
OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 3/21/2025 (3 posts)

Sponsored Ribbons

It is time to “award” a special quilt of your choosing for a ribbon at the Quilt Show. At the next several guild meetings, you can place your name on the poster board, put your imaginative title on the line beside your name, and then pay $10.

Your title can be special to you,  such as “Summer Serenity,” Rolling Thunder,” or “Black Beauty.” At the August Quilt Show, you will match your imaginative title to the quilt that deserves the title you have chosen.  We think that all our quilts in the Quilt Show are worthy of ribbons, and this is your chance to select even more winners!

“Sponsoring Ribbons” is an opportunity for the Quilt Show to earn more money and for you to place a ribbon on your specially-titled quilt.    Sign up today!

Diane Tillotson
Sponsored Ribbons Chairperson

The MVQG “The Art Of Quilting” will be held

May 16, 2025    9 am – 5 pm
May 17, 2025    9 am – 4 pm

Patchwork & Pints at the Pacific

Oregon Coast 2-Day Retreat 
May 6 & 7, 2025
Chinook Winds Seafood Grill Conference Center

Lincoln City, OR
Cost: $279

We are so excited to be at the Oregon Coast with you for two full days of quilting activities:

Queen-sized Half-Square Sashing – Quilt Kit with Fabric Provided;
Bonus Project with Fabric Provided;
Tutorials for Quilt Finishings;
Door Prizes;
Lunch Buffets; plus
Sew . . . Much . . . More!

Go to Event Site at Eventbrite for more details. 

Debbie Jewell
Jewell’s Custom Quilting LLC

OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 3/7/2025 (3 posts)

Program and Workshop Committee

Thursday, March 13, 2025, 1:00 pm
Trunk Show with Diane Harris (Online)

For our March meeting, we will host Diane Harris from Stash Bandit, live from Nebraska, who will give us a presentation, “Build a Scrap Quilt: Brick by Brick.” It’s a trunk show of quilts made from one simple shape to inspire your creative efforts. Learn how easily bricks can be reimagined, altered, and combined into innovative designs. These quilts are living proof that simplicity can be stunning and that diverse fabrics can be brought together into unique and beautiful quilts with just a few magic tricks. Buckle up for some stash-busting fun! Here is a link to the Handout.


Friday, March 14, 2025, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Community Quilts Workday
Atonement Lutheran Church, Newport
Contact: Lindanne at

On Friday we will have an opportunity to put into practice what we learned about building scrap quilts using fabric “bricks.” (Print and bring your handout if you choose.)  Bring your scraps, your sewing machines, and your favorite tools for making quilt tops for our Community Quilts efforts. If you don’t have any scraps, some will be available. We’ll also be:

  • Machine quilting small quilts on domestic machines (bring machine, variety of thread, and walking foot)
  • Hand-tying quilts (we hope to complete two)
  • Cutting flannel burp clothes and receiving blankets, and
  • Sewing pillow cases from kits.

Bring your lunch and a treat to share (if you choose).

There will be a sign-up sheet at our meeting or contact Lindanne if you plan to attend. Last minute deciders will also be welcome!

Pamela Potter
Program and Workshop Committee

A Reminder & a Thank you for your Hospitality!

Just a reminder to any March birthday quilters to bring snacks to the meeting if you wish to and a great big Thank You! to those who generously brought snacks last time (and that includes those who were on their way with snacks, but had to turn back because of icy roads!) You know who you are . . .

Many thanks from the Hospitality Committee.
Lauren Downing

Calling All Quilt(er)s

The Documentation Committee has openings in the afternoon at their next meeting on Saturday, March 22,  from 1:30-3:30 pm, in the McEntee Room at the  Newport Public Library.

We’re looking for four to five members for a total of 10 quilts. Your quilts do not need to be old to be documented: They can be those that have just been finished.  We document  quilts for future generations, as well as looking to the past for older quilts.

I was looking at the Oregon Quilt Project website and found several quilts that OCQG had documented in 2015. It was fun to see our own members’ quilts having been documented and posted to that site.

The OQP was a statewide quilt documentation project  that culminated with the December 2019 exhibition, “Stitches and Stories: Recollections from the Volunteers of the Oregon Quilt Project.” You can learn more about the project at The Quilt Index website.

JoAnne Sedlacek
Documentation Project


OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 2/29/2025 (2 posts)

Veterans Quilt Project

Veterans and their families and friends at Veterans Quilt presentation February 2025

Veterans quilts were presented to 12 Lincoln County veterans at our last meeting on February 19. Friends and family attended to support their vets and expressed gratitude for acknowledging the service of their loved ones. You can view more pictures here.  Enjoy!

Welcome to Patchwork Oasis!

Bonnie Robinder, Owner, Patchwork Oasis

Our new quilt shop is open and you’ll be surprised at the new look inside the store. On first glance, you’ll notice the space seems more roomy, a design that was intentional by the new owner and operator, Bonnie Robinder. “One thing I knew that I wanted to do immediately was to make the walkways in the store more open and accessible to quilters using wheelchairs or walkers! Making the store safe and available to all quilters is dear to my heart.”

Bonnie spent her younger years in Portland, but moved  to Florida after her first husband passed away, traveling with her daughter and two friends, all of whom needed a change. She later married one of those friends, her husband Kevin, and relocated to Texas, where his parents lived, and they ended up staying there for over 25 years. They returned to Oregon this past July, and after a disappointment over their pre-arranged long-term rental (it was a scam), they decided to give Newport a second chance and stayed. She soon found Quilters Cove and before she knew it, she was purchasing the business and hasn’t looked back.

She’s really liking it so far. “I like helping people, helping you find fabric is one of those things that I seem to do really well.” A self-taught quilter, Bonnie has been quilting for 30 years. “I really wanted to learn to quilt when I was a kid, and my Aunt Lorraine used to have this summer camp for all the cousins. She had a big frame that she trundled up to the ceiling. She could get 15 people around that frame and kids as young as 5 or 6 were underneath, threading needles and pushing them up from the bottom.” She got to do it once and has always remembered it.

Her mom sewed clothes and she used to “steal” her scraps and sew them together, but nothing ever major until her kids were older,  and that’s when she picked it up. “I checked a book out of the library in the little town where we lived, the Leander Public Library. It was Quilting for Dummies. I checked it out
72 times, and the 73rd time I checked it out, the lovely librarian, looked at me and said,  ‘You’ve checked this book out more times than anybody else has checked a book out in this whole library. This is yours. Keep it.’ And I still have that book.”

Bonnie considers herself a traditional quilter. “I make bed-sized quilts. I like the big ones, the queens, the kings.” She does everything, piecing and quilting. She doesn’t do applique, but has plans to learn that from Judy, a friend who helps out in the store and is responsible for the applique pieces you’ll see hanging in the store. Judy is excited about their plans to provide lessons at the store in the future, starting with an applique class.

But, first things first. They’re slowly getting things put together. The whole venture happened pretty fast: Sign a promissory note on this day and sign the bill of sale next day. “That two weeks was a whirlwind for us.” For now, she’s waiting for their official store sign to be installed and looking forward to being part of the quilting guild and the Lincoln County community.

Newport Quilt Store Open for Business


OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 2/14/2025 (7 posts)

Notice to All Retreat Attendees
For those members attending the 2025 Retreat at Aldersgate who were not at the February Guild meeting because of the weather, we have extended the last date for payments in full to the March Guild meeting, March 13, 2025. If you do not know how much you owe or if you owe, please contact Barbara Kinzel.

“Get ‘Er Done” Missing Prizes
A funny thing happened on the way to awarding our prizes for the project-of-the-month finishers yesterday: The prizes went missing!  They were located on the table in the back of the room, next to the free tub of items from Community Quilters, so it’s no mystery how this could have happened. . . .

If you inadvertently picked any of these up, please bring them back, as we’ll need them for next month’s prizes.  This project has no budget, and the prizes were donated by the Quilt Show from last year.

They are: Two spools of Aurifil thread, two packs of magic pins, a magnetic grabber, an iron cleaner, small mat, etc. All items are in new packaging. 

Please email or call Nancy or Jane to let us know, or bring items back to the March Guild meeting. Thanks.

Jane and Nancy

Newport quilt shop now open as Patchwork Oasis (new sign coming soon)
Patchwork Oasis is now OPEN

Our local quilt shop, formerly known as Quilter’s Cove, is now open under the new management of Guild member Bonnie Robinder.

Documentation Committee Update

The Documentation Committee has scheduled several dates  for 2025:

Saturday, March 22: Newport Public Library -1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Saturday, May 3: North Lincoln County Historical Museum 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
Saturday, October 11: Pacific Maritime Heritage Museum 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Joanne Sedlacek, Documentation Committee

Notice for Oregon Quilt Festival Raffle Table Volunteers from Coordinator Treda McCaw

Set up is Wednesday, February 26th, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm.

You may set up on Thursday, but you must be done before the 10:00 am start.

We provide a table and two chairs.

Your responsibility during the show will include protecting the quilts in your area from being handled, as well as interacting with the show visitors.  Because of this, we request three volunteers per shift to support your guild table.

We will provide white gloves so only the guild members will handle the quilts.  Please leave the gloves at your table for the next shift. There will be a total of eight guilds at the show, so at any one time this means eight white-glove volunteers.  You will be able to determine from the crowd size where to have your members hang out and how to assist the guests.

Volunteers should check in at the front reception table for free entry.  Park in the Oak Grove across the street from Columbia Hall for free parking.

Move-out must be complete by 8:00 pm on Saturday, March 1st.  No access to the building will be allowed on Sunday as a new group is moving in.

Information from Ellen Hawks, assistant to Marianne Geiger, the Raffle Committee Chair:

Marianne is unavailable this month, so I am helping out.  My contact info is:

Landline: 541-563-2346 (I don’t have a cell phone)

We currently have only two volunteers per shift and only one on the Friday 1:30-5:00 shift.  Treda said two volunteers will be okay. I will be at this week’s meeting.  I am the one carrying a “I Stand With Ukraine” bag. I am not currently planning on going to the Quilt Festival, as I have fatigue problems and cannot drive that far; nonetheless, if someone feels they will need help on their shift, can give me a ride, and doesn’t mind someone falling asleep in their car, I can be called upon in an emergency. Rhonda Stitz will have all items needed to set up.

“Get ‘Er Done Finishers for February’s Project

Eleven members got more of their UFOs finished this month.  I wonder how many will end up in the Quilt Show this year?

POM #3 – Kathleen Ritzman
POM #3 – Jan McQueen – Pillowcases
POM #3 – Jean Amundson – Sunshine and Shadows Quilt
POM #3 – Jacqueline Lund – Illusion Quilt from September Workshop

Reupholstered Chair for Sale

This swivel rocker is quilted, overstuffed, and very comfortable! Please contact Rhonda Stitz. $350


OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 2/7/2025 (1 post)

February Guild Meeting Program
and Valentine’s Day Workshop


Jill Huntington, a Portland native and owner of Huntington Quilt Design, will share her passion for quilting with a Trunk Show of her work at the regular guild meeting on Thursday, February 13.

She will also share with us her improv foundation piecing techniques at a Valentine’s Day workshop on Friday, February 14, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Atonement Lutheran Church, 2315 N. Coast Highway in Newport. Workshop fee: $40 for members/$45 for nonmembers.

Beginning students will enjoy adding a new skill to their toolbox, and experienced makers will appreciate the open-ended possibilities that this fun technique offers.  There are still spaces available for the Improv Roses Galore workshop. No pattern is required, and students can bring their own fabric or purchase a kit at the class for $20.

For more information or to reserve your space in the class, contact:

Pamela Potter, Program and Workshop Chair, at


OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 1/31/2025 (3 posts)

A Message from Patchwork Oasis

I am reaching out to quilters who want to help in the opening of my new store, Patchwork Oasis.

I am finding that I need a little help with the purchase of things like new signs and inventory and such. I have a lease, insurance, and all the utilities set up, and I’m ready to go except for the final items.

I have included a GoFundMe link for anyone who might be willing to help.

As soon as everything is in place, I plan on having a guild opening afternoon.

Thank you,

Bonnie Robinder

A Friendly Reminder  . . . 

To all the February Birthday members. If you plan to bring a snack or treat to share at the February 13 Guild meeting, please contact Laurie Downing at  All contributions will be gratefully accepted!

Oregon Quilt Festival Wants Your Quilts!

Oregon Quilt Festival
February 27 – March 1, 2025
Oregon State Fairgrounds
Columbia Hall  

We are excited about the 3rd annual Oregon Quilt Festival.  The 2024 show had over 300 quilts on display and 30 vendors. Attendance was over 3000 for the three day event.

The guest speaker will be Rob Appell, he will hold workshops and show his new fabric lines.  There will be many other speakers and workshops, the complete list is online.  We will have a display titled Then and Now as well as a display of donation quilts from many of the area’s community quilting groups. Local Guilds and special interest groups will be on hand to interact with our guests.

Online registration of quilts is open too. Please check out the website for more information.  This is not a juried show, so all quilts are welcome regardless of when created.

Please encourage your members or customers to enter quilts in shows.  So often when asked, quilters will say that their quilts aren’t good enough to enter in a show.  This is absolutely not true as new or novice quilters need to see an array of quilts.  Often they will look at a simple quilt and think…I can do that!  Or they may have already created a quilt from a pattern they see at a show and marvel at how different it looks from their version.  Fabric selection changes everything.

Seeing a new technique will encourage them to try something new or sign up for a class to learn.  Every quilt has value and guests to quilt shows want to see what other people are creating.

 I started entering quilts in shows after attending a local show for several years.  I looked at all the beautiful quilts on display and thought to myself…mine are just as good!  Now I’m hooked on quilt shows and am on the committee for Oregon Quilt Festival.

Thank you, feel free to contact me with any questions.

Treda McCaw
Oregon Quilt Festival Guild Coordinator

OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 1/24/2025 (4 posts)

OCQG Donations to Samaritan Labor & Delivery

Lynn Moody (r) and granddaughter Savannah with donated items from OCQG
I delivered 22 baby quilts, 2 flannel receiving blankets, 45 burp cloths and 5 knitted caps to the SPCH Labor and Delivery Department in Newport today.
The nurses were so excited, as they had run out of quilts. There were 30 births in December, which is higher than usual.  Their average is 15 per month.  They are again well stocked.
Thank you to everyone who is participating in this community project.  I will have more kits ready for pick up at the February meeting.  Keep on stitching!
Lynn Moody

February Workshop


Have you been thinking about roses lately? Have you been wondering how to incorporate them into your quilts? There is still room in our Improv Roses Galore class. Contact Pamela to reserve your space!

Improv Roses Galore with Jill Huntington
February 14, 9:00-1:00, $35
Sign up now to reserve your space!

Pamela Potter:

Folding Cutting Table for Sale: $125

Measures 36″ x 59″ open, 36″ x 13″ folded down.  Cutting mat and ironing cover included.  Three pieces sold separately retail for $319.97 at JoAnn Fabrics.  New, the table comes unassembled, so you get the advantage of having it assembled.  Located in Yachats, you haul.

Call Viki at 541-914-5542 or email at


January 2025 General Meeting Minutes Available

The January 9 General Meeting Minutes have been posted on the website.

OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 1/17/2025 (6 posts)

Membership Committee Request
I am buttoning up the Membership Directory and need a little help, please. If you are a committee chair and have not already done so, please send me a text or an email with the names of your committee members for 2025. Thanks!
Patti Stephens

with Jill Huntington Sign up now to reserve your space!

“There is simply the rose; it is perfect every moment of its existence.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

As a Portland, Oregon native, the beautiful “City of Roses” inspires much of my work in textiles. In this one-day workshop, I’ll share my love of flowers with you as we make lmprov Rose blocks. We will cover:

    • improv foundation piecing techniques
    • tips on fabric choices
    • color consideration (value, contrast, color relativity)
    • several approaches to color placement
    • project ideas using lmprov Rose blocks

Beginning students will enjoy adding a new skill to their toolbox, and experienced makers will appreciate the open-ended possibilities that this fun technique offers!

No pattern is required. You can use your own fabric, or for convenience, purchase lmprov Rose Kits containing a curated assortment of fabrics ($20 kit makes 2 roses, available in several color options) – please see the Workshop Supply List for details. I look forward to seeing you in class and growing a garden of roses together!

Improv Roses Galore, February 14, 9:00-1:00, $35

Oregon Coast Quilt Guild, Atonement Lutheran Church, Newport, Oregon. Contact: Pamela Potter:

New Quilt Shop in Newport 

Note from Patti:  Bonnie Robinder has joined the Guild, and she is working on opening the quilt shop in Newport soon. She wrote this:   
“I have finally settled on a name, Patchwork Oasis Quilt Shop, and if all goes well, I will be opening on February 14th. (Just have a few more details to finish up and get approval on.)  I hope to hold a “Guild Special View” on the 13th. 
If you would please let the membership know that I am open to new pattern designers and fabric lines. If members know of any they would like me to consider, I would love to hear any and all suggestions.
I look forward to attending meetings and being involved.”
Bonnie Robinder

January’s  Raffle Winners

Toni Brodie, Quilter’s Surprise
Jean Amundson, Nifty Notions
Linda Griepentrog, Donated Quilting Books

January’s Block-of-the-Month Raffle Winner

Jennette Buss

January’s Show and Share Quilts

A sample of quilts shared at January’s meeting:

K. Ford, Bargello Quilt
Betty Wilson, Pillow covers created out of the orphan blocks she won at the December Meeting
Marianne, Motocross-Themed Quilt
Linda MacKown, Paisley Penguin Wall Hanging


OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 1/10/2025 (3 posts)

Get ‘er Done Projects DONE! in January

13 projects were completed this month in the “Project of the Month” challenge to clear out those UFOs!

The next project–to complete by the February 13, 2025, meeting–is Project #3 on your list. Good luck!

POM Projects #5 – Done!
POM Projects #5 – Done!
POM Projects #5 – Done!
POM Projects #5 – Kathleen Ritzman
POM #5 (Quilt Top) Phillis Walden
POM #5 (Back) Phillis Walden

Phillis sent along some information about her finished project:  This quilt is for donation – Will be part of the donation in Lancaster County Pa in February.  Most likely recipient will be a client of “Off the Streets” – a local nonprofit.

Quilt is “I Spy” blocks.  Pieced by me.  Long-armed by my daughter, Dianna.  Bound by me.  Size is about 56” square.  Quilt design on peach background is seashells and shown on second picture.

In case you missed it . . .

Guild Meeting Birthday Treats  . . .  with a Twist

I will be the Hospitality person this year, doing coffee and snacks at meetings, and I would like to make a suggestion going forward in 2025:

How about members who have a birthday in each month (and who are willing and able to) bring a snack to share at the meeting for that month? For example, if you have a January birthday, you would bring a dozen cookies or cupcakes or a small loaf cake or whatever snack you would like to share to the at the guild meeting that month.

We usually go through about six dozen snacks during each meeting, and while contributions are always generously made and appreciated, the Birthday Treats would be a fun way to acknowledge members’ birthdays and give members a new or different way to participate at guild meetings. Snacks can be purchased or homemade.

If you would like to bring a snack, just let me know. If you want to help out and cannot do snacks, consider volunteering in the kitchen for either setup or cleanup. We always need more helping hands!

Thank you,

Laurie Downing
(541) 270-4251

Quilt Guild Members Exhibiting in  Nye Beach Galleries

The exhibit Imagine It, Stitch It runs January 11 through March 30, 2025; Exhibits Fiber Flair and Woven Worlds run January 11 through March 1, with the Opening Reception on Saturday, January 11, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. 

We hope people can stop by!

Janet Webster
Gloria Zirges
Susan Cronenwett
Linda MacKown
Tina McCann
Marie-Lise Best


OCQG Weekly Posts through Friday 1/3/2025 (7 posts)

Glorious Sweatshirt Class: UPDATE
Friday, January 10, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Folks, we’ve had some cancellations for the jacket class. If your heart is really set on taking this class, but you thought you couldn’t get in, we have some openings.
You’ll have to do the prep work before class. This includes buying your sweatshirt, washing it, removing the cuffs and band, and preparing your fabric pieces to sew on the jacket.  Please contact Pamela at
Program and Workshop Committee
Oregon Coast Quilters Guild

Upcoming Programs and Workshops

January 9 Meeting and Workshop

Meeting Topic: What to do with our Quilt Estate?

Lynn Moody and Penni Myers will lead us in an exploration of this essential topic.

Come say goodbye to SewAnn Quiltington and learn how she planned what to do with her quilt estate!

February 13 Meeting

For our February Meeting Jill Huntington from Portland, Oregon ( ) will present a trunk show of her work.

February 14 Workshop, Improv Roses Galore

Our Valentines Day half-day workshop on Friday, Feb 14, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.

The class will cover improv foundation piecing techniques, tips on fabric choices, color consideration (value, contrast, color relativity), several approaches to placement, and project ideas using improv Rose blocks. For beginner and advanced students.

March 13 Meeting and Workshop

Diane Harris will present Building with Bricks: Scrap Basket Magic

Friday Workshop: Community Quilts Workday…Come, bring sewing machines and necessary tools (and maybe some of your favorite scraps) and have lots of fun!

3rd Annual Oregon Quilt Festival

OCQG Members: Following is the announcement re the above event. Please consider entering a quilt for this Quilt Show: We will have our Raffle quilt there. Please sign up to sell raffle tickets at the January Guild meeting.

Oregon Quilt Festival
February 27 – March 1, 2025
Oregon State Fairgrounds
Columbia Hall

We are excited about the 3rd Annual Oregon Quilt Festival. The show this year had over 300 quilts on display and 30 vendors. Attendance was over 3,000 for the three-day event.

The guest speaker will be Rob Appell. He will hold workshops and show his new fabric lines.  There will be many other speakers and workshops.  A display, entitled “Then and Now,”  as well as a display of donation quilts from many of the area’s community quilting groups, will be exhibited. Local Guilds and special interest groups will be on hand to interact with our guests.

Online registration of quilts is open, too. Please check out the website for more information at  This is not a juried show, so all quilts are welcome regardless of when created.

Please encourage your customers and members to enter quilts in shows.  So often when asked, quilters will say that their quilts aren’t good enough to enter in a show.  This is absolutely not true, as new or novice quilters need to see an array of quilts.  Often, they will look at a simple quilt and think . . . I could do that!  Or they may have already created a quilt from a pattern they see at a show and marvel at how different it looks from their version.  Fabric selection changes everything.

Seeing a new technique will encourage them to try something new or sign up for a class to learn.  Every quilt has value and guests to quilt shows want to see what other people are creating.

I started entering quilts in shows after attending a local show for several years.  I looked at all the beautiful quilts on display and thought to myself . . . mine are just as good!  Now I’m hooked on quilt shows and am on the committee for Oregon Quilt Festival.

Thank you, and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Treda McCaw
Oregon Quilt Festival Guild Coordinator


Guild Meeting Birthday Treats  . . .  with a Twist

I will be the Hospitality person this year, doing coffee and snacks at meetings, and I would like to make a suggestion going forward in 2025:

How about members who have a birthday in each month (and who are willing and able to) bring a snack to share at the meeting for that month? For example, if you have a January birthday, you would bring a dozen cookies or cupcakes or a small loaf cake or whatever snack you would like to share to the January 9 Guild meeting.

We usually go through about six dozen snacks during each meeting, and while contributions are always generously made and appreciated, the Birthday Treats would be a fun way to acknowledge members’ birthdays and give members a new or different way to participate at guild meetings. Snacks can be purchased or homemade. We ask that if you intend to bring something, you email or text me, so I can let you know when we have enough.

Thank you

Laurie Downing
(541) 270-4251

Quilt Guild Members Exhibiting in  Nye Beach Galleries

The Fiber Arts Exhibit includes three separate shows all going on at once: Imagine It, Stitch It at the Olive Street Gallery in the Performing Arts Center; Fiber Flair at the Upstairs Gallery; and Woven Worlds at the Runyan Gallery, both in the Newport Visual Arts Center.

There are five of us quilters participating in the Fiber Arts Exhibit put on by the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts (OCCA):

Janet Webster
Gloria Zirges
Susan Cronenwett
Linda MacKown
Tina McCann


The Exhibit runs from January 11 through March 30, 2025, with the Opening Reception on Saturday, January 11, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.  

We hope people can stop by!

Get ‘Er Done Latecomers

Want to join the Get ‘er Done project?  You can!  Just write down names of 6 unfinished projects (due at guild general meetings from January through June) or 5 unfinished projects (if you want to start with the February guild meeting).

Randomly draw project names out the bag and number them #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #8.  (If you want to start in February, your project #s will be #1, #2, #3, #4, and #8 , skipping project #5 that was previously drawn and due in January.)

Keep your projects with numbers together.  Then, if you’re doing all six remaining projects, finish your Project #5 for the January meeting for prizes.

Let’s get our projects done for the Quilt Show next year!  If you can’t attend the meetings in person, you can email a picture of your finished project to Nancy Nash to be placed into the drawing for prizes.

I’m off to get #5  done!

Jane Szabo


Dear Guild Members,

This quote from a recent card says it best:  “The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.”  And I would add . . . quilting.  I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for your care and support.  The dozens of cards, emails, and well-wishes have been a real boost to my spirit.

The surgery on 12/10 in Springfield was successful – all margins and sampled lymph nodes were clear of cancer.  I am not a very patient person, so the healing process has been slower than I would like, but every day is a step forward and an opportunity to enjoy the friendship and caring of others.  I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things soon.

Advent 2024

I needed a creative challenge to help me through all of this forced rest, so I am working on a small (24” x 24”) quilt for the Advent theme at my church.  May you all have a wonderful holiday season.




Measures 36 x 59 open, 36 x 13 folded down. Cutting mat and ironing
cover included. Three pieces sold separately retail for $319.97; the
three pieces are on sale at JoAnn Fabrics right now for $186.45. New,
the table comes unassembled, so you get the advantage of having it
assembled. Located in Yachats, you haul. Call Viki at 541-914-5542 or
email at




Membership Application Correction

Below is the correct link for the Membership Application for 2025

Membership Application here: Sep 6-2024 membership application (PDF) 

For 2024, we had 175 members. As of December 9, only 74 members have renewed. PLEASE renew as soon as possible. If you don’t renew, you are not included in the membership directory. Dues are $25, and you may pay by check, cash, or credit card. Patti can also process credit card payments via phone.

Directory production is underway, and we really need dues received by December 31, so it doesn’t hold things up.

If you meet in a satellite group, please spread the word!

If you are a committee head and have information that needs to go in the directory, please email it to Patti Stephens.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support of the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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