachcomber Days in Waldport. Other suggested sites are Loyalty Days in Newport and La-De-Dah in Yachats. Meralee will check into.
Raffle 2024 – Meralee Wilson – Voted on Kaleidoscope quilt. Need 7 big panels to make the blocks. Since doing it for the quilt, they should get panels at cost. Merilee will check on that.
Zoom Set-up General Meeting – Nan Scott/Jane Szabo – Jane is hoping Velma Freudenthal will take over. Nan will do the set up zoom in May since Jane will be gone.
Motion to adjourn made by Rose and Seconded by Barbara.
Meeting adjourned at 11:10pm by Darcy delaRose.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild April 13, 2023 General Meeting
Meeting called to order by Joy Johnson at 1pm.
Motion to approve the March general meeting minutes made by Diane Tillotsen and seconded by Penni Myers. Minutes approved.
Lincoln County Marine Corp Presentation. Bulldog and his wife Jeanette presented $300 to the Veterans Quilt Project. He is a member of chapter 1841 in Lincoln City. And he also runs Toys for Tots.
Latimer Center in Lincoln City is having a challenge. “What’s in a deck?” Beginning on June 1st, come to Latimer and pick a card. You can then interpret your card in any media you choose. Item size not to exceed 18” by 24”. The item is to be finished by December 1, 2023. The challenge is based on the book “Art Quilts: Playing with a Full Deck by Sue Pierce and Velna Suit. This will be a future exhibit at Latimer Center.
Keys – Who has a guild church key? Please let Darcy know if you have a key.
Raffle Quilt – 2024 raffle quilt. (Jane Szabo filling in for Meralee Wilson). Three ideas for the raffle were submitted. 1) Applique quilt blocks were donated to Community Quilters. Toni Brodie set the blocks together and added the borders. The blocks were needle turn applique. 2) Bridge panel with kaleidoscope quilt blocks surrounding it. 3) Bridge panel with paper pieced blocks around it. The quilt selected by members present and on zoom is #2.
Committee Reports:
Veterans Project – Rose Shaw – A presentation will be on April 19th with 21 quilts being presented at 2pm at the Siletz Grange. Sew in will be prior to the presentation. Each time they do a presentation, more applications are received.
Community Quilts – Lindanne Perdue – They have many quilt tops that need to be quilted. Help is needed for pillows for the hospital. They use about 20 per week. Head Start has changed their quilt size needed to approximately 40” by approximately 50”.
Membership – Patti Stephens – Members present included zoom are 62. Plus 5 visitors. Total membership is 151.
Patti also reported on an Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) fundraiser. She and her quilting friends are participating in “The Walk to Defeat ALS” in Salem on May 6th. Her group is “Sisters of Perpetual Quilting” in honor of guild member Nancy Terhaar who has ALS. If you have questions, please call Patti at 541-760-9380.
Challenge Quilts – Viki West – Include hanging sleeve and label. There will be a special display at the quilt show. Quilts will be displayed for voting in the June meeting. Also include your paint chips.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlecak – First documentation is April 15th located at the Carriage House from 9:30 to 3:30. May will be in Lincoln City.
Sponsored Ribbons for Quilt Show – Toni Brodie – $10 buys the ribbon. After all quilts are hung, but before the quilt show opens, members can award quilt to their choice.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti – Small quilts should go to the Small Quilt Auction, but any others can go to fundraising. More information will come later.
Merchandising – Penni Myers – nothing to report. The order has not arrived.
Small Quilt Auction – Velma Freudenthal – Received a couple today.
Meeting Coordinator – Jane Szabo – There is going to be a new committee called Meeting Coordinator. They would have a key to the church. Would need to be at church early to set up. She needs a volunteer for next month as she will not be there. Next month will be the Silent Auction. Bid sheets are on the web site. No price less than $.25 per item. Price can be by bid or buy it now option.
June meeting – “My First Quilt”. September workshop will be by Jean Amundson which is machine quilting on 9/16.
Quilt Show – Jane – Next week will be meeting at 1pm at Newport Library. Registration is now open. If you have items for sale in the boutique, you need to work at least one shift at the quilt show. Pamela Potter has the sign-up board for the quilt show.
Library – Pam Grindell – The library is closing. All books are for sale and the price is by donation.
Program – Robin Reilly – Trunk Show and hints about Laura Heine quilts. Workshop on Friday and Saturday April 14th and 15th.
Donation – Penni Myers – Strawberry Fields quilt kit. Kit donated by Fran Whited.
Nifty Notions – Crystal Beard – Binding Clips
Donation from Robin Reilly – Viki West – Sewing Machine flash drive
Quilter’s Surprise – Viki West – Kaffe Fassett umbrella
Challenge Block of the Month – Kathy Lambert
Show and Share:
Judy Rudner – donation for Habitat for Humanity – Jewel colors on black.
Rose Shaw – Cathedral Window quilt given to her by her grandmother.
Rose Shaw – Ocean themed quilt made for her granddaughter.
Betty Wilson – 2 Patriotic quilts for Veterans
Elizabeth Wood – Veterans Quilt that she is giving to the veteran that she is going on an Honor Flight with to Washington DC.
Meeting adjourned at 3pm by Joy Johnson.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Executive Board Meeting – April 20th by Zoom
Quilt Show Meeting – April 20th at 1pm at Newport Library in Person and Zoom
Community Quilters – May 4th at Lee Palmer Building in Waldport
Veteran’s Sew In – April 19th at Siletz Grange
Finishing School – April 27th 10am to 4pm at the Carriage House
Documentation – April 15th at the Carriage House
May General Meeting – May 11th Table Walk at 5:30, meeting at 6pm
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting March 16, 2023
Members Present: Viki West, Jean Amundson, Meralee Wilson, Paulette Stenberg, Barbara Kinzel, Jane Szabo, Linda Patrick, Darcy delaRosa, Gail Chipman, Rose Shaw, Pat Laub, Chris Benedetti, Patty Stephens, Ruth Hutmacher, Lindanne Perdue, Joanne Sedlacek, Donna Harwell
Meeting called to order by Darcy delaRosa at 10:03am.
Motion to approve minutes made by Chris Benedetti and seconded by Linda Patrick. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester
Last month fund transfers. $3,066.76 was the bank balance before general meeting. After the disbursements were made from the general guild meeting, the balance is $1613.73. Janet may have to transfer money from MM to regular checking. Disbursements approved at last board meeting have not been made yet.
Old Business: Storage Unit keys. VP given responsibility to manage storage unit keys. There should be 2 keys. Jane Szabo has one and Darcy is going to check with Joy to see if she has the other.
Storage Unit Permission List – dated June 2019 – A new updated list needs to be made for permission to enter the storage unit. The list is held at the Storage unit office. Darcy will email board members the list to see if anyone needs to be taken off or added.
Name changes on bank account – After Joy signs she will confirm they have all names correctly. Darcy will double check.
Atonement keys – Two keys are given out by the church to the guild. They have to go to specific people. Jane Szabo has a key. Who has second key?? Church thinks Nan has a key. Darcy will check with her. Jean Amundson has a key for her duties at the church as a member of the church. She can always be called. Darcy also has a member (church) key. If Nan doesn’t have key, an announcement will made at next general meeting to see who has a key.
New Business – Becky Mershon reported on the Lincoln County Fair held in Newport on June 30, 2023 to July 2, 2023. Guild activities at county fair. A vendor application sent by Becky to Darcy. In the past, the Fair gave the guild vendor space for free to showcase guild activities. A guild member needs to be in charge of the Fair responsibilities and Becky suggested Joy (VP) handles. The booth needs to be manned all day each day. Perhaps Joy can organize a schedule. The Fair booth is very important as raffle tickets and guild merchandise is sold. Also, veteran’s applications for quilts are taken. Committees present at the fair booth include the On-line auction, Documentation, Veterans Project, Merchandising, and Raffle Ticket Sales.
Adding a committee – Meeting Coordinator. Programs and Workshops would like to add this to lessen up their workload. Duties would include obtaining the contract with the church for meeting and workshops. They would need to arrive early and stay late for the general guild meeting, make sure everything is set up for the meeting, setting up microphone & speaker. Also new signs for each committee table walk should be made, and arrange for extra space to be used by different committees that do not need a space each month. Basically be in charge of building stuff. Need to have 2 people on committee.
Motion –Jane Szabo Moved to have a new committee called Meeting Coordinator. Seconded by Barbara Kinzel. Motion passed.
Put out on blog and mention at the meeting for a volunteer for this position.
Darcy will put on the agenda for the April meeting. Jane will put on the blog.
Committee Reports:
Quilt Show – Barbara Kinzel – Drapes – we currently use large white sheets to hang the small quilts on and they are getting a bit dated. Committee would like to replace all sheets with black drapes that won’t wrinkle and are machine washable. Cost: $1,600 maximum. Might get 10% off, but not absolute. Proposal is the cost of the drapes to be paid from capital account. Discussion: Purchase 50 black drapes. Drapes would also will available to the featured quilter.
Motion: Barbara Kinzel moved that the board approve payment of $1600 from Capital Account for black drapes to be used at the quilt show. Second – Jean Amundson. Motion passed.
Banners will be going up July 1st on Highway 101 and Nye Beach. Confirmed with Mr. Scarbourgh that he has the banners. Inserts on Welcome to Newport will also go up. 6 vendors have purchased double spaces. Fee application and fee waiver are into the city – dated march 1st.
Audit – Gail Chipman – was supposed to happen yesterday but due to illness was postponed. They have records they need.
BOM – Viki West – 3rd in series of Disappearing Blocks. Received positive comments on block.
Challenge – Viki West – leaving April 15th. Pictures of finished quilt to go to Nan by May guild meeting. On display at June meeting.
Webmaster – Donna – Linda and Nan just turned it over to her. Linda Patrick Is available as a backup. Make sure you send in time and not wait until the last minute.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – still looking for an assistant or co-chair committee. Co-chair would arrange the donation of quilts. They have 60 to 80 quilts to give away. Still working on Twin project for foster parents. Meralee Wilson will volunteer to help.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek talked to Janice Hamner yesterday. They have one lady that wants to do 20 quilts. Will spread out to 2 different time frames. May add another date. Janice is getting people scheduled. First one is Saturday April 15th.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg – meeting next week 10-4 at the Carriage House.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti – Nothing new at this point. Later in the summer they are going to ask for a spot at table walk.
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius – Not Present.
Librarian – Pam Grindell – Not Present.
Membership – Patti Stephens – Nothing new to report. 3 new members. Will send new member list to Darcy. New member info to webmaster and will get added to list.
Merchandising – Penni Myers – Not Present
Photographer – Rose Shaw – Had to leave early and go to another meeting.
Programs – 15 signed up for workshop. April speaker is Robin Riley and she will have a truck show and workshop will be April 14th & 15th which is a Friday and Saturday. No more workshop until Sept/Oct. May will be Silent Auction. Need someone to be in charge as she will not be there at the May meeting made”. Will ask next month for people to sign up. June program is – My 1st Quilt.
Publicity – Jean Amundson –She has sent information to Yachats news but they haven’t published. Give Jean information on any news outlets that might publish for the guild. Viki will talk to her about getting information into Yachats news as she has a contact.
Quilter’s Surprise – not present – Jan McQueen or Debbie Mosley
Retreat 2024 – Gail Chipman – Gail, Viki West and Patti Stephens went to Alder’s Gate in Turner and McClay in Salem to look at possible venues for the 2024 retreat. She has a couple more places they are going to visit. Also, received some information on having retreat in Spring/Fall. Winter rates are usually cheaper. They didn’t feel McClay was viable. There is no difference in price between spring/fall. The Alder’s Gate rates have not been established for 2024, but very close to Oregon Gardens, but includes 3 meals instead of 2. She could not tell them what price would be for 2024. May be available in March. Last 2 weeks of March may be available. They are very accommodating – and would love to have us. Viki has attended retreats at Alder’s Gate and it is very good. Alder’s Gates accommodated 85 members of the Eugene Guild. Power is not an issue. It is a church camp. Rooms are dormitory style. Can have one to 4 people in a room, but it is bunkbed style. Each room has its own bathroom. Sewing room and Dining room are close by. Can bring own snacks. No restrictions. Dining is buffet style. All eat at the same time. They have RV hook-ups if anyone is interested.
Veterans – Rose Shaw reported the 470 quilts have been awarded. They had 10 sewers at the last Siletz Grange sewing day.
Raffle Ticket Sales – Meralee Wilson– The raffle quilt is at Sew it Seams – then on to Grandma’s Attic. Raffle quilt 2024 will be started on soon.
Jean suggested we look at past records and save some raffle tickets for the Quilt Show as we ran out early last year. People depend on being able to buy at the show.
Dates to remember:
General Meeting – April 13th. Tablewalk begins at 12:30 and meeting at 1pm
Executive Board Meeting – April 20th at 10am on Zoom
Quilt Show – April 20th at Newport Library and Zoom
Finishing School – April 27th at the Carriage House
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 by Darcy.
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild March 9, 2023
General Meeting
Meeting called to order by President Darcy delaRosa at 1pm.
Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve minutes made by Barbara Kingsley. Seconded by Linda Patrick.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue – She needs a volunteer to coordinate the delivery of the quilts.
Jan McQueen – Ukranian Quilts – Have 11 or more finished. Have 7 more to give. Will give to members in our community. Have some quilts that need binding and some that need quilted.
Membership – Patty Stephens reported that 49 members are present with 9 on zoom. Total membership is 149 with two new members.
Veterans – Rose Shaw reported there will be a sew in on March 15th. There will not be a veterans presentation. As of tonight, they have 34 applications. The nursing home in Lincoln City has many veterans living there.
Merchandising – New jackets are in. Cost is$65 for jacket and vest is $60. Embroidery will be the ship.
Raffle Ticket Sales and 2024 Raffle Quilt – Meralee has raffle tickets to pick up. Each packet contains 24 tickets. Price of tickets is $1 each or 6 for $5. Quilt is touring now. Will need people for LC Fair to sell tickets. Looking to other venues to sale tickets at. If you have ideas, please contact Meralee.
There are two options for the 2024 raffle quilt. One choice is to use the bridge panel and put borders around it. The second choice would be to raffle a quilt that Toni Brodie would donate. The quilt is approximately 55 x 70 inches. The blocks are hand appliqued using Kaffe fabrics. The blocks were donated to Community Quilts and Toni sewed them into a top. The blocks are needle turn applique. Top only – it will need to be quilted.
April meeting will vote on which choice to use.
Challenge quilts – Viki West – A picture of your quilt will need to be sent to Nan by May 1st. The quilts can be turned into Viki at the April, May or June general meeting. They will be displayed at the June meeting for voting. They all need sleeves as they will be displayed at the quilt show. Also attach your paint chips.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek – 1st documentation will be held on April 15th.
There is also documentation in Sept on the same date as a workshop. 9:30 to 3:30 at the Carriage House. She will work on changing the date.
Rec Center Quilts – Debbie Mosley – She only has 2 quilts for this time. She needs quilts – This time using the bridge panel or ocean theme. Next time there will be summer flowers. If you have ideas for displays, please let her know.
Fund Raising – Chris Benedetti – On the web, there is a form to fill out for the online auction. Give a description or history of your quilt. Link to form under Fundraising. 100” or less should go into the Small Quilt Auction rather than the Fund Raising. In addition to quilts, other ideas include wall hangings, table runners, purses or totes.
Small Quilt Auction – Jean Amundson – ½ funds to go a 503(c) charity. If you donate a quilt, you can put a name in the charity.
Programs & Workshops – Jane Szabo – Workshop tomorrow is Thread Theory. April workshop is Robin Reilly collage the Laura Heine way.
Quilt Show – Meeting next Thursday at the Newport Library at 1pm. Still could use some volunteers. Registration is open. Toni Brodie volunteered to help.
Registration –Darcy delaRosa – 4 quilts have been registrated. If they get too many, list the ones you want shown first. Must have a picture and a sleeve. No pins in either the label or the sleeve
Toni Brodie – Special Ribbon – Next month she will have sign-ups
- Nine Patch Quilting – Speaker is Nancy Goldsworthy
- “Needles, Thread and Bobbins Oh My” is the name of the book she has written.
- Received a thank you from Georgia Sabourin for sending her pictures of the Oregon Garden Retreat.
- Also received a thank you for 2,163 trees in Oregon. This was a donation from the sale of 2022 Challenge quilts at the quilt show.
- Quilter’s Surprise – Jackie Stankey – Fiskars Scissors & a box full of thread.
- Nifty Notion – Pat Laub – Silicone Iron Rest – Absorbent Stone Car Coaster & Schmetz Universal Needles
- Donation received from Fat Quarter Shop – Linda Patrick – cutting mat.
- Donation (Unknown doner) – Ultra Pro Seam Ripper – Patty Stephens
- Block of the Month won by new member Georgia
Show & Share:
Diane Tillotson – 2 table runners & a veterans quilt with a panel and blocks made at the retreat.
Teecia Cornelious – Table Topper and a wall quilt. & 4 valentine placemats.
Toni Brodie – Happy Quilt with needle turn applique. Piece of cake pattern. And she hand quilted. Bed Quilt.
Paulette Stenberg – (3 quilts) blue & white quilt, red and white embroidery and pieced wall quilt. Raffle quilt she is giving to Fish of Lebanon pastel quilt pinwheels.
Nan Scott – Quilt for Small Quilt Auction. Used a pencil to hi-lite bird. McKenna Ryan pattern. And a patriotic quilt.
Darcy – Sew together bag
Jean Amundson – Autumn quilt from a kit she purchased at a previous quilt show using border prints.
Pamela Potter – pieced the top with the blue and yellow BOM blocks she won. She will donate top, back and batting for a Ukranian quilt.
Nancy Goldsworthy (speaker) showed a blue and yellow quilt that will be donated to a Ukranian group in Portland.
Quilt Show May 12-13 in Grants Pass
Next general meeting: April 13th
Executive Board Meeting: March 16th by Zoom
Quilt Show Meeting – March 16th hybrid meeting at Newport Library
Finishing School – March 23rd
Meeting adjourned 3:02pm
Respectfully submitted
Pat Laub
OCQG Board Minutes, Jan 19, 2023
Attendance: Debbie Mosley, Jane Szabo, Jean Amundson, Chris Benedetti, Barbara Kinzel, JoAnne Sedlacek, Nan Scott, Lindanne Perdue, Janet Sylvester, Meralee Wilson, Patti Stephens, Linda Patrick, Paulette Stenberg, Ruth
Hutmacher, Rose Shaw, Gail Chipman
Meeting was called to order at 10:13 am
Barbara K moved to accept the Nov minutes, Linda P seconded and the motion passed.
Treasurer report 12/31/22 Money market-$22,378.83, Checking- $26,513.16 Total- $48,891.99
No questions were asked, the distribution of excess general fund money will discussed in Feb.
Jean A moved to accept the treasurer report and Barbara seconded.
Nan moved to approve the payment of $700 to Lincoln Co Historical Society that is in our budget. Rose S seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Janet S- All requests for reimbursements need to be signed by the committee chair that heads your expense, or an officer.
Old Business– None
New Business:
Volunteers- We need to fill Program and Communications.
Jean and Patti will send any new member interests to Meralee
Linda P and Jane S will put out blog asking for volunteers with information on job descriptions.
Discussion continued on how to get more volunteers.
Maybe Vice President can help with Programs. Meralee will ask Joy.
Divide up the Program duties and just have some do the facility jobs, setup, cleanup, etc.
Linda P was thanked for her help with all the publicity, website and blog work.
Website- All committee chairs are responsible for updating their own areas of the website. Nan will send out web site directions to comm chairs in Feb.
Blog is for up to date info to members.
Committee reports:
Community Quilters- Jan 26, 10-2, Waldport
Documentation- April, May, Sept, Oct, Dates will be set later.
Membership- 135 members, Patti is working on Directory and hopes to have it available at Feb Guild meeting.Fundraising-Thank you to Lindanne’s husband who agreed to take pictures and Linda P who will continue to help with project.
Finishing School-Next Thursday, Jan 26, 10-4 at Carriage House, Newport. Bring your sewing machine and lunch.
Photo- Rose sent pictures to Linda P
Program- We hope to have Sujata Shah but haven’t heard from her yet. We will work on that.
Publicity- Jane will send Feb program info to Jean.
Quilt Show- Meeting this afternoon, 1 pm at Newport library lower meeting room or zoom. The committee chairs are almost filled and Rec Center contract is done. We need judging committee volunteers.
Rec Center- Debbie requests either Guild panel quilts or local scenes quilts after the Valentine quilts come
down. 1 big bed quilt and 5 lap size fit at Rec Center.
Retreat- 58 signed up and paid. They are getting ready and thinking ahead for next year. $1000 deposit will be made at Oregon Gardens but the comm. will check into other venues before the deadline to get deposit back.Bring 1-2 fat quarters for game at retreat.
Veterans- 14 attended yesterday at the Sew In in Siletz Grange. 10 tops were turned in. There are 42 on the waiting list so we need 32 more quilts. Feb 15 will be the next presentation if they get enough quilts.
Totals- 463 quilts given to veterans, 87 in 2022. They have $219.50 left in grant, They received $1000
Raffle 2023– Ticket packets will be available Feb Guild meeting. A calendar of raffle quilt locations will come out soon. We hope the rack cards will be ready for Feb Guild meeting also. Nan is getting a picture and Jane is ordering the cards with Linda P help on layout.
2024 Raffle Quilt– Meralee is working on quilt with bridge panel and looking for help with design.
Adjourned 11;20 am
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Szabo
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Executive Board Meeting
February 16, 2023
Meeting called to order at 10:03 by Darcy delaRosa.
Attendance: Darcy delaRosa, Pat Laub, Meralee Wilson, Penny Myers, Patti
Stephens, Joy Johnson, Jane Szabo, Debbie Mosley, Ruth Hutmacher, Jean
Amundson, Paulette Stenberg, Chris Benedetti, Nan Scott, Lindanne Perdue, Pam Grindell , Gail Chipman and Janet Sylvester.
Treasurer’s Report: Janet Sylvester reported as of end of January $24,141.87 in
general banking account and $22,397.75 in Money Market. Discussion on how
much to leave in checking rather than in Money Market. Retreat bill will be about $18,000. After retreat is paid for, might want to take a look at moving money from general checking to money market. $1,405.27 needs to be distributed. Some can be moved to reserves, some to capital or outreach funds. Jane has two spots that would like to have some of the money. One is to replace sheets with drapes in small gyms for quilt show. Second would be for a speaker. Nan Scott suggested $700 to Outreach Fund. Janet forgot to transfer $700 to outreach fund which comes out of General Fund. Which means only $705 needs to be distributed.
Jean Amundson says the general outreach is a charitable donation.
Jean Amundson moved we accept the treasurers. Nan seconded. Motion passed.
Jean Amundson moved we give $250 to Latimer Center and $250 to North Lincoln Co Museum. It was also suggested Guild check and see if Coffey Creek is up and running again. The distributions should have been done in January. This is last year’s donation. Janet Sylvester noted the whole amount needs to be donated.
Nan seconded the motion. Leaves $205.27 to be distributed.
Secretary needs to write a letter to Washington Federal adding Darcy de la Rosa to checking account and removing Meralee Wilson from checking account.
Reimbursement Forms – Darcy recommended taking a picture of reimbursement form and sending to Janet. They also need to be good copies – needs original or something that is clear. Even if form is not signed by two parties, an email giving approval is acceptable.
Committee Reports:
Audit – Ellen Germaneri and Gail Chipman are going to do audit this year. General audit is usually done in March.
Block of the Month – Viki West is not able to be here today. Nan took March
BOM to February general meeting for distribution.
Budget – Janet S. reported budget is due in September. Janet S asked for help
and it is recommended she ask for help in next general meeting.
Challenge – Viki not present
Communication – Nan only one left on committee. Nan is posting on the blog at present. She has put one member in touch with Linda to take over position.
Needs posts by Sunday. Penny asked if merchandise can be put online. She can post and they can contact her.
Documentation – JoAnne Sedlacek is not present. Patti Stephens is also on
committee and reported next one is April 15 at the carriage house. Jean updated documentation dates on the web.
Community Quilts – Lindanne Perdue doesn’t have anything to report.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg reported meet next week at carriage house from 10 to 4.
Fundraising – Chris Benedetti asked if Merchandising Committee would like to put one or two items on the auction.
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius not present.
Librarian – Pam Grindell reported that MaryAnn Kemmer is also helping. Thinking about closing library. There are only 5 books that are decent. In order to sustain a library, more books are needed. Suggestion: Close the Library. Suggestion as to what to do with the books we have. After open up to members for purchase – donation to Public Library. What to do with cart? Penni asked if merchandise can use cart and she will look at the cart. Shelves are slanted. Maybe donate to library. Siletz library is also looking for help. Nan moved that we dissolve the library. Pam G seconded. Motion passed. Nan suggested Yachats also received some books. Also Waldport and Toledo. Donate books to each library. Books can also be sold in boutique or grab bags.
Membership – Patti Stephens – Directories are done. Mailed to everyone who
has paid for that. Also took to Veterans sew day. The directories will be available at the March meeting. Members can also make arrangements to pick up their directory if not able to be at general meeting. A fabric store has inquired about receiving a directory. If you want a directory, join the guild and receive a directory. Used for membership only – not for commercial use. They can’t use the directory for a direct mailing list. If they want people to be aware of them, they should advertise in the membership book. Book is done, but they can advertise on the web and in the Quilt show booklet.
Merchandise – Penny Myers reported she has ordered a couple of samples and will take pre orders at April meeting. Darcy suggested Penny list merchandise on website for members to look at.
Photographer – Rose Shaw not present.
Jane Szabo reported March speaker will be in person and will be
Nancy… Threads, bobbins and needles oh my. She will also be doing a workshop on Friday. Book is not needed for workshop. Documentation is same date as
April workshop. Documentation should check with Workshop before setting date.
Publicity – Jean A. – No report. Jane will send information on March speaker for
an article.
Quilt Show – Meeting at 1pm today (hybrid meeting). Will check into replacing
sheets with drapes. How many banners were originally purchased for quilt show?
Janet Webster should have info. Janet did originally design and contracted with city for hanging. City should have the banners. They did not get hung last year.
Registration will be up by March 1st if everything goes well. Darcy and Nan will
meet this Friday to begin registration.
Quilter’s Surprise – Debbie Mosely reported ticket sales have been slow. Last few meetings have not covered cost of items. Nan suggested work on income side and think about raising price to $2/ticket. Last meeting only had a small amount of people present. Jan McQueen reported that she tries to never pay full price.
She tries to buy nicer gifts. Chris suggested showing the next 6 months prizes in advance to show what is in the quilter’s surprise. Jane S suggested taking tickets around to table walk people to purchase tickets as it is difficult for them to leave their station. Darcy suggested 4 or 5 tickets for $2. Ruth Hutmacher suggested raising price to $1.50, then people might buy 2 for $3.00.
Debbie Mosley – Bridge quilts to up next at rec center.
Retreat – Gail Chipman – great retreat – lots of contributions. She appreciated
the help from her helpers Jan McQueen and Patty Stephens. Money – Janet S
reported after payment to Oregon Garden and others, there will be about $3,100 left. About $1500 came in from 9 people who could not attend. Various reasons for not coming Gail would like to refund $882 to four members who cancelled with good cause. There is $450 which will not be refunded as it is the nonrefundable deposit. If we do go back to Oregon Garden, they will send in $1,000 deposit. Of the 9 cancellations – 3 only had paid $50. Leaves 6 – One person said keep money and considered it a donation. One person had already received refund. Leaves 4 people. Jane S. moved we refund the 4 people. Gail moved we refund money to 4 people minus the $50 deposit. Chris seconded the motion. Balance $1218. (3100 minus 1,000 deposit – 882). Balance to next year retreat.
The committee is checking into other places to hold retreat. Alder’s Gate in
Turner, two Rocks in Rockaway. Rockaway won’t work as there isn’t a big enough sewing room. Nan suggested they have enough power to run machines and irons. Gail ask for suggestions. Macleay in Salem was suggested by Jane S. She will send info to Gail.
Set-up General Meeting – Jane & Nan – Need someone on Program Committee.
Jane is going to be gone in May and needs to have someone to set up meeting.
Darcy will get a key to church. Make a plea at March meeting for
program/workshop committee. Pam G. has a key & will give to Jane S. Jean said key needs to be turned in to church and then it will be checked out to next
person. Not checked out to a committee, but to an individual.
Veterans Project – Jan McQueen reported they met yesterday. Had a
presentation with 8 quilts. 12-14 ladies sewing. 12 tops are finished & they are
waiting for quilting.
Have presented 12 quilts – 475 total presented. Waiting for quilts – 24. They can bump name to top of list if veterans is ill. Send email to Jan.
Raffle Quilt – Meralee W. – Sale of raffle quilt tickets can go on Facebook – Jane will do that. Upcoming quilt shows are Umpqua Quilt Show (April 28-30) & Mid Valley Quilt Show (April 21 & 22) in Rickreal. See if we can sale tickets there.
2024 Raffle Quilt – Call Toni Brodie about quilt she is willing to donate. She will
find out and bring to next meeting.
New Business – None
Documentation on April 15th
Announcements: None
Nan moved to adjourn. Seconded by Patti.
Adjourned at 11:48pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Pat Laub, Secretary
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild February 9, 2023
President Darcy delaRosa called the meeting to order at 1pm.
Approval of January minutes. Motion to approve minutes was made by Jean
Amundson and seconded by Jan McQueen.
Treasurer Janet was not present. If you have receipts, save them for the March
guild meeting or mail them to Janet.
Community Quilters – Lindanne reported she received 8 quilts today. Hospital
pillows are needed and she has plenty of fabric to make them. April will be frog
month and March will be bird month. Come and get some fabric.
Membership – Patti Stephens reported (via Zoom) OCQG now has 146 members.
Membership directories have been printed. If you paid for your directory to be
mailed, they were mailed today. She will also have the directories in Siletz next
Wednesday for the Veterans Sew Day. There will be a presentation that
afternoon, so if you do come to Siletz please come before 1pm. Also pick up
friends books. If your coming through Philomath, call Patti and she will make
arrangements to pick up. Directories will be available at the March meeting. 21
members in person and 29 on Zoom.
Retreat – Jan McQueen – Not much to report on the retreat. It was nice to have a retreat again. A good time was had by all. Sorry about the Covid outbreak.
Veterans Project – Rose Shaw reported there will be a Sew Day next Wednesday February 15th at Siletz Grange from 9:30am to 3pm. A presentation of quilts will be made about 2pm. There is a little trailer behind Sew Hound that serves lunch or bring a lunch.
Hospitality – Teecia Cornelius reported that there is coffee and cookies, but will not be served at the meeting. Both will be available as “to go” and will be
available by the exit door.
Raffle Quilt – A thank you letter was read by President Darcy from Natalie
Crabtree who designed the quilt. The quilt is phenomenal. She was pleased to
see the finished result from one of her designs.
Raffle Tickets – Meralee Wilson reported she has tickets available for pickup
today. Each packet contains 24 tickets. They sell for $1 each or 6 for $5. Packets will also be available next month.
Challenge Quilt – Viki West reported she has had lots of questions regarding the challenge. Only 2 main fabrics will be used in the quilt. These two fabrics are the same color as your paint chips. A third color can be added but can only be 10% of the finished quilt. A picture of your quilt is to be sent to Nan by the May guild meeting.
Rec Center – Debbie Mosley reported she didn’t get very many Valentine quilts
for the rec center. March quilts – bridge quilts. They will be for March and April.
May will be Spring flowers. There is room for one large bed quilt. 4-5 wall
hangings. If as a group, we don’t want to do it please let her know.
Quilt Auctions – Jean Amundson reported on the two auctions being held this
year. The Small Quilt Auction at quilt show that she and Velma Freudenthal are
heading up and the online auction which will be held this fall. The small quilts are not be more that 100 inches in circumference. There is a registration form to be submitted with your quilt that is available on the OCQG website. Online auction will be held this fall. There is a 2 page form on line that needs to be submitted with your donation. They will accept large quilts. Jean also brought copies of both forms today.
Quilt Show – Jane Szabo reported there will be a meeting next Thursday at 1pm at Newport Library. There are 2 workshops coming up. You can use any pattern as long as she approves it. March will be a technique class on March 10, 2023 for $40 with $5/person for the thread.
Workshops – Jane Szabo reported that two workshops are coming up. March
workshop will be on thread play. The cost is $40 with $5 going for the thread.
The April workshop will be two days April 14 and April 15. Robin Reilly will be
teaching a Laura Heine class. Any pattern can be used as long as it is approved by Robin. Also needed will be a fabric kit.
Program – Sujata Shah – Cultural Fusion Quilts (book she wrote).
Quilter’s Surprise – Pat Laub – Scissor keeper & Needle Threader
Nifty Notion ` Chaco liner pin, bobbin box, Steam a Seam II – Darcy dela Rosa
Blocks – Mary Ann Kemmer
Show & Share:
Jean Amundson – Showed a Veterans quilt – with a beautiful America the
Beautiful panel.
Candy Smith – Showed 3 quilts – 2 were blue & called Wild Blue Yonder – Blue
stash reduction act. Her third quilt is a lap quilt made of hearts made for a friend who had breast cancer.
Jan McQueen shared that Georgia’s last scan showed the cancer had shrunk by 25 to 50%. She is optimistic that she will be back for next year’s retreat.
Meeting adjourned
Executive Board Meeting – 2/16/23 @ 10am by Zoom
Quilt Show Meeting – 2/16/23 @ 1pm at Newport Library (hybrid)
Community Quilters – 3/2/23 at Lee Palmer’s office 10am to 2pm
Veteran’s Workday – 2/15/23 – Siletz Grange – 9:30am
Finishing School – 4th Thursday at the Carriage House from 10am to 4pm.
March meeting – In person
Respectfully Submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting In Person and via Zoom Of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild January 12, 2023
The hybrid meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:00 p.m.
Installation of new officers: President – Darcy delaRosa, Secretary – Pat Laub, and Treasurer – Janet Sylvester.
Viki West moved to approve the Minutes of the December 8, 2022 General Meeting. Penny Myers seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Membership – Joanne Sedlacek reported that the Guild has 108 members, with 59 in person and 18 on Zoom. There were also three guests.
Veterans Quilt Project – Rose Shaw reported there will be a sew in on January 18, 2023 at the Siletz Grange. At present, there are 48 veterans waiting to receive quilts. She also reported that more quilts are needed. Also more quilters and label makers.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue reported that the Community Quilters will meet on January 26, 2023 as the usual meeting on February 2nd occur the same day as the retreat. Hospital pillows are needed and they have four quilts that need binding.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek had nothing to report since she is new to the committee. The dates for documentation in 2023 will be in April, May, September and October.
Finishing School – Karen Oetjen reported that Finishing School begin this month. They meet at the Carriage House on the 4th Thursday of each month from 10 to 4.
Retreat – Gail Chipman, Jan McQueen and Patty Stephens reported that they have 58 attendees at this time. There is room for 60 and open to non-members of the guild. The dates are January 31, 2023 to February 3, 2023. Jan McQueen is offering a class to make a small bag. Jan will provide all supplies and the cost is $5. You will have enough supplies to make two bags. Continental breakfast is provided by the lodge. Morning and afternoon snacks are provided, but they are not a meal and dinner will be provided by the lodge. Food prices have increased a great deal so the snacks will be small. Check-in at 9am on Tuesday in the sewing room. Check-in at the lodge begin at 3pm. Bring items to the “free” table to share.
Web Master – A new web master is need as Linda Patrick is stepping down. She will not be able to train a newbie that has no experience, but will go over the duties.
Fund Raiser – Chris Benedetti reported that the online auction will be held every other year and will be held in the odd number years. She would like every guild member to donate an item. Many different items can be donated such as quilts, wall hangings, bags, etc. Jane Szabo began by donating a beautiful bag made from the “Girly Gym Bag” pattern. The 1st week-end of September will be the deadline for donating items. The auction will be held in October. There will be depots to collect quilts. Yachats – Viki West, Waldport – Jane Szabo, Newport – Velma Freudenthal, and Lincoln City – Roseanne Burton.
Raffle Quilt Tickets – The tickets will be available at the February general meeting. A packet of 24 will be $20.
2024 Raffle Quilt – Meralee Wilson reported that the quilt will be designed around a panel. If you have any ideas, please contact her.
Quilt Show – Jane Szabo reported the meeting will be held on Thursday, January 16 at 1pm at the Newport Library in the downstairs meeting room. Both in person and zoom are available.
Workshops – Jane Szabo reported the March workshop will be Thread Play and the April workshop will be a Laura Heine taught by Robin Riley. The April workshop will be over two days – April 14th and 15th for a cost of $65. A pattern and kit will need to be purchased from Robin Riley’s website.
Program – Patricia Belyea –
For Show & Share:
Jan McQueen showed two quilts. One was a red, white and blue quilt and the other a Dresden plate variation.
Jean Amundson showed an Asian themed quilt.
Block of the Month – None for this month. Next month will be a valentine heart block
Quilter’s Surprise – Evelyn DePaolo win an Olisio iron
Nifty Notion – Ruth Hutmacher won a water soluble glue stick.
Reminders –
Board Meeting via Zoom – January 16, 2023
Quilt Show Meeting – January 16, 2023 via in person or zoom
Veterans Project Sew-In – January 15, 2023
General Guild Meeting – February 9, 2023
Respectfully Submitted,
Pat Laub, Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild December 8, 2022
The meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:34 p.m.
Viki West moved to approve the Minutes of the November 10, 2022 General Meeting. Penni Myers seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Committee Reports:
Challenge Quilt – Viki West reported fifteen people have signed up for the Challenge Quilt and she is still accepting new members who want to sign-up. The color chips will be handed out at the January general meeting.
President’s Quilt – As the outgoing president, Meralee Wilson was presented with a quilt with a design motif of nine-patch blocks.
Retreat 2023 – Gail Chipman reported 58 people have signed up for the 2023 Retreat and each should have received an e-mail with information regarding roommate(s), remaining payment due, and other relevant information.
Lindanne Perdue – An announcement was made that Lindanne’s knee surgery was successful, and her knee is fine.
Membership – An announcement was made that a new member joined the Guild, and her name is Maryann.
Quilt Show 2023 – Jane Szabo announced she and Barbara Kinzel are co-chairs of the 2023 Quilt Show, the first meeting, which will be a hybrid meeting, is on January 19, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the Newport library. All further meetings will be hybrids, on the third Thursday of the month, and at 1:00 p.m. at the Newport library for those attending in person. Jane further announced the second key to the storage unit is missing and asked for information regarding its location. Jane then announced the Featured Quilter at the 2023 Quilt Show will be Ruth Hutmacher.
Veteran’s Project – There will not be a meeting until the third Wednesday in January, January 19, 2023.
There being no further business or committee reports, Jane Szabo introduced the program, a series of games to celebrate the holidays.
At quilting bingo, the following members won fat quarters; Pam Grindell, Barbara Kinzel, Fran Whited, Cathy Alexander, Meralee Wilson, and Gail Chipman.
At quilting trivia, the members at Janice Hoffman’s table won with seven correct answers.
At filling in the blanks, Janice Hoffman’s table won, and the following received the table decorations; Toni Brodie, Joanne Sedlacek, Kathy Lambert, Janice Hoffman, Viki West, Fran Whited, and Ruth Hutmacher.
Quilter’s Surprise – Janice Hoffman won a quilting book, Easy Quilts from Precuts, and a stack of black and white fat quarters.
Nifty Notions – Lynn Moody won a notion for scissor storage.
Show and Share – Jane Szabo gave a class on creating the Girly Gym Bag, and various class attendees displayed their results.
Gail Chipman displayed her quilt made from cornflower blocks made and donated by Nancy Terhaar.
Jane Towsley displayed her quilt of vertical strips titled Loose Change.
Paulette Stenberg displayed a stunning quilt of flower blocks with wide borders which she made and quilted for her daughter-in-law. Paulette reported the quilt took five to six weeks to make.
Paulette displayed a second quilt of green/yellow/white nine patch.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary
The next general meeting will be on Thursday, January 12, 2023 with table walk beginning at 12:30 p.m.
The next hybrid meeting of the Executive Board will be on Thursday, January 19, 2023 beginning at 10:00 a.m.
The first hybrid meeting of the 2023 Quilt Show chairs will be on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
Minutes of the General Meeting, In Person and via Zoom, of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild November 10, 2022
The hybrid meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:04 p.m.
Diane Tillotson moved to approve the Minutes of the October 13, 2022 General Meeting. Toni Brodie seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Jean Amundson moved to approve the 2023 budget and Penni Myers seconded the motion. After a vote of the membership, the budget was approved.
Jean Amundson made a motion to accept the new slate of officers. The officers to be installed are:
President – Darcy de la Rosa;
Vice-president – Joy Johnson;
Secretary – Patricia Laub; and
Treasurer – Janet Sylvester.
Penni Myers seconded the motion, and after a vote by the membership, the incoming slate of officers was approved.
Membership: The Guild has 160 members, forty members attended the meeting in person, and fourteen attended via Zoom. In addition there were two visitors at the meeting. The Membership committee announced annual dues are due by the January 15, 2023 general meeting. The dues are $25.00 for the fiscal year and $29.00 if the new directory is to be mailed to the member. The membership was requested to update all personal information if it has changed since January 2022.
Veterans’ Project – Rose Shaw announced that the next sew-in is the following Wednesday at the Siletz Grange from 9:30 a.m. to approximately 2:30 to 3:00 p.m. In addition to the sew-in, there will be a presentation of quilts to veterans. Rose reported the committee needs help making labels for each of the quilts. She has a template which will help in making the labels. The committee has six more quilts to make in addition to the eight quilts on which the committee members are currently working. There will not be a sew-in in December. Rose further reported Georgia Sabourin is doing well.
Challenge Quilt – Viki West announced the 2023 challenge quilt will be a paint chip challenge. Each participant will pick a sealed envelope at random which will contain two paint chips. Ninety percent of the challenge quilt must be comprised of the two colors although the participants can add one other color which may be no more than ten percent of the quilt. The quilt can be any shape, but it cannot be more that 120 inches all the way around. Members can sign up at the December meeting or by sending a text or e-mail to Viki by the date of the December meeting. The sealed envelopes will be handed out at the January general meeting or, if a member does not/can not attend in person, Viki will find a way to get the envelope to that member. If the participant does not like the two colors assigned to her, she can try to find someone to trade with her; however, participants do not have the option of choosing a different envelope. The participants must each deliver a photograph of their finished quilts to Nan Scott by the May general meeting. Nan will be sending an e-mail regarding what information needs to accompany the photographs. The quilts must be turned in at the June general meeting and delivered to Viki by the date of the general meeting if the participant(s) will not attend the meeting. Members can view the quilts at the June general meeting, but voting will take place online. The quilts will be displayed at the 2023 Quilt Show, but they will not be for sale at that venue. Participants who do not wish to keep their quilts can donate them to the 2023 online fund-raising auction in October 2023 or save it for the 2024 Quilt Show small quilt auction.
2023 Raffle Quilt – Jean Amundson reported she needs suggestions for potential names of the Raffle Quilt. The suggestions will be posted online, and members can vote online. The member who makes the winning suggestion will receive six free tickets for the Raffle Quilt.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue reported there will not be a meeting on December 1, 2022. Five additional quilts need binding. Lindanne further reported 80 quilts have been donated to Head Start.
Retreat: Gail Chipman announced the Retreat is full and there are two people on the waiting list. Please see, call, or text Gail with any questions. Please see the Membership Directory for her contact information.
2024 Raffle Quilt – The committee needs ideas for the 2024 Raffle Quilt.
December General Meeting/Potluck – Jane Szabo announced the Guild will be able to have food at the December meeting on December 8, 2022. Members are encouraged to bring whatever dish, casserole, dessert, or food they wish to have at the meeting. There will be games.
There being no other business, Jane Szabo introduced David Owens Hasting as our speaker. David is a graphic artist, a gallery artist, and a designer of art and textiles. He is a modern quilter who has exhibited his quilts at shows and museums over the last twenty years. David can be found at He loves to travel and particularly to Asia.
David’s topic is “Quilt Labels to Love.” Quilts are an art form and in the art world, the artist signs her work. Making the label should take various factors into consideration; Is the quilt a gift, a work for commission, or just for the quiltmaker? David’s labels are pieced into the backing and then quilted through sometime boldly and other times more subtly and then blended into the background.
Information for the label should include the quilt maker, the quilt recipient, the city in which it was made, the name of the quilt, the size of the quilt, the pattern name, the pattern designer, any special story about the quilt, and washing instructions. Typical fonts which David uses for his labels include Sans Serif, Arial, Calibri, Verdana, and Helvetica. If you are going to use Sans Serif, keep the font large or bold. The font size should be 18 point and there must be contrast between the type, background, and fill color. David uses a customized computer template. He has an HP Deskjet 3755 printer, which cost approximately $85.00, to print the label on inkjet fabric, after proofing the label on paper. Then a third party proofreads the label. Once printed, David lets the label sit for fifteen minutes. He then removes the backing, soaks the label in water for ten minutes, dries the label, and irons it without using steam. David then stitches the label into the quilt backing before the quilt is quilted.
David suggests using a professional woven label with the quilter’s name or logo when binding the quilt. David purchases his binding labels from Wonder Label.
In response to a guild members’ questions, David noted he uses normal quilting cotton for his backing fabric but the color is normally subdued, the ink in his inkjet printer is normal ink, laser printers will not work, use the default setting on the standard inkjet printers, the ink is durable as long as the quilt is not put in the dryer, David does his own quilting on a Bernina 570 with a walking foot, and, in printer settings, David ignores special settings for the material on which the label will be printed and treats it as paper.
The program having completed, there were the following:
Quilter’s Surprise: Jean Amundson won bloc-loc rulers which she prizes for trimming half-square triangles and a block of the month book entitled “Cream & Sugar.”
Block of the Month: Viki West announced the next block of the month will be at the January 2023 general meeting.
Rec Center – Debbie Mosley announced she is looking for four wall-size Christmas quilts for the Rec Center.
Nifty Notions: Ann Fletcher won an Alex Anderson essential tool.
Lincoln County Fabrics: Lincoln County Fabrics awarded a $50.00 gift certificate.
Show and Share:
Toni Brodie displayed her “Block of the Month” applique quilt which has a Thanksgiving theme. Toni’s sister took up quilting and, in the middle of making her quilt, decided the activity was not for her so Toni decided to finish the project. Lisa Taylor quilted the quilt.
Ruth Hutmacher displayed a quilt called “Ocean Sun” which included a magnificent panel of the sun. Lisa Taylor quilted Ruth’s quilt as well.
Linda MacKown displayed her quilt of nasturtiums in pinks and oranges against green.
Sandra Hostetler displayed one quilt.
And Candy Smith displayed one quilt with a house motif.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m.
Announcements –
The next Board meeting, via Zoom, is a 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 17, 2022. There is no board meeting in December.
The next general meeting is at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 8, 2022. Table walk begins at 12:30 p.m. Please bring donations for the food pantry as well as individual placemats and place settings for the potluck meal. There will be a short meeting afterwards.
Respectfully submitted
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary
The Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild was held via Zoom on November 17, 2022, and called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:04 a.m. A quorum was present.
Nan Scott moved to approve the Minutes of the October 20, 2022 Executive Board meeting and Chris Benedetti seconded the motion. Two corrections were made to the October 20, 2022 Minutes: The reference to Featured Quilter for the 2023 Quilt Show was deleted from the committee report for Quilters’ Surprise and the committee report for Programs was amended to recognize member and Program chair Jane Szabo as having presented and hosted the November 11, 2022 workshop on the Girly Gym Bag. After a vote, with the corrections noted, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that there is on deposit the sum of $19,388.00 in the guild’s checking account, $22,341.00 in the Money Market account, and $3,009.00 in the general operating account. Janet further reported there were no notable expenses this past month. Jean Amundson moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. After a vote, the Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
New Business –
2023 Raffle Quilt – Nan Scott reported that 56 members voted online for the proposed name of the 2023 Raffle Quilt and the name “Beneath the Waves” was chosen by majority vote. In 2022, 7,000 tickets were ordered for the 2022 Raffle Quilt, and they were sold out. Nan Scott recommended purchasing 8,000 raffle tickets for the 2023 Raffle Quilt which would cost approximately $20.00 more than 7,000 tickets. Linda Patrick is researching putting the 2023 Raffle Quilt online and selling tickets through the guild website. Tickets should begin selling no later than January 2023. Nan Scott will take a picture of the 2023 Raffle Quilt.
Meralee Wilson reported she is still looking for committee chairs for the Program and Hospitality committees.
The preparations for the December Potluck luncheon are fine and Nan Scott noted someone needs to send a reminder to the membership regarding the bringing of food, utensils, etc., taking leftover food home, and not taking the Church’s utensils home. Linda Patrick will put an entry in the guild’s blog.
Old Business – There being no old business, the Board went to committee reports.
Committee Reports-
Block of the Month – No report.
Challenge Quilt 2023 – No report.
Communications – Linda Patrick reported the website was repaired so members can find and check meeting minutes in the archives.
Community Quilters – Meralee Wilson reported there will not be a meeting of Community Quilters in November, 2023.
Documentation – No report.
Finishing School – There will not be any meetings for the remainder of 2022.
Fund Raising – No report.
Hospitality – The Board noted that a chairperson is required.
Librarian – Pam Grindell reported all the books are at her house and she is preparing two lists; one of books to retain and one of books to sell. Meralee Wilson suggested the books to be sold be included in the Quilt Show Grab Bags.
Membership – No Report.
Merchandising – Becky Mershon reported Penni Myers will chair this committee next year.
Nominating Committee – No report.
Photography – No report.
Programs – Meralee Wilson reported she will speak with Marie Best about becoming the Program chairperson.
Workshop – No report.
Publicity – No report.
Quilt Show – Jane Szabo reported Gail Chipman will continue as a committee chairperson of the Quilt Show Boutique and Jean Amundson noted she will be the contact person between the guild and Atonement Lutheran Church, but she cannot be responsible for quilt intake and coordinating of judging.
Quilters Surprise – No report.
Rec Center – No report.
Retreat – Gail Chipman reported 60 members have registered for the 2023 Retreat and there are three individuals on the waiting list, two members and one guest who registered for the 2021 Retreat and did not have her deposit returned when the Retreat was cancelled due to Covid.
Veteran’s Project – Meralee Wilson reported Veterans’ Project had a productive sew-in on November 16, 2022 and six Quilts of Valor were presented to veterans at the sew-in.
2023 Raffle Quilt – No report. Please see notes under new business.
Linda Patrick reported Mr. Danels, a guild member, sells quilting fabrics and requested space in the guild blog. Jean Amundson noted guild rules require members to pay the ad rate for an advertisement.
Jean Amundson requested the secretary to review the Minutes of the Executive Board meetings for the last two years to see if there have been any changes to the Standing Rule.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:43 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary
The Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild was held via Zoom on October 20, 2022, and called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:01 a.m. A quorum was present.
Gail Chipman moved to approve the Minutes of the September 15, 2022 Executive Board meeting and Chris Benedetti seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that $4,362.98 was transferred from the Quilt Show account to the General Operating Account. Jean Amundson moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. After a vote, the Treasurer’s Report was accepted. Janet further reported that at the copy center there is one card for the entire quilt guild which is not assigned to one or more specific committees. If the committee chair does not advise the Treasurer about the copies, she does not have the necessary information to properly debit the incurred expense. A detailed discussion ensued at the end of which Jean Amundson moved to have the guild use the digital copy center. Wilma Roles seconded the motion and after a vote, the motion passed.
Budget – Janet Sylvester presented the budget for the following year, and, after a discussion, Jean Amundson moved to recommend the budget for approval to the general membership at the November meeting. Wilma Roles seconded the motion, and, after a vote, the motion passed.
New Business – There was no new business for the Executive Board to consider.
Committee Reports-
Block of the Month – Viki West reported few members signed up for the candle blocks, but twenty members signed up for the snowmen mug rugs.
Challenge Quilt 2023 – The theme will be the paint chip challenge. Each participant will use two colors which they will pick out of a bag. The quilt must be made up of 90% of these two colors and up to 10% of a third color of the participant’s choosing. Pictures of the finished quilts must be submitted by the June, 2023 general guild meeting. Viki West will chair the Challenge Quilt committee.
Communications – No report.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue reported she needs a co-chair and advised that the next meeting of Community Quilters was cancelled.
Documentation – The last meeting of the year would be on the last Saturday of the month.
Finishing School – There is a meeting this month.
Fund Raising – Chris Benedetti reported a photographer is needed for the Fund-Raising committee and the bi-annual auction is scheduled for the end of October 2023.
Hospitality – No report, but it was noted that a committee chair is required.
Librarian – Pam Grindell met with a new guild member, and they worked together to segregate inappropriate books from the current library. A brief discussion ensued about including Accuquilt cutter dies, templates, and rulers in the library offerings. The library will not be out and available to members until the January 2023 general guild meeting.
Membership – No Report.
Merchandising – Becky Mershon reported that Penni Myers will chair this committee next year and that Diane Tillotson has also volunteered.
Nominating Committee – No report.
Photography – No report.
Programs – There was a brief discussion in which it was noted that if the Program committee was not separated from the responsibility of scheduling workshops, etc., at least four members will be needed for the committee.
Workshop – The workshop following the November 11, 2022 workshop on the Girly Gym Bag is presented by Patricia Belyea – The World of Japanese Yakata Quilts.
Publicity – No report.
Quilters Surprise – There was a brief discussion about the necessity of recommendations for the featured quilter at the 2023 Quilt Show.
Rec Center – No report.
Retreat – Gail Chipman will chair the 2023 Retreat. Gail reported that there are four slots available, and the guild has committed to pay for 60 attendees. If 60 quilters attend, expenses will be covered.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw reported the committee is down to zero quilts.
2023 Raffle Quilt – The quilt is with Lisa Taylor for quilting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:09 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary.
Minutes of the General Meeting, In Person and via Zoom, of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild October 13th, 2022
The hybrid meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:05 p.m.
Penni Myers moved to approve the Minutes of the September 8, 2022 General Meeting. Toni Brodie seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
The Guild received a “thank you” note from the Aquarium for donating the proceeds of the Small Quilt Auction in the amount of Seven Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ($768.00).
The Aurora Quilt Show is from October 14 to October 23, 2022.
The 2023 Raffle Quilt is going to the quilter.
The Guild needs ideas for the 2024 Raffle Quilt.
The 2023 Quilt Show needs a Challenge Quilt idea. The Executive Board will review the various proposals and vote to determine the proposal which shall be used. Contact the President, Meralee Wilson or Nan Scott if you have any ideas.
The Guild needs committee chairs in 2023.
Debbie Moseley announced she found a blue and gold bag and if it is yours, please see Debbie.
Membership: The Guild has 160 members, forty-six members attended the meeting in person, fourteen members attended on Zoom, and there were two visitors.
Retreat: Gail Chipman announced the Retreat still has five openings and the balance due must be paid by the December Guild general meeting on December 8, 2022. Jan McQueen announced there are thirteen openings for the bag workshop at the Retreat. Participants will make two bags in the workshop. Participants will pay Five Dollars ($5.00) at the Retreat.
Veterans Project: Rose Shaw announced the next sew-in at the Siletz Grange on October 19, 2022 and then November 16, 2022 and there will be a presentation at 2:00 p.m. Year-to-date, the committee has presented 75 quilts and a total of 451 quilts.
Finishing School: Paulette Stenberg announced the Finishing School meets o the 4th Thursday of every month, although they will not meet in November and December 2022. Finishing School will begin to meet in January 2023.
Community Quilters. Lindanne Perdue announced that she has Thanksgiving and Christmas fabrics, and she needs volunteers to make pillows. She also has batting in long strips and needs volunteers to sew them together for quilt batting. Community Quilters needs 80 50” x 60” quilts. On November 3, 2022 there will be an open house. The December 2022 open house has been cancelled.
Documentation: Evelyn DePaolo announced the last meeting of the year will be November 11, 2022 and there are two openings available.
There being no other business, Jane Szabo introduced Michelle Banton of Little Pup Designs who spoke on “Cotton to Consumer.”
To begin, cotton is grown in the field and is a perennial grown as an annual to preserve seeds and nutrients. Historically, cotton was picked by hand but now it is picked by machines known as cotton pickers. The machines strip cotton from branches and dump it in bins. Crews travel from farm to farm to machine pick cotton. The vast majority of cotton is grown in China, India, and the United States. The cotton goes from machine picker to bin to compacter module and are automatically sized to go on the back of trucks. The cotton goes to the cotton gin to separate and clean the cotton. There are numerous seeds in the cotton, and it is difficult to separate the seeds from the lint. John Deere company has a new machine which picks, bins, compacts, and modules the cotton which is then brought to the gin. The cotton gin dries and cleans the cotton and then removes sticks. The cotton is the dried and cleaned again and the lint is cleaned. Then baked, the cotton ends up as 500-pound bales.
The bales journey by cargo ship to mills in India, Pakistan, China, and Korea. In the opening rooms of the mills, the bales are mixed together. The cotton is then carded, which is the process of separating the threads, spun, warped, weaved, and the final product is known as “grey goods.” Raw grey goods go to printers in South Korea and Japan. Very little printing of grey goods is done in the United States.
In flat-bed printing, each screen is similar to a silk screen and each screen is a different color. In rotary drum printing each screen is a different color. The maximum number of colors printed on grey goods is eighteen. The printer starts with the darker colors. As many quilters know, often the printed colors are identified in the selvedge as little dots. But that feature is only possible in flat-bed printing. In rotary printing, the selvedge is blank. The use of digital printing is just like using a home computer, all colors are printed at the same time on large format printers. Digital printing does not allow for the easy change of colors.
There are a variety of types of designers including in-house designers, independent artists, trained designers, and celebrity quilters. Except an in-house designer, a designer is not locked into any one company.
The printed fabrics are then pre-sold to shops, but it takes six to eight months to ship and deliver the fabrics. Based upon orders, the manufacturers (printers) decide on how much fabric to print; the amount ordered and then a percentage on top of that. For American consumers, the printed fabrics are then shipped to warehouses in the United States. The fabric arrives from the printer rolled on tubes and then needs to be folded and put on bolts. A label is then put on the bolt. If the company name and or the little dots of color are not on the selvedge, the fabric may be inferior. Seams should be cut out of bolts at the stage. The printed fabric goes from the warehouse to distributors to the quilt and fabric shops.
The program having completed, there were the following:
Block of the Month: Viki West announced she has thirty kits of Mug Rugs with snowman faces. If you are interested, please contact Viki.
Quilter’s Surprise: Nancy Klaus won a lamp
Nifty Notions: Penni Myers won notecards and quilted bags.
Lincoln County Fabrics: Lincoln County Fabrics awarded Teecia Cornelius fabric.
Block of the Month: Was won by Kathy Lambert.
Show and Share:
Jean Amundson, Pat Laub, Betty Haskett, and Elizabeth Wood displayed their quilts.
Paulette Stenberg displayed one quilt made in “Fishy Class” in primary colors and a second quilt of pinwheels in dotted fabrics titled “Dottie.” Paulette also displayed a table runner and complimentary mat.
Diane Tillotson displayed her bed quilt made of Thanksgiving themed panels with gold, orange, and green sashes and borders. The quilt was quilted by Phyllis Mitchell.
Jane Szabo displayed her quilt done in greens and reds as well as quilt blocks made with material from Africa which will be donated to raise money for African charities.
Dr. Carol Nelson presented “Hawaiian Hospitality” which is a quilt of a pineapple in various colors as well as various quilt blocks of dolphins, whales, and other ocean creatures in blue and green fabrics.
Toni Brodie displayed her large table runner in a leaf motif.
Jean Amundson displayed a cheerful quilt with a green fenced border titled “Countryside Sunshine.”
David Denal displayed a quilt pieced by his grandmother which was the first quilt he ever “long-armed” as well as a second quilt pieced by his grandmother, and which was the third quilt he ever quilted on a long-arm machine.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:52 p.m.
Announcements –
The next Board meeting, via Zoom, is a 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 17, 2022.
The next general meeting is at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10, 2022.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary
September 15, 2022
The Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild was held via Zoom on September 15, 2022, and called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:01 a.m. A quorum was present.
Jane Szabo moved to approve the Minutes of the August 18, 2022 Executive Board meeting and Becky Mershon seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that she charged the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for the 2022 Raffle Quilt made and quilted by Velma Freudenthal. Therefore, the correct sum for the 2022 Raffle Quilt expenses is Eight Hundred Ten Dollars and Forty Eight Cents ($810.48) for the two quilts submitted, the one that was not used and the quilt from Velma. As of this date, all expenses for the 2022 quilt show have been paid. After a vote, the Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
Budget – After an extended and detailed discussion of questions regarding the proposed budget, the Board determined it could not approve the budget and the Treasurer withdrew the proposed budget to submit a revised budget at the October meeting of the Executive Board.
New Business – There was no new business for the Executive Board to consider.
Committee Reports-
Block of the Month – No report.
Challenge Quilt 2023 – The theme will either be a paint chip challenge or seasons of our lives.
Communications – No report.
Community Quilters – No report.
Documentation – Joanne Sedlacek reported that as of September 10, 2022 the committee has documented more than 2,000 quilts which includes a lot of older quilts. The committee will meet for documentation on October 15, 2022 and that is the last meeting for 2022.
Finishing School – No report.
Fund Raising – No report.
Hospitality – No report.
Librarian – No report.
Membership – No Report.
Merchandising – No report.
Nominating Committee – The Board agreed to nominate Joy Johnson as the vice-president for a two year term, nominate a president for a one year term, and nominate a secretary for a two year term.
Photography – No report.
Programs – Jane Szabo reported that the October presenter will be Michelle Banton who will give a presentation on “Cotton to Consumer.” Meralee Wilson suggested recruiting an IT volunteer to set up the Zoom portion of the general guild meeting and having two members chair the Programs committee. Nan Scott suggested splitting programs and workshops into two committees. Meralee further suggested adding programs to the volunteer recruitment board.
Workshop – No report.
Publicity – No report.
Quilters Surprise – No report.
Rec Center – Debbie Mosley reported the Rec Center needs three quilts with Autumn colors to hang including one large quilt and two wall quilts.
Retreat – No report.
Veteran’s Project – No report.
2023 Raffle Quilt – No report.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting, In Person and via Zoom, of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild September 8, 2022
September 8, 2022 Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild meeting called to order by President Meralee Wilson.
Prior minutes were approved by Diane Tillotson and seconded by Rose Shaw. Minutes were accepted as written.
Quilt Show wrap up – If you would like the tag with the description of your quilt that was hanging on it during the quilt show, they are available at the table by the entrance. Tags that are not taken will be disposed of.
If you sold a quilt at the quilt show, Janet Sylvester has a check for you. If you had sold items at the boutique, Jan McQueen has checks available for pick up.
Tree Challenge – Nan Scott reported on the challenge quilt which was “Trees” This was a fund raiser for “One Tree Oregon”. These quilts were sold at the quilt show and $2,555. was raised. After expenses and the purchase of drapes for future use, net proceeds were $2,161.
Nan thanked Becky Mershon and Tom Martin, Rose Shaw and Ev DePaolo for their help in hanging these quilts. Nan planted a tree for each of these members. She also has ribbons for the winners.
Challenge ideas are needed for 2023.
Small Quilt Auction – Velma Freudenthal reported the small quilts were hung at the Newport Library during the month of July. The public was invited to vote on their favorite quilt. The result was a tie between Karen Donobedian for her quilt “Turtle” and the Splinters group for their quilt “Light of Hope”. The winner submitted their choice of a non-profit to receive a donation. $50 will be donated to Samaritan House and $50 will be donated to Food Share.
The total received at the quilt show was $1,535. Half of this amount will be donated to the Newport Aquarium which is $768.
2023 Raffle Quilt – Jean Amundson presented this quilt which is 78 inches square. She is requesting long arm quilters to submit ideas on how they would quilt the quilt along with a bid for their services. The guild will provide batting and backing.
Membership Report – There are now 159 members. 48 are present at the meeting, with seven more on zoom. We also had two visitors, Debbie Thompson from Newport and Mary Lee Bigalow for Lincoln City.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue reports they will be meeting October 6th at Lee Palmer’s office in Waldport. 80 quilts were donated to Head Start two weeks ago. Barb Martin has made many of these quilts. Jan McQueen is working on the Ukraine Project. They have four quilts which need to be quilted and they can be tied. Pillows for the hospital are also needed. They should be 10 to 12 inches square. Lindanne is also missing two lighthouse kits that were in the boutique.
Veterans Project – Rose Shaw reported that they will be meeting at the Siletz Grange on September 21st with a presentation made to veterans at 2pm. Rose also read a wonderful thank you letter from one of the recipients of a quilt.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg reported that finishing school is starting again this month. It is the third Thursday of each month from 10 to 4 at the Carriage House. They will not be meeting in November or December.
Finance Committee – Budgets are due today. Please give your budget to Janet Sylvester.
Committees for 2023– Meralee needs members to work on committees. The chairperson will need to attend the Executive Board Meeting by Zoom.
Program – Jane Szabo introduced Peggy Gelbreck who presented a wonderful program. She will also be teaching the “Clamshell” quilt class on Friday.
Workshop – Jane Szabo will be teaching a workshop on November 11th, which is the Friday after November’s guild meeting.
Quilters Surprise – Kathy Lambert won a design wall and Jan Hoffman won a purple thing, pin holder and coaster.
Block of the Month – Blocks were won by Bette Talmage
Sable – won by Candy Smith, Jan Hoffman and Judy Ruder
Rec Center Quilts – Debbie Mosley reported that fall quilts were needed. She would like one big one (bed size), 2 medium quilts and 3 small quilts.
Retreat – Gail Chipman reported that six spots are available. Retreat dates are January 31, 2023 to February 3, 2023. A $50 deposit will hold you spot with the balance due at the December meeting.
Show and Share
- Diane Tillotson – Sweet Cherry Quilt wall hanging
- Lisa Taylor – Halloween Quilt
- Jan McQueen – Double Wedding Ring bed Quilt
- Ev DePaolo – Drunkard’s Path quilt in brown and green
- Pamela Potter – Four small Ukraine Quilts
- Jean Amundson – State Flower Quilt
Documentation Septemer 10th – Full
Executive Board Meeting – September 15th|Finishing School – September 22nd
General Meeting – October 13th which is a day meeting with table walk at 12:30pm and meeting starting at 1pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pat Laub
August 18, 2022
The Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild was held via Zoom on August 18, 2022, and called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:06 a.m. A quorum was present.
Debbie Mosley moved to approve the Minutes of the July 21, 2022 Executive Board meeting and Rose Shaw seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that there was $32,549.81 in the general fund at the end of July and $7,209.38 after quilt show expenses. Janet further reported that she has not paid expenses including those of the silent auction as there is a discrepancy of $40.00 in proceeds. For quilt show sales of $3,082.00, Janet will create a line item. Of quilts sold during the show, the Guild receives 15% of the proceeds, of the Challenge Quilt sales, all proceeds go to charity, and of the silent auction, the Guild receives one-half of the net proceeds. Jean Amundson moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Debbie Mosley seconded the motion. After a vote, the Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
New Business – There was a discussion regarding getting members to volunteer for committees which included the observations that the Guild membership is aging and there are fewer members than before Covid. There was a detailed discussion regarding the duties and responsibilities of certain committee chairs, specifically the Program Committee. A discussion ensued regarding how best to apportion the duties and responsibilities of the Program Committee including, but not limited to, having a co-chair, getting a member with IT experience to assist in the technical aspects of the hybrid general meetings, and or separating out the various duties and responsibilities among several committees.
There was a discussion about whether to eliminate S.A.B.L.E. as a program. Jean Amundson moved to discontinue S.A.B.L.E and Rose Shaw seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed.
There was a further discussion regarding the Library Committee including, but not limited to, whether to sell quilting books at the quilt show boutique and whether membership should have a shorter table to make room for the library near the door, rather than leaving the library cart in the hallway. Paulette Stenberg suggested that one or more books from the library be featured each month during the general meeting and before the break. Jean Amundson suggested featuring books on the old S.A.B.L.E. table. Meralee Wilson will speak with Pam Grindell about Paulette’s suggestion.
There was a brief discussion that the Documentation Committee needs at least one more table.
After a general discussion, the Board agreed to wait until the September Executive Board meeting to decide upon restructuring certain committees.
Janet Sylvester announced budgets are due in September, one week before the Executive Board meeting and may be delivered by e-mail.
Committee Reports-
Block of the Month – Viki West announced that the September block is autumn leaves.
Communications – No report.
Community Quilters – No report.
Documentation – No report.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg announced Finishing School will meet from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of September and October. Finishing School will not meet in November or December 2022.
Fund Raising – No report.
Hospitality – No report.
Librarian – No report.
Membership – No Report.
Merchandising – Becky Mershon reported there were over $3,000.00 in sales proceeds at the quilt show.
Photography – No report.
Workshop – Jane Szabo announced that Peggy Gelbrich will present the workshop in September 2022.
Publicity – No report.
Quilters Surprise – There are fifteen flannel pieces available and Lindanne Perdue announced she would take the material for Community Quilters.
Retreat – Gail Chipman announced there are five remaining slots for the retreat and such shall be opened to non-members at the September meeting.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw announced there were ten people at the most recent sew-in and four tops were completed. On September 21, 2022, there will be a large presentation of veterans’ quilts and a sew-in also.
2023 Raffle Quilt – An announcement was made calling all long arm quilters to bid on the quilt.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:04 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary.
Minutes of the General Meeting, In Person and via Zoom, of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild August 11, 2022
The hybrid meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 6:02 p.m.
Viki West moved to approve the Minutes of the July 14, 2022 General Meeting. Linda Patrick seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Community Quilters. Lindanne Perdue announced that she hung, in the guild meeting room at the Church, all the Covid-porch drop quilts and members were encouraged to view them. Lindanne further announced the September meeting of Community Quilters has been cancelled. Further, Lindanne has three quilts which need binding.
Fund Raising. Chris Benedetti announced the online auction will be every other year and that the next auction will be in October 2023. There will not be much publicity about the auction until 2023. Chris reminded the members that donations will be needed for the auction. In 2021, the auction raised $5,000.00 for the guild.
Membership. The guild currently has 158 total members with two new members, David and Laurie, as well as a guest, Tom Martin. Fifty-three members attended the meeting.
Quilt Show Review. Raffle tickets sales equaled $5,870.00 in proceeds with 7,000 tickets sold. A big thank you to Velma Freudenthal for donating the raffle quilt.
Debbie Mosley announced that a package purchased in the boutique had been left under a bench at the Rec Center. The package contained a cross stitch pattern, other patterns, and a Bernina book. If the package is not claimed, it will be sold at the 2023 quilt show boutique.
Pamela Potter, who oversaw quilt show volunteers, thanked all the volunteers who worked so hard at the show.
Becky Mershon announced all Challenge Quilts were sold and the guild raised $2,500.00 in proceeds from the sales. Ruth Hutmacher won first place for her challenge quilt, Melissa Hollenbeck won second place, and Becky Mershon won third place.
Gail Chipman thanked all the volunteers who worked at the boutique and announced the boutique realized $12,000.00 in proceeds. Of that sum, the guild receives $2,000.00
Wilma Roles, the quilt show chairwoman, announced the final meeting of the quilt show committee chairs will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 18, 2022 at the Church. Each committee chair is required to write their timeline/notes on their duties and responsibilities for the 2023 committee chairs. Wilma further announced that Ruth Hutmacher and Gloria Zirges won Viewer’s Choice awards. Attendance was approximately 1,000, which is 200 less than the 2019 quilt show.
Veterans Project. Rose Shaw announced there will be a sew-in on August 17, 2022 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and members are reminded to bring their lunch.
The program was a view of the members’ quilts awarded ribbons at the show. Pictures of the award-winning quilts are on the blog. During the program, Jane Szabo reviewed tips from the judge, and they are:
- In judging quilts, the guide is to encourage, not discourage.
- When submitting a quilt to be judged, the last thing the quilter should do is use a lint roller on the front and back of the quilt.
- Use cold water to rinse off blue marker. Hot water will set the blue marker color into the quilt.
- Look at the quilt on the diagonal to see if the blocks are straight.
- For purposes of having your quilt judged, you do not have to close the corners on the binding.
- When putting on the binding, do not start at the middle of the bottom. That is the first place on the quilt the judge reviews and any problems will cause a negative impression.
- The size of the borders should reflect the size of the quilt blocks.
- Match your quilting thread to your applique thread so mistakes are less obvious.
- Backing fabric with a pattern will hide quilting mistakes.
- Be careful of shadowing – the appearance of dark seams against light material.
- Use less than 50 weight thread for applique and quilting.
Quilt Show. In the quilt show boutique, twenty grab bags did not sell.
Program. Jane Szabo announced that the next workshop is presented by Peggy Gelbrich, and it is on paperless paper piecing.
Rec Center. Debbie Mosley announced she needs new quilts for the Rec Center, in autumn colors. The Rec Center needs one large quilt and five smaller ones.
2023 Retreat. Gail Chipman announced that the September meeting, on September 8, 2022, is the last time for members to place their $50.00 deposit and there are six openings left.
Finishing School. Finishing School will not meet in August.
Lincoln County Fabrics. A new member, David of Lincoln County Fabrics, announced a sale of 600 bolts of fabric over the following two-day period including such fabrics as Moda and Robert Kaufman. Lincoln County Fabrics is presently located at 877 James Frank Street in Siletz. David also gave away two door prizes.
Quilter’s Surprise. Dr. Carol Nelson won a book, an electric seam ripper, and a ruler.
Nifty Notions. Jane Albaugh won a mini-storage case and a pen.
S.A.B.L.E. Ruth Hutmacher awarded fat quarters to Dr. Carol Nelson, Jan Hoffman, Judy Ritter and Teecia Cornelius. Next month’s theme is Autumn.
Show and Share: Betty displayed a Sunbonnet Sue quilt which she has been working on for quite a while. Another member displayed a Wheel of Mystery quilt in black, white, and pink and a larger version with purple as the predominant color. (The secretary’s apology for not identifying the guild member).
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Announcements –
The next Board meeting is a 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 18, 2022 via Zoom.
The final quilt show meeting is at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 18, 2022 in person at the Church.
The next general meeting is at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2022.
Minutes of the General Meeting, In Person and via Zoom, of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild July 14, 2022
The hybrid meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 6:05 p.m.
Rose Shaw moved to approve the Minutes of the June 9, 2022 General Meeting. Penni Myers seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Veterans’ Project – Rose Shaw announced there will be a Sew-In on the third Wednesday of August, 2022, August 17, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. and members can pick up packets of little medallions. Rose further announced that at the Lincoln County Fair she met a woman who needs a quilt to be hand quilted. If a member is interested, please contact Rose Shaw.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue announced there will not be a meeting of Community Quilters in August, 2022 because of the Quilt Show. There will be an announcement in the blog regarding Community Quilters I September 2022.
2022 Raffle Quilt – All money and ticket stubs are now due to be turned in.
2023 Retreat – Patti Stephens announced that 54 members have signed up for the 2023 Retreat and there are six slots available.
Membership – 54 members were in attendance in person at the meeting and there are two new members, Jane and Beth. The Guild has a total of 152 members.
Small Quilt Auction – It is not too late to donate to the Small Quilt Auction. The committee hung as many quilts as they could at the Newport Library. The Oregon Coast Aquarium was chosen as the charity which will receive one-half of the net proceeds from the Small Quilt Auction.
2023 Raffle Quilt – Jean Amundson announced the quilt top is done and she thanked the thirty-four members who pieced the units. Jean also thanked Meralee Wilson, Darcy de la Rosa, and Georgia Sabourin for donating and cutting material. Jean noted the quilt top was designed by Natalie Crabtree.
Quilt Show Announcements – Jan McQueen announced that for members selling items through the Boutique, the items must be brought into the Rec Center at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 4, 2022. There are sheets on the website which must be filled out and accompany the item, one sheet per item to be sold. When attaching price tags to the items, only use safety pins, no straight pins. Quilt Show committee members may sign up and shop one hour early on Friday, August 5, 2022. The doors will close at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 6, 2022 and members must pick up their items which did not sell between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. on that date. Fifteen percent (15%) of all sales go to the Guild. Checks will be ready for distribution at the September General Meeting. Plastic bags, like Ziploc bags, may not be used except for very small items. Nothing may be priced under one dollar.
Velma Freudenthal announced that Rack Cards for the Quilt Show are available for distribution and every member should pick up a few.
Joan Johnson announced there are a few slots available for Sponsor Ribbons.
Darcy de La Rosa announced that the Quilt Show needs members to help hanging quilts, donate the use of eight-foot ladders, and, on Saturday, August 6, 2022, take down the quilts.
The Basket Auction needs volunteers.
Wilma Roles announced the Quilt Show needs volunteers for intake of quilts on Monday, August 1, 2022. The work begins at 12:30 p.m. and volunteers will accept quilts, with sleeves, label, and paper label. Wilma also announced that a coordinator is needed for the Rec Center’s large gym.
Meralee Wilson announced the Westside Quilters Guild is having their quilt show. The Newport Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to the Guild thanking the members for rejoining the Chamber. July 15 – 17, 2022, by The Carriage House, there was a Fiber Artist’s sale which was posted on the blog.
Programs and Workshops – Jane Szabo announced there is a workshop on “paperless” paper piecing with Penny Galbraith September 9, 2022, and the cost is $60.00 per member.
The “Tip of the Month” is the use of medical tape on the back of a template ruler. The medical tape is slightly rough on one side, and it keeps the template from slipping.
There being no further announcements, Jane introduced the meeting’s program “Finally Finished Quilts” in which members may display their quilts with a story of how long it took to finish the quilt and why. The three judges are Shirley Tillmore, Joan Johnson, and Diane Tillotson and the prizes would be for the oldest quilt, the most complicated quilt, the favorite, and the best story. Eight quilts were submitted.
Ginger Dale displayed a quilt of embroidered state flowers which took fifty years to finish. She started the project in 1969 which she was in college and finished it recently. Ginger quilted her quilt.
Patti Stephens submitted a series of twelve blocks of wool applique, one for each month, each with a bird in the block. The bird is known as Bertie. Patti appliqued the centers in 2021 and sewed the borders in 2022.
Dr. Carol Nelson submitted a Fantasy Garden quilt started in 1980 by the lovely Lutheran ladies of her church. The quilt began as a friendship quilt of various flowers. In 2015, the blocks were discovered in a box donated by a deceased quilter to the Lutheran Church. Dr. Nelson took the blocks home, repaired, sashed, bordered, and hand appliqued the blocks. She finished the quilt in 2022.
Lindanne Perdue submitted her quilt “All My Cats”. In 1984, when Lindanne was a very new quilter, she cut out the pattern from the Los Angeles Times Sunday magazine. There are approximately thirty-three or thirty-seven pieces per square. She made two quilts from the pattern for practice and, in the process, realized the designer did not give instructions on lining up the pattern so she had to work that out for herself. The pattern was shown in two colors, but Lindanne created her quilt with various colors. The quilt was quilted by Lisa Taylor. Lindanne began the quilt after she retired and finished it in 2022.
Jane Szabo displayed Ruby Stars, a quilt in shades of red and white. Jane began the quilt in 2012 at a workshop hosted by Jean Amundson. The quilt began as a feathered star quilt to which Jane added four more feathered stars and additional stars of various pattern. Jane finished Ruby Stars during Covid and it was quilted by Phyllis Mitchell.
Jean Amundson displayed Among Thorns, a quilt of stars in shades of brown and cream. Jean saw the pattern ten to twelve years ago and, at various times, bought fabric for the border and pattern. She started the quilt in 2017 and finished it in 2020 during Covid.
Roseanne Berton displayed several small quilts including an abstract, improvisational pieced quilt with colorful squares. The second quilt was quilted with a walking foot. There were four Australia blocks on the meeting table three or four years ago, Roseanne bought a jelly roll of ruby star confetti and used that to finish the quilt.
Velma Freudenthal displayed a quilt of ½ triangle squares in muted tones. When she brought it in for documentation, one of the committee members pointed out the quilting was not quite finished. So Velma completed the quilting and brought it in again. She was again advised she had missed some quilting stitches. So she finished it one more time.
Viki West brought in a very small quilt which she began thirty years ago. The quilt measures 7 ½” x 9” and took ten years to finish.
After a break, the awards were presented:
Ginger Dale won for the oldest quilt.
Lindanne Perdue won for the most complicated quilt.
Patti Stephens won for favorite quilt.
Dr. Carol Nelson wone for best story.
Nifty Notions –
Viki West won a lovely shopping bag in muted colors.
Penni Myers won a glue pen, labels, seam rippers, grippers, and a pattern.
Quilters Surprise –
Patti Stephens won an adjustable thread stand and microfiber cleaning clothes.
S.A.B.L.E. –
Dr. Carol Nelson won the fat quarters. Ruth Hutmacher announced the concepts for August are green, forests, and critters.
Block of the Month –
Ruth Hutmacher announced the winner.
Show and Share –
Diane Tillotson displayed a mosaic quilt of a hydrangea in a vase which she made during a class while in Paducah for the Quilt Show. Diane also displayed a t-shirt quilt she made for her granddaughter for all of her volleyball achievements.
Jane Towsley displayed a quilt with a panel of animals with purple and green borders.
Paula Brown displayed Rising Star, a quilt of old pattern with new fabrics.
Announcements –
The next Board meeting is a 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 21, 2022 via Zoom.
The next Quilt Show meeting is at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 21, 2022 in person at the Church.
Quilt Intake is from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, August 1, 2022.
Quilt Show set-up is on Thursday, August 4, 2022.
The next general meeting is at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 11, 2022.
July 21, 2022
The Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild was held via Zoom on July 21, 2022, and called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:01 a.m. A quorum was present.
Jean Amundson moved to approve the Minutes of the June 16, 2022 Executive Board meeting and Becky Mershon seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that there is $9,730.00 in the Guild’s checking account and $22,000.00 in the Guild’s money-market account. A discussion was held regarding charges for the proposed 2022 Raffle Quilt which was not used. Janet Sylvester reported the quilt will be auctioned and any proceeds will be attributed to the Fund-Raising committee. If there is not any money in the account after payment of the charges, the account will run in the red. If there is money in the account, the charges will be applied to costs and proceeds.
Website – Linda Patrick raised the issue of the links in the Guild’s website which do not lead anywhere. She suggested that there be a section of the website for archiving such information including artwork, quilt show information, etc. Meralee Wilson suggested forwarding a letter to the Board members for review and tabling the issue until the next Executive Board meeting.
Block of the Month – No report.
Challenge Quilt – No report.
Communications – No report.
Community Quilts – The September Open House is cancelled, and it will resume in October.
Documentation – No report.
Finishing School – In September and October 2022, Finishing School will meet from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at The Carriage House on the 4th Wednesday of each month.
Hospitality – No report.
Membership – No report.
Merchandising – Becky Mershon reported the booth is ready to go at the August Quilt Show.
Workshop – Jane Szabo reported she needs one more member to sign-up for the workshop. The next program will be winners from the Quilt Show.
Publicity – Jean Amundson reported on an article to the Newport News-Times about the featured quilter, Jane Szabo, veterans to be awarded quilts, and other matters related to the Quilt Show.
Quilt Show – No report.
Quilters Surprise – No report.
Retreat 2023 – Gail Chipman reported 54 members have registered to attend the Retreat and there are six open seats. A discussion ensued as to when the Retreat is opened to non-members, and it was decided to do so at the September general meeting.
S.A.B.L.E. – The theme for August is green, or forests, or critters. Ruth Hutmacher reported that the same two or three members participate in S.A.B.L.E. and win the fat quarters.
Veterans Project – There will be a sew-in on August 17, 2022 and members are advised to bring their own lunches.
Raffle Quilt 2022 – Jan Hoffman reported ticket sales are going well, $5,128.00 has been deposited from ticket sales and there are about 500-600 tickets to sell at the Quilt Show.
Raffle Quilt 2023 – After the Quilt Show, bids will be sought for quilting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.
June 16, 2022
The Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilt Guild was held via Zoom on June 16, 2021, and called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:06 a.m. A quorum was present.
Rose Shaw moved to approve the Minutes of the April 21, 2022 Executive Board meeting and Chris Benedetti seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Debbie Mosley moved to approve the Minutes of the May 19, 2022 Executive Board meeting and Patti Stephens seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that there is $7,830.30 in the Guild’s checking account and $22,294.20 in the Guild’s money-market account. No large amounts were expended this month. Disbursement of the donations approved by the Guild at the May 12, 2022 meeting will be on the next month’s report. The Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
Meralee Wilson reported the Executive Board has no new business and no old business.
Becky Mershon reported she still has shifts open for the Lincoln County Fair beginning on June 30, 2022 and concluding on July 3, 2022. The most open spots are on Friday, July 1, 2022. Lindanne Perdue volunteered to work on July 1, and Debbie Mosley volunteered to work on July 3.
Block of the Month – The design for July will be a star-in-the-star block.
Challenge Quilt – There will not be voting at the July meeting on the Challenge Quilts. Voting begins on July 1, 2022 online.
Communications – No report.
Community Quilts – There will be no meeting of the Community Quilters in August.
Documentation – Needs more quilts. The next documentation will be on September 10, 2022.
Finishing School – Finishing School is waiting for an opening.
Hospitality – Jackie Stankey is taking over the responsibilities of Hospitality considering Georgia Sabourin’s illness, but she needs help.
Membership – No report.
Merchandising – There is an ongoing close-out of clothing so if any member wants something, now is the time to ask.
Programs – The program for July is “Finally Finished Quilts” and the committee still needs help on workshop ad set-up.
Publicity – There will be an article on Friday’s paper about our Quilt Show Featured Quilter, Jane Szabo, and following that there will be an article on the Small Quilt Auction.
Quilt Show – 125 quilts are now registered but the committee hopes to have more.
Quilters Surprise – No report.
Retreat 2023 – Gail Chipman met with Georgia Sabourin. Forty-eight people are signed up for the Retreat. Guests will pay the same amount as guild members. There are no guests on the waiting list according to Georgia. Rose Shaw asked if guests should be invited prior to or after the show. Georgia advised to wait until August.
S.A.B.L.E. – The theme for July is red, white, and blue, and nautical.
Veterans Project – There will not be a sew-in until September 22.
Raffle Quilt 2022 – The Raffle Quilt is making the rounds. All tickets, stubs, and receipts must be returned at the July meeting scheduled for July 14, 2022. To date, $3,400.00 in ticket sales have been deposited.
Raffle Quilt 2023 – All packets are back, and the blocks are being assembled.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Minutes of the General Meeting, In Person and via Zoom, of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild June 9, 2022
The hybrid meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 6:03 p.m.
Viki West moved to approve the Minutes of the May 12, 2022 General Meeting. Evelyn DePaulo seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that the following donations would need approval of the general membership before they could be disbursed:
Carriage House – $500.00
North Lincoln – $500.00
Lattimer – $500.00.
Jean Amundson moved to approve the donations and Jan McQueen seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the disbursement of donation was approved.
Community Quilts – Jan McQueen reported that Community Quilts is doing okay. With respect to the quilts for Ukrainian refugees, Jan needs volunteers for two quilts need to be bound, four quilts need to be quilted, and there are seven kits for members interested in making quilts.
2023 Retreat – Gail Chipman reported she and Patti Stephens have taken on the tasks of co-chairs for the 2023 Retreat considering Georgia Sabourin’s illness. Gail further reported she and Patti are learning the relevant materials.
Veterans Project – Rose Shaw thanked Community Quilters for sharing their space the last two years. Veterans Project will leave for a new space. Guild members can pick up blocks at Michelle’s in Siletz and at Guild meetings. In addition, Rose is looking for volunteers to sew strips of batting together. There will not be a sew-in in June or July,
Membership – Joanne Sedlacek reported the Guild has 149 members and forty-five appeared for the meeting.
Quilt Show – Jean Amundson reported on the status of the Small Quilt Auction.
Barbara Kinzel reported on the progress of the Thursday Potluck and asked for volunteers to bring various types of foods to the Thursday Potluck by 9:00 a.m. on August 4, 2022.
Linda MacKown reported on the status of the Sign committee.
The Hostess committee asked for lots of volunteers for the Quilt Show.
The Judging Committee similarly requested volunteers for the judging of the quilts.
Viki West reported that 84 quilts are registered but the Quilt Show needs more quilts, and that quilt intake is on August 1, 2022 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Atonement Lutheran Church.
Challenge Quilt – Nan Scott reported the Challenge is going well and that quilts must be completed by July 21, 2022 for purposes of voting. To date, there are thirty-one quilts in the Challenge.
Documentation – Evelyn DePaulo reported that the next documentation will be July 11, 2022 at the Lake County Museum. Members should call Janice Hamner to sign-up.
Raffle Quilt 2022 – The committee reported that ticket sales are going well.
Programs – Jane Szabo reported that Penny Galbraith will give a workshop.
There being no further business, Jane Szabo introduced Lori Dickman who has been quilting since 1998, teaching, including but not limited to pattern designs, for about thirty years, is an author, has won various awards, and lives in Rockford, Illinois. Lori’s presentation is “For the Love of Quilting Made Easy.” Lori first spoke about organization, workspace, and machines, including discussions about the workspace, equipment, storage of fabrics, and whether the quilt must share space such as using a dining room or home office for quilting.
With respect to sewing machines, Lori advised the purchaser to consider whether they are a beginning or experienced quilter, the feedback on the machine, and whether all the bells and whistles are necessary. Regarding long-arm machines, which range from six feet to twelve feet long, the first consideration is whether the quilter has the room for such a machine, whether the quilter can quilt on a domestic machine, and the possibility of hiring a long-arm quilter.
Regarding fabrics, Lori reminded us that building up a stash takes time and that sorting by color and or themes is helpful. Storing fabrics correctly is important and the quilter can use fabric cubes or plastic bins, drawers are helpful for storing fat quarters, and closet storage is always an option.
When buying fabric, color wheels are helpful and the quilter is advised to learn about primary, complementary and secondary colors. Choose a focus fabric and then pull the complementary fabrics from colors in the focus fabric.
Quilts evoke love, memories, and special times in a quilter’s life.
Lori’s quilts evolve from sketches and trips she has taken. The quilt “Love Notes” is basically a large envelope.
There are many tools in a quilting room including rulers, templates, rotary cutters, and a rotary mat. With respect to templates, Lori’s “Freedom Quilt” is a Stonehenge fabric in periwinkle quilt and could be considered twinkling stars. There are no y seams, and it is a great pattern for baby quilts. Lori’s quilt “Diamond Jewels” uses a double diamond template rule.
Batting comes in many forms, cotton/poly (80/20), which is very popular and appropriate for many quilts, cotton, bamboo, and wool which is further identified as high-loft, medium-loft, and low-lift.
Regarding patterns and techniques, the quilter should determine whether they are beginner, intermediate, or advanced. Each quilter should learn as many techniques as possible.
Cutting fabric is easiest with a rotary cutter, but the quilter should also have fabric scissors, paper scissors, and snips.
Piecing and applique are popular with quilters and Lori displayed four quilts which use both techniques including “Whimsical Garden”, “Bouquet of Flowers for Grandma”, “Summertime Dresden”, and “Sleepy Sunflower.”
A quilter can use Google Clip Art to make picture quilts.
Pixel quilts are currently very popular. Lori presented her quilt “Dani Blue Eyes”, a quilt made up of 3,500 11/2” squares. The quilt is done predominantly in shades of red except for the eyes which are done in blue fabrics.
In quilting the quilt, the thread color is very important, and the quilter should consider color, contrast, and whether the thread blends too much with the colors of the quilt.
Long-arm quilting can be done with a ruler, or hand-guided free motion, or with pentagraphs.
Lori gave an example of flange binding and showed the members how to accomplish that technique.
As a reminder, every quilt should have a label.
After a ten-minute break, the members reconvened.
Marilyn Workman won a Quilter’s Surprise of “Best Press” and Joan Johnson won a pair of scissors.
Nifty Notions awarded Judy Line a needle-threader and jelly roll sasher.
S.A.B.L.E. awarded Jan McQueen, Sue Stephens, and Pam Grindell each a set of fat quarters and announced that the theme for July is nautical and red, white, and blue.
Betty Wilson, Jane Szabo, and Viki West displayed their quilts from the Dresden Plate class and each showed an unique and fun wall sized quilt.
For Show and Share:
Paulette Stenberg displayed three quilts, the first in pastels, the second one of purple and green stars, and the third a nine-patch in reds, greens, and white.
Judi Ruder displayed a quilt of a ship in a bottle made up of four different blocks.
Viki West displayed a small quilt which she is donating to the Small Quilt Auction and a vibrant quilt of a kimono in reds and golds.
Fran Whited displayed “Butterfly Blossoms” in jewel tones.
Judy Line displayed a very colorful quilt of wild animal panels.
Ginger Dale displayed a table topper of blue and white applique and a Kris D. Mozer pattern.
Jane Szabo displayed her quilt, which she made during a class at Paducah, a puzzle pieces quilt with a design of a vase and blue hydrangeas.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Board Meeting via Zoom – July 21, 2022
Quilt Show Meeting – July, 2022
General Guild Meeting – July 14, 2022
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary.
May 19, 2022
The Executive Board meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild was held via Zoom on May 19, 2022, and was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:10 a.m. A quorum was not present.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that the General Operating Account is still in the minus, but there are sufficient funds in the checking account to cover it and that she is collecting money for the 2023 Retreat. After a vote, the Treasurer’s Report was accepted. Janet further reported that the disbursement of $500.00 to three museums requires the approval of the general membership. After a brief discussion, it was decided to present the disbursement request at the June general meeting. Janet further reported that there is a new form for signers on the account to request cash by check or withdrawal slip. Committee members who want cash must request a check and bring in the form. The Secretary, Barbara Kinzel, is not a signer on the account but can approve such requests.
Community Quilters – No report.
Finishing School – No report.
Block of the Month – Viki West reported that she gave away twenty-eight house blocks at the May general meeting.
Programs – Jane Szabo reported the Programs committee needs more help in setting up the room for general meetings because of the time needed to set up the Zoom portion of the meeting. Beginning with the June general meeting, everyone can set up their own sections. Jane further reported that Laurie Dickman will present “Love of Quilting Made Easy.” at the June general meeting. Viki West volunteered to be the back-up photographer when the first photographer is unable to attend the meeting. Viki further reported that the Quilt Show needs more quilts as only twenty-seven have been registered to date.
Fund Raising – No report.
Publicity – Jean Amundson reported she is preparing publicity including the following articles for the Newport News-Times; an article on the Raffle Quilt, a story on the Quilt Show’s featured quilter, Jane Szabo, a report on the Small Quilt Auction, and an article on the Quilt Show with emphasis on Veterans Projects. The articles will also be sent to the online news site
Documentation – Jean Amundson reported that the next documentation is on June 11, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Lincoln City.
2023 Raffle Quilt – Jean Amundson reported that the packets are out and are due no later than the June general meeting.
Quilt Show – No report.
Veterans Project – Rose Shaw reported that at the last Sew-In there were nine quilters, and two Veterans quilts were presented. Rose further reported that publicity about the Veterans Project appeared statewide in the State Grange.
Paulette Stenberg inquired about voting online for Challenge Quilts. A discussion ensued. The conclusion was that pictures of the Challenge Quilts will be online, but the quilts will not be viewed in person.
A question regarding registration of quilts for the Quilt Show was raised; specifically do the quilts have to be finished; have their hanging sleeves and their two labels. Jean Amundson noted that the quilts must be finished before they are registered and, in particular, the paper label counts for the Quilt Show.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:48 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting, May 12, 2022
In Person and via Zoom, of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
The hybrid meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 6:03 p.m.
Rose Shaw moved to approve the Minutes of the April 14, 2022 General Meeting. Viki West seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Minutes were approved.
Community Quilts – Lindanne Perdue announced the next delivery to My Sister’s Place will be of ten queen size quilts. Marie Hansen donated ten to twelve quilts. Lindanne further reported that kits for the Ukrainian quilt project and Community Quilters are available.
Veterans Project – Rose Shaw reported there is a Sew-In on May 18, 2022 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Attendees should bring their sewing machines. There were sixteen members at the last Sew-In.
2023 Retreat – Sign-up begins at the May 12, 2022 meeting. The 2023 Retreat is from February 1 to February 5.
2022 Raffle – There are packets of twenty-four tickets for $20.00 for sale to the general public. Tickets and ticket sale proceeds must be returned by the July General Meeting. Judi Ruder is selling tickets at the Waldport Wednesday farmer’s market.
2023 Raffle – There are two, four, and six unit paper piecing packets. Darcy de la Rosa will take the packets to Florence.
Quilt Show – Barbara Kinzel, chairwoman of the Thursday Potluck, asked for volunteers. Pamela Potter has the sign-up sheet for general volunteer work. Grab Bags need “good stuff” (new items, very gently used items) for children and adults. For members wishing to sell items at the Quilt Show Boutique they should go online and follow the necessary forms, including the waiver regarding theft. Straight pins should not be used as they can prick the fingers of shoppers and the committee will provide tags. Fifteen percent of sales goes to the Guild. Members must turn in items on the Thursday before the Quilt Show. Regarding the Small Quilt Auction, one-half of the proceeds go to a 503© charity in Lincoln County of the donator’s choice.
Membership – Patti Stephens reported that the Guild has 148 members and forty-nine were -present at the meeting. The Guild has a new member, Candi, and Jeanette, from Canada, and Donna, from Corvallis, intend to join the Guild.
Tip of the Month – Jane Szabo reminded all of us not to cut off those points and use a scant ¼ inch seam.
Meralee Wilson reported that a woman in Seal Rock has a quilt rack for sale.
Meralee Wilson also reported that the funeral for Janet Childers will be held at St. Mary’s, Our Lady of the Dunes, located on 101 in Florence at 10:00 a.m.
There being no further business, Jane Szabo introduced Dawn White, quilt-maker, sewist, educator, and personal historian to present her program of “Give Me the Simple Life.” This is the name of a quilt designed by Shelley of Prairie Moon Quilt, a pattern of needle turn applique which Dawn wanted to learn. The quilt tells the story of Hazel Eileen, a 1950s rural farmgirl who died young at age thirty-two. On Christmas morning when Hazel was fourteen, she received a diary and proceeded to write in it almost every day to the night before her wedding. There are twelve blocks in the Hazel’s quilt and each block represents an event in Hazel’s life. Dawn first saw Shelley’s quilt at Paducah in 2017. Inspired by the fabric line, “This and that” designed by Jill Finlay, Dawn decided to create her version of Hazel’s quilt.
The design contains a central medallion with eight more blocks, all on point. Dawn’s approach was to bring out the blues, reds, yellows, and greens in the fabric line in part by fussy cutting. Although Dawn stated she did not make any changes except small ones, those small changes necessitated the use of quilt math at almost every turn.
Block one is called “Missouri Farm Girl” for Hazel’s geographical background.
Block two is called “The Summer of ’51.”
Block three is called “Canasta” as that is a card game Hazel and her family enjoyed playing.
Block four is called “Coal Miner’s Granddaughter” in a nod to Hazel’s grandfather who made his living in the coal mines.
Block five is called “Corn & Beans & Other Things.”
Block six is called “Best Christmas Ever” as that is the Christmas Hazel received her diary.
Block seven is called “Aunt Ruby’s Choice.”
Block eight is called “Domestic Bliss” in recognition of Hazel’s very happy domestic life with her husband and children.
Block nine is called “Fancy Farm Girl.”
Block ten is called “Fair Weather.”
Block eleven is called “Moonlight & Roses.”
Dawn used red material for the scalloped frames of each block. And she appliqued the medallion in the center block.
The quilt is 97.5 inches square.
The program having concluded,
The Block of the Month, Stars, was awarded to Pamela Potter.
The Quilter’s Surprise went to Pat Laub who received charm squares, a bag pattern, and a ruler.
Nifty Notion went to Patti Stephens who received a DayKeeper, and 2.5 square ruler.
SABLE award twenty fat quarters and announced the theme for the June general meeting is “Farmer’s Market.”
For Show and Share:
Paulette Stenberg displayed a red and white quilt with 718 half square triangles and applique.
Darcy de la Rosa displayed a small mosaic quilt of a pink flamingo called “Mingo” which will be donated to the Small Quilt Auction.
Penny Myers displayed a colorful quilt called “Rosalita” which took her six months to complete.
Toni Brodie displayed a small Blue and White quilt of spice jars which she will give to her sister-in-law.
Pat Laub displayed a wall-hanging made from blocks of the month awarded to her and a Block of the Month Quilt from the Fat Quarter Shop called “Garden Flowers.”
Board Meeting via Zoom – May 19, 2022
Quilt Show Meeting – May 19, 2022
Veterans Project Sew-In on May 18, 2022
General Guild Meeting – June 9, 2022
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary.
Minutes of the General Meeting, In Person and via Zoom, of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild April 14, 2022
The hybrid meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:02 p.m.
Rose Shaw moved to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2022, General meeting. Toni Brodie seconded the Motion. A Guild member noted an error in that, as part of Block of the Month, SABLE announced the April concept would be April Showers. The Motion passed with the foregoing correction, and the Minutes were approved as corrected.
Lincoln County Historical Society: The Society sent a Thank You note for the Guild’s donation.
Sisters Quilt Show: Dawn, the Director of the Sisters Quilt Show, and the March speaker, sent a Thank You note as well.
Treasurer’s Report: Janet Sylvester reported that, according to WaFd’s policy, any signer can withdraw funds from Guild accounts without the necessity of authorization. Janet suggested that two approvals of Board members be required to withdraw money by check or withdrawal slip. A discussion ensued. Jean Amundson moved to approve Janet’s suggestion and let the details be worked out. Darcy de la Rosa seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed.
Fund Raising: The budget has been rebalanced by transferring $4,000.00 from reserves to the general operating account. Viki West moved to approve the rebalancing of the budget as stated. Debbie Mosley seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed.
Community Quilters: Lindanne Perdue reported the committee needs two more quilts for My Sister’s Place. Jan McQueen still has kits for the Ukrainian Project and reports the quilts can be quilted on domestic machines.
Veterans Projects: Rose Shaw reported the next sew-in in on April 20, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Grange in Siletz. At 2:00 p.m. there will be a presentation.
Retreat: Georgia Sabourin reported that members who registered for the 2022 Retreat should see her regarding deposits and the sign-up for the 2023 Retreat will begin at the May General Guild meeting.
Membership: Patti Stephens reported the Guild has 145 members with one new member and a guest attending the April General Guild meeting.
Quilt Show 2022: Wilma Roles reported the treasure hunt will be replaced with a basket auction. Members can donate baskets with novel items and or fabric having a value of $10.00 or higher. Wilma further reported she will prepare a complete sign-up sheet for the Thursday Potluck volunteers. There is a meeting of the Quilt Show committee members. Because the library is undergoing repairs/renovations, the meeting can be held at the Church according to Jean Amundson. Registration of quilts for entry into the Quilt Show is open and pictures can be taken at Community Quilters or Bayshore. Members can enter as many quilts as they desire, but the quilts should be prioritized in the event the show has too many quilts to display. Members should number the quilts they are entering in order of priority. Members can look online at the Guild’s website at events/quilt show.
Jean Amundson reported that, regarding the Small Quilt auction, one-half of the proceeds go to 50C (3) not-for-profit agencies. Jean is looking for as many quilts as possible and she emphasized they should be small.
Raffle Quilt: Jan Hoffman reported that members can pick up twenty-four tickets for $20.00. Sew-It-Seams has sold two hundred tickets and the Raffle Quilt is on display there.
Workshop: On Friday, May 13, 2022 there will be a workshop led by Dawn White of her pattern for the Wonky Dresden Neighborhood. The cost is $45.00, the workshop will last all day.
Programs: Jane Szabo reported that Dawn White will host a program on needle-turn applique. Then a discussion ensued about whether members pre-wash their fabric or not. Most members do not.
There being no other announcements, Jane Szabo presented the program for the meeting. The Documentation committee presented a detailed program on the process of documenting quilts.
Historically, quilts were not documented until 1982 when Kentucky instituted the Kentucky State Project to document quilts and published a booklet of quilts so documented. By 1989, thirty-six states had the same or vastly similar projects. In 1993, a county in Oregon documented more than six hundred quilts. In 2009, the Oregon State Project was instituted in Medford, Eastern Oregon, and Shermer County. It concluded in 2019 and a booklet was published with interesting stories about the quilts and quiltmakers, but not the most spectacular quilts. Emphasis was placed on anecdotes rather than the most beautiful quilts.
Coming to the Documentation Committee to have a quilt documented is like going to the doctor. The member must make an appointment, the committee sends paperwork to be completed, when the member appears, a receptionist checks her in, there is a co-pay of $5.00, the quilt gets researched, the member can bring any quilt, problems are documented, there is imaging, – the quilt is hung and photographed, and there is a prescription for the quilt care.
The committee has eight members divided into two teams of four. The members of each team meet with the quilt owner, takes the quilt, and lays it on a table. The Registrar completes the forms and records appropriate information on index cards. The information includes, the item documented, measurements of the quilt (average width and length, average block size, block pattern name, sashing and borders), the quilt layout plan, the shape of the edge, which refers to the corners, the predominant color, the overall color value, specific colors in the quilt, and type of damage, if any, to the quilt. Damage to the quilt includes discoloration, mildew, stains, if the quilt is soiled, disintegration of fabric, fading, insect damage, tears, holes, etc., in the seams, and wear to the edge and binding.
After reviewing the overall condition of the quilt, repairs are noted as are dates associated with the quilt, any inscriptions on the quilt, the quilt top fabric and the quilt top construction (piecing, applique, novelty, etc.) Then the type of quilting (tacked, tied, machine quilted, or hand quilted) is noted as are the width between the quilting stitches and whether that is dense, medium, or sparse. The overall pattern is also noted and described.
After all that, the quilt is turned over and the committee reviews and notes the type of material, the measurements of the panels, the condition of the seams, any repairs done to the quilt, and stains.
Thereafter, the quilt is hung, and two photographs are taken. One of the quilts and the second of the quilt and the owner. A binder is given to the quilt owner and a second one sent on to the historical society.
The program having concluded,
The Quilter’s Surprise was awarded to Pamela Potter, and she received a car coaster and scissors.
Nifty Notions was awarded to Viki West, and she received a book entitled “Learn to Quilt with Panels” and a needle case.
SABLE awarded fat quarters to Joy Johnson, Jan Hoffman, and Teecia Cornelius and noted the concept for the May General Guild meeting is “May Flowers.”
Nan Scott introduced Show & Share:
- Paulette Stenberg displayed the last quilt Twy Hock had on the frame at Bayshore. The blocks were red, pink, and green in the form of trees, with a flowered border. The quilt is for Twy’s grandson.
- Patti Stephens displayed two Veterans quilt. The first was made from a quilt with red, blue, and gold, and an eagle in the middle. The second was made from nineteen blocks Twy had made and Patti made the remaining block needed.
- Janet Sylvester displayed a quilt in shades of blue she called her Buffalo quilt which was quilted by Kathy Lambert.
- Diane Tillotson displayed a tied quilt with cherry blocks.
- Lisa Taylor displayed an orange and blue quilt, on point, called Golden friendship.
- Toni Brodie displayed a blue, white, and yellow jellyroll quilt called Chain letter.
- Jan McQueen displayed a quilt in lavender and green.
- Joy Johnson displayed a wall hanging of a lighthouse.
- Pamela Potter displayed a quilt with blocks of birds and animals which Terry Mann quilted.
- Maureen Gallant displayed two quilts, a red and white star/Irish Chain quilt design which was quilted by Lisa Taylor and a quilt made up from Harley-Davidson t-shirts called “States and Dates.”
- Jackie Stankey displayed an orange and grey wall hanging, a small quilt she made for the Quilt Show Small Quilt auction.
- Judy Ruder displayed two quilts. The first was called “Early Snow” with blocks creating a mountain scene. Lisa Taylor quilted the quilt. And the second is a quilt to be donated to KUCB in Alaska of the back of various hoodies advertising KUCB in distinctive designs.
- Penni Myers displayed a wall quilt of a seahorse and flowers, a quilted laptop bag, designed by, and two tote bags.
The next meeting of the Executive Board is, via Zoom, at 10:00 a.m. on May 19, 2022,
The next General Meeting of the Guild is May 12, 2022, with Table Walk beginning at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m.,
The meeting adjourned at 2:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary
Reminder – the vaccine mandate imposed by the Guild has been lifted and members and guests do not need to participate in Guild activities. This is subject to change due to a change in circumstances.
April 21, 2022
The Executive Board meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild was held via Zoom on April 21, 2022, and was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:04 a.m. A quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes – Janet Sylvester advised there was an error in the March 17, 2022 Minutes in that a reference to additional Administrative Expense of $255.00 out of the Reserve Funds account to Velda Freudenthal as reimbursement for expenses incurred for the Raffle Quilt should have referred to the current raffle quilt expense account as the source of the payment. Diane Tillotson moved to accept the Minutes as corrected. Debbie Mosley seconded the motion. The motion passed and the Minutes, as corrected, were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that there were no changes to the Treasurer’s Report, that $700.00 was donated to the North Lincoln County Museum, the balance of the Guild’s checking account is $11,120.00, and the General Operating Account is still in the red for April, 2022. Jean Amundson moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Jane Szabo seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
New Business – Meralee Wilson put forth the question of whether, now that masks are no longer required, whether the Guild should rescind its policy of requiring members and guests to be vaccinated to attend Guild activities. A discussion ensued. Georgia Sabourin made a motion to lift the vaccine mandate for the 2023 Retreat, Guild meetings, and workshops but if circumstances change, the policy will be revisited. A discussion ensued. Thereafter, Jean Amundson made a motion that the Guild policy of requiring vaccines for Guild activities be rescinded but can be changed due to a change of circumstances. Rose Shaw seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion passed, and the vaccine mandate was rescinded. Nan Scott noted that masks are optional.
Georgia Sabourin questioned whether the Hospitality committee needs permission of the Executive Board to find a volunteer. A discussion ensued including the subject of drinks and food at the Guild General meetings. Georgia does not require permission of the Executive Board to find another volunteer and the Hospitality committee will serve beverages for one more month and, thereafter, beverages and cookies in individual wrappers.
Diane Tillotson noted the passing of Guild member Janet Childers and suggested that something should be done at the May General Guild meeting in honor of Janet, perhaps a photograph of Janet and a candle on a table. The funeral is scheduled for May 14, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. at a Catholic Church although Diane does not know the name of the church.
Gail Chipman advised that Guild member, Nancy Terhaar, is very ill with ALS. There is a one-mile walk sponsored by the local ALS office on May 14, 2022. For those interested in participating or donating, they can go online to for information or they can mail a check to Gail or JoAnne Sedlacek.
Block of the Month – No report.
Challenge Quilt 2022 – Nan Scott is sending out information to interested members.
Communications – No report.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue reported that six queen sized quilts have been donated but that twin quilts are needed.
Documentation – No report.
Finishing School – The committee reported it is still waiting for a response from The Carriage House. There is a meeting on May 14, 2022 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall of the Lutheran Atonement Church.
Hospitality – No report.
Library – No report.
Membership – No report.
Merchandising – No report.
Programs – Jane Szabo reported the next meeting is an evening meeting and table walk begins at 5:30 p.m. and that Dawn White is giving a workshop from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. the Friday following the May General Guild meeting. Nan Scott reported the tripod is in from Amazon and she has donated an I-6 phone for the Zoom portion of the meeting.
Publications – Jean Amundson reported she sent an article regarding the Veterans’ Project to the Newport News-Times.
Quilt Show – Wilma Roles reminded the Quilt Show Committee chairpersons that there would be a meeting at 1:15 p.m. that afternoon in the Education room of the Lutheran Atonement Church.
Retreat 2023 – No report.
SABLE – The committee reported that in May, it is “May Flowers.”
Veteran’s Projects – Rose Shaw reported there were ten sewists at the last event, and they had the second largest presentation with sixteen quilts being awarded to veterans and approximately forty people, in total, attending. Rose further noted a donation received from an elderly couple.
Raffle Quilt. – Jean Amundson reported there is another meeting at Meralee Wilson’s house to make packets.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:52 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary.
As a reminder, the vaccine mandate has been rescinded.
March 17, 2022
The Executive Board meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilt Guild was held via Zoom on March 17, 2022, and was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:73 a.m. A quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes – Barbara Kinzel advised there was an error in the February 17, 2022 Executive Board Minutes in which she identified Janet Sylvester as Janet Childers. Jean Amundson moved to approve the Minutes as corrected. Debbie Mosley seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion carried and the Minutes, as amended were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported that she paid an additional Administrative Expense of $255.00 out of the Reserve Funds account to Velda Freudenthal as reimbursement for expenses incurred for the Raffle Quilt. With a prior payment of $94.00, the total paid to Velda is $350.00. Janet further reported that she is changing the Fund Raising income from $4,000.00 to $500.00 because there will not be a raffle. Jean Amundson noted that approval for such change is needed from the Guild. Jane Szabo moved to accept the change in income and Becky Mershon seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion carried.
Janet then noted that Guild signers on the Guild bank account have the legal right to withdraw cash from the account. Nan Scott made a motion that all signers on the Guild’s bank accounts must have prior approval of two Executive Board members before withdrawing cash by check or withdrawal slip. Debbie Mosley seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion carried. Because this constitutes a standing rule, it must go to the membership for a vote of approval.
Janet then further noted that the Guild Directory does not say a committee or person seeking reimbursement shall file the necessary form for approval and submit a copy of the receipt. Jean Amundson moved that all requests for reimbursement shall include a reimbursement form and copy of the receipt submitted to the Treasurer. Nan Scott seconded the motion and after a vote, the motion carried.
- Auditor’s Report – Gail Chipman presented the Auditor’s report for the dates January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. A copy of the Auditor’s Report is attached to these Minutes. The audit was accepted by the Executive Board.
- Block of the Month – Viki West reported ten members picked up packets.
- Challenge Quilt 2022 – No report.
- Communications – Linda Patrick reported that Quilter’s Cove still owes the February bill for advertising on the blog.
- Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue reported Community Quilters will meet at Lee Palmer’s office in Waldport on April 7, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Documentation – Meralee Wilson reported the committee has the following days set aside. April 9, 2022 for retraining; May 1, 2022, September 9, 2022, and October 15, 2022 for documentation at the Newport Library; and June 11, 2022 at the North Lincoln County Museum.
- Finance – The committee chair reported that she needs to recruit a member to be in charge of the “Square” charge apparatus for the sale of items.
- Finishing School – No report.
- Hospitality – No report.
- Library – No report.
- Membership – No report.
- Merchandising – Becky Mershon reported the committee hopes to join Community Quilters in April.
- Programs – Jane Szabo reported that at the April General Guild meeting, the Documentation committee will be featured. Jane noted the committee needs more members. Viki West reported there is a workshop in May, 2022 at the Church the Friday after the May meeting. Ten members have signed up and there are ten spaces open.
- Publications – Jean Amundson reported she is still not writing articles until the mask policy is loosened but she will write an article about the Raffle Quilt to be published in May 2022.
- Quilt Show – No report.
- Quilter’s Surprise – No report.
- Retreat 2023 – Georgia Sabourin reported thirty or thirty-one members from the 2022 Retreat have signed up to attend the 2023 Retreat.
- Veteran’s Projects – Diane Tillotson reported the committee met on March 16, 2022 and many projects have been completed.
- Raffle Quilt 2022 – Thirty-one members have picked up ticket packets, and the Raffle Quilt is on display at Sew-It-Seams.
- Raffle Quilt 2023 – Jean Amundson reported the committee will meet on March 28,2 023 at Jean’s house.
- Fund Raising – No report.
- Membership – No report.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:16 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting, In Person and via Zoom,
of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
March 10, 2022
The hybrid meeting was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:05 p.m.
Diane Tillotson moved to approve the minutes of the February 10, 2022, General meeting. Jan Childers seconded the Motion. The Motion passed, and the Minutes were approved without objection.
Mask Update: As of midnight on March 11, 2022, the state indoor mask mandate will terminate. When the Church determines masks are no longer required, masks will not be necessary for the Guild’s general meetings.
Membership: The Guild has 144 members. Thirty-eight attended the meeting in person and eighteen attended via Zoom. There were two visitors, Alana Mikleck and Lynn Moody. The directories are in and can be picked up at the Membership table during the general meetings.
Community Quilters: Jan McQueen announced she is making quilts for Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion. The quilts are yellow and blue, the Ukrainian national colors. The kits are available during the meeting although members are encouraged to contact Jan to obtain kits between meetings. Jan needs 2.5” strips in blue, yellow, and white, one yard cuts of fabric in the same colors and help finishing the blocks as well as cash contributions. Help is also needed with finishing the quilts including, but not limited to, quilting, binding, and labelling.
Veterans Projects: The committee’s next meeting is Wednesday, March 16, 2022, at the Siletz Grange from 9:30 a.m. to approximately 3:00 p.m.
Treasurer’s Report: Janet Sylvester explained the recommendations of the Board for funds to be donated from the Guild’s General Accounting Fund. The proposed donations are:
$2,000.00 to the Capital Fund;
$1,000.00 to the Speaker’s Fund;
$ 500.00 to the Carriage House;
$ 500.00 to North Lincoln; and
$ 500.00 to Lattimer
Toni Brodie moved to accept the Board’s recommendations for contributions. Debbie Mosely seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion was approved.
Quilt Show 2022: Wilma Roles announced there will be an in-person meeting of the Quilt Show committee chairs on March 17, 2022 at 1:45 p.m. at the Newport Library meeting room on the lower level. Thereafter, committee chairs will meet on the third Thursday of every month.
Workshop: On Friday, May 13, 2022 there will be a workshop led by Dawn White of her pattern for the Wonky Dresden Neighborhood. There is lots of space available. The cost is $45.00, the workshop will last all day, and those interested can find and buy the pattern online.
Quilting Frame: Paulette Stenberg announced that Twy Hoch’s hand quilting frame is free to anyone who is interested.
Raffle Quilt 2022: Jan Hoffman announced tickets for the raffle quilt are now available for members to sell.
President’s Quilt: Meralee Wilson presented the President’s Quilt to past president Diane Tillotson.
Community Quilters: Lindanne Perdue announced the committee gave away 238 finished quilts in 2021 and 24 quilts in 2022 to date. The committee has numerous baby quilts, but needs Head Start quilts in the 50”x60” size. My Sister’s Place, a domestic violence shelter needs ten queen-sized quilts.
Block of the Month: Ruth Hutmacher announced the theme for next month is “April Showers”.
There being no other announcements, Jane Szabo presented the program for the meeting. There are two parts to the program. The first is a Tip for new quilters: Quilters should strive for a scant ¼” seam allowance unless otherwise instructed. There are ¼” feet for almost every machine, with or without a guide. To be sure it is a scant ¼”, on machines where the quilter can move the needle, it should be adjusted one or two stitches in from the ¼” line. An alternative method is to use removeable tape and remember to measure the whole distance between the two fabrics being seamed.
The second part of the program was the presentation of Dawn Boyd of the Sisters’ Quilt Show. A lively and entertaining speaker, Dawn graduated in 2018 from George Fox University with a degree in Management. After getting her five girls through their graduations, Dawn decided it was time to find a new challenge. Since she has always enjoyed coordinating events, she applied for the Director’s position of the Sisters’ Quilt Show (despite being a “minimal quilter”). The job was Dawn’s, and she began in January 2019. In 2020, the Quilt Show went virtual. In 2021, there were 600 quilts entered in the Show.
Founded in 1975, the first show had twelve to fifteen quilts the first year. Within three years, approximately 60 quilts were on display. Managing the Show became a more complicated and rewarding task. In 2003, the Show became a not-for-profit. There are now approximately 1,200 quilts in the annual show and approximately 10,000 visitors including tourists from England, Japan, Egypt, and Australia. Although it is a non-jury show, quilts that are tied can not be entered. All entries must be quilted.
The Show is always the second Saturday in July; this year it will be on July 9, 2022, but planning begins the August before the show. The Director approaches the corporate sponsors in the late Autumn and local sponsors in the Spring. There are between 300 and 350 volunteers for the shows, donors, and Friends of the Show. The Show has a positive economic impact in Central Oregon and, in 2009, brought in 2.7 million dollars the week of the show.
The Show is looking to the future with an art scholarship for a Sisters High School senior, a children’s activity tent during the show, updating technology including a new website which was launched in March 2020, and the database, having a virtual show and growing social media connections.
There are several ways for quilters and non-quilters alike to get involved. (1) Enter a quilt or quilts, (2) Participate in the “Wish Upon a Card Program” in which fabric postcards are sold to offset the costs of the show (3) Become a Friend of the Show, (4) Be a business sponsor, (5) Bring family and friends to the show, and (6) Become a volunteer. For more information about the show, go to
At the conclusion of the program, the gifts were given away. Viki West received an apple themed table topper. Darcy de la Rosa received the Nifty Notion of an iron cleaner; and Joanne Sedlacek received the Quilte3r’s Surprise gift of a wall clock in the shape and design of a sewing machine.
The program having concluded, Nan Scott introduced Show & Share.
Lindanne Perdue displayed a vibrant Bargello quilt in shades of blues and green;
Jan McQueen displayed three quilts. The first of birds in Spring, the second a geometric pattern in blues, golds, and white, and the third a quilt of blue pinwheels. Kathy Lambert quilted all three quilts.
Patti Stephens displayed a quilt of blocks in a Dresden plate design with pastel fabrics.
Diane Tillotson displayed a quilt created around the panel of the Newport bridge with fabrics in blues and oranges.
Paulette Stenberg displayed two quilts. The first a Dresden plate design in batiks against a black background and the second a baby quilt in pink, white, and gray consisting of blocks of pink hearts for Amanda, Twy’s granddaughter.
Carol Nelson displayed three quilted bags each of a smaller size than the one before and one small tulip quilt.
Pamela Potter displayed her quilt of disappearing nine patches in shades of blue.
Ruth Hutmacher displayed her quilt which she entitled “Looking up in 2022.”
Jane Towsley displayed her log cabin quilt with the logs in red, white, and blue with yellow stars in the center.
Tonie Brodie displayed her “rescue project” in which she repaired a lovely basket quilt.
Elizabeth Wo0od displayed three quilts each one in red, white, and blue.
The Veterans Projects Sew-In will be on March 16, 2022 beginning at 9:30 a.m.
The next meeting of the Executive Board is, via Zoom, at 10:00 a.m. on March 17, 2022,
Community Quilters will meet on April 7, 2022
The next General Meeting of the Guild is April 14, 2022, with Table Walk beginning at 12:30 p.m. and the meeting beginning at 1:00 p.m.,
Thereafter, the Executive Board will meet, via Zoom, at 10:00 a.m. on April 21, 2022.
The meeting adjourned at 2:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary
February 17, 2022
The Executive Board meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilt Guild was held via Zoom on February 17, 2022, and was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:03 a.m. A quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes – Rose Shaw moved to approve the Minutes of the January 10, 2022, Executive Board Meeting as published. Becky Mershon seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion carried and the Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Childers reported corrections to the calculations of disbursable funds from the General Accounting Fund balance. As of December 31, 2021, the General Fund Accounting Fund balance was $8,120.72 from which the Guild can disburse $5,822.04. Diane Tillotson moved to reduce the donations approved during the January 10, 2022 Executive Board Meeting by half. Becky Mershon moved to decrease the donation to North Lincoln to $500.00 which would result in total disbursements of $5,500.00. A discussion ensued, after which Rose Shaw moved to reduce the disbursements to the following and maintain the rest in reserve.
Capital Fund – $2,000.00
Speaker’s Fund – $1,000.00
Carriage House – $500.00
North Lincoln – $500.00
Lattimer – $500.00.
Debbie Mosely seconded the motion and after a vote, the motion passed.
Thereafter, Nan Scott moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Debbie Mosely seconded the motion and after a vote, the motion passed.
March General Guild Meeting – Jane Szabo reported the Church voted to open at the end of February, 2022. Nan Scott suggested that the Guild continue with hybrid meetings for the general Guild meetings. Linda Patrick reported the state mask mandate ends on March 31, 2022. (Update – the Mask mandate ends at midnight on March 12, 2022). Diane Tillotson moves to approve hybrid meetings and to revisit the issue each month. Barbara Kinzel seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion carried.
Block of the Month – No report.
Challenge Quilt 2022 – Nan Scott reported that fifteen people have registered to participate in the Challenge quilt.
Communications – Linda Patrick requested that when sending her information by e-mail, members send it to her at the Webmaster address which has been previously published. Linda reported that Quilter’s Cove runs an advertisement each month in the Guild website, but that payment is erratic and is two months in arrears. Linda will send an invoice for January and February 2022 with an appropriate note.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue reported there will be an open house on March 3, 2022. Barbara Martin can give lesson on the quilting machine. She further reported there are kits to distribute, and the committee is low on yellow fabric and needs donations.
Documentation – Meralee Wilson reported the committee would like to begin in April, 2022 but requires a photographer. The commitment is for four times a year for the entire day.
Finance – No report.
Finishing School – Paulette Stenberg reported she has not had a response from the Carriage House.
Hospitality – No report.
Library – No report.
Merchandising – Becky Mershon reported the committee has lots of panels but needs clothing and will need help at the fair.
Programs – Jane Szabo reported that Dawn Boyd will appear regarding the Sister’s Quilt Show.
Quilt Show – Wilma Roles reported she is looking for committee packets.
Quilter’s Surprise – No report.
Retreat 2023 – Georgia Sabourin reported thirty or thirty-one members have signed up to attend and sign-up for the retreat formally begins at the Guild May general meeting.
Veteran’s Projects – Rose Shaw reported there are numerous kits available at Quilter’s Cove and the next sew-in will be the third Wednesday in March.
Raffle Quilt 2022 – The posters are here, the postcard came in on February 18, 2022. Jan Hoffman will coordinate ticket sales and members can pick up the ticket packets at the general meeting.
Raffle Quilt 2023 – No report.
Fund Raising – Chris Benedetti reported that the online auction should be held every other year instead of every year. Nan Scott reported the treasurer needs to review the budget to delete auction income and expenses.
Membership – Nan Scott reported membership is down to 140 members. Jane Szabo reported the Guild’s membership fees are some of the lowest.
It was reported in the Newport News Times that Jean Bishop, one of the first members of the Guild, passed away.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:08 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary.
February 2, 2022
A special meeting of the Executive Board of the Oregon Coastal Quilt Guild was held via Zoom on February 2, 2022, and was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:02 a.m. A quorum was present.
The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss the situation with the 2022 Raffle Quilt. The Quilt will not be ready in time to put on display for the purpose of ticket sales. Velma Freudenthal generously offered to donate a quilt she made from a Judy Niemeyer pattern called “Twilight”. After viewing, the members agreed that the pattern and colors are reminiscent of a coastal sunset.
Jean Amundson moved to substitute Velma Freudenthal’s quilt, “Twilight”, as the Raffle Quilt. Rose Shaw seconded the motion. After discussion, the Executive Board voted and the motion passed.
Nan Scott moved to reimburse Velma Freudenthal a total of $300.0 from reserves and remainder of the Raffle Quilt budget for her quilt expenses. Karen Donobedian seconded the motion. The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:31 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting, via Zoom
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
February 10, 2022
The meeting, via Zoom, was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:03 p.m.
Chris Benedetti moved to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2022, General meeting. Diane Tillotson seconded the Motion. The Motion passed, and the Minutes were approved without objection.
Veteran’s Projects: Rose Shaw announced that the February sew-in on February 16, 2022 is cancelled, but the committee hopes to meet in March. There are packets at Quilter’s Cove.
Quilt Show 2022: Wilma Rose announced there is a meeting on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. viz Zoom. Wilma announced there are still some jobs to fill and Melissa Hollenbeck announced she would volunteer for the Hostess position. Pamela Potter will co-chair the position.
Raffle Quilt 2022: The quilt will not be completed on time, so Velma Freudenthal donated her quilt, “Twilight”. Nan Scott has ordered raffle tickets and postcards, but she needs a volunteer to chair the ticket sales. That position entails bringing the quilt to various venues to display, distributing tickets, and counting tickets sold. Ticket packets are twenty-four for $20.00. Becky Mershon announced the quilt will be on display at the Lincoln County Fair.
Rec Center: Debbie Mosely announced she needs three quilts for the Rec Center display. Becky Mershon volunteered to donate one quilt.
There being no other announcements, Jane Szabo presented the program for the meeting. The creative program was presented by Mary Betts Sinclair, a licensed massage-therapist who is also a dedicated quilter and sewer. Aware, because of both her career and practical experience, Mary Betts has developed an expertise in physical problems arising from repetitive motions, eye strain, and improper posture. As an example, Mary used to wear thick glasses, but after consistently performing a series of eye exercises, her vision has substantially improved and she no longer requires eyewear. Some of the problems resulting from starring at a computer screen or repetitive sewing are that blinking decreases which causes eye strain, a permanent squint, and the jaw tightens. Because the body follows the eyes, poor body position results from eye strain.
Mary explained the cause of physical tension in the body.
- Not taking regular eye breaks;
- Glare;
- Wearing bifocals while doing close work; and
- Emotional distress;.
Further working against the quilter are
- Awkward postures;
- Cutting tables which are too high or too low;
- Sewing tables which are too high or too low;
- Maintaining the same position for too long; and
- Using too much pressure for the task required, such as rotary cutting.
With respect to ergonomics, Mary explained that sub-occipital muscles nod, rotate, and tilt. Even though they are small, they are working all the time in such muscle movements as tilting the head down, tipping the chin down and back, holding handwork close, straining to make out small print, and keeping the head turned. The trapezius muscles are strained when the body is involved in challenging near work. The “Desktop neck” occurs when tired/straining vision blurs and, as a result, posture decreases.
In order to relieve the problems inherent in computer and repetitive work, Mary urges that we:
- Begin to take regular breaks;
- Break up sewing tasks so there is a different view for the eyes;
- Checking cutting and sewing tables for proper height;
- Check lighting;
- Use a book stand for reading;
- Keep back upright when reading and using the computer;
- Bring the cellphone up rather than looking down; and,
- Stretch at regular intervals.
The program having concluded, Nan Scott introduced Show & Share.
- Melissa Hollenbeck displayed two quilts; the first of red, white, and blue in a star design which she quilted herself and an adorable chicken quilt in pastels;
- Marge Hoyt also displayed two quilts; The first called “A Trip Around the Sun” which prettily represents the four seasons in batiks. The second quilt is of a dogwood which she paper-pieced.
- Paulette Stenberg displayed two quilts. The first a blue Ohio Star pattern which he made with blocks created twenty years ago and a creative improvised Dresden plate block pattern.
- Jane Szabo displayed her first quilt, created with the Kris D. Mozer bumble bee quilt in ombre colors and her second quilt, a dramatic snowball table runner of 13” x 40” in red, black, and white.
The next meeting of the Executive Board is, via Zoom, at 10:00 a.m. on February 17, 2022,
There is a “De-stash” meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on February 26, 2022 at the Sr. Citizen’s Center in Florence,
Community Quilters is meeting on March 3, 2022,
The next General Meeting is March 10, 2022, and
The Veteran’s sew-in is March 16, 2022.
The meeting adjourned at 2:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary
January 20, 2022
The Executive Board meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilt Guild was held via Zoom on January 20, 2022, and was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:00 a.m. A quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes – Becky Mershon moved to approve the Minutes of the November 19, 2022, Executive Board Meeting and the Minutes of the January 6, 2022 Executive Board Special Meeting as published. Wilma Roles seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Nan Scott moved to remove Sue Stephenson as an authorized signer on the Guild’s WaFd account and designate Meralee Wilson, Joy Johnson, Janet Sylvester, and Nan Scott has authorized signers on said account. Rose Shaw seconded the motion. A discussion ensued and, after a vote, the motion carried. Janet Sylvester reported the new budget began effective January 1, 2022, the budget is healthy because of the proceeds from the online auction, a lot of expenses were not incurred in 2021 because of the impact of Covid-19, and the general operating account has $8,120.72. Wilma Roles moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Rose Shaw seconded the motion. After a vote, the motion carried.
Janet Sylvester then reported every year there is a disbursement of the general operating balance to outreach (Veteran’s Projects, Community Quilters, and Speaker’s Fund, as well as grants to outside quilting related non-profits) and capital outlay and a balance reserve of no more than 15% of the current year’ budget. Therefore, the Guild needs to disburse $10,738.35. Janet then questioned whether there should be a contingency fund for any Guild committee who requires funds. Diane Tillotson moved to create a contingency fund and Viki Wet seconded the motion. A brief discussion ensued, and, after a vote, the motion carried. A discussion ensued regarding requested disbursements for various Guild committees. Jane Szabo reported the Speaker’s Fund needs an addition $2,000.00, and thereafter followed a discussion about donations to various non-profits which interacts with quilters. After a discussion, Jane Szabo moved to make the following disbursements:
$2,000.00 to the Speaker’s Fund
$2,000.00 to the capital fund
$1,000.00 to the North Lincoln County Museum
$ 500.00 to the Lattimer Quilt Museum
$ 500.00 to the Carriage House.
Rose Shaw seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, the motion carried.
April General Guild Meeting – Jane Szabo reported that the April General Guild meeting was moved to the evening of the first Thursday of the month because the Church has a service on the second Thursday in the daytime. The Church is also not available the following day, Friday, for a workshop by Thursday’s speaker. After a discussion, the Executive Board unanimously agreed to keep April’s General Guild meeting on the second Thursday during the day.
Retreat – There was a suggestion for scholarships for the annual Retreat for those Guild members who wish to attend but cannot afford all the expenses. Nan Scott pointed out that would be part of the reasoning for the contingency fund. Jane Szabo suggested that money from the contingency fund could be used to offset increases in Retreat expenses.
Raffle Quilt – Viki West reported the quilt has been delivered to Lisa Taylor who will do the quilting.
Block of the Month – No report.
Challenge Quilt – Nan Scott reported that thirteen Guild members have signed up.
Community Quilters – No report.
Documentation – No report.
Membership – No report.
Merchandising – No report.
Programs – No report.
Quilt Show 2023 – No report.
Retreat 2023 – Georgia Sabourin reported that the dates for the 2023 Retreat are January 31, 2023 to February 4, 2023.
Veteran’s Projects – Rose Shaw reported the next sew-in is February 16, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Fund Raising – No report.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary.
Minutes of the General Meeting, via Zoom
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
January 13, 2022
The meeting, via Zoom, was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:01 p.m.
Nan Scott moved to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2021, General meeting. Rose Shaw seconded the Motion. The Motion passed, and the Minutes were approved without objection.
Membership: Patti Stephens announced the committee is working on the new directory. There are 123 members who have renewed their membership and twelve or more members who intend to renew.
Retreat 2023: Georgia Sabourin announced that check-in for the 2023 Retreat will be January 31, 2023 and check-out will be February 3, 2023. The timing of the 2023 Retreat coincides with the Willamette Valley Quilt Festival. The room rate will be $109.00, there will be a 10.5% tax on the room rate, and there will be an increase in the catering costs.
Challenge Quilt 2022: Nan Scott announced thirteen people have indicated their interest in the Challenge which, as Nan described it, is “Any quilted thing that says trees.” The quilts must be finished by the June 2022 meeting.
Raffle Quilt 2023: Meralee Wilson presented Jean Amundson’s concept which is a Keepsake Quilting pattern of 78” square. Jean needs a co-chair and Darcy de la Rosa volunteered to help. The concept was approved after a vote.
Raffle Quilt 2022: The quilt is still being worked on but is nearing completion. Viki West will order tickets for the raffle.
There being no other announcements, Jane Szabo presented the program for the meeting. The program, an innovative idea, was the presentation and explanation of certain Guild committees.
Block of the Month: Viki West explained that the committee makes up 30-35 kits of cut pieces for participating members to take home and complete into a finished block. All kits are the same. One of the participants receives all the blocks after a drawing. This calendar year, all blocks will be 9” x 9”. The Star of Hope is the next chosen block.
Community Quilters: Lindanne Perdue explained the Community Quilters committee oversees all charitable activities, makes quilts for charities, fire victims, and the Guatemala group, and took in donations of pajamas for CASA, foster parents, and other organizations. In addition, Lee Palmer allows the use of her quilting machine for free for those members who wish to practice their quilting skills on quilts to be donated to Community Quilters. There is a small charge for those members who wish to use the quilting machine on their private quilts which will not be donated. Members who are interested should make an appointment with Lee Palmer and need to watch U-tube videos and internet videos on how to use the machine. The next meeting of Community Quilters is Thursday, January 27, 2022. The meetings are at Lee Palmer’s office in Newport next to WaFd. Lindanne further announced Community Quilters needs donations of adult masks.
Finishing School: Finishing school began several year ago. The meetings are at The Carriage House on the 4th Thursday of the month from 10:00 to 4:00 p.m. There are not any meetings in November or December. Members can bring their sewing machines, lamps, and other supplies as the only tools supplied by the committee are irons and ironing boards. The benefits of the meetings are the exchange of friendship, knowledge, and expertise. Because of Covid, the meetings are indefinitely suspended. When the meetings resume, they will continue to be free.
Fund Raising: Chris Benedetti explained Fund Raising is a new committee which concentrated all its efforts on an online auction of quilts and quilted projects donated by members. Roseanne Berton was experienced with the website and worked on the committee as did other participating members. The online auction netted $5,000.00 in profits and will be repeated in 2022.
Stash Committee: “Stash” stands for “Stash Above and Beyond Life Expectancy.” Members bring in 1-3 fat quarters for donation and every member who donates gets a ticket to win the total number of fat quarters donated. Although the committee did not meet in 2021, It will meet beginning in March, 2022 when the theme of the donated fat quarters will be dots and stripes. The committee needs a co-chair.
Veterans’ Projects: Rose Shaw explained that the committee started in 2016 and, even though it began as a series of small projects, it has evolved into a massive project. As of this date, 375 quilts have been donated to veterans. Monthly sew-ins are at the Siletz Grange. The quilt shop, Sew-Hound, is two blocks away and it has supplies needed for the projects. The committee needs volunteers to sew blocks, make quilt tops, quilt, bind, and make labels. Interested members can pick up blocks at quilt shops or the first Thursday of the month. The January meeting is cancelled, and the next meeting is February 16, 2022.
Workshops/Programs: Jane Szabo announced she needs volunteers to plan the year’s programs. There are resources for Zoom teachers and programs on the internet and Jane is always looking for input.
Quilt Show: Wilma Roles announced the Church is secured, as is the Rec Center, for the 2022 Quilt Show in August. There will be a 1:00 p.m. meeting, via Zoom, of all committee chairwomen on Thursday, January 20, 2022. Related to Wilma’s announcement, Debbie Mosely announced it is time to change quilts at the Rec Center. She needs four quilts with a Valentine Day’s theme and then four quilts with an Hawaiian theme in April.
The program having concluded, Nan Scott introduced Show & Share.
- Jean Amundson exhibited one quilt entitled “Flutterbys” a quilt of twelve squares, with a butterfly pattern in batiks of oranges and blues.
- Jane Childers exhibited two quilts: a Veteran’s quilt, dedicated to the Marines and Army for her nephew, David, and a brilliant quilt in blues and greens with a peacock center panel.
- Melissa Hollenbeck exhibited her vibrant bumblebee quilt from the Krista Moser workshop.
- Kathleen Holt exhibited her green and white Irish Chain quilt in which every green block is made of different material. Nancy Stovall, of Portland, quilted the quilt with light green thread in a design of Celtic knots.
- Marge Hoyt exhibited a quilt in blue and white made up of equal numbers of blocks embroidered by Marge’s mother which depict girls at various stages of quilting and Marge’s disappearing nine blocks. Marge also announced she is selling a Singer, featherweight sewing machine for $500.00.
- Nan Scott exhibited three quilts: The first was a red, white, and blue log cabin Veteran’s quilt with a vibrant red star in the middle. The quilt measured 72” x 72”. The second quilt project was a cloth book of The Little Engine That Could which is a grandson’s favorite book and that was accompanied by a quilt with a center panel of the Little Engine that could.
The meeting adjourned at 2:37 p.m.
The next meeting of the Executive Board is, via Zoom, at 10:00 a.m. on January 20, 2022.
The Quilt Show committee will meet, via Zoom, at 1:00 p.m. on January 20, 2022.
The next General Meeting, via Zoom, is on Thursday, February 10, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kinzel, Secretary
2021 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Hybrid General Meeting, via Zoom
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
December 9, 2021
The meeting, a hybrid of in-person and via Zoom, was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:12 p.m.
Rose Shaw moved to approve the minutes of the November 11, 2021, General meeting. Diane Tillotson seconded the Motion. The Motion passed, and the Minutes were approved without objection.
Darcy de la Rosa moved to approve the annual budget for calendar year 2022. Debbie Mosley seconded the Motion. The Motion passed and the annual budget was approved without objection.
Merchandising: Becky Mershon announced brand new panels are available in sizes small, medium, and large. In addition, there is embroidery on sweatshirts and other items of clothing.
Community Quilters: Lindanne Perdue thanked everyone who contributed pajamas for children involved in CASA and for county foster parents. Lindanne further announced there will be an open house on Thursday, January 6, 202 in Waldport from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lindanne also announced there is a blank book for Twy Hoch’s granddaughter, Amanda, and members at the meeting were encouraged to write down their favorite memories of Twy.
Veterans’ Projects: Ginger Dale announced fourteen quilts were awarded on November 21, 2021, 133 quilts have been awarded in 2021 to-date, and 391 total quilts have been awarded since the beginning of the program. Ginger further announced that on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, Veteran’s Projects shall meet at the Siletz Grange from approximately 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. In addition, the Guild received a $2,000.00 grant from the Siletz tribe.
Membership: Joanne Sedlacek announced thirty-eight members attended the meeting in person and thirteen viz Zoom. There are currently 171 total members and 71 have currently renewed their membership. For the remaining members, annual membership fees are due by January 7, 2022.
Challenge Quilt: Nan Scott announced there are twelve participants to date. To sign-up, members should send an e-mail to Nan, and she reminded the membership that quilts made prior to the challenge may be submitted.
2022 Retreat: Georgia Sabourin announced there are still a couple of openings.
Block of the Month: Nan Scott was announced as the winner.
Quilter’s Surprise: Jackie Stankey won “Best Press” and Patti Stephens won a sewing bag, quilting book, and Fat ¼ bundle.
President’s Quilt: The President’s Quilt was awarded to past-president Diane Tillotson in recognition of her contributions to and superlative leadership of the Guild during her term.
Show & Share:
- Ginger Dale presented three quilts: The first a one-half starburst in red, blue, and yellow, a star quilt made from a Judy Niemeyer pattern, and a quilt of red and green stars against a field.
- Linda Reeve shared three blocks: The first of hearts, which were signed, an MSQC pattern, and a “Seeing Double” block in coral and green.
- Nan Scott shared her colorful “Bumblebee” quilt which she created in the Krista Moser workshop. Terry Mast quilted the quilt.
- Joanne Sedlacek shared two quilts: The first a veteran’s quilt in red, white, and blue and noted this was the first time she used a panel in a quilt, that the blocks were created by Guild members, and she quilted the quilt herself. The second quilt is a Christmas Sampler of snowmen panels with wreath pattern blocks.
- Jane Szabo shared her Christmas Tree quilt which, as she said, is a “tall, tall, tree.”
- Paulette Sternberg shared two quilts: The first a blue and white Irish chain and the second a quilt of hand embroidery.
- As a group, certain guild members showed off their “disappearing blocks’ which they created in the workshop given by Britta Nelson.
There being no further business, and after her own remembrance of Twy, Jane Szabo announced the meeting’s program; “Sometimes a Great Notion”. A giveaway of various notions. The winners were as follows:
- Karen Donobedian won a Reliable steam Iron.
- Pamela Potter won a Cutterpillar Glow Basic & Mat.
- Ginger Dale won a wool pressing mat.
- Linda MacKown won a travel iron.
- Evelyn DePaulo, Linda Reeve, Melissa Hollenbeck, Pam Grindell, and Diane Tillotson each won a spool of removeable tape.
- Rose Shaw won a “Buzz Lightyear.”
- Vicky West and Lois Drell each won a pair of Karen Buckley scissors.
- Janet Sylvester won a package of iron cleaning cloths.
- Elizabeth Morrill won a project box.
- Darcy de la Rosa won a box of binder clips.
- Barbara Kinzel won a titanium rotary blade.
- Terry Mast won a glue marker.
- Elda-Lee Carnes, Wilma Roles, and Kathleen Richmond each won a heat eraseable pen.
- Jean Amundson won a disappearing white pen.
- Marge Hoyt won a Clover Thread Pic.
- Dorothea Schneider won a packet of Schmetz needles.
- Phyliss Walden won a pair of quilting gloves.
- And Janet Childers won a thread bag.
The winners of the ugly mask contest were Diane Tillotson and Nan Scott. The secretary’s apologies to the second-place winner for not writing her name down fast enough.
There will not be a meeting of the Executive Board in December.
The next hybrid guild meeting is Thursday, January 13, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
The January Quilt Show meeting will be at 1:00 p.m. immediately after the January 20, 2022, Executive Board meeting.
The Veteran’s Projects committee will meet on January 19, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The general meeting was adjourned at 2:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary.
Minutes of the Hybrid General Meeting, via Zoom
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
November 11, 2021
The meeting, a hybrid of in-person and via Zoom, was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:07 p.m.
Becky Mershon moved to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2021, General meeting. Roseanne Berton seconded the Motion. The Motion passed, and the Minutes were approved without objection.
Meralee Wilson announced the membership would vote on the slate of officers at the December General Meeting. Diane Tillotson moved to accept the slate of officers. Becky Mershon seconded the Motion. The Motion passed without objection.
Membership: Patti Stephens advised that the Guild has 168 members, and 37 members attended today’s meeting in person. The Membership Committee is currently working on the 2022 Directory. Patti announced that if any member knows of a business interested in advertising in the Directory, that member should inform the Membership Committee.
Community Quilters: Melissa Hollenbeck announced that Quilt Kits are all cut out and ready to be picked up. Melissa also told the membership the yacht Club needs flags sewn.
Veterans’ Projects: Rose Shaw announced some kits need to be sewn. There are four bags of leftover binding and elastic. In addition, the next sew-in is Wednesday, November 17, 2021, at the Siletz Grange, with a presentation at 2:30 p.m.
Quilter’s Surprise: Debbie Mosley announced she would like four Christmas Quilts to hang at the Rec Center. Each Christmas Quilt must have a label and hanging sleeve.
Challenge Quilt: Nan Scott announced she would send out an announcement to all members. Nan Scott’s proposal includes a provision that anything quilted will be auctioned at the end of the Challenge Quilt process and the proceeds donated to plant trees in Oregon.
Programs: Jane Szabo announced that the workshop on Disappearing Blocks starts on Friday, November 12, 2021, at 9:15 .a.m. The program for the December General Meeting is “Sometimes a Great Notion.”
Having no further business, Jane Szabo introduced Mary Ann McCannon and her presentation entitled “Quilts for Empowerment.”
Ms. McCannon began her presentation with the note that this was a story about bringing quilts to goats and girls. Ms. McCannon focuses o assisting marginalized women. She is retired and, beginning upon her retirement, taught quilting at Coffee Cree and then I Quadros, Mexico. She then learned about women in Kenya who suffer from Fistula, which occurs after a strenuous birthing process. Although the condition can be repaired surgically, it is very difficult for these women to find the money or means for such medical treatment.
In 2015, Ms. McCannon was in Kenya working with teenage girls but says this was a wasted effort. So in 2017, she formed a not-for-profit in Oregon designed to empower women through quilting. In 2018, she welcomed her first three quilters to the not-for-profit. Her charity does not pay for Fistula repairs, which cost approximately $400.00. Instead, the Fistula Foundation pays the surgery and medical expenses, a separate legal entity from her not-for-profit. Ms. McCannon teaches women who have never quilted basic stitches, but she runs into two problems. First, most Kenyans don’t like criticism, and second, they do not like being told what to do.
By April 2018, the not-for-profit had eleven quilters who had learned to quilt and do applique. But there is no electricity and, therefore, the women have to sew outside in the daylight. The Kenyan quilters produce bags on treadle sewing machines, and they are paid each month for their products. The money is deposited into an account for a support group, and funds are withdrawn for health insurance. She struggles to teach the quilters to save the money they each earn because Kenyans are so generous they give their money to needy friends and relatives.
In April 2019, the not-for-profit sponsored a two-day training course on saving and investing $100.00. As a result, many women purchased goats and, now, cows (each cow costs $100.00). In addition, the goats require shelters which each costs $120.00. By the end of 2019, the program became self-supporting.
In February 2019, the speaker created a program for girls living in abusive homes or victims of sexual violence. The first two girls in the program were Anne, who was eight, and Sharon, who was ten. The girls were both sick and malnourished and had to learn coping strategies. The two keys to the success of this program have been trauma therapy and group therapy. Each girl has a U.S. Sponsor who pays $100.00 per month to help just one girl.
In 2020, the not-for-profit built an entire compound. In addition, there are preliminary plans to build a three-story structure that would be part of the compound. Ideally, the building will have a kitchen, dining room, laundry room with machines, therapy rooms on the first floor, a dormitory on the second floor, and residential assistants living on the third floor.
The initiatives for 2022 are to keep the girls in school and ensure the girls’ continued safety by teaching safety and self-esteem behaviors. Unfortunately, the Kenyan government has not cooperated in any of the speaker’s initiatives, and, more often than not, bribes are necessary to accomplish anything.
The speaker completed her presentation at 2:00 p.m., the meeting broke for ten minutes and resumed at 2:10 p.m.
Drawing for Nifty Notions:
Roseanne Berton won a “Stash and Store.”
Jane Szabo won an Aliso Iron.
Show and Share:
Teecia Cornelius shared a Christmas Quilt in reds, greens, and browns, a black and white house quilt with colorful windows, and a quilt showcasing a thistle, the national flower of Scotland. Lisa Taylor quilted the thistle quilt.
Diane Tillotson shared an autumn quilt in an Irish chain variation.
Jean Amundsonshared her quilt of sweet peonies from the Emily Taylor collage workshop.
Jane Szabo shared her collage quilt of colorful flowers with green leaves from the Emily Taylor workshop and her colorful miniature quilt of 100 blocks.
Jackie Stankey shared one quilt in red, white, and black.
Pamela Potter shared her grouping of seven quilted placemats.
Toni Brody shar3ed a lavishly embellished crazy quilt.
Darcy de la Rosa shared a quilt in a Churn Dash design which started from a Block of the Month in 2010 and a tote bag made out of mesh and fabric.
Paulette Stenberg shared a “leftovers” quilt of stars in a single Irish chain design.
A reminder to the executive board – the next meeting is Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.
There will not be a meeting of the Executive Board in December.
The next guild meeting, via Zoom, is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
Community Quilters will meet on December 2, 2021
The meeting adjourned at 2:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary.
Minutes of the General Meeting, via Zoom
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
October 14, 2021
The meeting, via Zoom, was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:02 p.m.
Ginger Dale moved to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2021, General meeting. Becky Mershon seconded the motion. The motion passed, and the Minutes were approved without objection.
Meeting Venue: The November General Guild meeting will be held in the Fellowship Halle of The Lutheran Atonement Church at 1:00 p.m. In accordance with decisions made by the Church Board (1) only vaccinated individuals may attend, (2) each attendee must wear a mask, (3) only bottled water can be served, although members may bring their own, (4) attendees must use the downstairs door, and (5) a maximum of 75 people will be permitted entrance.
2022 Retreat: Georgia Sabourin announced there a still a few slots open, and, as of October 15, 2021, the 2022 Retreat will be available to non-guild members.
Veterans” Project: Rose Shaw reported block kits will be available in January 2022; there is a sew-in on October 20, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and members are advised to bring their sewing machines. There will also be a meeting of the Bayshore Quilters on October 22, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Masks will be required for both events.
Community Quilters: Lindanne Perdue announced she dropped off some things at CASA and reported on an eleven year old girl who refused to choose a quilt until after she chose one for her brother. There will be an Open House on November 4, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Waldport.
Voting: Diane Tillotson announced 99% of the office3s and committee chair positions had been filled. Wilma Roles and Janet Baldwin will be the co-chairs of the 2022 Quilt Show. Voting for the four officers will take place at the November 2021 General Guild meeting.
Programs: Jane Szabo announced the November program will be via Zoom even though the General Guild meeting will be in person. The speaker will be Mary Ann McCammon, and her website is Ms. McCammon works with abused and disadvantaged women in Kenya and uses her love of quilting and skills to help such women overcome their circumstances. Further, Britta Nelson will put on a workshop on November 12, 2021, the day after the next General Guild meeting, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The topic of the workshop is disappearing blocks.
Online Auction: Chris Benedetti announced the Online Auction reached its goal of bringing in $5,000.00 in revenue. Expenses were approximately $500.00. Every item up for auction sold.
Having no further business, Jane Szabo introduced Krista Moser, a quilter and fiber arts artist. Krista started sewing at the age of eight, went professional at fourteen years old, and has designed twenty patterns with more to come. Krista was born and raised near Seattle, Washington, and started as a garment sewer. Unfortunately, because of her dyslexia, Krista could not read with any proficiency. Nevertheless, Krista’s parents took the time and trouble to involve their daughter in “something creative” and enrolled Krista in a children’s sewing class. Krista had an understanding teacher who taught her how to understand the patterns without reading them. She was in the class for four years and learned how to design patterns and clothes out of necessity. By the age of twelve, Krista was designing and sewing wedding dresses.
Then Krista’s fabric shop transitioned into a quilt shop, and Krista began to make quilt samples for the store. Krista often changed the patterns, and the quilt shop customers were interested in making the quilt patterns Krista modified, so she began to teach tutorials at age twelve and taught for th3e next twenty years. Krista was then approached to write patterns. In 2016-2017, Krista and some of her friends began working together to make patterns, and that business venture took off like crazy. Other pattern designers wanted to learn how to write patterns using Krista’s visual approach of using pictures to explain the process as well as written instructions. In 2018, Krista discovered the “diamond ruler” and then was approached to design a diamond ruler. Krista’s product is capable of making rectangles, triangles, and trapezoids, as well as diamonds. In 2019, she invented the min-diamond ruler. Krista has created approximately thirty-two patterns with her diamond and mini-diamond rulers. At the meeting, Krista displayed approximately thirty quilts from her patterns.
The first quilt is called Ombre Blossoms and is a quilt of nine colors in a diamond cut and done in rows. The rows look like flowers bursting open, and the darkest colors are on the bottom, mimicking nature.
The second quilt is titled Semafore Strips. Krista loves striped fabrics and uses them whenever possible. This quilt is done in strip sets with the intention of creating it from her collection of striped fabrics. She limited the colors to four and chose to use shades in each of the four colors.
The next quilt is Champagne & Pearls and is a beginner’s quilt in strip sets cutting diamonds for the star points. The pattern appears to be of hexagons but is not, instead using the diamond ruler and triangles. Again the fabrics move from light to dark as in nature. The following quilt is from the same pattern but uses different colors, cream on cream in the latter quilt.
The next project is a red, white, and blue table runner.
The following quilt is titled City Girl Chevron and is also a beginner’s quilt of cream, white, black, gray, and gold satin accents in an Art Deco design. Following that is the same quilt, but in coral, navy, pink, and gold satin. Both quilts were striking in appearance.
After that, Krista displayed Summer Swag, a red, white, and blue pattern very similar to City Girl Chevron made out of various scraps. It looks more complicated than it is, giving the impression of “Y” seams where none exist.
Krista then displayed two quilts, both made from the same pattern which is the first she designed.
Krista then showed Sky Bloom, a large wall-hanging of a daisy against a backgrou8nd of triangles in various blue fabrics.
Woven Jewel Box is a similar project where, during cutting fabric, Krista just “flipped” the ruler to expedite cutting the material.
Finley & Friends is a triangle quilt pattern of fish against seagreen colored fabrics. The following is also a triangle quilt, and both are great patterns to learn about color value. In the second quilt, a lattice design, one block goes clockwise, and the next block goes counter-clockwise.
Hollow Stars, a lap quilt, is in red, white, and blue, and each starpoint is three pieces. This is a one-day quilt and is a great way to use up a quilter’s stash and scraps. Krista also used the Hollow Stars design to make a table runner.
Mi Amore I virtually the same block with a background of diamonds alternating light and dark fabrics in pinks. This comes as a table runner pattern as well.
Rock & Roller Coaster is a quilt with a strip down the middle and diamonds with colors on either side. The quilt is done in bright colors of blue, green, pink, orange, and purple.
FanFair is a sampler quilt that teaches the student how to use Krista’s diamond ruler in each block.
Bumble Bee Blossom, a quilt of ombre fabrics, uses Krista’s mini-diamond ruler to create flower blocks and bee blocks that end up as hexagons without any “Y” seams.
Busy As A Bee baby quilt is a black and white quilt with a yellow bee. Krista made a second version of the same pattern except in crayon colors.
Two Scoops is a wall hanging of ice cream cones and candies.
Bridget’s Windmill is a beginner’s quilt of diamond shapes and triangles sewn in sets of threes.
Buffalo Lodge is a holiday-themed pattern in black and white plaid, from which the quilter can make a Christmas Tree skirt, a table runner, and or placemats.
The second sample is a Christmas Wreath pattern which teaches the quilter how to use the mini-diamond ruler.
Phillis Walden shared “Sparkling Bubbles” in dark reds and greens.
Marylynn Kleeman shared “Birds on a Wire,” a quilt she made for friends in batik browns to cover an electrical panel. Marylynn also shar33ed a baby quilt she made for her great-great-nephew, who will be born in December 2021.
Carol Nelson shared a Fish and Fishing quilt she designed, sewed, and quilted for her 80-year-old brother. Carol found the silhouettes online, and the three fish in the middle of the quilt ar3e from a McKenna Ryan pattern.
Diane Tillotson shared “Rocky Mountain High,” a long twin-size quilt of mountains and sky made with fabrics purchased at an estate sale.
Jane Szabo shared “Mexican Square,” a 34” square quilt in blues and greys in which she quilted the piece without rulers. Jane also showed “Felicity,” a 30” square of flowers in batiks from a pattern by Emily Taylor. Jane also shared “Lady Skillington” by Free Spirit. A very colorful 34’ by 42” wall-hanging in which the skull pattern emerges slowly.
A reminder to the executive board – the next meeting is Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.
The next guild meeting, via Zoom, is Thursday, November 11, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 2:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary.
Minutes of the General Meeting, via Zoom
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
September 9, 2021
The meeting, via Zoom, was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:02 p.m.
Chris Benedetti moved to approve the minutes of the August 12, 2021, General meeting. Jan Goebel seconded the motion. The motion passed, and the Minutes were approved without objection.
Online Auction. Meralee Wilson pronounced the online auction site very professional and announced that some items had already been sold. Chris Benedetti reported that the best support of the online auction site comes from our Guild, but there have been quite a few bidders who are not in the Guild. The online auction site will be up for three consecutive weeks. To date, the site has brought in $3,000.00.
Challenge Quilt 2022. Ideas are needed for the 2022 Challenge Quilt. Concepts should be sent, by e-mail, to Meralee Wilson or Nan Scott to receive an invitation to the board meeting for presentation
Administrative Board. Diane Tillotson announced she is working on a spreadsheet for all executive board and committee members. The Guild needs a member to chair the Membership Committee and two members to co-chair the Quilt Show Committee.
Community Quilts. Lindanne Perdue announced she needs a volunteer to work on giving away quilts. She further needs polyester fiberfill cut into 1” and 1.5” squares. In addition, if any member wants to practice quilting on a domestic machine, she has some quilts which need quilting.
Veteran’s Project. Ginger Dale announced in August, thirteen quilts were awarded to veterans, and the Guild received $500.00 in donations. The committee is also applying for a $2,000.00 grant.
Retreat 2022. There are some spots still open, and checks must be sent to Georgia Sabourin at her home address which is in the Directory. As a reminder, all Retreat participants must be fully vaccinated.
Programs. Jane Szabo announced the October workshop with Kris D. Mozer only has five participants to date, and more registrants are needed, or the workshop will have to be canceled. With ten participants, the Guild will lose $600.00. The October workshop will be opened to non-guild members. The November 12, 2021, workshop will go ahead as scheduled as ten participants have registered.
Rec Center. Debbie Mosley announced new quilts would be on display at the Rec Center, and there is room for six additional quilts. The quilts presently on display are the porch-drop quilts.
Having no further business, the Guild presented a video presentation by Rhonda Dort, a third-generation quilter who loves to quilt with and go antiquing for ladies’ handkerchiefs, doilies, trim, ribbons, buttons, pearls, and other adornments which can be incorporated into a quilt. Rhonda has been featured in various quilting and needlework magazines and journals. During her presentation, Rhonda displayed sixteen examples of her work including a Thanksgiving themed 9” x 12” doily, with beading, ribbons, and graphics downloaded for free from the internet, printed on muslin, then cut, and hand-sewn to the doily; a 9” x 12” small Easter themed quilt bearing a white background and heavily beaded, a ladies’ handkerchief entitled Remembrance and dedicated to caregivers of Alzheimer patients; an Irish themed heavily beaded ladies’ handkerchief with approximately half vintage beads and half new beads; a tribute to Rhonda’s mother-in-law in a ladies’ handkerchief with tiny purple flowers on the left side, worked in two pieces, green ribbon, yellow crochet stitches, and mother-of-pearl buttons; a 9” x 12” vintage ladies’ handkerchief with miniature blue roses, an ecru heart, and jonquils; a 9” x 12” example of how much Rhonda loves to use buttons, which are sewn on in numerous different pastel shades; a 9” x 12” Christmas themed ladies handkerchief with three vintage graphics from the internet, predominantly of Santa Clause. Rhonda’s favorite holiday is the Fourth of July, exemplified in a 9” x 12” red, white, and blue ladies’ handkerchief with lace, crochet embellishments, ribbon, and holiday graphics. Rhonda also displayed a 36” x 40” quilt made of antique linen, which Rhonda cleaned, pressed, trimmed, and adorned with crochet stitches, needlework, and pearls to allow the original creator’s work to shine through. She titled the quilt Second Chances.
Working on her Crazy Quilt Journal Project, Rhonda finished a 4” embellished hexagon with royal blue cross-stitch, added intensely orange-colored flowers, French knots, and beads galore. Rhonda finished a second 4” embellished hexagon with green/lavender and green/yellow roses, French knots in wheat yellow, one of Rhonda’s favorite colors, and a metallic dragonfly. Rhonda also displayed several full-size quilts, including Southern Siesta, a colorful Latin-themed quilt, a Christmas tablecloth of wreaths and poinsettias, a pink and white quilt that won a blue ribbon, and a 24” x 24” quilt of crocheted flowers.
Rhonda uses beads, pearls, and other adornments to bring the stitched flowers to life and give them dimension. Rhonda’s thought process in creating one of her quilts is to 1) download free graphics, 2) print the graphics on muslin, 3) play with the placement until she is satisfied, 4) layer the adornments, 5) build on the pieces, and 6) add her beads, buttons, and stitching.
Rhonda uses a solution on Pinterest and her website to clean vintage linens of ½ C. Biz, ½ C. Cascade (both the Biz and Cascade must be in powder form), ½ to 1 Gallon warm water. Soak item(s) up to two days. Rinse three or four times. In the final rinse, add ½ C White Vinegar and rinse repeatedly. For non-colorfast fabric, embroidery floss, and trim, use Blue or Clear original Dawn. After washing, rinse with ½ C. White Vinegar.
Tutorials are on Rhonda’s website at, and you can follow her on Instagram: RJCD.
A reminder to the executive board – the next meeting is Thursday, September 16, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.
The next guild meeting, via Zoom, is Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary.
Minutes of the General Meeting, via Zoom
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
August 12, 2021
The meeting, via Zoom, was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:01 p.m.
Chris Benedetti moved to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2021, General meeting. Carol Nelson seconded the motion. The motion passed, and the Minutes were approved without objection although Rose Shaw noted that the Siletz Sew-in would be the third Wednesday of each month.
Announcements: Jane Szabo announced that the South Beach Post Office Box is closing, and the new Post Office Box address is P.O. Box 644 in Glen Eden Beach, Oregon 97388 effective August 20, 2021. Nan Scott noted that the State of Oregon and the IRS need to be notified of the address change.
Teecia Cornelius announced an intimate quilt show of smaller quilts based on the book series Temperance Creek by Pamela Royes would be held on August 19, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in her backyard.
Online Auction. Chris Benedetti announced the committee is receiving quilts and has received substantial support from the Guild and its members. Pictures of the quilts for the online auction will be taken the next week.
2021 Raffle Quilt. It was announced that Phillis Walden won the 2021 Raffle Quilt and that $6,362.00 in tickets were sold for the raffle. Phillis Walden, who attended the meeting noted that she joined the Guild after viewing and falling in love with the Raffle Quilt. Regarding sales of tickets, Ruth Hutmacher was in third place for most tickets sold and received a canvas tote bag with a whale pin magnet. Lindanne Perdue was in second place for ticket sales and also received a canvas tote bag with a whale pin magnet. Judy Line was in first place having sold the most tickets and received a canvas tote bag with an image of the Newport Bridge and various hand dyed materials in oranges and reds. It was further noted Melissa Hollenbeck sold $402.00 worth of tickets from Quilter’s Cove.
Veteran’s Projects. Rose Shaw announced the Siletz Sew-In will be on the third Wednesday of each month beginning at 9:30a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The next Sew-In is with Betty Wilson at the Siletz Grange and multiple quilts will be awarded that day.
2022 Raffle Quilt. Nan Scott, on behalf of Viki West, announced the committee and Guild members are up to date in ticket sales, and the 2022 Raffle Quilt will be completed soon.
Programs. Jane Szabo announced the November 12, 2021, Workshop will be on “Disappearing Blocks”, will go from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will costs $35.00. The workshop in October will be on October 15-16, 2021, will be with Chris Moyers and will cost $75.00 for both days.
Having no further business, Nan Scott introduced the Guild’s Virtual Quilt Show in which twenty-five members sent in e-mail photographs of their submissions. Jean Amundson submitted four separate quilts, Crystal Beard also submitted four quilts, Karen Donobedian also submitted four quilts, Velma Freudenthal submitted one quilt. Ellen Germaneri submitted three quilts, Janice Hamner submitted one quilt and Sonny Hamner submitted one quilt also, Twylla Hoch submitted three quilts, Ruth Hutmacher submitted three quilts, Joy Johnson submitted two quilts, Marilynn Kleemann submitted four quilts, Linda MacKowan submitted five quilts, Carol Nelson submitted three quilts, Nancy Payne submitted four quilts, Nan Scott, who created and engineered the show, submitted three quilts, Rose Shaw submitted three quilt projects, Paulette Stenberg submitted one quilt, Jane Szabo submitted a Sampler quilt and a second utilizing the theme of believing in oneself. Lisa Taylor submitted one quilt, Susan Tresner submitted one quilt, Phillis Walden submitted six quilt, and Fran Whited submitted one quilt.
A reminder to the executive Board – the next meeting is Thursday, August 19, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.
The next guild meeting, via Zoom, is Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
The next Veteran’s Project Sew-In is on August 15, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Siletz Grange.
The meeting adjourned at 1:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary.
Minutes of the General Meeting, via Zoom
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
July 08, 2021
The meeting via Zoom, was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1 p.m.
Debbie Mosley moved to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2021 General meeting with the following corrections:
– Online Auction – “preferred small quilts” corrected to read “any size quilt may be donated”
– 2021 Raffle Quilt – Ruth Hutmacher announced should be corrected to “Becky Mershon announced the Merchandise and Raffle” …
– Lindanne made correction that should read “hospital pillow” not “pillow cases”
Chris Benedetti seconded the motion. The motion passed and the Minutes were approved as corrected.
Meralee Wilson reported that Sue Stephenson’s husband passed away last moth and that there is a memorial service planned at the Senior Center in Waldport on July31st.
Meralee Wilson announced that Linda Patrick will be taking over the BLOG and Website for the Guild.
She has designed websites for a living and looks forward to working with the Quilt Guild.
Linda has set up a gmail account for any communication from the Guild – Many thanks for taking on these responsibilities and a very special THANK YOU to Nan and Melissa for their years of service with the BLOG and Website.
Raffle Tickets – Nan Scott reported that there are still Raffle Tickets available. Be sure to return your ticket stubs, money collected and unsold tickets to Nan before July 31st. Mail to Nan’s PO Box and be sure to return unsold tickets so we can have an accurate account of tickets sold.
Raffle Drawing – Nan reported they are looking at having the Raffle Drawing at the foyer of the Rec Center, Debbie Mosley is checking with Rec Center and Jane Szabo is checking with Atonement Lutheran Church. It is best if we can have an “inside” location for drawing. Jean Amundson has written an article for publication and will send it out as soon as a location is secured.
Veteran Projects – Rose Shaw – Next sew-in is not in July as originally posted, it is Wednesday, August 18th from 9:30-3:30 at the Siletz Grange. Call Betty Wilson to reserve your space. Good showing at the fair Guild booth, lots of positive comments from the community regarding the Veterans Quilts.
Lincoln County Fair – Nan reported that 882 tickets were sold for the raffle quilt at the fair!!!
Received 13 new Veterans applications and a couple of new members for the Guild.
Virtual Quilt Auction – Chris Beneditti reported that the Quilt Auction will be held on September 6th.
Information is posted on the Guild website, she is looking for a place to take pictures. Very nice donations for the auction, if you have a special quilt that you don’t have a special person for…consider it to be a “Special Quilt for a Special Guild”.
Table @ SeaTowne – Debbie Mosley asked if someone would be willing to sell raffle tickets at Sea Town on the 4th Friday of July from 10am-3pm. Vickie West volunteered to take the table.
Virtual Quilt Show – Quilts are due July 31st for the Virtual Quilt Show at the August Guild meeting.
Quilt Challenge Winners – Nan Scott announced the winners.
1st Place – Jean Amundson – “Along the Path to 30 Years”
2nd Place – Nan Scott – “12-30’s The Clock”
3rd Place – Ruth Hutmacher – “I Said CORVID not COVID”
Workshops – Jane Szabo announced –
Disappearing 9 Patch Sampler, Friday, November 12th on Zoom. Cost $35.
Bumble Bee Blossom workshop with Krista Moser on October 15th & 16th.
Complete information on workshops available on Guild BLOG.
Program – Taking a trip around the world with today’s Trends in Comtemporary Quilt Making Techniques with Luana Reub, a quilt designer since 1980. See information and quilts on her website: Her program and photos of the quilts are on her website. Melissa Hollenbeck was winner of her gift certificate drawing.
Finally Finished Objects:
Karen Oetjen, LA Guild gave top to Karen in 1996, totally basted and binding done, until last year only one row of quilting done. Today it is totally quilted now in 2021.
Carol Nelson – For ll years called unfinished quilt, received blocks in 2009, basted together so ready to hand quilt and stored it in a lovely wicker basket. Would occasionally take it out for a “stitch or two” and then back into the basket. When COVID hit it was time to complete and now my wicker basket sits empty.
Jean Amundson – Fleur de Piggy a project from 2009-2021. Piggy Banks, pattern bought at early quilt show and decided to do in blues with added fans. Take along embroidery project for several years.
Designs and borders changed over the years and had “fabric shortage” along the way. Finally quilted this year. It’s a long time, lots of work and not a plan on how to use quilt, so question is how to use.
Chris Benedetti – Over a couple of years ago decided to make a Christmas Quilt, Split Rail with lace, green and red with black. Decided too stark with black, decided to applique snowflakes (too much work and time) so decided to use lace. Difficulties getting everything to fit but now finally finished – nothing to do with time, rather process she went thu. Called the quilt her “twice baked quilt from half cooked quilter”.
Diane Tillotson – Natures Garden “from an old roommate” Block of The Month from Joanne’s Fabric.
Needed to do some machine embroidery for friend who decided to “gift the blocks” to Diane. Enjoys having the project completed and on her bed.
Jane Szabo – Always wanted to do a red and white quilt, collected fabrics for years, named quilt “Ruby”. Started in 2012 after a workshop, did one block at workshop and then put it in the closet, brought out and continued to add different types of squares and binding between time in the closet. When COVID hit started working on unfinished projects and finished. Still have a box of red and white material left.
Merralee Wilson – lst Quilt Top ever made from 70’s Fabric called Grandma’s Garden. Last year daughter requested a jacket from an old Quilt Top. Top made in 1981 – Jacket from top in 2021 for daughters birthday. Really cute jacked!
Melissa Hollenbeck – From a guild members Garage Sale, top was already pieced and another top was not yet pieced. Enjoyed working on this project “Folk Artsy Feel” while in California this year. Quilt is now hanging in her living room.
Marylynn Kleemann – Old Baby quilt made by Great Aunt Doty for youngest son, all hand appliqued and hand quilted. Always thought it would be “rejuvenated” for a grandchild. Replicated old quilt with new baby quilt “Remembering Doty”. Son who original quilt was made for will decide who will receive this quilt.
Quilt Category Winners
Oldest Quilt – Merralee Wilson
Best Story – Chris Benedetti
Best Excuses – Jean Amundson
Favorite – Karen Oetjen
Next month Virtual Quilt Show – no Show & Share
Meeting was adjourned at 3:15pm.
July 15th – Executive Meeting on Zoom
August 5th – Community Quilts
Quilt Pictures to Nan by July31st
Raffle Tickets and money to Nan by July 31st
August 18th – Veterans Sewing at Siletz Grange, 9:30am-3pm, call Betty Wilson for reservation
Respectfuly submitted,
Marian Brown, substitue secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting, via Zoom
Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild
June 10, 2021
The meeting, via Zoom, was called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 1:01 p.m.
Chris Benedetti moved to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2021, General meeting.Nan Scott seconded the motion.The motion passed, and the Minutes were approved without objection.
Virtual Quilt Show.Meralee Wilson announced Paulette Steinberg suggested a virtual quilt show considering the cancellation of the 2021 Quilt Show.Each entrant could enter one-to-five digital photos of their quilts with each quilt bearing a label with the creator’s name and size of the quilt.For those entering more than one quilt, they would be required to designate in which order the quilts should be displayed in the event of numerous entries.Digital photos of the quilts must be sent to Nan Scott no later than July 31, 2021.There will not be any judging of the quilts and entries may be re-submitted at the 2022 Quilt Show for judging.
Online Auction.Chris Benedetti announced a virtual auction via specifically requested that members donate small quilts but also stated that any size quilt may be donated.Each quilt will require a hanging sleeve and label.Quilts can be donated through Viki West, who lives in Yachats, Jane Szabo who lives in Waldport, Jean Amundson who lives in Newport, and Roseann Berton who lives in Lincoln City.Quilts must be submitted by August 15, 2021.
2021 Raffle Quilt.Nan Scott announced ticket sales are going fairly well.All ticket stubs and sales income should be mailed to Nan Scott at her home and not to the Guild’s post office box.There are thirty packets still to be sold.Ruth Hutmacher announced the Merchandise and Raffle committees will have a 10X10 booth at the Newport Fair on July 2-3, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday and from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.Nan requested volunteers to man the booth.Debbie Mosley announced she sold $100.00 worth of tickets at SeaTownes “Fourth Friday” event.
Merchandising.Becky Mershon announced the panels and bags with the new design are in and the committee will take e-mail orders for both.
Veteran’s Projects.Rose Shaw announced 74 quilts have been given out since January 2021 and there will be a Sew-In at the Grange in Siletz on July 16, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.Attendance is limited to twenty people.Rose Shaw further announced there will be an exhibit in the Main Exhibition Hall at the Lincoln County Fair.This exhibit is not limited to quilts for veteran’s but is open to all types of quilts and textiles such as such as knitted and crocheted items.To enter, members can go to, then to “Open Class” where the member can download the 2021 Open Class Handbook.Scroll down to “Textiles,” then to “Quilts,” to view the entry categories.The date to bring entries, which is under “Textiles,” is incorrect.The correct date to bring entries is June 27, 2021, between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.All entries should be brought to the Main Exhibit Hall.There will be security at the Fair, so members can feel confident about leaving the entries there.
2022 Retreat.Georgia Sabourin announced there is one slot left which will probably go to the Guild’s newest member.If not, that the slot will be open to the public.
2022 Raffle Quilt.Viki West announced that the 2022 Raffle Quilt is moving forward and should be finished by August or September 2021.
Programs.Jane Szabo announced the theme of July’s “Show and Share” will be “Finally Finished”.Digital photos must be submitted to Nan Scott by July 5, 2021.There will be prizes in four categories: oldest project, best story behind the project, favorite quilt, and best excuse.
2021 Challenge Quilts.Nan Scott announced eleven quilts have been entered into the Challenge and displayed them virtually.Nan Scott has sent an e-mail to all members with information as to viewing and voting on their three favorite entries.
Membership.The committee announced there were 56 members in attendance at this General Meeting.
Having no further business, Jane Szabo introduced our program and speaker: Brita Nelson, The Questioning Quilter.Brita is a quilter and blogger, with her own website and her first You-Tube video.Brita’s rule is that a quilter “doesn’t have to sew things together in the same way they were taken apart.”Brita predominantly works with disappearing blocks including 4-patch, 9-patch, and pinwheel blocks.She began her quilting journey when she was making charity quilts for boys and girls.While there were many feminine and cute designs for girls and young women, there were very few for young and teenage boys.One day, the lightbulb went on and she decided to work with a disappearing 4-patch block.A disappearing 4-patch is made by making four cuts in a 4-patch block, two vertical and two horizontal cuts.That results in nine pieces.Turn each piece 180 degrees and sew the blocks back together.This is popular because the exact dimensions of the cut do not matter, the quilter still ends up with a block that works.
Brita then worked with disappearing 4-patch blocks in three colors, turning each block around which resulted in a diagonal stripe.Brita displayed a quilt in dark purple, light purple, and yellow which exemplified her work.Her next step was to use the same disappearing 4-patch but with six colors and turning each block 270 degrees.Displaying a quilt in the same purple and yellow colors, but also with dark green, light green, and pink shades, the quilt gives a pot-holder effect.This was known as the Civil War pot-holder style as approximately 250,000 such quilts were made by quilters during the civil war, predominantly by Northern women.Sashing was not included in the quilts; each block had its own binding which were then whip-stitched together.As an historical note, the quilts became the shrouds for those soldiers who did not survive the battles in which they were engaged.
Continuing to experiment, Brita worked with disappearing 4-patch and 9-patch with many complimentary colors including, browns, yellows, reds, purples, light green. blue, and light orange.Then Brita asked herself, what if she turned the blocks 90 degrees instead of 180?There are more than 381,000 different layouts a quilter can make with disappearing 9-patch blocks including a quilt Brita made for her son in patterned blue and white fabrics in which the blocks resemble socket wrenches, the courthouse steps pattern, and snail trails as well.One of Brita’s students originated a block which resembles a spanner wrench.Another block represents angle brackets and depending on the colors used, a diagonal line jumps out at the viewer.In using positive and negative values, the quilter highlights the negative by turning it to the center.A “Chain Block” in three colors, red, orange plaid, and yellow plaid, resembles rickrack.
For a small wall hanging, one yard of each color would be sufficient.Some patterns are pre-cut friendly and particularly for Charm Packs.For example. the Angle Bracket pattern is Charm Pack friendly, but not the rick-rack pattern. Brita’s website has a free table for disappearing block size yardage and Charm Pack requirements on her website.
Because the quilter is encouraged to experiment with the placement of the cuts, she or he can create many designs.For example, using the same chain pieces, but arranged differently, with the orange plaid, yellow plaid, and a blue pattern batik instead of red, the chain pattern instead looks like a crown.The possibilities are almost endless.
Brita works with other disappearing blocks including the hourglass, which creates a Hunter’s Star pattern.This is a Charm Pack friendly pattern in which the quilter makes two vertical cuts and two horizontal cuts, then turns each piece 180 degrees.Other results mimic Moroccan Tile.
Brita is working on her first book, the progress of which was slowed somewhat by her six-week work on her first You-Tube video.
Members are encouraged to visit Brita’s website for information and inspiration.There is a 10% off coupon, the code for which is “coastal” (all lower-case letters) through June 17, 2021.Phillis Walden volunteered she attended Brita’s workshop and that it was fun.The cost is $475.00 with a maximum of twenty attendees.After September 1, 2021, there will be a price increase but if the workshop is reserved before September 1, 2021, the $475.00 price will be honored.There is also a pattern fee of $9.00.
Show and Share followed Brita’s presentation and the following quilts were displayed.
Melissa Hollenbeck displayed two quilts.The first quilt is entitled “Twice Painted Butterfly” and is an art quilt which Melissa created from a photograph which she first painted and then thread painted.Vibrant with blues and complimentary colors, the quilt is a testament to Melissa’s expertise.The second quilt is entitled “Running with Cell Phone” and, again, is a quilt created from a photograph of a runner, in silhouette on the beach clutching her cell phone.Silhouetted against the orange of a setting sun and the burnished sand of the beach, the quilt has humor as well as detail.
Nan Scott displayed a quilter’s tote which she made from two nautical panels entitled “Whale of a Day.”The tote, in colorful blues and complimentary colors, is a detail of design meant for the quilter with sufficient pockets and to carry almost any project.
Jane Szabo showed the membership three quilts.The first was made from a Community Quilter’s kit and sewn from strips made at the last retreat.The second quilt was for the Veteran’s Project and made, in traditional red, white, and blue for Jane’s brother-in-law who soon turn seventy.This quilt was quilted by Phillis Mitchell.The third was an adorable baby quilt in pastels made from nine panels and layer cakes from Tula Pink.
Diane Tillotson showed us three quilts.The first quilt has nine Sunbonnet Sue panels which Diane machine embroidered.The second quilt is a colorful sampler quilt which was begun by one of Diane’s close friends who tired of the project and suggested Diane finish it.Thinking her friend made more progress than was accomplished, Diane undertook the king-size project and recently finished it.The third quilt is a vibrant king-size quilt titled “Braided Beauty.”Beginning with a table runner pattern, Diane decided to keep on going until the quilt covered her king-sized bed.
Phillis Walden displayed her musician’s quilt which she created drawing Betty Boop pictures from calendar designs, hand-embroidering them, and setting the squares in a fabric pattern of Betty Boop dancing on a piano keyboard.The quilt was hand-quilted by a local church group
A reminder to the executive Board – the next meeting is Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.
The next guild meeting, via Zoom, is Thursday, July 8, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
The next Veteran’s Project Sew-In is on July 16, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Siletz Grange.Attendance is limited to twenty people.
The meeting adjourned at 3:16 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara L. Kinzel, Secretary.
The Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilt Guild was held via Zoom on June 17, 2021, and called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:03 a.m. A quorum was present.
Before the business of the Executive Board began, Jean Admundson announced Sue Stephenson’s husband, David, died peacefully in his sleep on June 16, 2021, surrounded by his family.
Approval of Minutes – Debbie Mosley moved the May Executive Board Meeting minutes be approved as published. Diane Tillotson seconded the motion. The Board approved the May Minutes by unanimous vote.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported the Merchandise Committee has purchased the new panels. The Bonanza Quilt Show in Bonanza, Montana is offering $200.00 for each quilt awarded best in category. The Guild received a bill from the Country Register for $65.00. The original bill was $130.00 but was discounted by 50% because of the Guild’s paid fee to the Newport Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the Quilter’s Hall of Fame sent a card to the Guild announcing their celebration of the quilter, Marty Mitchell.
Old Business
Nan Scott reported one evening slot at the Newport Fair is still open and must be filled. The slot is from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, July 2, and Saturday, July 3, 2021. Debbie Mosley volunteered to take one evening slot. Nan Scott further reported that one-half of the slots were filled by members attending Community Quilters.
Committees – Nan Scott reported that a Fund-Raising Committee will be created. Nan further reported that Linda Patrick has joined the Communications committee.
2021 Quilt Show – Meralee Wilson suggested that, since the Guild was not having a Quilt Show in 2021, the Guild create a boutique instead. A discussion ensued. A final decision on the suggested boutique was not made.
Online Auction – Nan Scott reported she is receiving digital pictures of quilts without the sender identifying the purpose. Nan needs to know if the digital photographs are for the auction, “Show and Share,” or “Finally Finished.” Chris Benedetti reported that the online auction does not have a budget and requested that the Fund-Raising Committee borrow the 2021 Quilt Show’s budget for the small quilts auction. A discussion ensued. Maria Hunter moved to authorize the Fund-Raising Committee to use up to $300.00 from the 2021 Quilt Show’s small quilts auction budget for the online auction. Diane Tillotson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
New Business –
Meetings – Jane Szabo reported that the July, August, and October meetings will be via Zoom. September may or may not be by Zoom. Jean Amundson reported she will know better by the July Board Meeting whether the Lutheran Atonement Church will open Fellowship Hall so the meeting can be in-person. Jean further reported that the Church’s janitorial costs have increased, and the Guild will have to contribute to the payment of those increased costs. Jane Szabo reported the September Zoom presentation is on making quilts out of vintage linens.
Committee Reports
Challenge Quilts– Chris Benedetti reported she will have a tally of the votes for the next board meeting and the award ribbons are completed.
Communications – No report.
Community Quilters – Lindanne Perdue reported that there will be a meeting on July 1, 2021, in Waldport and that Pillowcase kits will be available there. Members may pick up the kits and will only have to sew the fabric together. Community Quilters will stuff the pillowcases and then sew the final seam.
Documentation – No report.
Finishing School – No report.
Membership – There was no report; however, Chris Benedetti requested a membership count. A discussion ensued and the general agreement was that the membership count is approximately 160.
Merchandising – Beverly Mershon reported the Guild earned $600.00 in sales at Community Quilters and Merchandising has sold out of the two orders of the tote bags and are now on its third order. Members are encouraged to order by e-mail early.
Programs – Jane Szabo reported the Guild earned a profit on the Emily Taylor class. The July program will be by Louanne Rubin and is entitled “Quilting Trends.” The program is free. The October class will be two days and quite expensive. Ten members signed up for the disappearing block class and Jane will send out an e-mail to the membership with dates and pertinent information. A discussion ensued about recording programs, but Jane noted that most teachers will not allow such recordings and the Church does not have an audio-visual expert.
Publicity – No report.
Quilter Surprise – No report.
Retreat 2022 – Georgia Sabourin reported there are two openings and one non-member on a waiting list. A discussion ensued whether non-members should pay the same or slightly increased fee for the Retreat. A decision was not reached. Georgia further reported the $50.00 deposit is due on or before September 1, 2021, and the balance is due on or before December 1, 2021.
Sable – No report.
Veteran’s Projects – Rose Shaw reported there will be a sew-in on July 16, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Grange in Siletz.
2021 Raffle – No report.
2022 Raffle Quilt – Georgia Sabourin reported most of the blocks have been returned to Community Quilters and will be laid out on the 24th.
Fund Raising – Chris Benedetti reported Jean Admundson and Jane Szabo have each contributed “quite a bit” to the online auction and three other members are interested. Lindanne Perdue asked if a pillow may be entered, and Chris assured her that it can if it is handmade or embroidered.
The meeting was then adjourned at 10:57 a.m.
Community Quilters is meeting on July 1, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Waldport.
The General Membership meeting will be held on July 8, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom.
The Executive Board Meeting will be held on July 15, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., via Zoom.
Veteran’s Projects will have a Sew-In on July 16, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Grange in Siletz.
Respectfully submitted by Barbara Kinzel, Secretary.