Our 2021 Online Auction was a Success!

Congratulations OCQG.  You made $5000.00 on the online Auction.

Update 9/28/21

Hi Everyone.  One small correction on the Auction.  Our lovely member in Philidelphia, Phillis Walden, saw how close we were to our goal and donated on the Auction $35 so our total was the round number of $5000.00.  Thank you, Phillis, for your thoughtful gesture.   



To top off our successful auction, Jane Szabo promised her daughter and her friend Heavenly bags, and her daughter donated $500 to the Guild for the Auction.  When you see Jane give her a big thumbs up.  It’s been fun and I hope if you were bidding you got the one you wanted.

Thank you, Rosanne, Linda, Ruth, Jean, Jane, Jan, Rose, Viki and Beckey.  I can’t name all of the contributors at this time but if you reviewed the quilts, you saw their names.

Thank you all, from Chris