OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 10/4/2024 (4 posts)

Upcoming Workshop 

Ladies, it’s almost time to go Clamming with me: Friday, October 11, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  You will need to bring the following:

Clips; Thread to match your fabric; Stiletto (If you don’t have one, let me know; I have a few extra.); Ruler; Scissors and/or Rotary Cutter; Flex Pen; Lunch. Don’t worry if you don’t have all of these things, because I will have mine with me and I will share.

If you don’t mind, would you please take a picture of the fabric that you quilted that I gave you? I have misplaced some of the pictures, and I need to make sure I have your coordinating fabric to go with the pieces.

Look forward to Clamming with you! Just a warning! These bags are addicting!

Thank you all!


NOTE: CLAM BAG CLASS is full! Penni will send out details about what we need to bring to class on Friday, October 11. Looks like we will be having great fun!

Workshops and Programs

Alex Anderson will be the featured speaker at our October 10 Guild
meeting. She is a quilter, television series host, and is the author
of various quilting books and fabric lines. She has also developed an
award-winning magazine. Anderson is a former host of HGTV’s “Simply Quilts,”
which aired for 13 seasons. She has also hosted a web series and a podcast.
She will be speaking about, “My Quilty Life.”

Guest Speaker Alex Anderson

Last month we delighted in hearing from Colleen Wise about her amazing
work with shadows to give a three-dimensional look to our quilts. Those of
us who took the class worked diligently with light, medium, and dark
contrast to create Boxes and Beyond! If you took the class, please bring
your work, finished or not, for show and tell.

Get ‘er Done Frequently Asked Questions?

1. Is it too late to sign up?
   A.  NO
2.  What do I need to do?
    A. Fill out your own list of 8 unfinished or to be finished projects on the list provided (copies of the list will be available at the guild meeting and on the website).
3.  Do I need to give you my list?
    A.  No, just keep your list and projects in a easy to find place and no changing your list.  We are on an honor system.
4.  Does your project have to be really finished?  with a binding and label too? 
    A. YES, it is a DONE project after all.
5.  What if I don’t finish my project in the month that it is required?
    A.  No problem, you just don’t get into the monthly drawing for 2 prizes.  It is getting more done and when you finish you can show it at  Show and Tell.
6.  What if I finish my project early?
    A.  No problem, just save it till the month we call its number and then show it for your monthly prize drawing.
7.  What if I give my project away before the number is called?
    A.  No problem,  Just take a picture of it completely done, and show it to Nancy or Jane during the month when its number is drawn.
8.  What if I can’t come to the Guild meeting to show my project and receive my raffle ticket?
    A.  No problem, just send a picture of the completed project to Jane or Nancy, and they will enter you in the monthly drawing.
9.  Will there be a half-way prize drawing?
    A.  YES, after 4 months of numbers, February, there will be a drawing from all the previous winners for a great prize.
10.  What is the final prize?
    A.  Come to the October 10, 12:30, Guild meeting and see it, it’s done!  Also, we will be having Alex Anderson for a zoom lecture.
Jane Szabo and Nancy Nash

Worth Repeating: 2025 Guild Retreat

It’s that time!  Starting October 1, 2024, you can sign up for the 2025 Retreat, which will be held at the Aldersgate Conference Center in Turner, Oregon.  The dates for the retreat are April 22 – 25, 2025.

Really good news: The lighting has been upgraded, and the auditorium where we sew is much, much brighter.

The cost for a room, nine meals, and all the fun is $360 per person.  RV spaces with full hookups are $190 and include all the meals and fun.  If you choose the RV option, it is still $190 per person.

We will take in-person sign-ups at the October, November, January, and February meetings.  A $50 deposit will hold your place; you must be paid in full by the February 2025 Guild meeting.

The Guild website has the updated information and a fillable registration form (at the top of the Retreat page).  A completed registration form is required with your deposit.  If you are unable to print the form from the website, we will have paper copies at the meetings.  If you mail in your form and deposit, please send it to:  Viki West, PO Box 349, Yachats OR 97498.  When you fill out your form, please indicate any dietary needs and whether you want to participate in the Jewel Tone 2-1/2” Strip Exchange.

The 2025 Retreat is also offering a challenge: When you sign up, if you want to participate, you will get a piece of fabric to use in anything you want to make.  You can add as many other fabrics as you want, and your item does not have to be a quilt or quilted.  The only requirements are that the fabric we give you has to be visible and the item needs to be completed when you arrive at the retreat.  If you are sending your registration in the mail and want to participate in the challenge, we will mail you the fabric.

Any questions, please email Viki West at bogie07@comcast.net.