The Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilt Guild was held via Zoom on April 15, 2021, and called to order by President Meralee Wilson at 10:04 a.m. A quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes – Chris Benedetti moved the minutes of the March Executive Board Meeting be approved as published. Jean Amundson seconded the motion. The March Minutes were approved by unanimous vote. Sue Stephenson moved the minutes of the February Executive Board be approved as published. Debbie Mosley seconded the motion. The February Minutes were approved as published.
Debbie Mosley reported her personal e-mail was hacked, and she has been forced to create a new e-mail account. Her new e-mail address is jazzy_hound@charter.net.
Patty Stephens was excused from the meeting because of a scheduling conflict. A quorum was still present.
Old Business – Janet Sylvester reported the Latimer fee membership had been paid although the funds were used for outside memberships rather than charitable donations. A short discussion ensued regarding the Newport Chamber of Commerce, of which the OCQG is presently a member. Jean Amundson advised the president that if the membership is allowed to lapse, the OCQG will have to pay an extra fee to re-join the Chamber of Commerce any time in the future.
Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported the Umpqua bank account is closed, and all funds have been transferred to WaFd Bank. It was reported that the Veteran’s Project committee is receiving “a lot of donations” and that the Siletz Veteran’s Center just donated $150.00. The treasurer further reported $12,000.00 on deposit in the OCQG checking account and above $7,000.00 in the OCQG money market account. Regarding the purchase of a printer, Janet Sylvester reported she purchased a printer for $100.00, which is used exclusively for OCQG business. Jean Amundson moved the guild reimburse Janet Sylvester for said purchase, and the funds be paid from the capital account. Barbara Kinzel seconded the motion. The motion carried.
2021 Quilt Show – Darcy de la Rosa reported the committee cannot wait any longer than May 2021 to decide whether the Quilt Show will be canceled for this calendar year. The room at the Rec Center is reserved, the judge is reserved, and some vendors have reserved space, although money has not been collected from those vendors. For the 2020 Quilt Show, which was canceled, some vendors were reimbursed, and others who had paid put the funds towards their 2021 reservations. The high school swim team no longer has a conflict with the Quilt Show weekend. Chris Benedetti raised the issue of another possible Covid-19 surge. A detailed discussion ensued whether the Quilt Show should be canceled or whether the Board should wait until May to cancel if necessary. Cindy McIntee moved to cancel the 2021 Quilt Show. Diane Tillotson seconded the motion. The motion failed, and the matter tabled to the next executive meeting. Jean Amundson moved to schedule a special meeting of the Board for May 13, 2021. Barbara Kinzel seconded the motion. A detailed discussion of the motion ensued. As part of the pending motion, the president, Meralee Wilson, suggested a meeting at 12:30 p.m. on May 13, 2021, one half-hour before the May General Meeting, for the Board to decide whether to cancel the 2021 Quilt Show. The motion passed.
Fundraising / Budget – Chris Benedetti reported Roseanne Berton and Vicki West joined the fundraising effort. Roseanne Berton will research online auctions and will obtain bids. The members are meeting at the end of the motion. It was suggested these volunteer members become a sub-committee of the Finance committee rather than creating a separate committe.
New Business – The matter of community outreach donation suggestions was tabled to the next Board meeting.
Committee Reports
Audit – No report.
Block of the Month – No report.
Challenge Quilt – Chris Benedetti reported the challenge quilts must be submitted by the end of May 2021. Nan Scott will put photographs of the entries online, and members can vote online.
Communication – No report.
Community Outreach – No report.
Community Quilter – Sue Stephenson reported that the “porch drop” quilts are finished, although two need hanging sleeves, and she is looking for volunteers to sew the same. There is a question as to whether the quilts will be for sale. Sue Stephens stated that the committee wants the opportunity to display the quilts at other venues such as hospitals, etc. Lindanne Perdue reported there is a meeting of Community Quilters on May 6, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Lee Palmer’s in Waldport.
Documentation – Documentation at the Carriage House will take place in September, October, and November 2021. In September, the date is 9/11/2021; in November, the date is 11/13/221. The date is October has not yet been set.
Finishing School – No report.
Hospitality – No report.
Librarian – No report.
Membership – No report.
Merchandising – Becky Mershon reported the panels have not yet been received.
Programs/Workshops – Jane Szabo reported that the Zoom workshop given by Emily Taylor would begin as scheduled. The cost to members is $45.00. There are spaces for non-guild members to attend the workshop. A short discussion ensued regarding when in-person guild meetings will resume. Jean Amundson reported the Atonement Lutheran Church is having a meeting regarding in-person services. In Jean’s opinion, the General Meeting and Board Meeting will continue in Zoom into July.
Publicity – Jean Amundsen reported that there was an article on the raffle quilt in the Newport News-Times.
Quilter’s Surprise – No report.
Retreat 2022 – Georgia Sabourin reported the contract is signed. Registration will open on May 1, 2021. There is still a question of how many people there will be to a room. The rates may be raised if the venue does not serve a buffet because there is an extra fee to pay the servers.
Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw reported there is a meeting on May 29, 2021, at the American Legion in Newport. She further reported that on April 14, 2021, the committee presented ten quilts to veteran’s of whom nine were Vietnam veterans and one was a Korean veteran. There is a sew-in at Siletz on May 23, 2021.
Quilt Show – See prior notes.
2021 Raffle Quilt – Nan Scott reported all details are moving efficiently. She specifically asked that ticket stubs and checks be mailed to her home address rather than the OCQG p.o. Box.
2022 Raffle Quilt – JoAnn Ballantyne reported that everything will be great. The members are picking the final fabrics. The center panel is of the Newport bridge with some modifications with applique, thread painting, and participation from many guild members. Disbursement will take place at Community Quilters in May 2021 at Lee Palmer’s in Waldport. Vicki West is the contact person.
The meeting was then adjourned at 11:18 a.m.
Community Quilters is meeting on May 6, 2021, from 10-2.
A special meeting of the Executive Board will be held on May 13, 2021, at 12:30 p.m. via Zoom.
The General Membership meeting will be held on May 13, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom.
The Executive Board Meeting will be held on May 20, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., via Zoom.
Respectfully submitted by Barbara Kinzel, Secretary.