October 2018 OCQG Board Meeting


18 OCTOBER 2018

The meeting of the Executive Board was called to order by President, Phoebe Hein at 10 a.m. A quorum was present.

Minutes – Sue Stephenson moved that the minutes of the September Executive Board Meeting be approved with the following correction “there is no extra key at the storage shed office”.  Motion was seconded  by Rose Shaw and approved by vote.

Treasurer’s Report – Gail Chipman reminded the group to cash all outstanding checks  and turn in bills for payment by the end of November. Report was accepted as presented.

Old Business

Purchase of computer and FUND accounting software is in process and the cost will be approximately $550.  Both the computer and software costs will be taken out of the Capital Expense account.

New Business

  • A motion to change the fiscal year of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild to the calendar year January 1 – December 31 was made by Janet Sylvester and seconded by Jackie Stankey.  The motion was approved by vote.
  • A separate treasurers and tax report will be made for December 2018.
  • Sue Stephenson moved to accept the 2019 budget. The motion was seconded by Becky Mershon and passed by vote.
  • This years Challenge Quilt will be the center block in a Veterans quilt and after much discussion it was decided that the cost of the fat squares for the blocks will be taken from the Veterans Quilt 2018 Budget.
  • The 2019 Budget and the Slate of Officers will be posted to the OCQG Blog for review by the membership.  This posting will be considered a written notice to the Guild Membership. A few printed copies of the budget will be available at the membership check-in table at the November General Meeting.
  • Changes will be made to show the January – December Fiscal Year change in the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild Book, including the Membership Directory, Guild Event Schedules, Bylaws, Standing Rules and Policies. Parlimentarian, Jean Amundson and the Membership Committee will meet to make the changes.  Changes will be posted on the OCQG Blog and voted on at the November Executive Meeting.
  • Diane Tillotson requested that both the old and new committee chairpersons come to the November Executive Meeting and reminded the outgoing chairperson to bring committee information and files to the meeting.
  • There will be 4 Veterans Quilts presented and the Installation of Officers at the December General Meeting before the potluck.
  • Phoebe reminded the board that there will be no Executive Board Meeting in December.

Committee Reports

Communications – Melissa Hollenbeck asked that the information for the OCQG Blog be sent to her by early evening on the Sunday following the Executive Board Meeting.  If there are posts that need to be made before the next General Meeting, please have the information to Melissa on the Tuesday before the meeting by 6 p.m.  Remember, the Blog is updated at 4 a.m. following the day of information entries.  Melissa is willing to keep the calendar current.

Documentation – Twy Hoch reported that the November 10th date is already filled with 21 Quilts for documentation.  Dates for 2019 have been picked.

Community Quilters – Sue Stephenson reported that the information from last month is still current.

Sue was contacted by Donate Life Northwest, Oregon Organ Donor for the State of Oregon regarding the making of a quilt from quilt squares made by the donor’s family and recipients.  There is a book of donor/recipient stories that travels with the quilt.  There will be a work party for this group at the Newport Elks the end of January to make the quilt blocks and the group has made a request for up to 5 guild members to help the participants.  Information and date will be posted on the OCQG Blog.

Programs/Workshops – Phoebe Hein reported the the Niemeyer Mini Retreat is full.  Billie Bag Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, October 20th and Friday, November 9th.  The contract for 2019 at Atonement Lutheran has been signed and paid for.

Quilt Show – Jackie Stankey reported the committee is working on the contract at the Rec. Center and with vendors for the 2019 Quilt Show as well as deciding on the featured quilter.

Finishing School – Paula Stenberg reminded everyone that the October 25th Finishing School will be the last one for 2018.

Membership – Ruth Johnson will meet with Velma Freudenthal regarding information on advertising in the Quilt Guild Booklet.   Ruth reported the membership for the current yeaer is 190.  Membership cards for 2019 have been started and have 31 December 2019 as the expiration date.  New directory will be disbursed to the membership in February.  If you want a new photo in the directory, see Ruth at the general meeting and she will take one or send her a selfie at her email address. The retreat photo will be put on a white page in the new directory.

2019 Raffle Quilt – Karen Donobedian is putting the binding on the quilt and Raffle Tickets will be available for pick up at the November general meeting.

2020 Raffle Quilt – Ideas for the 2020 Raffle Quilt will be presented and voted on at the November meeting.

Merchandising – Becky Mershon & Rose Shaw presented the idea for the following bumper sticker,

“DRIVER CARRIES NO CASH – MY WIFE IS A QUILTER”.  The board thought it would be a great seller.  Sue Stephenson asked if the committee might consider carrying some Thank You cards.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.


October 25th – Finishing School, 10a.m. – 4 p.m. at Carriage House

November 1st – Community Quilters, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Ruth’s Fabrics in Waldport

November 8th – OCQG General Meeting, Atonement Lutheran Church

(12:30 p.m. Table Walk, 1 p.m. Meeting)

November 15th – Executive Board Meeting, 10 a.m. at Carriage House

Respectfully submitted by Marian Brown, OCQG Secretary