Category: News

July Block of the Month

July Block of the Month Star on Star (aka Crossed Fingers) The July BOM is red, white and two different blues.  Half the stars use the blue from the February BOM and half use the blue from the June BOM.  If you w[...] Read More »

Postscript to the LIncoln County Fair 2022

A postscript to the nice article about our participation in the fair (and another congratulations to Betty Haskell and Laura Martin!): Next calendar year, maybe April/May timeframe), go to to[...] Read More »

Lincoln County Fair 2022

Our guild's participation in the Lincoln County fair was a great success! We had a double booth with 5 committees represented: Raffle quilt sales $700+/_ tickets sold Merchandise $200 sold Veterans Project 20 [...] Read More »

Planning to sell in the Quilt Show Boutique?

Hello members, We are getting down to the wire. If you are planning to sell items at the boutique, please contact Gail Chipman or Jan McQueen with an estimate count of your items. I will be at Lee Palmer’s Bldg.[...] Read More »

Chairs & Tables for the Quilt Show

Chairs & Tables for the Quilt Show: I will be on vacation during the next Guild meeting so if you have not let me know your chair & table needs please email me ASAP so that I can add them to my list. My email [...] Read More »

Did you send a photo of your registered quilt for our Quilt show?

If you have registered quilts for the show and not sent pictures to the registrar, please do so as soon as possible. Send them to Viki West[...] Read More »

Small Quilts Displayed at Newport Library this July

Don’t miss it! During July, the Newport Public Library is displaying 17 small quilts made by OCQG members. Library visitors are invited to view the quilts and vote for a favorite. After the library votes are counted[...] Read More »

Last day to register quilts for the show

Don’t forget the deadline for registering your quilts for the show in July 4![...] Read More »


Please return all your sold & unsold tickets, stubs, & money by the Thursday, July 14th Guild meeting. I especially need all unsold raffle tickets to sell at the Quilt Show. If you are not able to attend the m[...] Read More »

Quilt Show Boutique Guidelines

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Latimer Guild July/August Newsletter

New Show Starts June 27th “Fiber & Beyond” by Peninsula Fiber Artists Open house Aug 28th, 2022  from Noon -4pm. Download the July/August 2022 newsletter here[...] Read More »

June General Meeting & Executive Board Notes

Read the June 2022 General meeting Notes and the Executive Board meeting Notes on our website at: June 2022 Meeting Minutes OR download the Notes below: General Meeting Notes (PDF) Executive Meeting Notes [...] Read More »

July 14 Guild meeting will feature UFO to FFO (Unfinished to Finished) Quilts by members

Do you have a quilt that took a long time to finish? Share that quilt with your guild members at our next meeting, July 14th. We need more quilts to show at our meeting and there will be prizes. Please email Jane at j[...] Read More »

Quilt Show Update 6/8/2022

I will not be able to attend Thursday meeting. However I want to bring everyone up to date on the quilt show. We are still in need of someone to head the group to put up outdoor signs. Janet Webster has provided exce[...] Read More »

June 2022 Block of the Month-Greek Square

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