The Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon Coastal Quilt Guild was held via Zoom on March 18, 2021, and called to order by President Meralee Wilson.  A quorum was not present.

Approval of Minutes – Chris Benedetti moved the minutes of the February Executive Board Meeting be approved as published.  The motion was seconded by Debbie Mosely.  The Minutes were approved by unanimous vote.

Old Business – Rose Shaw reported the Membership Directories are still in the box at her home, and no guild members have called her or stopped by to pick up their directory.  She will keep the box of Membership Directories in her home until they are all distributed, or the guild has an in-person meeting.

New Business – Chris Benedetti, reporting on fundraising, said that she had been in touch with the “Washington Stars” quilter’s guild and learned their guild members had made quilt blocks of Native American subjects and put them together in a large quilt.  The guild then contacted casinos, and one agreed to display and sell the quilt on behalf of the guild.  The quilt was sold for $9,000.00 (Canadien).  A discussion ensued whether OCQG can and should take the same course of action as the guild is a non-profit.  The discussion was then tableddue to a lack of a quorum.  Chris further reported the Washington Stars quilt guild also sells quilts from its website in the range of $70.00 to $500.00.  Members do not display the quilt for more than six months and a committee, rather than the quilter, prices the quilts.  Purchasers pay for shipping and insurance.  Chris will investigate various payment methods.  A further discussion ensued whether the guild should sell quilts from its website. Jean Amundsen suggested the President raise the issue at the next General Meeting to see if members are interested.  The matter was then tabled.

Treasurer’s Report – Janet Sylvester reported money from accounts at Umpqua bank is being transferred to WaFed (Washington  Federal Bank).  By next month, all Umpqua guild accounts will be closed, and all funds in the WaFed accounts.  Janet further reported the Treasurer’s Report is over-budgeted on Treasurer’s expenses due to the order for checks, envelopes, and a stamp.  Nan Scott explained there is no reason to prepare a new budget.  Janet Sylvester then reported she purchased an inexpensive printer for approximately $100.00 and will donate it to the guild.  She will charge the guild for ink and a USB cable, but it is up to the board to approve those expenses.  Chris Benedetti moved to approve the expenses, and Jane Szabo seconded the motion; however, since there was no quorum, the matter was tabled until the April Executive Board meeting.

Committee Reports

Audit – Gail Chapman and Ellen Germain submitted the Audit, which was accepted.

Block of the Month – No report.

Challenge Quilt – Chris Benedetti reported that “it’s a challenge” getting members to sign up for the challenge quilt.  A discussion ensued if there is no 2021 quilt show, whether the 2021 challenge quilt would “holdover” to the following year.

Communication – No report.

Community Outreach – A discussion was had whether the guild should continue to make the $65.00 donation.  Because a quorum was not present, the matter was tabled.

Community Quilters – Sue Stephens reported the quilts from the “porch drop” house blocks are almost finished and should be completed by the end of March.  There are twenty-one blocks in four quilts which will be displayed at the Rec Center and may be up for sale.  Other display venues are being considered.  Sale of the quilts may occur “down the road,” and the committee is considering various publicity options.

Documentation – No report.

Finishing School – No report.

Hospitality – No report.

Librarian – No report.

Membership – No report.

Merchandising – Rose Shaw reported the panels are still “in route.”

Programs/Workshops – Jane Szabo reported she has the minimum number of attendees for the workshop via Zoom.  Jane further reported the April program’s speaker would be Linda Sullivan, accompanied by her husband.  They will talk about color and how to choose colors for our quilts.  A discussion then ensued regarding the Zoom meetings’ popularity and whether the guild should have one-half of its yearly meetings by Zoom.  Nan Scott said that the Zoom meetings cost the guild $15.00 a month.  Meralee Wilson suggested surveying guild members to determine the desire for continuing some of the guild meetings via Zoom.

Publicity – Jean Amundsen reported that there was an article on the raffle quilt in the  Newport New-Times.

Quilter’s Surprise – No report.

Retreat 2022 – Georgia Sabourin reported the contract is signed.  Registration will open up on April 15 or May 1.  The price may increase by $20.00 per person if the cost of snack trays increases.  The cost of dinners has not increased.  A discussion ensued whether any money leftover from the Retreat can go back to the guild.  A decision was not reached.

Veteran’s Project – Rose Shaw reported on St. Patrick’s Day, the committee presented ten quilts to veterans, and 164 quilts were presented during the Covid-19 quarantine.

Quilt Show – No report.

2021 Raffle Quilt – Nan Scott reported 2,707 tickets are out to members, 250 tickets are in several quilt shops, and Sew-It Seams in Philomath sold 252 tickets in one week.

2022 Raffle Quilt – No report.

The meeting was then adjourned.  


Community Quilters is meeting on April 1, 2021, from 10-2.

The General Membership meeting will be held on April 8, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom.

The Executive Board Meeting will be held on April 15, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara Kinzel, Secretary.