Nominations for the 2022 OCQG Executive board
Ladies..we will be voting on the new upcoming OCQG Executive board in the in person meeting being held November 11th at the Atonement Lutheran Church!! It will be an exciting time to see one another again in person and carry on business once again.
We will be voting on the 2022 executive board as a group at our meeting. A list of the 2022 Committee Chairpersons are located in the spread sheet listed below. Please review the committees and notice that we have one more slot to fill…
and that is Block of the Month. If you would be interested in filling the Block of the Month as the committee chairperson, please let Diane Tillotson or one of the executive board members know as soon as possible. It takes many people doing a little to make the guild run smoothly.
2022 Exec Officers & Committee Chairs (pdf)
Happy Fall,
Diane Tillotson
Nomination chair